#the mental image of cherik slow dancing
roosterbox · 2 years
The other Cherik fic I’ve wanted to write for years, but just haven’t for whatever reason
Takes place around the time of DOFP.
Charles and Erik reconcile. Like actually reconcile (in all ways you can think of), rather than just establish a tentative stalemate before parting ways. Charles decides to completely give up the treatment for his spine/legs. But before that, he takes the last dose. And before it wears off for the last time, he asked Erik to dance with him.
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Imagine Cherik holding each other close. Imagine them holding hands. Imagine Erik leading Charles in a slow, loving waltz around their room while a classic song plays on a record in the background. Imagine soft kisses, and even softer I-love-you’s exchanged between them.
Now imagine Charles can sense the feeling slowly draining from his legs. And as it does, imagine his telepathy starting to kick back in, but on a wave of the absolute reverence and utter adoration for him coming from Erik.
Imagine Erik knowing immediately that the serum is wearing off because Charles is using him for support and leverage more and more as the minutes go by. And, with their last few seconds before his legs give out fully, Erik gives the man he loves a last little twirl and a low dip, making Charles laugh a bit. Then his knees buckle; the overwhelming numbness takes over. And Charles would surely have collapsed into a heap on the floor if Erik hadn’t been right there, sweeping him off his feet and into his arms.
Also, it would be a great excuse to feature the song that’s kinda been my mental romantic theme song for Cherik ever since First Class came out - Smoke Gets in Your Eyes, by The Platters.
Is it entirely canon compliant? Nah, son. Idek if that’s even how Charles’ spine treatment works. But, dang it, it’s a cutely romantic yet utterly tragic idea that will never leave me. Maybe one day, I will actually write it.
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