#the music for c47 made me think of like??
spectrearia-archive · 2 years
finally gave the soundtrack for Codename 47 a listen and?? the vibes are honestly fantastic??? super chill beats, heck yeah
I'd say most of the tracks from both Codename 47 and Contracts are my favorites out of the Hitman games that Jesper Kyd composed for. I know Blood Money is the fan fave, but that one really just doesn't click with me (both the music and the game itself). sorry that's probably a controversial opinion but eh. oh well.
anyway. C47 might be an extremely archaic game that didn't age well at all, but at least the music slaps lol
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misora-msby · 3 years
ー goddess of love [c47]
(warning for implied nsfw and being drunk)
“eita-kun! you’re so drunk, will you be able to go home?!” you laughed loudly as if you weren’t in a similar state of mind, stumbling down the sidewalk with your arm slung around his shoulders.
“come on, it wouldn’t be the first time i’m going home from your place! i know the way, don’t worry!” he laughed in reply.
the two of you were getting a few stares from passerby’s but it wasn’t like you noticed anyways. all you cared about was the fact you were going home with your crush.
semi insisted on walking you home, saying “it’s not safe for a lady to walk home drunk,” though you were pretty sure he was just as drunk with the red tint on his face. his face that you so badly wanted to cup and press your own face against.
but you knew you couldn’t. he was just a friend after all, and even if you two once shared a kiss on accident, you both agreed to forget that happened.
the walk up the two flights of stairs to your apartment was just as shaky as the walk down the street, and you were glad semi didn’t live too far away or he might just collapse before he made it home.
thinking of that, you weren’t sure if you should make him go back.
eventually, you arrived at your front door and you fumbled with the keys in your purse to unlock it.
“well, here we are,” semi said and with as much care as a drunk man could have, he removed your arm from his shoulder. “i should go back.”
“y-yeah, eita-kun should go home but... what if... you can’t?” your slurred speech was just barely loud enough as you whispered in order to not disturb your neighbours.
“huh? of course i can,” he sighed, “i got us to your place so i can get back to mine.”
“still, maybe you should stay the night here.” you pouted, still standing in the doorway of your apartment.
semi raised an eyebrow before a smirk came to his face. “is y/n worrying for ei-kun’s safety?” he teased, taking a step closer. “taking advantage of that to get me to stay the night with her? maybe even in her bed?”
your face erupted in a bright red blush. “no- no way! i’m just worried!” you whined.
“oh? well don’t worry. i’ll be fine, alright?” his smirk returned to a soft smile as he patted your head. “but since we’re already here...”
you both weren’t sure of the thought process in his muddled mind but all you knew was that his rough hands were cupping your cheeks and in the next moment, his lips were pressed against yours.
your eyes widened and you were stuck in place, hands hanging limply by your sides as you were unsure what to do.
it was so hot, so intense.
semi kissed you, so that means he likes you... right?
you closed your eyes and kissed back, hands slowly making their way up to rest around his neck. it didn’t matter that you were both drunk, what mattered to you right now was that he was kissing you with such fervor that you felt like you might just melt into a puddle.
you only realised your back was against a wall in your apartment when semi pulled away due to tripping over one of your shoes in the entrance way.
he looked down at your slightly dazed expression and gasped before letting go of you.
“sorry. i don’t know what came over me.” the blond muttered and looked to the side awkwardly. you blinked, unsure what to say either.
“w-well. it was interesting.” you laughed awkwardly and looked at the floor yourself. “i... i guess you’ll be going now?”
semi nodded and stepped out of the genkan, though not before giving a small wave and humming, “good night.”
you shut the door and flipped the light switch after saying your own goodbyes.
with your back against the door and your hands covering your face, you let out a muffled squeal of excitement into your sleeves.
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♡ y/n makes my blood boil why did i take her down this path... SUGA KOUSHI IS RIGHT THERE!
♡ also did you know semi’s voice actor sings? like music career, not just character songs lol
@sunabrainrot @toumie @xoxopam4 @writingfreakk @yashinosakura @kiritokunuwu @literaleftist @himesaus @normalisthenewnorm @mirikusashes @myoyachi @iminlovewhaikyuu @definitely-yours @idiot-juice-enthusiast @aizumii @criminallyhamilton @softkons @bakusquadz @gracefullydying @seashellmichellee @asdfghjkl7things @honeyapplepi @cleopatera @alicia-errantia @sugavwara @thatonearieschild @gummibeardummi @jesquisser @newestro @putmeinyourdeathnote @trashy-simp @moonlightaangel @ems1des @xfangirl-trashx @ilauvcoldpizza @youtuboo @shhhhhdot @moonlitevibes @kahaes @rintarawr @r0llingthunderr @jewelesarus @infinitebells @kac-chowsballs @eltherica
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thebrochtuarachs · 6 years
A Little Outlander Book Chapter Comparison
 Spoilers for Book/Season 2 and Book/Season 4 A little Jamie/Kitty x Jamie/Brianna Moment 
I’m not sure if this has been done already (but I kinda feel it has) but I’ve been rewatching and rereading the series in this Droughtlander season and saw these wee moments I thought were just lovely and thought to share! 
