#the monkees imagine
davy-zeppeli · 1 year
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mikenesmithmpreg · 20 days
please stop sexualizing his tight wet pussy💔
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srs guys💔💔💔
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androcola · 10 months
the layout of the pilot pad was so much more comforting and cozy and colorful and welcoming and warm,,why did they choose that nasty grimy zero color washed out brutalist dump for the remainder of the show,,,
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Dear monkee fans who consumw my content, when im talking about the monkees in my monkeeverse, PLEASE picture this warm and beautiful home for them, because that's what im gonna think of
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davyjoneslockr · 4 months
As a certified Nezhead I think the Monkees fandom collectively needs to talk about Micky more. “Nez goat stream Different Drum” “so Torkcore” “Davy Jones tboy swag” what about Circus Boy. What about the guy who just put out an REM cover EP for some reason. What about our king Micky Dolenz.
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daydream-davy · 7 months
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“You Spend a day with the Monkees” in Flip February, 1968
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bee-in-a-box · 28 days
Had an idea at work for a t-shirt and I had to bite the inside of my cheek so I wouldn't laugh about it.
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lugosis · 6 months
i’ve just realised that homophobic people don’t get to ship torksmith or jork or dolenzmith or jolenz and that just really upsets me
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alanjardine · 3 months
The Monkees was just Micky, Peter and Mike for a long time until Mike met Davy. He never told the guys about him (because he didnt want them to embarrass him) and Mikes always out picking up Davy and taking him on dates. Eventually Mikes ready to introduce his friends to his boyfriend but they just… don’t seem to understand
Mickys always asking Davy if he has a girlfriend and Davy (who does not yet know just how clueless these guys can be) thinks it’s a joke and goes along with it
Davy’s slowly integrated into the group then the band and then he’s asked to move in (after a heavy adult discussion with Mike about their relationship and next steps). Davy and Mike are both under the assumption they’ll share a room since… boyfriends. But Peter kidnaps Davy and begs until they can be roommates
Eventually Mike and Davy realise the others actually don’t know they’re together and bet each other how long it will take them to figure out. They don’t even attempt to hide their relationship but it seems the more coupley they act the less the others cop on
It takes them making out half naked on the couch for the others to even raise an eyebrow (“I thought you guys were just really close”)
wrote a short thing :)
“We’ve talked it over, and, well, Davy already spends so much time here anyway, so I thought ‘he might as well just move in’ and I think it’s the right next move for us and he agrees, so what do y’all think? Would you be fine if Davy moved in here with us?” Mike asked, shifting nervously on his feet as he looked down at his two best friends to see their reactions. He didn’t know why he was so nervous, it just seemed like a big deal asking his friends if his boyfriend could move in with them. What if they didn’t want Davy around that often? No, that would be silly; Davy already spent so much time hanging around the pad he practically lived there, the only difference would be that he’d be sleeping there now too.
He resisted the urge to swipe his hands against his jeans, but Davy felt his arms tense up from where his hands were wrapped around his bicep and he gave his arm a comforting squeeze.
“Yes that’s fantastic!” Peter said, with a wide, cheery grin spreading across his face.
“Yeah that’s a groovy idea. Davy is a perfect addition.” Micky chimed in.
“Oh, you think so? Thanks fellas, this means a lot, really-“
“I’m so excited I finally get to have a roommate!” Peter said as he sprung up from his seat. He latched onto Davy’s arm and started tugging him in the direction of his bedroom.
“You- what?” Davy asked as he let himself be pulled across the pad, throwing a confused look over his shoulder at Mike who stared back at him just as confound.
“It will be like a sleepover every night. And I won’t get lonely and have to bother Micky and Mike in the middle of the night anymore. We can put your bed right there and you can have these drawers in the dresser.” Peter said as he started opening drawers and moving his clothes around. Davy watched as he shuffled around the room moving stuff and reorganizing his drawers. 
“Um- Peter- you know- I was really planning to move in with Mike.” Davy said, awkwardly rubbing at the back of his neck as Peter stopped his hectic motions and turned to look at Davy.
“Yeah you’re moving in with Mike, Micky, and I. That’s why I’m clearing a space for you.”
“No I mean I was planning to move into Mike’s room with him.”
“But Micky already rooms with Mike it doesn’t make any sense for you to move in there too… unless, is it that you don’t want to room with me?” Peter asked staring down at Davy with the biggest, saddest eyes he’d ever seen. He felt a pang of guilt in his chest.
“No peter that’s not it at all. You’d be a great roommate.” 
