#the more i look at the fork and socket pic the more i laugh
nearlycassidy · 3 years
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march patreon doodle requests!! 
the people wanted canada, scotfra, & pruk!!
,..no i had no idea how to draw pruk but this feels like it would be canon
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peterpastelparker · 5 years
Autumn was by far Peter's favorite season of the year. He could wrap himself up in sweaters, drink hot chocolate,  and watch the leaves change into vibrant reds, bright yellows, and enchanting oranges. He could slowly watch them tumble down from the trees. It made him feel happy.
The one thing Peter didn't enjoy about the fall was MJ and her love for Halloween. She constantly dragged him to see horror films,  and anything that was haunted. Halloween was fine as a holiday for giving out candy and going to costume parties. Peter just didn't enjoy being scared.
Which is why the moment he saw the sign above the corn maze he tried to get back in Michelle's car.
"Come on, Peter, don't be a baby," MJ said as she rolled her eyes.
"No, you said we were going to a corn maze, you know I don't like this kind of stuff."
The pair of friends stood outside in gravel of the mostly empty parking lot, arguing as the sun set, painting the sky in pinks and purples. The ticket booth was operated by a board looking girl on her cell phone, her air pods in, she didn't even bother to look up at them.
"Peter, we did your activity las week, it's my turn to pick."
Peter scoffed,"The pumpkin patch didn't have guys with chainsaws chasing us!"
MJ gave him a bored look, "It's october, Pete."
"I don't like being chased, jumped at, touched or otherwise terrorized by strangers!"
"It's all fake, you won't die in there, these guys aren't even allowed to touch you, that's why I picked this and not the haunted house we went to last year."
Peter turned around and went back over to MJ's beat up outback, "I'll wait here."
She followed, "Great. Classic Princess Pouty. Why do you always insist on killing the fun wherever you go?"
"Oh, I kill the fun?"
"Yeah, you do!"
"At least I don't drag you to events you hate!"
MJ glared at him, "We went Christmas Caroling with the LDS youth group."
"Two years ago!"
"You thought the bishop's son was cute, so we did their stupid caroling so you could make him like you. We stood in the snow, and sang hymns we did not know to strangers, you owe me."
Peter looked at MJ, then back at the corn field, "If I do this, we're even. You can't keep complaining about the mormon caroling."
MJ nodded.
"You can't make fun of me for screaming, crying, or grabbing your hand."
"Wouldn't dream of it."
"And you can't give my number to  anyone, like you did at on the haunted ferry ride."
She smiled, "That was hilarious."
"Getting dick pics from Jason and Freddy Krueger was not!"
Peter held out his pinky.
Michelle raised a brow but said nothing as she linked her pinky with his and shook.
They got their wrist bands from the girl in the booth and entered the maze.
"See, so far so good." MJ was trying to be reassuring but Peter was waiting for it. Some idiot was going to pop out any moment and scare them.
The sun was sinking lower, but the corn maze had lights inside of it to help light the labyrinth. 
Nothing but a few scary decorations lined the pathway until they got to a fork.
"Left or right?"
Peter eyed the sign made of cardboard, the arrow pointing left said "suffering" and the one pointing right said "damnation". Peter shrugged, "Which sounds worse?"
"Damnation, for sure," MJ replied, no hesitation.
"Great," Peter huffed. "We're going the other way."
The two walked further, with every step Peter felt more and more anxious.
They ran into their first costumed horror when they rounded the bend. She was dressed like the Wicked Witch of the West, with a prosthetic eye made to look like it was dangling out of the socket, Peter was suddenly very glad he hadn't had dinner yet.
"Turn back, dearies! Before it is too late," she screamed, closing in on Peters personal space as she let out an evil laugh, "Turn back!"
The duo moved around her as she continued to shout for them to run away and go home. Peter very much wanted to do just that.
People popped out of the corn as they continued, Peter screamed every time.
They went through various twists and turns when they started hearing music, and not the fun kind like 'The Monster Mash' it was quieter, uglier, augmented dissonance building as the chords changed. 
The sun had finally set a while ago, "I really don't like this, Michelle."
She shrugged, "It's supposed to get scarier towards the end. We're almost out. I promise."
Then he heard it, the sound of chainsaws revving. Wide eyed, he turned to MJ, "You said they wouldn't chase us."
"I said they wouldn't touch us."
They rounded a corner and 3 different guys all dressed in masks, wielding chainsaws and covered in blood blocked the path.
Peter took a hesitant step back, "Why did I let you drag me here?"
Michelle stepped forward, dragging Peter by his wrist.
The guys in their path stood unmoving, like statues.
Peter froze, he could feel the adrenalin building up. "MJ please, let's go another way," He whispered.
Either she didn't hear him or chose to ignore him.
They were inches away, still the actors didn't move. Michelle pushed passed them, but before she could drag Peter along, all three of the masked terrors screamed.
Peter broke out of Michelle's hold and ran back the way they came. Only one of them chased him.
Peter was freaking out. He heard distant screams of other patrons in the maze and decided to move in the opposite direction.
He even tried to lose the guy by breaking the rules and pushing through the walls of corn. No such luck.
He was disoriented, crying. Peter felt like an idiot, MJ was right he was a baby. He tripped over an ear of corn and crashed to the ground, his hands scraping on the rocks that littered the dirt road.
"Oh shit, are you okay?"  Chainsaw guy said. He tossed his prop to the side and helped Peter sit up. "Sorry, I'm not allowed to touch, but I keep some first aid supplies in this."
Peter watched as he adjusted his belt, no, his fanny pack. Peter was chased by a guy wearing a fanny pack.
Peter used the back of his hand to wipe away the tears in his eyes, "Thank you."
Chainsaw guy pulled out a little tube of Neosporin and a roll of gaze, "It's the least I can do."
They sat in an awkward silence as Peter's hands were wrapped in gauze. They could occasionally hear people scream, it made Peter tense.
"You really don't like this kind of stuff, do you?" Chainsaw guy asked.
"What gave it away?"
Chainsaw guy chuckled, "Then why waste your money? Why not go to a regular corn maze, or to a pumpkin patch?"
"My best friend is into this stuff."
"The girl you were with?" Peter could only see the guy's brown eyes through the holes in his mask, but Peter would bet he had a brow raised.
"Yeah, she said I owed her for making her go caroling with the Mormons a few years back."
Chainsaw guy laughed again, "You mormon?"
"No, but the bishop's son was cute, so…" he trailed off, hoping that chainsaw guy wasn't homophobic.
"Do you have a boyfriend?"
"No." Peter looked down, his hands were all wrapped up, but chainsaw guy was still holding one of them.
"Can I walk you out of here?"
Peter nodded rapidly, "The least scariest way please."
Chainsaw guy stood, then helped Peter to his feet. 
Peter bent down and picked up the discarded prop, "here's this."
"Thank you." Chainsaw guy took it from peter then stuck out his elbow,  "I'll escort you back to the parking lot…"
"Peter. My name is Peter."
"Oh, one second." He dropped the chainsaw one more time and took off his mask, "I'm Tony."
This was my first one-shot, I hope you enjoyed it
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