#the mimicry causing autoimmune reactions is all Tou's brilliant idea btws
sunset-a-story ยท 8 months
Happy WBW! In honor of the pain bestowed upon me by the Blood Goddess ๐Ÿ™ƒ, what is your world like in relation to sicknesses, injuries, and other afflictions? Feel free to discuss the medical system or how jobs/institutions respond, or even how individual characters feel!
First of all, my deepest condolences for your life rn. That's the worst.
And thank you for the question! Within SolCorp, it's the Pluto Department that is in charge of all medical care ranging from pediatric, general preventative care, trauma medicine, and mental healthcare.
Pluto agents are pretty dang busy on a daily basis. Sol offices are practically closed systems with the majority folks leaving the campus maybe once a week so all that recirculated air means that when a cold hits, everyone gets it. Pluto (Dakota del Sol) refers to LAHQ as a plague ship (affectionate) (sort of).
A lot of healthcare provided by Sol is what you'd expect of modern medicine. Some of it, not. Biological manipulators are recruited to work in Pluto for their ability to alter someone's biology, down to their cells. There is too much risk to use bio manips for every single medical problem but when agents are gravely injured in the field or there's a serious issue, bio manips can reknit bones, close gunshot wounds, remove cancers, heal organs, etc. And yes, this does mean people with muscle sprains will aggressively pout at the bio manips telling them to go home and rest instead of fixing them.
Those not living in a SolCorp office can travel to the closest office for care or, in emergencies, trauma units will be teleported to them. There is typically someone with basic medic training on each team to take care of everyday needs. (Hannah is the medic for Reeve's team.)
There is no charge or cost whatsoever for any of this for Sol agents. It's just part of being in Sol. Your needs are cared for.
Thanks to having an expansive employee base, agents' bosses are generally understanding of illness/injuries and are not overly pushy to get the agent back to their desk/out into the field until they're ready. (Something a certain other organization of knacked people views as supremely soft.) If you become too disabled to continue at your job, you will be moved to something you are able to do.
Also some knacks can cause medical issues all by themselves that Pluto has to manage. For example, mimics often (1 in 2) develop autoimmune issues because their body reacts to the "borrowed" knack as if it were a foreign virus to be fought. If knacks become too dangerous/harmful (I'm looking at you, radiation manips) Pluto and Venus work together to perform a Post-Breathe Gene Alteration (post-breathe for short) which can alter or remove a person's knack altogether.
All of this is nothing at all like how medical care is handled in Entropy or in The Church but...no spoilers.
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