#the manufacturer stopped selling the replacement part and wanted me to send the machine to them for an unknown amount of time and money
ichabodjane · 9 months
My beloved (the sewing machine) is finally healed of her grievous wound (broken needle clamp) after I went on a quest to find the rarest of medicines (a replacement part from eBay) and a visit to Elrond of Rivendell (Reese at the indy sewing machine store).
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18zhenhao · 3 years
It is a fact that from the theoretical perspective
It is a fact that from the theoretical perspective, the capital economy and the people economy cannot be separated and they exist in a symbiotic relationship. The ironmen have taken the Shields and are raiding up the Mander, deep into the heart of the Reach, which means Highgarden will be preoccupied as well. The focal point of the show will be at Florida Avenue and the Boardwalk, in front of the Peter Max mural. Small wonder the stone men go mad.. The UAVs, two with fixed wings and one with multi rotors, will take aerial photographs of suspect factories and workshops to provide evidence of polluting activities.. One cannot but admire the haibike e mtb 2020 unflinching calmness with which a man, evidently possessed of honorable and humane feelings, walks through the most extreme and terrible results and conclusions, in obedience to the laws of legal truth. Trump has warned the company against cost overruns on the replacement 747s for Air Force One.The aerospace and defense giant has also been pulled into a ongoing public negotiation over the price the latest batch of Lockheed Martin F 35 Joint Strike Fighters. Chief of Staff Dr. Some private jets have the ability to fly above the weather up to 51,000 feet, and "a couple private jets fly near the speed of sound," O'Leary says. Heated, insulting words were overheard, uttered on both sides. Afterward I went into the Great Sept and thanked the seven gods that Joffrey had stripped me of my cloak.”. To start, try doing 10 seconds of hard work followed by 50 seconds of recovery. The trader buys and sells for the mere purpose of gain.. It was a very unpleasant, pendientes bulgari precio in fact unbearable, sensation, and I usually changed my seat as soon as I could. The only circumstance which she has omitted in the narrative was one of additional inhumanity and painfulness which he had delineated. During the convention, the veterans visited the StratCom command bunker at Offutt Air Force Base and on Friday toured some catalog cercei aur turcia restored World War II aircraft at the Council Bluffs Airport. The Lash. Your situation is a fairly common one for multi cat households. However the public are not just going to say "well played" to a team that refuses to abide by the accepted standards. Haywood, of Raleigh; John Cooper, of Wake; Joseph Hane and others, of donna di porto pim una storia riassunto Johnston, were examined for chanel ágynemű the prisoner. But what am I saying! Poverty is all the fashion with you now, lost coats,* inspectors, quarrelsome officers, clerks, old times, dissenters, I know, I know . Ranaway from the plantation of Madame Fergus Duplantier, on or about the 27th of June, 1846, a bright mulatto, named Ned, very stout built, about 5 feet 11 inches high, speaks English and French, about 35 years old, waddles in his walk. NE, with Pastor Rick Donaho officiating. Stand with right leg slightly in front of left. That brings us to halftime. The next day, Mulder and Scully arrive to investigate. KENTWOOD, MI CarMax, the nation largest used car retailer, is hoping to build its first car superstore in Michigan on the site of a former water park along 28th Street SE. Mole’s Town had always Mens JORDAN Hoodie been larger than it seemed; most of it was underground, sheltered from the cold and snow. White (6 4, 210) transferred from USF before the start of the '15 year and took his ineligible transfer season as his redshirt one. The old German was so dumbfounded that he sat open-mouthed the whole time, forgetting the cigar he held in his hand till it went out.. Pilots haven't trained for air battles with adidas eqt rose gold unfamiliar aircraft and tactics.. Note that in this case, the reason the R9 290X is pushing a nearly perfect line while the GTX 770 shows variation is due to relative performance the R9 290X is the much better card and I don't have a GTX 780 to put up an apples to apples comparison. I will not suffer such men in the city watch.” A hundred of his own Highgarden men had been added to the gold cloaks, yet plainly his lordship meant to resist any balancing infusion of westermen.. Topics include storytelling basics, shrinking concepts to fit the form, rhetoric in advertising, applying visual tools to create meaning and adidas stan smith j white oakley m frame ice iridium tactile blue more. E un altro ancora a ottobre. Kailey Crothers earned a double double on 12 points and 10 rebounds, LilyPolakiewicz added eight points, five rebounds and four assists. But yeah, you gotta get your wind up, and you gotta get your head in the right place and go out and do it. “If Peake and Rivers are successful, we will control the better part of Cape Wrath,” argued Strickland. The home's electric meter had been bypassed, police said. And having enough coverage to help those people truly in need.. Soon there were forty rival manufacturers in the Battle Creek area.Charles W. Production will move to Iceland after it wraps in Northern Ireland to take advantage of the authentic snowfall.. After my siblings death, they hid everything from the community and for good reason, to protect all those involved who had used her. Hagen blew three short blasts in quick succession, the signal that would send the ironborn back to their ships. The young negroes look forward to it with as much restlessness and impatience as school-boys to a vacation. Was that her, or him, or Haggon? He never knew. Just ahead, the elk wove between the snowdrifts with his head down, his huge rack of antlers crusted with ice. You insisted on it yourself. VMware technically won assist Storage Machine the year 2003 on ESX5, but it really performs. Rahul is another I have enjoyed watching, the Aussies did get into his head a couple of times but I think he got fifty plus nearly every time he batted. This was a new sanction to the slave’s conscience, and a new opening for liberty. Upon all these practices the law comes down, with unmerciful severity. Mitchell Santner, attacking the stumps with his left arm spin and varying his pace well, chipped out three wickets. An insightful discussion of ideas and viewpoints is encouraged, but comments must be civil and in good taste, with no personal attacks. Now, local officials say, it's barely scratching $33,000, compared with a current national median income of $46,326.. Mr. She was taller, thinner, older, though the moonlight washed years from her face. He thought of Robb, with snowflakes melting in his hair. Without stopping he took something out of his pocket and gave it to her. But from this day I want him always to have good minutes, and I shall manage it! I’ve become quite a different person in these last four days, utterly, utterly different, and I’ll tell you all about it. A pair of shoes was all it took to get Elijah Hillis Gold hooked on basketball. A stone turned under her foot. It is enough to say of the dear little fellows, that they lived on Philpot-street, very near Durgin and Bailey’s air max 90 ultra se ship-yard. Tyrion knew what he would find: not packed earth, nor bricks, nor cobbles, but a ribbon of fused stone raised a half foot above the ground to allow rainfall and snowmelt to run off its shoulders.
