#the new season made me reread the manga and
toestalucia · 2 years
wrong blog as per usual but ive been thinking about it again lately but. the way akira(&co) realizes owen wasnt responsible for nicholas entire thing during pt1....cuz owen enjoys being mean....so when he doesnt seem genuine with it it gives away something else is going on (owen actually not rmbring the situation), but its the entire thing of how much akira reads into their expressions (and the billion of lines of how theyre imaging a scene they were told or what someone must be feeling/thinking) & that brad mentions it during his entire speech during pt2 (along w akira asking him first if hes annoyed, when brad had more issue w akiras overthinking rather than the assignment itself)
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idlerin · 3 months
love sick — 07. pretty please
romance 101; guideline #4 — communication is important (04/24/XX note: not overused, just real)
note: i know that house parties are very uncommon in japan but let's just add this in for sole fiction, also reminder that images used as reader doesn't depict their actual features/appearance! just imagine using the same clothes hehe
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the final whistle signaled the TU blazer’s win, gleeful cheers and shouting were what filled the arena and you couldn’t help but jump up and down, getting caught up in the momentum as well. your hands gripped the railing as your eyes scanned the area looking for your fake boyfriend, you eventually found him talking to atsumu at the side of the court. the latter had then at a sudden pointed in your direction with the familiar stupid smile on his face that only made your eyes squint wondering what they were talking about.
you met suna’s gaze as collateral when your eyes shifted from previously sneering at atsumu. suna was looking at you with that same old deadpan expression on his face, you then decided to flash him a smile and blew him a kiss. you mouthed ‘catch it’ lifting your arm and motioning what he should do, he obediently followed which made you laugh.
“mhm,” you hear semi hum from beside you, he was leaning on the railing observing your little exchange with a brow raised.
“what?” you ask, he only shook his head as an answer. weird.
“I’ll assume you’re going to the after-party?” semi said instead, you blinked trying to recall where it was taking place. you vaguely remember atsumu inviting you guys there around a week or two ago. they usually have one after a big match, you didn't even know this match is one of those "big matches" of the season, whatever that means. semi usually goes because his bandmates drag him there, he tries to drag you along (and sometimes succeeds, albeit rarely) but you were usually firm about staying hauled up in your room.
“the.. after-party.. right! I have to go there,” you ponder, it would be a bit strange if suna’s girlfriend didn’t go to a party celebrating his team’s win. you didn’t know if suna was a party go-er but making an appearance once wouldn’t be too bad.
“so now you can’t use yona of the dawn as an excuse,” semi referenced the time you said you couldn’t go with him because you were going to reread a manga you liked.
“hey that’s valid, it’s over two hundred chapters and I need time for that,” you defend yourself, arms out in the air. in the corner of your eye, some people kept looking at you, you could only assume that it was because of suna’s last name plastered on the back of your shirt.
you take this as a great opportunity once again, “wait I’ll go and greet rinnie! he should be waiting for me!” you say louder than needed as you pat semi’s shoulder and give him a wink before passing by him and running down the stairway.
you admit that you find it rather amusing to act clingy. you have always been clingy to your friends so it wasn’t really like stepping out of your comfort zone.
you ran quickly once you saw suna who was now talking to a teammate you didn’t know (you briefly thought where the hell atsumu went but that’s not one of your priorities right now) as you called out, “rinnie!” with a big smile on your face.
suna turned in your direction, almost faltering but caught you just in time when you jumped on him for an embrace, “congrats on winning the game! I knew you guys would win!”
"hey," was his only response, most likely because he didn't know what else to say. one of his hands that were placed underneath your thighs to hoist you up was raised to your waist as he placed you down, you took this as a cue to converse with his teammate.
"hi! I'm [name]!" you introduce yourself cheerfully with your arms still looped around suna's neck. you notice the teammate eyeing the skinship you've been initiating with suna. you presume this was because it'd still be new to him seeing suna allowing a person to be all over him. hm.
"yo, I'm hotaru. I've already heard lots about you," he winks, crossing his arms while looking at suna teasingly as if you weren't there. It brought a laugh out of you as you used one of your hands to point at suna, acting bewildered.
