#the mokkori's punishment and lesson 3: within horror's grasp
||The mokkori's punishment and lesson 3: Within horror's grasp||
*Waving* Hi. Just writing a silly little addition drabble for a friend but it seems we are continuing with this one now. So, lets see what this story takes place for our friends hmm?
IF you wanna read the first two lessons they are under here:
Lesson one
Lesson two
||Drabble Summary||
Mineta has gone mission so the six claws are looking for him along with some help. However, what would happen when he was curious of the other fractions outside of New York that involves the horror members? Read to find out.
~Beatdown will happen later or in between
~scary girl moments will happen and boy scary moments too.
((~Guests in Drabble~))
The lovely horrors belong to my amazing friend @demon-blood-youths who is also the owner of the side blog @lovelyxhorrors
Willie Watt belongs to and is from Batman beyond but also me due to rping him as a muse
Some of the boys along with the girls in the fractions like The Lupins, The Demon Elite Anthem, The Upstander Campagin, Knights of Darkness, Daichi, and Demon Blood Tears belong to my friend
While The cursed vixens, Shallow Butterflies, The season demon warriors, The Elemental Phoenix feathers, and The Dark Eclipse nightshades of both boys and girls belong to me. A few of the A-1 class members are guests but I do rp as a few of them.
((Note: This drabble will have heavy grammar mistakes and errors but this was written for fun. I hope you understand but also enjoy please.))
"Damn it! Where the hell is that little idiot!? He couldn't have gotten far!" Bakugo was annoyed with the other six claws looking around since Mineta got away from them. However, they were still looking all through New York with no luck.
Even the fractions haven't seen him which was odd.
"Calm down Bakugo, I'm sure we will find him." Ren said in a calm town even with Rin having azure flames around his body. Yeah, they were all not happy finding out what he did to Ink but they just had to look for him.
"Even so, we need to find him before he does something else! Just keep looking!" Denji said as they did just that. Though, now everyone was asking the same question:
Where the heck did Mineta go?
"Alright Matt that should do it for now. Everything is done and the night has gotten a lot longer." Sid, or the horror of the ghost, speaks to him seeing everyone was getting ready for bed. After a mission complete.
"Yeah, true. That was a fun night! Maybe we can go hunting again later the next night or something a bit better I think." Matt thinks to scratch his chin even seeing Pete sigh with Yumeno kyusaku sitting by him while hugging his doll Bennett. "Yeah it was!! I Hope we can do it again!" he said with Pete even petting his head.
"Maybe in the future we might. Though, it is getting late so we should just head to sleep or head home." Cobin sighed to push up his glasses.
"True, maybe we can just take this time to chill as most would say." Charlie agreed so they were heading back home now or just showing up getting inside to wash up and head to bed. However, they were not expecting a guest this night. Later on, everyone was already relaxed now or some taking showers and things.
For one, Sid was just done taking a shower but was walking out in a towel to check the time. "Hmmmm, I might have some time to do some light reading before bed...or maybe a light snack." she mutters already having her clothes set out for bed while she was drying herself to get ready for bed.
As she was going to get some pjs, she goes to get some other clothes but looks inside. She noticed a few of her panties and bras went missing. "Huh? That's strange. I could have sworn I had them in here." she mutters confused but she didn't see someone sneaking out of her room with a arm full of them with a perv like smile.
'Wow, so these are the famous horror of the ghosts panties..so soft. Even the bras fit just right.' the voice said smiling but goes to check another room. He looks seeing it was empty to be Charlie's room. It seems she was downstairs getting something but the other sneaking in goes to check seeing the motherload of undies and panties.
"Ohhhh even cuter. Their so soft and smells like flowers...I thought the horrors would be different." the other said with a smile now taking a few bras and panties to hide in a bag before going off to the last one that was Shrika. He already hit Ashley's own but he was excited to find the last one.
"Oh come on! Your still mad about that!? I said I was sorry!" Cobin looks to Pete who was eating something but making sure his little brother eats.
"Uh huh, says the same one that tends to get in trouble or cause trouble during our hunts." Pete grumbled but Matt sighed seeing Lex eating quietly to himself.
"Guys guys come on, we are trying to chill for tonight. Can't you not argue about it right now?" Matt said looking to the guys but both Cobin and Pete glares at one another even hearing snickering from Jason.
"You guys are idiots at times you know. Though, at least I'm not in trouble for once!" he laughed only for Cobin to smack him upside the head. "OW! The fuck was that for?!"
"For you being too loud!" he barks back but Matt sweatdrops seeing the two shouting or arguing with one another. Yeah, just another night it seems. Yumeno just keeps eating by his big brother who was shaking his head now. While this is going on, Matt heard someone coming down to see Sid but she was quiet.
"Hey Sid! We just got dinner! Theirs plenty to eat if your hungry." he said.
"I will but just one thing...." she said but Matt blinks to stop the guys arguing.
"Huh? What's up?" he asked.
"I believe we have a thief in the building. Somehow, some of my clothing has gone missing." she said but Jason, Cobin, and Lex was confused hearing this.
"A thief? Who the heck would steal-"
"I don't know...but whoever it is I will be sure to find out who. They sneaked into my room and stole some of my clothing." she said simply.
"Uh huh.."
"Geez, who the hell would even do that??" Jason said confused.
"I don't know.." Cobin said with Lex confused.
"That explains a bit. Did you three-"
"Huh?! NO! Why would I even steal anything from you Sid?! I'm not that stupid!" Jason looks at her confused.
"Same. I'm not that low to do that.." Cobin said.