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mariannewhughes · 5 years
If You Can Repair a Fridge, You Can Repair a Phone
“Dryers aren’t all that different than phones,” I say to the phone repair techs riding in the truck with me. They’re nervous. A few weeks ago, I fired off a quick late-night email, inviting them to tag along on an appliance repair call. Right now they’re focused on mobile phone repair, but I told them they needed to diversify their skills into other new and fast-growing verticals.
“Repair is constant problem solving,” I wrote. “If you’re not learning and growing, you’re setting yourself up to fail.” They believe it. Now we’re on our way to look at a fridge that’s stopped cooling food.
One tech, Dan, can fix most phone issues in about 15 or 20 minutes, but he’s never touched an appliance before. He tells me that his dishwasher has been out for a few months, but he’s too timid to open it up. As we approach the customer’s house, I reassure him fridges are just like the phones he cracks open every day. The only difference is that the device is about 50 pounds heavier and the screws are 10 times as big. Other than that, it’s not that different—these days, the fridge and the iPhone X he just fixed cost the same.
As we walk in, the customer explains when it started happening (two days ago) and what led up to the failure (clicking every three to five minutes). I hold the fridge open and listen. Nothing. We pull the fridge away from the wall a couple of feet and unscrew the back panel, revealing something that looks like the air compressor my dad used to fill my bike tires. I inspect a small black triangular box attached to the compressor and, based on the reported clicking sound, decide to pull it off to test it. Dan, the appliance-averse tech, brings out a Fluke multimeter, then connects the leads to check for resistance. Nothing.
Our customer has a failed compressor relay switch on their refrigerator. This component listens to the main control board of the fridge, which monitors a thermostat inside to determine when more cold air is needed. The board sends the signal, and this little triangle relays to the compressor that it’s time to circulate refrigerant and cool things down.
“Here’s our culprit!” I say, showing the customer the switch. “It’s not working, so even though the fridge has power, it doesn’t have the capability to cool itself. The part will set you back about $30-50.” Dan installs the new compressor relay we brought along. This time, when he holds the fridge door open: Click. Bzzzzhmmmmmmmm. All systems normal, another patient saved.
Repair is messy. It’s fickle. Spiteful. Frustrating. Exhilarating. Rewarding. Empowering. Repair can make you feel every one of these things all at once and then make you come begging for more. As consumers, it’s a fundamental right we have: to fix (or have others fix) the things we own. Unfortunately, it’s a right that we don’t exercise enough.
Photo by Petar Milošević/Wikipedia
Manufacturers take an increasingly aggressive stance against DIY or third-party repair, especially in the realm of computers and electronics. They wield murky legalese and questionable intellectual property claims to stifle the rights of people worldwide to fix what’s theirs. They lead us to believe these devices aren’t made to be repaired. When your phone cracks, it’s just a fact of life. You’re being conditioned by aggressive sales, contract pricing, and obscure repair detailsinto thinking that an iPhone or a Galaxy only has two or three years before it’s obsolete.
But when your washer starts having issues cleaning your undies, it’s not disposable, is it? It’s an emergency that must be fixed right away. You don’t run down to Sears (RIP) and buy a new one, you figure out what needs fixing. Most modern appliances are built to last about 10 years, and the dirty manufacturing secret is that most electronics are capable of lasting the same amount of time.
Manufacturers like Samsung and LG sell both phones and appliances. If an appliance of yours is broken, a quick Google search for the model number and the symptom pulls up thousands of results. You’ll find out how the device is assembled, wiring schematics, troubleshooting basics, and an array of readily available original parts for purchase. These parts are often generic and cross-compatible between devices. Unfortunately, the same amenities don’t exist for their phones—finding OEM parts, guides, schematics, and troubleshooting answers can sometimes be impossible. That’s because these manufacturers have chosen to support their appliances with third-party partnerships that provide necessary materials—but not their phones.
Last year, when some Samsung washing machines saw their lids pop off violently during use, the company partnered with DISH Network technicians to fix the issue, rather than rely on their limited number of in-house technicians. But when Samsung’s’s flagship smartphones were literally lighting on fire, customers were advised to put their phones in a fireproof box and…wait?
What makes a 50 pound refrigerator different, in repairability, than a smartphone? Both have fuses and capacitors. Both have computer chips and main control boards. Nobody wants to replace either one because of a slight defect. Yet manufacturers take much stronger stances against third parties for electronic repair than for appliances, even their own.