"from him?" you decided to take it up a notch, poking suna's cheek. at this point, you were just enjoying playing around with him since you knew he would never let anyone do this to him otherwise.
"of course not, bro doesn't like to share," hotaru laughed.
"I don't have to," suna replies, he lightly pinches you using the hand that was wrapped around your waist. you didn't waver, you continued to have a big smile on your face as you used your left hand to lightly tug on the back of his hair as payback.
"you're hard to not know, resident cupid," hotaru comments, which makes you genuinely bashful for a second.
before you could respond, suna beat you to it, "you go ahead."
at first, you thought he was talking to you, but then hotaru responds, "ah sure, don't take too long or the coach will get mad," he waves before disappearing from view.
"we're going to have a short meeting then I'll have a quick shower," suna answers the question you haven't been able to voice out yet. that’s going to take around an hour then, you think.
"oh," you purse your lips, "what do I do while waiting then?" you let your arms fall because it was starting to ache.
"you can leave?" suna suggests like a smartass, he picks up a water bottle on one of the benches.
"are we not going to the after-party? I think we should, don't you guys host those?" you say, a skip in your step as you follow him.
"I forgot about that, and the players aren't the ones who host them. you think we have the time?" suna gave you that ‘duh’ look once again, rude, "It's going to start later, around eight or nine."
you check your phone and see it was only six.
"I'll go back to the dorms and get ready first then," you say, already thinking of what you should wear that would be both comfortable and stylish. probably some jeans and the first cute top you find.
"okay. just text me when you're done so I can pick you up," he says, looking off to the side, you were almost tempted to see what caught his attention.
"sounds like a plan, boss," you threw that one line in as a jab, it made the corner of his lips twitch and you were glad for the tiny reaction. an idea pops in your head and you catch him off guard, on your tiptoes and kiss his cheek, "see you later."
you step back and watch him just stare at you, you give him one last small smile before turning to leave.
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as you approach, you watch as suna stares you down in the lobby of your residence, you ask—but not before looking around you (thankfully you were just surrounded by a few people minding their own business)—in a hushed tone, “why are you frowning?”
“I’m not frowning,” suna states the obvious in the same hushed tone as you, because he was indeed, not frowning but there was something in the air around him you couldn’t pinpoint. 
“you practically are, care to share why you’re in a mood?” you reach out your hand to him, and he looks at it once before looking back at you, you shake your hand again, he finally gets the hint and holds it.
this is where he decides to just start pulling you along towards his car, ignoring your question, “not going to share then, okay, I understand,” you murmur under your breath as he opens the door for the passenger seat.
“thank you,” you say as you go inside and suna goes around the car to get in the driver’s seat. Something clearly happened in the two hours you weren’t together, you pushed down your curiosity because it was none of your business.
“you have to promise me another thing when we get there,” you bring up a topic in an attempt to lighten up the mood. 
suna starts the car and points to you, using a sharp tone he says, “what is it? and put on your seatbelt.”
“sorry,” you hurriedly put your seatbelt on while recalling another trope in the car where the main guy puts the seatbelt on the female lead and they stare in each other’s eyes and it’s usually a scene regarded with tension and—you were getting sidetracked, your fake boyfriend was obviously not in the mood and you weren’t sure what you could and couldn’t say, “anyways, you should do everything I ask when we get there. we have to prove to them that you’re smitten with me.”
“are you asking me to act like some loyal puppy dog?” he begins to drive and you look out your side of the car window, seeing the familiar greenery you pass by every day fade into the background. atsumu briefed you about the location of the party and everything through a call earlier because he was already there, it was being held in one of the houses of a player’s friend’s cousin (you don’t completely understand the relations) and it was a fifteen minute drive away.
“well, if you want to put it that way, then yeah,” just eight more minutes of this slightly suffocating silence, you don’t know what happened to him but it must have been pretty bad.