So in Dragonfly in Amber (C35)/Season 2 (E08), Jamie and Wee Kitty were accompanying each other through a restless night. 
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Jamie whispers sweet nothings to Kitty in Gaelic. Here is what he said:
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A little side note: It’s interesting (and a little heartbreaking!) for me that Jamie speaks of Claire to Kitty as if she was already gone and lost. I mean, he lists her among his dead parents and brother. Maybe after Paris, Jamie knew that history cannot be changed at after all and that Culloden will come regardless and he has already decided that he will save Claire, take her back to the stones and safety, long before the war has arrived... 
Okay, I’m getting side tracked again - Now, back to why I made this post! :)
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Upon seeing them both, Claire had this heartbreaking look upon her face. Jamie with a child - and it’s not theirs. A new wave of hurt passed through her because she remembered the child they just lost, the child that Jamie never saw and will never see, the child he should be holding had not the worst of luck upon their circumstance.
As Claire watched them, she had this thought:
"One day perhaps he would hold his own child so, small round head cradled in the big hands, small solid body cupped and held firm against his shoulder. And thus he would sing to his own daughter, a tuneless song, a warm, soft chant in the dark." (DOA, C35)
Simple and all she ever wanted for their life together.
I was rewatching this Jamie x Kitty scene and thought how it was written in the book and immediately, a moment in DOA hit me and I thought to check it was at least, similar in nature - and oh my, I think, in many ways - it was! (See highlights in bold)
Reread Drums of Autumn (Book 4) for the nth time and stumbled upon this passages again where (SPOILER!) Jamie tells Bree that he knows of her pregnancy (C47). The scenes after the initial shock of the news was just a tender and precious moment that goes like this:
“Come here to me, a leannan.” He reached for her, and gathered her awkwardly onto his knee.
The oakwood creaked alarmingly under their combined weight, but Jamie had built it after his usual sturdy fashion; it could have held six of him. Tall as Brianna was, she looked almost small cradled in his arms, her head tucked into the curve of his shoulder. He stroked her hair gently, and murmured small things to her, half in Gaelic...
She gave a small laugh that turned into a sob, and buried her head in the cloth of his shoulder. He patted her, rocking and murmuring as though she were a tiny girl with a skinned knee, and his eyes met mine over her head...
But now she clung to him and wept, as much from relief, I thought, as from grief. He simply held her and let her cry, stroking her hair again and again, his eyes on my face...I blotted my eyes on my sleeve, and he smiled at me, faintly. Brianna had subsided into long, sighing breaths, and he patted her gently on the back...
They were still on the settle when I came back in, red heads close together, haloed by the fire...Jamie was talking quietly when I came back. I finished my preparations, letting the deep lilt of his voice soothe me, as well as Brianna.
“I used to think of you, when ye were small,” Jamie was saying to Bree, his voice very soft. “When I lived in the cave; I would imagine that I held ye in my arms, a wee babe. I would hold ye so, against my heart, and sing to ye there, watching the stars go by overhead.”
“What would you sing?” Brianna’s voice was low, too, barely audible above the crackle of the fire. I could see her hand, resting on his shoulder. Her index finger touched a long, bright strand of his hair, tentatively stroking its softness.
“Old songs. Lullabies I could remember, that my mother sang to me, the same that my sister Jenny would sing to her bairns.”
She sighed, a long, slow sound. “Sing to me now, please, Da.” He hesitated, but then tilted his head toward hers and began to chant softly, an odd tuneless song in Gaelic. Jamie was tone-deaf; the song wavered oddly up and down, bearing no resemblance to music, but the rhythm of the words was a comfort to the ear.
“Do you know something, Da?” Bree asked softly.
“What’s that?” he said, momentarily suspending his song.
“You can’t sing.”
There was a soft exhalation of laughter and the rustle of cloth as he shifted to make them both more comfortable.
“Aye, that’s true. Shall I stop, then?”
“No.” She snuggled closer, tucking her head into the curve of his shoulder. He resumed his tuneless crooning, only to interrupt himself a few moments later.
“D’ye ken something yourself, a leannan?”
Her eyes were closed, her lashes casting deep shadows on her cheeks, but I saw her lips curve in a smile.
“What’s that, Da?”
“Ye weigh as much as a full-grown deer.”
“Shall I get off, then?” she asked, not moving.
“Of course not.”
She reached up and touched his cheek.
“Mi gradhaich a thu, athair,” she whispered. My love to you, Father.
He gathered her tightly against him, bent his head and kissed her forehead. The fire struck a knot of pitch and blazed up suddenly behind the settle, limning their faces in gold and black. His features were harsh-cut and bold; hers, a more delicate echo of his heavy, clean-edged bones.
Both stubborn, both strong. And both, thank God, mine. (DIA, C47)
And just like that, in that moment, after twenty-three years, Claire had all she wanted. Her husband and her daughter - together. Just as she thought and imagined - but now, real. 
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I am most excited for this Fraser Family Reunion this coming season 4. I know there are other parts to look out for but for me, but for me, I will just love to watch ALL their family moments unfold in the screen and I’m sure I will be a heart-melted puddle of my fangirl self. I canna wait for November to come!
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