Here’s the rub: Everything breaks eventually, but in many cases, people are throwing away things that can actually be repaired. Phones and appliances are designed in relatively similar ways because the fundamentals are much the same. Both itemshave to deal with heat, insulate components against outside elements, and allow the user to issue commands. New models of each even cost about the same. So there’s no reason that we should accept that one is obsolete after two years while the other simply needs a tune-up.
Repair isn’t a dirty word. Obsolete is. To claim an old device is “sad” or “vintage,” and then actively work to discourage repair and reuse, is a heinous way to sell you something. All of these nefarious tactics are why we need Right to Repair legislation that protects the rights of everyday consumers—to either repair their own things or to find a trusted third party of their choosing to do the job for them. Society shouldn’t be relegated by manufacturers to consumerist pollyannas. As Apple’s  battery-gate exploits and subsequent finger-pointing for poor revenues exposed, manufacturers do not always have your best interests at heart.
Top image by Naval Surface Warriors/Flickr
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colourmylearning · 6 years
The modern world is driven by technology, and various applications are helping us to get things done. Getting that admission letter to your dream college can be exciting but wait until you understand the commitments that come with it. A computer is one of the essential things that you require when you are joining college.
You know, there will be a lot of assignments and projects that you will tackle in the course of your study. If you don’t have a personal laptop, it’s time to consider one for college. But, given the price range, you may have to dig deep into your pockets for that cool and powerful laptop that can handle all your tasks.
Remember that you have to pay tuition fees, accommodation, food, books and have some savings to keep you going. You cannot compromise any of these because they are important. So if you are working on a limited budget and do not wish to blow all your money on a single laptop, then you may consider a budget laptop.
5 Top Reasons Why You Would Consider a Budget Laptop
The following are the reasons why a budget laptop might be good for you.
1. They are affordable
We cannot stress enough that you need a lot of cash to survive in a typical college. Even if you are lucky to get a scholarship or sponsorship for your tuition fees, it cannot be enough to cater to all your needs. You probably may be trying out a lot of things at this age, and you know what? Most of the things you do come at a price. It does not matter if you stay with your parents or guardians, you cannot avoid ongoing and unexpected expenses. If you get a chance to save a few bucks, then you should duck for it as long as the product is worth the price.
2. Their performance is exemplary
Cheap does not always mean that it is poor quality. Remember that not every expensive product is of high quality and not every budget computer is rubbish. Budget computers are meant to give you the desired performance but at a lower price. The choice of the computer you choose will depend on your specific needs.
For instance, if you are a graphic designer or engineering, select that one that can support various applications for your job. You can also choose a laptop with basic features if you just need one for typing assignments on a Word document, light browsing and entertainment purposes.
As a rule of thumb, get a laptop with the highest processor speed, the most amount of memory and solid state or ROM storage for maximum performance at the maximum price that you can afford.
3. They are long-lasting
When most people hear about budget computers, refurbished and secondhand models always come to their minds. However, given how competitive the PC market is, budget computer can as well be brand new and a brand new machine is going to last longer than an old refurbished machine.
The durability and life of a computer depends on how you use it. With care in handling and constant update to the software, you are bound to get a good number of years in service before it will need to be replaced. Stick to the manufacturer’s and software guidelines when it comes to maintenance such as power connection, battery life, heat management, compatible devices, hardware and software protection and storage.
4. They come with all accessories
You may have heard someone tell you, I will sell you my computer, but you have to find a charger or replace the battery. You should drop that mentality when it comes to a budget computer because it is not necessarily one that has been used by someone else or with parts needing replacement. A budget computer comes with a charger, fully functional battery, drives and everything else that you will needs.
5. They come with warranty
Warranty is very important especially when you are buying electronics. In some cases, cheap products fail to have a warranty but this is not the case with budget laptops. Budget laptops come with a warranty just like its expensive counterpart. It most cases, they include a whole year’s warranty but their coverage depends on the manufacturer and seller. It is likely that you will need to contact the support helpdesk or seller, have it verified and send it away.
Such a cover is called “Return to Base” and believe me when I say it has saved me on several occasions. On the other hand refurbished models have short warranties and second hand models are likely to be out of warranty and not covered by the seller. In any case, you want to avoid surprises that may cause you to be without a computer in the middle of your studies or having to spend more money.
Top 5 Best Budget Laptop Options for College
Examples of budget computers that you can use today. We select only budget laptops at the highest specifications with a price tag that will not break the bank.
1. HP Pavilion 14 14-inch Laptop
High performing laptop with 8th generation Intel Core™ i5 quad-core processor clocking up to 3.4 GHz with Turbo Boost that cost less than half its premium equivalent. This is a very capable laptop designed for multi tasking and demanding applications offering you a zippy computing experience together with the 4GB RAM memory and fast 128GB SSD storage. It may be at the top end of our budget list but it’s worth bit of the money you spend.