“So you do want to room with me?” Peter asked, a relieved smile taking place of the frown. Davy swallowed down the words of rejection as he stared into Peter’s wide, hopeful eyes. He couldn’t do it; what kind of monster could make Peter feel sad and rejected when he was one of the sweetest people Davy had ever met before.
“Yeah I’ll be your roommate. It’ll be fun just like you said." Davy barely finished his sentence before he was being pulled into a hug by an enthusiastic Peter.
"When are you moving in? Oh I can't wait to help you decorate your side of the room." Peter said clasping his hands together excitedly.
"What're y'all talking about in here?" Mike asked from where he was leaned up against the door frame.
"How Davy is going to decorate his side of the room!"
"His side of the room?" Mike repeated, quirking his eyebrow at Davy who smiled back at him sheepishly.
"Err, Peter can you give me a moment alone with Mike, please?"
"Of course." Peter said as he passed by Mike who was stepping into the room.
"Why does Peter think you'll be rooming with him?" Mike asked once the door shut behind them.
"I kind of told Peter that I would."
"Why would you do that?"
"I tried to tell him I was moving in with you but he looked at me with these big sad puppy eyes and I just didn't have it in me to disappoint him. I swear I've never met someone who reminded me so much of a golden retriever before." Davy explained. Mike nodded along to the last part, having been subjected to Peter's sad puppy eyes before. He knew they were hard to fight if you weren't used to them.
"It's going to be awfully hard to take it back now." Mike said. Davy gave him a pained look.
"Oh come on Mike, it's not so bad of an idea. If I move in down here then at least we don't have to move all of Micky's stuff downstairs. And if we need some alone time I'm sure the guys won't mind switching rooms for a night." Davy said, stepping up to Mike and wrapping his arms around his waist as he fluttered his eyelashes and gave a dazzling smile. "It'll work out fine in the end." he said as he stood on his tippy toes to press a kiss to Mike's neck, then his chin, the his cheek. Mike couldn't help the smile the spread across his face, and he wrapped his arms around Davy's back as he pecked his lips in a small kiss.
"I know you just don't want to deal with a sad Peter, but the Micky thing is a good point. I really don't want to have to spend the day lugging his hundreds of trinkets and god knows what else he has under his bed down the stairs."
"Shall we go back to my place and pack up my things? Peter's already started clearing a space for me, so I think I could be all set up by the end of the day."
"Yeah, I'll meet you in the car, I'm gonna grab some boxes out of the garage for your stuff." Mike replied, pressing one more kiss to Davy's lips before they untangled themselves and headed to the door.
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margflower · 1 year
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kafkaguy · 2 months
sex. hehehehehe - peter tork (while mike nesmith pioneers eroticism of the machine years before it became popular on tumblr.com)
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mtvwildboyz · 2 months
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rickclaredanko · 2 months
Always thinking about if there was a monkees cartoon where they are a band of actual monkeys
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evilfranzkafka · 1 year
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A little something for michael and david's birthdays 🎂 ❤
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androcola · 3 months
micky holding mike at gun point and mike is desperately trying to reason with micky and mickys like "im sorry mike.." and he pulls the trigger but water comes out and mikes like "aw man micky>:(" cuz it was just a really realistic looking water gun
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johnlennonswifey · 11 months
My Masterlist 🫶
The Beatles
John Lennon
‘I love you the way you are’
George Harrison
‘Finally, A Break.’
80s!George x Reader (Part 1)
80s!George x Reader (Part 2)
80s! George x Reader (Part 3)
Ringo Starr
‘My lovely secret’
‘I’m here for you’
Paul McCartney
Nothing Yet.
John Deacon
Nothing Yet.
Brian May
Nothing Yet.
Roger Taylor
Nothing Yet.
Freddie Mercury
Nothing Yet.
The Monkees
Davy Jones
Nothing Yet.
Micky Dolenz
Cast Crush
Mike Nesmith
Nothing Yet.
Peter Tork
Nothing Yet.
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thislovintime · 2 years
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Christmas, day 1: 1940s, 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. Photo 4 shows Peter and his siblings in Regina at Christmas in 1966; photo 5 is Peter with his brother, Christmas 1967; photos 8 & 9 by Paul Natkin/Getty Images.