“sure,” was the only thing he said before the car ride was engulfed in silence once more.
you begin to pick on the hem of your shirt, the eerie quietness was starting to make you feel uncomfortable. usually at times like these you would think up conversation starters but you didn’t know if attempting to make conversation would make it worse.
a couple of minutes passed but it felt like an eternity, soon enough you were blocks away from a huge white house. If the people going in and out weren’t proof that this was the right destination, the loud music surely was. this does look like an ideal place to have a party, it was isolated but near the college.
you haven’t been to a lot of places aside from when eita invites you to watch his gigs from time to time, or when shimizu takes you around (when she actually has free time), or when atsumu ropes you in to going to weird events (like a trampoline one two months ago). kageyama was completely volleyball brained and surprisingly, you had to be the one to drag him to places. despite being known as campus cupid and making a lot of friends and interacting with a lot of people in general because of it, there were really only a few people in your circle.
“how long do we have to be here?” suna asks, turning off the engine. you glanced at him and saw how he had his deadpan expression again.
“an hour I guess?” you were a bit more hesitant with the way you spoke, you cleared your throat, “I’ll be more touchy once we go outside, is that okay?”
“yeah?” suna questioned, removing his seatbelt and taking out his keys, “we’ve already talked about this, anything is fine. you were doing it just fine earlier.”
“ah yeah, sorry, it’s just I didn’t know if you were up for it right now,” you grasped at the edge of your seat, you started to look everywhere but him.
“why do you think that?” did he really have to ask that? you flash a smile.
“nothing. let’s go,” you awkwardly scramble out of your seatbelt and try to open the car door but to no avail.
“[name],” suna said.
“yes?” you managed to squeak out.
“you’re acting nervous,” he points out.
you purse your lips, “no I’m not,” heavy with denial.
“yes you are,” he insists.
“no I’m not,” you deny again, a shake of your head.
“you can’t even look me in the eye. you realized you have feelings for me? that was quick,” he began to tease.
your eyebrows furrowed, “no way!” an appalled expression on your face as you glared at him.
“there we go,” suna nodded, “look me in the eye. It’d be weird if you couldn’t even be able to do that, much less make them believe we’re actually a couple.”
“it’s not my fault okay! I don’t know how to act around you when you’re… nevermind. let's just do this,” you try to open the door again and succeed this time.
you start walking towards the house when you feel an arm wrap around your shoulder, “don’t go ahead and leave your boyfriend.”
suna said this in a more playful tone which made you relax, you caught his eye and he was looking at you as if waiting for you to say something, “you ready, rinnie bear?” you smirk and decide this was much better. you’ll ignore the strange interactions from earlier, you should focus on facing a bunch of other things after all, like how to interact with his teammates for one, hopefully atsumu would make it easier for you, kageyama likely isn’t here because he wasn’t allowed (you don’t think he’d be here even if he were).
“you have to quit that, couldn’t you have chosen something more normal?” suna swiftly guided you out of the way when you were about to bump into someone. you hadn’t even noticed you were about to go in the front door now, the music was louder than ever.
“like what? babe?” you laugh, shouting a bit.
“yeah, babe,” suna smirks and looks in front of you guys. that’s when you see a familiar looking girl—one of his admirers, she didn’t even acknowledge you guys and turned to walk away.
your mouth hung open, “you totally did that on purpose,” you accuse.
“no,” he shook his head, guiding you more towards the middle where you see a group of guys huddled and drinking, “was convenient though.”
“sweetheart!” atsumu hollered once he saw you, he was already drunk. his face was slightly flushed because of his alcohol intake but he looked like he was still sane enough, you gauged.
“she’s not your sweetheart,” suna rebutted, acting like the overprotective boyfriend type, you approved.
someone from beside atsumu started cackling, “you heard that, ‘tsum, not your sweetheart,” clearly he was getting amused.
“hey ‘tsumu,” you acknowledge your friend who was pouting, “unfortunately, you can’t call me sweetheart anymore, my rinnie won’t allow,” you pretend to be disappointed, leaning on suna’s chest.
“atsumu, you owe us,” one of the guys on the further left of the couch holding a can of beer said, “you didn’t tell us suna was dating anyone! for—how long has it been?” the question was directed at you.