[themify_button bgcolor=”yellow” size=”normal” link=”https://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=as_li_qf_sp_sr_il_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=colmylea-20&keywords=HP Pavilion 14 Laptop&index=aps&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=xm2&linkId=b4eeafdf8dfa6f83e57872447f0efcae” target=”_blank”]Check on Amazon[/themify_button]
Intel® Core™ i5-8250U Processor 1.6 GHz / 3.4 GHz (Turbo Boost)
RAM: 4 GB / Storage: 128 GB SSD
14-inch Full HD display IPS 1920 x 1080 – HIGHEST RESOLUTION
Up to 11.5 hours – BEST BATTERY LIFE
[themify_button bgcolor=”yellow” size=”normal” link=”https://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=as_li_qf_sp_sr_il_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=colmylea-20&keywords=HP Pavilion 14 Laptop&index=aps&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=xm2&linkId=b4eeafdf8dfa6f83e57872447f0efcae” target=”_blank”]Check on Amazon[/themify_button]
ALSO: An even cheaper version with slower Intel® Core™ i3-7100U Dual Core Processor with 4 GB and 128 GB eMMC storage and the same 11.5 hours battery life but with a lower HD resolution at 1366 x 768.
2. LENOVO IdeaPad 320S 14-inch Laptop
A direct competitor to the HP Pavilion 14, the Lenovo IdeaPad 320s is powered by the same 8th generation Intel Core i5 processor so we know it has plenty of grunt and is perfect for multi-tasking. The IdeaPad 320S has a minimalist, no nonsense design with a Full HD display panel that delivers sharp and crisp image and visual. It weighs just under 1.7kg and is compact enough to slip into any bag. To top that, the Harman speakers with Dolby Audio will automatically optimise your sound to match any application so the audio will never sound distorted.
[themify_button bgcolor=”yellow” link=”https://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=as_li_qf_sp_sr_il_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=colmylea-20&keywords=LENOVO IdeaPad 320S&index=aps&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=xm2&linkId=9f8bfdc142b29e903ab01319e6f68453″ target=”_blank”]Check on Amazon[/themify_button]
Intel® Core™ i5-8250U Processor
RAM: 8 GB / Storage: 128 GB SSD
14-inch Full HD display 1920 x 1080
Up to 7 hours
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ALSO: A cheaper Lenovo IdeaPad 320s with Intel® Core™ i3-7100U Processor is also available with everything else staying the same.
3. HP 15 15.6-inch Laptop
A new entry from HP, the HP 15 with 8th generation Intel Core i5 processor, the same processor found in the HP 14, the difference between the two machines apart from the bigger 15.6-inch Full HD display is the storage. The HP 15 has a bigger albeit slower 1TB hard disk drive, perfect for those who need more space, especially for photography and media students. The big storage meant you do not need to rely on external hard drive or constantly having to clear up your local storage. This capable machine will rip through all your everyday computing needs and more. As it is based on the new generation processor, it is more efficient, offering up to 11.5 hours of battery life per charge, plenty of on-time without looking for a wall socket. On top of all that, you get a choice of bring colours and textures to choose from.
[themify_button bgcolor=”yellow” link=”https://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=as_li_qf_sp_sr_il_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=colmylea-20&keywords=HP 15 Laptop&index=aps&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=xm2&linkId=499a7d5046615bdde9de60aa6a74e6d8″ target=”_blank”]Check on Amazon[/themify_button]
Intel® Core™ i5-8250U Processor
RAM: 4 GB / Storage: 1 TB HDD
15.6-inch Full HD display 1920 x 1080
Up to 11.5 hours
[themify_button bgcolor=”yellow” link=”https://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=as_li_qf_sp_sr_il_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=colmylea-20&keywords=HP 15 Laptop&index=aps&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=xm2&linkId=499a7d5046615bdde9de60aa6a74e6d8″ target=”_blank”]Check on Amazon[/themify_button]
4. ASUS VivoBook X405 14-inch Laptop
Edging in with premium features like what mid-range and budget laptops are trying these days is the VivoBook X405 Gold with its NanoEdge display that delivers immersive Full HD visuals. The panel is capable of 100% sRGB colours with 178 degree viewing angle to produce vivid life like imagery. Powered by a 7th generation Intel® Core™ i3 processor with 4GB RAM and 128GB of fast SSD storage, enough for all of your computing needs. The goodies does not stop there, there are plenty of connectivity options including USB3.1 Type-C, as well as USB 3 and USB 2 ports and a HDMI connection for external display. Plus, you have AC WIFI, Gigabit Ethernet port and Bluetooth 4.2 for data.
[themify_button bgcolor=”yellow” link=”https://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=as_li_qf_sp_sr_il_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=colmylea-20&keywords=ASUS Laptop&index=aps&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=xm2&linkId=fbcc767584cc03fd6b2e717331381ead” target=”_blank”]Check on Amazon[/themify_button]
Intel® Core™ i3-7100U Processor
RAM: 4 GB / Storage: 128 GB SSD
14-inch Full HD display 1920 x 1080
Up to 6 hours
ALSO: Like the HP Pavilion 14, there is a cheaper version with the same components above bar the display. It has a lower 1366 x 768 resolution like the cheaper HP Pavilion 14.
5. ASUS Chromebook Flip C213SA 11.6-inch Laptop
Chromebooks are among the most after sought budget computers and this is among the best. This Chromebook comes with a 360 degree hinge holding an 11.6-inch Full HD screen which allows you to switch from laptop to tablet mode with ease. This Chromebook also comes with two cameras which you can choose from depending on the mode you are using. The laptop also comes with a 4GB DDR4 RAM for easy switching between apps. All that wrapped in a rugged and lightweight body that protects the C213 from bumps and drops including spills on its water resistant keyboard. But the thing I keep coming back to is its all day 12-hour long battery life.
