#the napkin doodle looks like it has critters on his bandana and anyone who has little critters on their bandana legally can’t be a bad guy
fish-bird · 2 months
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Stupid little thing based on the Jimmy Snakes doodle Alex Hirsch posted, except he isn’t cursed he’s a ghost/human hybrid who doesn’t realize he’s not fully dead yet.
Stan stopped baking because the underground baking scene was too competitive, everyone wanted to be #1. He quit after he had to chew his way out the trunk of a car and hasn’t baked in over thirty years to prevent his baking rivals from finding him. Now his bread is only pretty decent, no longer an experience.
For those who can’t read my handwriting cause it’s bad:
Jimmy Snakes: “Stan Pines? You know that fool? I can’t move on ‘til I meet him again. He used to be the best in the business before he ran off.”
Mabel: “What was he the best at? Bike decorating? Tattoo fortune telling?”
Dipper: “Uh, Mabel? Maybe we don’t interrogate the scary ghost, who my silver mirror doesn’t work on, how our shady grunkle pissed him off.”
Jimmy Snakes: “Pissed off? What? No, have you ever had his baked goods? HIs sourdough is why I can’t move on. He might smell funky, but by God, he can bake.”
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