“about five months now,” you say the first number that comes to mind, you knew you should’ve discussed your relationship lore with him first. you’ll bring it up when you two are alone.
“almost half a year! and this guy didn’t bother to tell us anything,” the guy shakes his head.
“It’s my privacy,” suna shifts his hand on your shoulder down to your waist, “atsumu, give [name] your seat.”
atsumu, who was bringing out his phone, “eh?” you then meet eyes with him, he raised his hands in defeat and stood up. he motioned exaggeratedly for you to sit down, “here’s the seat, ‘yer highness.”
“thanks,” you take a seat and look up at the two guys at your disposal, maybe this was the right time to use your newly acquired superpower (ordering suna around), you were starting to get a bit thirsty, “rin?” you call out, he was mid-argument with atsumu.
“yeah?” it was comical how he switched up, glad to know he was in tune with you.
“can you get me some water?” you ask sweetly, the others are silent as they watch the exchange between you two.
“after I get you a seat?”
“It was my seat,” atsumu comments on the side. the both of you ignore him.
“pretty please?” you said, giving him a teasing smile. remember when you said you would do anything I asked, we had an agreement. do it. do it. your eyes seemed to say.
“alright, I’ll be quick,” suna said, he then looked at his teammates, “don’t give her a hard time,” he waved them off before leaving.
“can you believe that guy? he would grumble if I asked him to hand me a towel,” atsumu complains, leaning his head back to emphasize his exasperation.
“we found suna’s weakness,” the same guy from earlier cackled.
you proceeded to have a conversation with him—who you learned was named reiki—and the other guys. they were all nice to you with the exception of atsumu who kept bantering with you. you shut him down every time, which was partly because he could never think of a reply quickly enough in his current state. they continued to tell you all sorts of antics suna initiated in practices, like the time he started an argument about who was the most attractive player on the team, there were real-time polls and everything.
“I’m curious!” shiizu exclaimed, you and the others turned your attention to him, “how do your matchmaking services work?”
“you finally interested in having a love life?” atsumu says, a brow raised.
“well,” you start, “a lot of people seem to think that I can magically get two people together, but that’s not really the case,” the other guys started to quiet down to listen to you, “usually, a person would email me with their worries and I’d try to respond in the best way I can. sometimes they bring up wanting advice or I ask if they want advice and it starts there. sometimes they would want help in person or wanting to do this or that for someone and I’d recommend things or brainstorm ideas with them. it all depends on whether their feelings get reciprocated or not. that’s all I can say about the ‘matchmaking’ part.”
“ooh that’s cool, you put a lot of time and effort into it then,” shiizu nods, thinking contemplatively.
“yeah,” a genuine smile starts to form, “people who are already in relationships also approach me just for some advice or like just wanting to sort out their feelings. I’m just glad if I could be of help.”
“how’d suna end up with an angel with that personality of his,” reiki shakes his head.
“rin is really sweet,” you put your fake boyfriend on a pedestal with just one phrase.
“sweet and rin are not words you hear in a single sentence,” shiizu points out.
a whole conversation starts about how lemons were sweeter than rin, you defend him to the best of your abilities by saying fake scenarios. like how he holds your hand without having to ask (after having a staring contest) and how he likes it when you call him pet names (because he would literally want anything other than rinnie bear).
suna was taking a while just to get you water so you began searching for him, he was supposed to get back within minutes and you were supposed to show off how obediently he would follow you. mid-conversation with jai—one of the players—you excuse yourself, “uhm I’ll go to the bathroom for a bit, can you tell rin when he gets here?”
“alright will do, he is taking a while,” reiki nods, “the bathroom is just over there at the end of the hall,” he points to the side.
you nod and smile in thanks, you wander around the bodies of people laughing and having fun with their friends, but to no avail, still no sign of rin. how difficult was it to get a glass of water? you were starting to get a bit worried that something happened.
soon, you were closer to the bathroom, you might as well retouch your makeup while here too. as you passed by a few more people, ‘excuse me’s and ‘sorry’s for accidentally stepping on people were prevalent. suddenly you felt a hand grab your wrist. startled, you looked up at who it was.
unluckily for you, it was one of the least people you wanted to see, terushima.