[themify_button bgcolor=”yellow” link=”https://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=as_li_qf_sp_sr_il_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=colmylea-20&keywords=ASUS Chromebook Flip C213&index=aps&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=xm2&linkId=93286ce18e3ed98238f455722dfd6b2d” target=”_blank”]Check on Amazon[/themify_button]
Intel® Celeron® Dual-Core N3350 Processor, 1 GHz (up to 2.4 GHz, 2 M Cache)
4GB on board memory, 32GB eMMC Storage
11.6-inch 178˚ wide-viewing angle display 1366 x 768 Touchscreen
More than 12 hours battery life
ALSO: ASUS Chromebook Flip C101: Smaller 10.1-inch Touch Screen and Flip screen Chromebook with 4GB RAM memory and 16GB eMMC Flash storage.
BONUS: 5 Ultra Low Budget Laptops
Why stop there when you get go even cheaper with the following ultra low budget laptops:
1. Samsung Galaxy Book 10.6-inch Tablet with Keyboard and Stylus – TABLET
The Galaxy Book is a tablet first device. While it is supplied with keyboard and stylus or S Pen as Samsung likes to call it, the device handles like an ultra slim and light weight tablet measuring 8.9mm thin. Powered by a 7th generation Intel Core m3 processor, the 10.6-inch Full HD tablet lets you take notes, draw , edit photos and annotate with its ultra-precision 0.7mm S Pen that pen to paper. If all you need is to reply to some emails, prepare for your presentation or type of your research paper than the accompanying super slim keyboard cover will do just that. The keyboard cover offers 4 different viewing angles and working modes for typing, reading, browsing or drawing.
[themify_button bgcolor=”yellow” link=”https://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=as_li_qf_sp_sr_il_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=colmylea-20&keywords=Samsung Galaxy Book 10.6&index=aps&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=xm2&linkId=c0260025cb00f80b1c49c06e2dd4e1a0″ target=”_blank”]Check on Amazon[/themify_button]
Intel Core m3-7Y30 Dual Core 1.0GHz to 2.6GHz with Turbo Boost
4GB RAM and 64GB eMMC
10.6-inch Full HD 1920 x 1080 pixel Touch Screen with Stylus and Keyboard Cover
Up to 10 hours battery life
2. ASUS Chromebook Flip C101PA 10-inch Laptop – CHROMEBOOK
Chromebook couldn’t get more flexible than the ASUS Chromebook Flip, not only is it light weight and compact but comes with a 360-degree hinge for even more ways to use the device. If you haven’t used a tablet with Chrome OS, the Flip is your chance to get your hands one. The laptop has a decent HD 1280 x 800 multi-touch wide angle 178-degree display and a big touchpad with gesture control. It has a HD camera for web video calls, thee USB ports (1 USB Type A and 2 USB-C ports) and ultra long battery life that powers you through the day, up to 9 hours without needing a wall socket. If you need to add more storage, use the microSD card slot. The Type-C port is used for charging, video output and fast data transfer. All that if you are happy running everything from the Chrome browser.
[themify_button bgcolor=”yellow” link=”https://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=as_li_qf_sp_sr_il_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=colmylea-20&keywords=ASUS Chromebook Flip C101&index=aps&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=xm2&linkId=0805bcf26d42f048ebb32b8cf418ca78″ target=”_blank”]Check on Amazon[/themify_button]
Hexa-core processor (Dual ARM Cortex-A72, Quad Cortex-A53) 1.6GHz to 2.0GHz with Turbo Boost
4GB RAM, 16GB eMMC Flash,
10.1-inch Touch Screen 1280 x 800 pixels
Up to 9 hours
3. HP Stream Laptop PC 11 and Stream x360 – 2-IN-1 LAPTOP
One cannot fail to mention HP models when it comes to discussing computers. This model falls under the highly portable makes as it features an 11.6 inches antiglare screen. You also do not have to worry about working in the dark because it comes with a backlit keyboard. You can use this laptop while on the move because its battery can last for more than 10 hours. Other features on this model include a built-in camera, HD screen and digital media card reader. If you like the Stream series, there is also the HP Stream x360 11 with a flip over hinge.
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4. Acer Swift 1 14-inch Laptop – LAPTOP
If you value portability, then this is a laptop that you should consider. Its appearance might make you think that it is expensive because it has an executive look. This computer comes with either a 13.3 or 14-inch full HD Resolution screen which makes it a good pick for a laptop worth less than $500.
[themify_button bgcolor=”yellow” link=”https://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=as_li_qf_sp_sr_il_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=colmylea-20&keywords=Acer Swift 1 14&index=aps&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=xm2&linkId=69d93a1bdbb5093d59ee71f0d24185d7″ target=”_blank”]Check on Amazon[/themify_button]
It also comes with a sleek metal cover which ensures that it is durable. It resembles MacBook Air and weighs about 2.87 pounds which makes it a good pick for travelling and conferences. It can support various basic applications such Photoshop as it is powered by Intel HD Graphics and a 4GB RAM.
5. Lenovo Miix 320 Tablet 10.1-inch with Detachable Keyboard – HYBRID
A detachable hybrid or tablet with a keyboard dock, the Lenovo Miix 320 is no where near as sleek as the Galaxy Book but has a respectable depth of 17.5mm thin. Powered by Intel Atom series processor, the Quad-Core Intel Atom x5-Z8350 to be precise clocking at 1.44GHz to 1.92GHz with Turbo Boost, 4GB RAM memory and a generous 128GB eMMC of storage, the device is more for basic everyday computing, responding to emails, typing the odd documents and preparing your presentation.
