#the most fun thing about answering these about new pcs is that i'm throwing spaghetti at the wall
ice-knife · 7 months
of course!! mwah mwah! <33 // DnD ask meme
11. How does your PC show affection?
poppy tends to be obvious with her affection, but also a bit of a shithead with it. if you get a nickname from her, she likes you. if she's punching you in the shoulder for a joke you've made, she likes you. if she's making a joke about you, she probably likes you and figures your skin is thick enough to take it. she also likes to do favours for the people she likes, without necessarily expecting a favour back
40. What are your PC’s eating habits?
girlie tends to eat when she's hungry, and is hungry fairly often given the physical labour she's used to doing. if three squares aren't in the cards, she'll take a big breakfast and a big dinner. she likes to have something warm to drink first thing in the morning -- coffee, tea, cocoa, bone broth, whatever you've got as long as it'll warm her up
she's also big on the idea of eating communally, and has not had a meal alone as long as she can remember. whether it was with her parents (or just with her poppa) or with fellow farmhands, she's liked to have company to eat with
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