"Not me either. I was with my little brother and he knows I wouldn't." Pete said. Sid knew Matt wouldn't do that either so what was going on.
"Sid!!!" She heard another voice seeing Charlie now but she sounded upset.
"Charlie? What's the matter?"
"Someone stole my clothing! I was just about to change after washing up and saw a few of my clothes were stolen!" she said.
"Okay, that's weird. Just what the hell is going on?" Jason said but Matt thinks to wonder himself.
"Seems we got a thief here. Sid, where is Shrika and Willie?" he asked.
"They should be still upstairs I believe.." she said but as Matt was thinking, the lovely horrors seeing Willie coming out of the kitchen with some food carrying two plates for them.
"Willie!" Jason calls out to her to make him stop.
"Uhhhh what?"
"Did you know about a thief in the house!?" he said.
"......No? I didn't even notice that. Why? Were your followers trying to steal something and try putting the blame on me?" he said even seeing Jason glare.
"What?! NO! they know better than to steal from anyone! What about your pack or to say Shrika's pack!?" he said. "Did Shrika tell them to do some prank!?" He said.
"..I'm not a thief and none of the followers did any stupid prank. I don't steal anything from you or the others since I know better. Besides, what is this about a thief?" he asked having no clue but he didn't like Jason accusing him of things.
"...So you have no idea someone stole me and Charlie's clothing?" Sid said this to the male, making him more confused.
"No? I have no idea a thief was in the house! And what do you mean steal?" he said. Now the horrors were confused. "Besides, I was just returning upstairs to my mistress since she asked for some food.
"Okay...so if you didn't do anything....and your here, then who.." That's when a crash noise was heard making everyone look up along with a angry shout.
"The hell was that?"Cobin said looking up.
"Someone is upstairs! Who the hell is that!?" Jason said but it was time to figure it out as everyone runs upstairs since it sounded like it came from Shrika's room.
Upstairs, everyone got there but seeing some light but a panicked voice showing someone was here!
"Who the hell is that!?" the other horrors hurried along now wondering who this thief was, running to Shrika's bedroom. When they got to her room, their eyes widen at the sight. It was a total mess but it did show Shrika throwing some of her knives at the thief looking really furious right now.
"HOW DARE YOU FUCKING SNEAK IN HERE AND STEAL FROM ME, YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!!!" she said in rage trying to kill the thief.
"I'm sorry but your so cute and pretty! I always knew your panties were just as nice!" Mineta shouted ducking from the knifes. Sid and Charlie looked silent but they did notice his arm had some bras and panties.
"Huh?! HEY! THOSE ARE MINE! AND THAT'S SID'S TOO!" Charie shouted seeing Mineta look up scared. He saw he got caught to laugh nervous.
"Uhhhh...nice to meet you?" he said only for the girls to glare.
"HOW DARE YOU STEAL FROM MY MISTRESS YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Willie was angry alright from this that Mineta quickly rushes out and jumps out the window to land. He dashes off into the forest laughing.
"THEIR MINE! YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME!" he said to see the three get to the window.
"THAT LITTLE PUNK! I'LL STRANGLE HIM!" Shrika said before jumping out and changing into her humanoid bird form with Charie and Sid jumping out to give chase.
Matt and the boys were shocked seeing them this pissed off well more than pissed as their was trees getting hit or some terrified screams from MIneta.
"Do you think we should get the followers to-" Jason started to say but Matt sighed.
"Naw, the girls got this. Besides, I'm sure they will be sure he won't do this again...you know that." he said seeing the guys look to the forest though, they saw some knifes thrown and Shrika taking the skies.
They did hear Mineta's terrified screams.
"How dare you steal our clothing you little punk! I'll be sure you strangling for that!" Charlie shouted angry while moving from tree to tree.
That's when the two saw Sid looking to try catching him. They saw the purple hands rising up in the sky now trying to ram down catching him.
"Yeah, get them big sisters!!" Yumeno was cheering for them to get the meanie even if Jason, Pete, Cobin, and Lex said nothing from this. Yeah, they would be angry for abit. In the forest, Mineta was trapped seeing 3 horror girls ready to tear him apart.
"Found you..you little thief." Sid said with the hands almost chocking him. Shrika lands changing back with Charlie there as the three look at him seeing Mineta's face pale.
"Ummm..I..I'm sorry?" he said only for him to let out a terrified scream as the girls beat him up. Yeah, he's going to feel that in the morning.
Later the next morning, the fractions of NYC still couldn't find Mineta and it was already stressing some out.
"This is taking forever, no one has found that little pervert....where could he have gone." Jinx said but the others didn't know. However, as they were going to take another look, a dark portal shows up making them see someone get throw out looking terrible.
"Hold on, that's-"
Mineta was twitching and bleeding from his head. He looks to have gotten the beating of a life time but it made the others look showing Sid there along with Willie.
"Pardon us..but I believe this garbage idiot belongs to you." Willie said.
"Uhhhhh wait, was he-"
"He was where we were....but he should be lucky we didn't kill him. I suggest you keep that...thing on a leash...or else." she said simply but the two turn to leave through the portal showing Mineta bleeding, knocked out, his face was swollen from the kicks and punches the lovely horror girls did. They even saw he was tied up pretty tight with a letter saying; "Watch your dog better!"
Bakugo said nothing but shook his head with him twitching. Even from that Mineta cries. "W...Worth it..s..so worth it." he said laughing but winces in pain. "Owwwwwwww......"
"MIneta, you dumb ass..." Bakugo sighed but the girls keep away from him.
Well, at least they sorta know where he went and he might have not regret it even from the horrible beating. To him, it was worth it. In a way.
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