The 10.1″ HD IPS Touch Screen comes into play when detached from the keyboard dock turning it instantly into a tablet. You get up to 10 hours of usage between charge, which is more than some of the laptops featured here. The biggest plus in our books is the pair of front and rear facing camera, at 2MP and 5MP respectively, perfect for Skype calls or shooting pictures and videos.
  [themify_button bgcolor=”yellow” link=”https://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=as_li_qf_sp_sr_il_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=colmylea-20&keywords=Lenovo Miix 320&index=aps&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=xm2&linkId=d0ca84cc14d499938cdb2e79043dcc44″ target=”_blank”]Check on Amazon[/themify_button]
ONE MORE: Lenovo IdeaPad 120s 14-inch Laptop
This model gives you a classy look and the performance you deserve even on a low budget. The computer features a 14-inch High Definition screen to ensure that you enjoy watching movies and videos. The screen is also antiglare, and thus you do not have to worry about your eye’s health. The battery life is excellent and can be up to 8 hours depending on the usage.
[themify_button bgcolor=”yellow” link=”https://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=as_li_qf_sp_sr_il_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=colmylea-20&keywords=Lenovo IdeaPad 120s&index=aps&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=xm2&linkId=cf07c48f20530f2d1e2f624386661c54″ target=”_blank”]Check on Amazon[/themify_button]
The above are just a few picks of the many budget computers that you can choose from. It is quite evident that you can get a good computer that fits your needs even on a budget.
Are Budget Laptops Good Enough for College and Your Options? The modern world is driven by technology, and various applications are helping us to get things done.
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shanewieters-blog · 6 years
B2B Sales Techniques: Improve your Closing Ratio
Here are 20 tried-and-true techniques to lead you to “yes.”
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If you’ve done your job right in leading your customer through the sale process, you’ve already done a needs analysis, customized a proposal, had some trial closes, and you’re ready to get down to business. The art of the sale is to find the customer’s pain points and then demonstrate how your product will solve their business problem. Along the way, you’ll have to overcome their objectives — often one at a time — until there’s no reason not to sign the deal. Closing techniques are designed to get to the root of the prospect’s hesitation to say “yes” so you can tackle the objections.
Assumptive Close
This approach is something you do during the entire sales process. It starts with having a positive attitude that you’re going to make this sale! Confidence can rub off on your customers. A positive attitude can be contagious.
Approach the sale as if the customer has already said yes. The conversation will focus on what needs to happen to conclude the sale and how much better off the customer will be from doing business with you.
Examples:  “Will 10 units be enough to start or would you prefer more right away?”  “To get started, I need your company’s legal business name.”
Summary Close
A strong proposal ends with a summary of the key benefits and value and you can sum it up with a call to action. The summary close is a version of the assumptive close. You’re moving forward as if it’s a done deal and just going through what it takes to get started. It’s up to the customer to stop you if you’re not ready.
Example:  “The top-of-the-line Widget Master 3000 will double your production without increasing your costs. Would you like us to deliver on Wednesday or Friday?”
Question Close
Instead of asking if the customer has any other questions, or waiting for an objective — real or imagined, ask the customer a straight-forward question. The answer will be telling. If the prospect still has objections, you can drill down and find out where the hesitation is coming from. You’ve got to deal with them before you can close the sale, so the sooner you know what the objection is, the sooner you can counter it. If the answer is positive, write it up!
Example:  “I think we agree this is the best solution to the problems we’ve been discussing. Is there any reason we can’t write this up?”
Deadline Close
Putting a time clock on a prospect is dangerous. Don’t do it if it’s not true. If you truly have a limited-time-offer, you need to be willing to walk away from a sale if the deal doesn’t close. Remember that forcing a decision can result in a no (especially if you haven’t tackled all the objections).
If you have a real deadline, though, this can be a very effective technique to get the job done. If a prospect tells you they can’t decide by that deadline, you have more work to do.
Example:  “The manufacturer is mandating a price increase this Friday.”
“It’s Your Choice” Close
Reinforce they are in control of the sales process. Realistically, they always are in control. You can’t move forward if they don’t say yes. Letting them know it’s their decision gives them the feeling they are making a good decision and not being “sold” something.
Example:  “It sounds like this is exactly what you need and the price is right. But I know it’s your decision. Are you ready to start?”
Try it Before You Buy It Close
Sometimes people need hands-on with your product to appreciate what it can do. By giving your prospect a chance to spend some time with your product, they may sell themselves on the need. Let’s say you’re trying to sell a new color copy machine to replace a black-and-white model. Letting the prospect’s staff have access to the machine for a week may have them clamoring to keep it and turn a reluctant buyer into a proponent.
Example:  “Let’s set you up with a weeklong trial. We’ll set you up and let you put it through its paces at your convenience. I’ll leave the contract with you. If you like it, just sign and send it back to me. If not, call and we’ll come pick it up.”
Direct Close
The clock has run out. You’ve addressed all the prospect’s objections. You know you’ve got the right product and the right solution. Ask for the sale!
Example:  “Are you ready to get started?”
If the answer is no, it gives you the opportunity to address objections by probing why the prospect isn’t ready to move forward. If you can narrow the list down to a final objection, switch to the Conditional close.
Make a List Close
If the prospect seems stuck, an effective way to approach things is to take out a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle. Label one column “Pros” and the other “Cons.” Take the lead and start the conversation by writing down the “Pros” on one side of the paper. Make it a nice, long list. Then ask the prospect to come up with any negatives. Don’t help here!