“We have a favor to ask. We would like to enlist your help in promoting The BEAT’s Christmas issue. During Christmas week, we’d like you to go naked. When you see others in offices, on the streets and in restaurants without their clothes, you will instinctively know that they are wishing you a Merry Christmas from The BEAT. We intend to be touring during the holidays. Without clothes it will be a cold but cool Christmas. THE MONKEES” - KRLA BEAT, December 17, 1966
“A couple of days before December 25, Peter vanished. The family lived in a three-story apartment house that had front and back entrances. When we realized that Peter was gone, Ginny and I scoured the apartment thoroughly — finding no little Peter Thorkelson. Finally, we turned to each other in panic and Ginny shouted, ‘You take the back stairs — I’ll take the front!” And all of a sudden we looked like a couple of middle-aged females on one of those romps you so often see the boys doing on their television show. Ginny [raced] off in one direction and I in the other. I had absolutely no luck at all. I searched on the stairs, under the stairs, and in the closets — and finally ended up on the back stoop shouting, ‘Peter come home! Where are you?’ Having no luck, I decided to run around to the front and see what was happening with Ginny. There she stood, hugging a sheepish-looking Peter and looking like she didn’t know whether to kiss him or kill him. It seems that young Peter was halfway down the block, standing by a telephone pole, expectantly waiting for something to happen, as he shivered in the snow which had begun to fall. When we got Peter upstairs and simmered down, Ginny asked him, ‘Where were you going? What were you doing?’ Peter looked her straight in the eye and said, quite simply, ‘I was going to find Santa Claus. I was waiting for him to come by.’ Well, we burst out laughing and hugged and kissed our baby. ‘Don’t worry,’ Ginny said, ‘I will make sure that Santa Claus doesn’t forget you this year — or ever.’” - Catherine McGuire Straus, 16, July 1967
“Imagine spending a magical night singing with The Monkees around Regina’s Whitmore Park neighbourhood in the late 1960s. That’s exactly what happened to a then-13-year-old Jim Sax. [...] At the time, Sax lived a couple of doors down from the Thorkelson family. H. John Thorkelson, Tork’s father, was an economics professor at what was then the University of Saskatchewan Regina campus. Sax befriended Tork’s younger brother Chris. ‘Chris called and told me to come over and swore me to secrecy before I went downstairs,’ Sax recalled. ‘So, I get downstairs and there are The Monkees, all of them, just hanging in the rec room.’ The band was visiting Tork’s family home. ‘I’m basically trying not to trip over my own jaw. I’m just 13 at the time so I’m just trying to be cool,’ Sax said. The memory-filled night didn’t end there for Sax, who found himself caroling around Flamingo Crescent where the family lived. ‘I said, “Yeah, absolutely I’m going with you guys. In fact, I’m picking the house because I know where all the pretty girls live,”’ Sax laughed. Sax described ‘instant insanity, possibly some incontinence,’ when doors opened and it was discovered the famous group was on residents’ doorsteps. He believes there are some Polaroid pictures floating around Regina somewhere, but he didn’t get a picture with the band. ‘I was being too cool; are you kidding?’ Sax said. Sax had to keep his memory a secret until the band left Regina, ‘but I was  almost stoned to death by the girls in my class’ when the night was revealed. The story of The Monkees visiting Regina certainly grew louder, especially as Tork returned on numerous occasions to visit his family. Green Zone contributor Darrell Davis lived one block away and came home from a shinny game to hear from his parents that The Monkees had sung on their doorstep. Don Young played in a band at the time and knew of such visits to the Whitmore Park neighbourhood. ‘The story was that some of the young girls would go over to the house and go by the window and try and hear him snoring or catch a glimpse of him,’ Young recalled.” - CJME dot com, February 21, 2019
“[My father] thinks the Monkees are quite interesting, but he doesn’t like the peripheral fame — the hundreds of phone calls he gets from fans. My mother foolishly told many callers that I would be home for Christmas and the house was surrounded!” - Peter Tork, Disc and Music Echo, January 20, 1968
“Several years ago, [commenter] spoke with Chip [Douglas] about the genesis of these 1976 recordings. He shared with me an anecdote about going out to record Peter Tork, after hours, at the high school where he was teaching. Chip brought a portable reel to reel recorder to capture Peter on the guitar and singing a cover of the song ‘Christmas on the Isthmus’. Peter started to perform the song when Chip suddenly remembered the tape he was recording on was the one with Davy's version of ‘White Christmas’ and his amazing, first take whiskey-infused vocal. Just in the nick of time Chip hit the kill switch and White Christmas '76 survived — but ‘Christmas on the Isthmus’ unfortunately never did get recorded.” - comment on the Monkees Live Almanac blog post about “Christmas Is My Time Of Year” (with Peter on Hammond organ), backed with “White Christmas” [listen to both songs here]
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