If You can zero in on the objections and take them on one at a time. You’re not going to get the sale until you overcome the objections anyway, so you might as well know what they are! Typically, you’ll get down to the real issue holding them back from committing.
Example:  “Let’s list the Pros and Cons and see if we can figure this out.”
Often, where you end up is going to be price. That can be a real objection you must overcome or it may just be a prospect trying to see if there’s any wiggle room.
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Negotiated Close
Once you’ve narrowed down the list of objections to a short list, you can position them as minor obstacles that can be easily overcome.
Example:  “That sound great! Let’s sign the deal and we’ll get in here Monday and solve these final issues.”
This can work especially well when you get prospects that continually find even the small objections as a way of grinding you down on price or waiting to see if you’ll “throw in something extra.”
It’s Time Close
Once you’ve presented your case, gotten the client to list their objections and effectively countered them, it’s time to close. Put the paper in front of them, let them know you feel your job is done, and ask for the sale. Then, sit quietly and don’t talk until they do.
Example:  “It sounds like this is the perfect solution to your problem. I just need you to sign here and we’ll get started.”
Alternative or Choices Close
Prospects want to feel in control of the process. While they are making a big decision to purchase your products, getting them to make small decisions along the way can lead them to yes. This can be especially effective when you sense the prospect is close to giving you the sale, but they’re nervous.
Example:  “Let’s get this part out of the way. Would you prefer the medium or large size? Silver or Gold? Would you want the extended warranty or the standard?”
Make sure the choices are all leading towards the sale. Not only are you getting a string of buying decisions, you’re getting them comfortable that they are in control and it’s their decision… because it is.
“Is it Me?” Close
It’s easy to say no to a company. It’s harder to say no to a person. By asking the prospect if you’ve done something wrong, they’ll almost always say no and explain the specific thing that’s holding them back. It helps get right to the objections so you can counter them.
Example:  “I can sense you’re not quite ready to do this. Have I not done my job in showing you how this will solve your problem?”
Feel/Felt/Found Close
In this tried-and-true method, you are defining the problem for your customer and showing them you understand their situation. Then, you are showing your experience with other customers that had the same concerns and showing how you could steer them into the right products that solved their problems.
There’s safety in numbers. If it has worked for others, prospects will feel better about saying yes. Rarely do people want to be the test case for you.
Example:  “I understand why you would feel that way. It’s perfectly understandable. That’s the same way most of my other customers felt. What they found after installing our systems is that it was everything we said it was.”
At this point, have some testimonials on hand. Walking through specific case studies and acknowledging that others had reservations at first, but now love your solutions can be powerful.
“On a Scale of 1 to 10” Close
Asking a prospect to rate where they are on a scale of 1 to 10 can help you determine quickly if you’re close or you still have a lot of work ahead of you
EXAMPLE:  “On a scale of 1 to 10, can you tell me what your level of interest is at this point?”
If they say 5 or less, there are a lot of objections to overcome. You’ll need to dig in, find out what they are, and address them. An effective follow up is to ask them to explain why they rated their interest so low so you can help tailor your discussion to move them forward.
If they say 6 or higher, you’re on the right track. An effective technique is to follow-up by asking them what it will take to get to 10. They’ll tell you what their hesitation is to commit. Then, ask them the next question.
FOLLOW UP QUESTION:  “If we can take care of that, will it gets us to 10?”
If they say yes, you know what you must do. If they say no, identify the next item and tackle it. Rinse and repeat! You’ll find the stumbling blocks and tackle them one at a time. Along the way, you’re moving the prospect up the ladder closer to 10 and making it more difficult to say no at the end. Once they’ve admitted you’ve overcome all their objections, it’s hard to say no.
ROI Close
This works best when you can demonstrate a clear impact on the bottom line for the business. Will solving their problem make them more profitable? If the answer is yes, it’s a lot easier to justify the decision. The higher the ROI, the easier it will be getting to yes.
EXAMPLE:  “If we replace these machines with the newer models that are more energy efficient, you will save enough money in the first two years to pay for them. After that, you’ll have savings every month after that.”
I’m on Your Side Close
This technique aligns your interests with those of the client. It shows you’re willing to fight — even with your own company if necessary — to get the best deal possible for them.
EXAMPLE:  “My manager says the best deal I can offer you is $10,000. I also know that she’s trying to hit her budget number this month. If I can get her to agree to $9,500, will that work?”
If price is the final objection, this can be a great technique to use although it might mean you’re not getting the sale right now.
Vanity Close
Everyone wants to make smart decisions. Position your product as the solution smart people choose by demonstrating how others have bought what you’re selling.
EXAMPLE:  “The buyer at XYZ Company is known as one of the smartest people in the industry. When I showed him our products, he immediately saw the benefits of what we could do for them. Since you’re at the top of your game, I knew this would be the right solution for you as well.”
This technique appeals directly to their vanity. Everybody likes to think they’re making smart decisions and again, there’s less risk in choosing something in which others have experienced success.
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Testimonial Close
Using success stories can make a prospect feel safer in deciding in your favor. It also allows you to be a story-teller rather than a fact-teller. Showing numbers and attributes may be necessary, but telling a story about how others bought your products and how it solved their problems can be even more effective. Have some case studies ready to pull out to overcome specific objections.
EXAMPLE:  “Jim at XYZ Company had the same problem you had. He bought our product six months ago. I check in with him every month and he improved his own sales every month since we started doing business together.”
“Commit Up Front” Close
You’ll need to do this one right at the start of your presentation. You’re getting the prospect to commit to giving you a decision when you’re done and hopefully avoid the dreaded “I need to think about it.”
EXAMPLE:  “I’m not trying to sell you today. I want to show you my product and tell you why others thought it was perfect for them. All I’m asking is that at the end, you judge for yourself and give me an honest answer as to whether it would make sense for you.”
At the end of your presentation, address any objections, then hold their feet to the fire. When you get that “I need to think or research or get competitive bids,” you remind them that they promised to give you an answer.
Conditional Close
If you’re getting resistance to getting the signature on the dotted line, there’s one last closing technique to try. First, you should identify the objections to making the sale. If there’s more than one, you’re not ready for this. Take them on one-by-one and when you get down to the final road block, roll out the conditional close.
Example:  “If I can reduce the price to what you say you’re willing to pay, will you sign the deal right now?”
Parting Thoughts
We focus a lot on closing techniques, but the fact of the matter is that closing a deal is a series of trial closes throughout the process. The whole point of the exercise is to find out the objections prospects have so you can isolate them, overcome them, and move on. Until you do, no closing technique will be effective.
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edivupage · 7 years
Stretching Your School’s EdTech Budget
Every school wants to offer its students the best, most current, most meaningful opportunities.  In the modern era, this means providing its learners with appropriate and useful technology.  Unfortunately, technology can also be very expensive. With school budgets ever tightening, being fiscally responsible and taking advantage of cost saving measures is paramount in making sure that students are best taken care of and given the best opportunities.
Here are nine tips for making your dollars count in integrating technology in educational settings.
Take advantage of group rates
There is power in numbers.  A single iPad is expensive, for sure, and a thousand iPads are, theoretically, a thousand times more expensive – or are they?  Most tech providers offer a discount for buying technology in bulk.  Sometimes, too, schools can earn discounted rates if they are part of a consortium of schools investing in technology together.    Additionally, try to get quotes from two – or more – tech suppliers.  When companies compete, you can save big.
Practice sustainable technology
Be careful not to over-purchase just because you think you’re getting a good deal.  It’s more fiscally responsible to buy just what you need.  Wasted technology can end up being a drain on resources.  As technology ages, make sure you are investing in maintenance only for machines that are salvageable.  For instance, computers that are more than five years old are often more expensive to continually repair than to replace with newer, more efficient and effective machines.  Sustainable technology also means rotating the technology.  Technology classes should receive the most advanced technology, as their class necessitates, but there are many teachers and classes that would be glad for the hand-me-downs.  This will save money and put existing tech to good use.
Purchase the right tools for the job
Make sure you are purchasing machines and technology that are appropriate for your school’s needs.  Stocking a computer lab with iPads, for example, might not be practical if students will be using the lab mainly for typing papers.  Likewise, you may not need a high-powered machine for every class.  Those same English classes, though, do not need gaming laptops with endless RAM and enviable graphics cards.  It’s a good rule of thumb to purchase the least expensive technology that meets your needs and is reliable and reputable.
Purchase tools that can multi-task
In a similar vein, don’t box yourself into technology that can only be used for one class or circumstance.  In one-to-one initiatives, netbooks can be used for a variety of classes and tasks.  Make sure that you research what tools can be used in all – or at least most – classes and provide students with the opportunities they need.
Search out opportunities for freebies, especially software and apps
Web-based software apps are becoming increasingly popular, and many apps for tablets are, if not free, available in a “lite” version that often is free.  This is a great way to try out programs without committing to spending large portions of your technology budget.  You can pilot apps with groups of students, study their comparative efficacy and, if the students, teachers, and admin agree that something is worthwhile, you can invest your budget in the full paid version.  This saves money that could be otherwise wasted buying apps that might end up being useless/
Standardize (reduce cost for training and support/repairs)
Even though education is a largely personal, often artistic endeavor, there is something to be said about standardizing the technology.  Standardizing the type (Windows or Apple?  Tablet or netbook?) of technology you use can increase cost savings through bulk purchasing options, streamlining repair, and making training simple and uniform.
Stop spending money on old/obsolete tech
There may always be teachers who prefer overhead projectors, VHS players, film reels, or cassette tapes.  But maintaining and repairing these items is costly.  Overhead projector bulbs alone can be a substantial cost to school tech budgets.  Phasing these technologies out or – even better – selling these outdated machines can pad your tech budget, making more room for the things that will benefit the students most.
Leverage buy-back and rental programs
Mac to School is an Apple program that supplies technology and one-to-one opportunities for school districts.  As the tech ages, Mac to School will buy back the items, helping to offset the cost of replacement technology.  Some technology suppliers also offer rental programs.  Schools can rent devices for a number of years before sending them back to the manufacturer in exchange for new devices.  In either case, the data is wiped from the devices so that student and school information isn’t inappropriately disseminated.
Explore creative funding options
The best way to stretch a budget is to make a budget bigger!  Explore state and federal funding options, available grants, or appeal to the community.  As Bring Your Own Devices become more acceptable, it offers the opportunity for districts to invest their tech budgets in other pursuits as well.
Technology is becoming a necessity in education.  Preparing students to use technology is an essential real-world skill.  Following these tips will help your district make the most of the money they have to provide the students with the technology they need.
    The post Stretching Your School’s EdTech Budget appeared first on The Edvocate.
Stretching Your School’s EdTech Budget published first on http://ift.tt/2zIjNih
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