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masterlist — previous | next
❥ fun facts !
[name] and atsumu once did one of those pay and bake your own cakes.
atsumu and kageyama have a 'friendly' rivalry on the team because they're both setters (still good friends if non-volleyball context).
semi did not go to the party because he crashed after the game and overslept.
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love sick ! a suna rintarou social media au
synopsis. cupid! calling cupid! as the resident matchmaker slash hopeless romantic of tokyo university, you are the person people look for to get love advice or to set them up with the love of their lives. when suna rintarou comes to you asking for the opposite, to help fend people away from trying to get with him, to the extremes of even asking to fake date you, you couldn't refuse! mostly because you did owe him since he was on the receiving end of a bunch of your clients’ unsuccessful love efforts (hey, you do warn them your matchmaking only has a 62.3% success rate).
a/n — love sick has been my only work so far where i actually let them play volleyball IFGFBDJSUDFHUDI i write abt fictional volleyball players doing everything but play volleyball btw the party scene is like completely inspired by my friends stories abt their experiences in bars and stuff so its def going to be inaccurate. and i still dont have a phone to use for smaus by the way hehe.
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yan-lorkai · 1 year
Hii, Lorks ~
Had see that your writing for my favorie earl now, have any hcs for older sibling reader and young brother Ciel? Sorry about bad english, is not my first language
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: Been busy with uni stuff but nothing couldn't stop me from writing this now that inspiration strikes me and since we're having a new season I began to reread the manga these past few days and wow, I still love this lil dude. Look at his smiled he knows he's adorable. The Green Witch arc remains my favorite <3
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Warning: Yandere content, platonic yandere, protectiveness.
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ You were a few years older than the twins, but you were very close to them as well as being a constant figure for them as they grew up. You were what they would describe as the best sibling in the world, even though you liked to make fun of them and make jokes that embarrassed them in front of people, like any good old sibling would do.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ When you had free time, you enjoyed teaching them chess and other logic games, loving the way the expressions on their faces were confusing whenever you used a different strategy. These were simple times when the whole family would get together to watch you play while everyone chatted. Times that were lost after the attack, all the joy, all the warmth, that mixed with the sad blue of the wallpaper until it turned the entire mansion into something cold.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Ciel came back, lost, deeply hurt, and you were the only person he told what happened. The whole kidnapping and the cult, and it broke your heart, your brilliant little brother was an unresponsive blank as he recounted the facts, as if he didn't want to realize the impact that that event had on him. As if he was still on autopilot and couldn't let his guard down. And things were worse now that he had lost his twin brother, who he was as attached to as you were.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ But you were there to support him every step of the way, holding his hand after a nightmare, wiping the rare tears from his eyes, listening to everything he had to say. Ciel's stubborn and prideful, he never asks for help but he has this serene smile on his face when you go out of your way to help him anyway. You knew he was strong for withstanding all the pressure, for enduring everything he went through and for having the strength necessary to overcome everything, and you reminded him of that in each of his "weak moments". It reminded him that he was loved and that you would always be by his side.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ He's still twelve, he's still a child, and you're always telling him stories to sleep and taking him out to take his mind off his trauma. Sometimes you just sit next to him and listen to him express his thoughts.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Ciel can be a little overprotective sometimes, which is funny considering you should be the overprotective one due to the age difference. He always sends Sebastian with you on your errands, to protect you from some attack or someone. And you don't complain, his intentions are good and you can understand the anxiety he feels upon knowing that those responsible for the attack are free and alive.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Being a few years older, you know a lot about balls, about every important person and how to negotiate with them. And you teach each of these things to Ciel when he decides to claim the title of Queen's Watchdog, giving advice and sharing your opinion whenever he asks you, being by his side as his left hand.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ And being his left hand means that you and Sebastian interact on a daily basis, protecting Ciel, going on missions together, collecting information and the such.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ In private, when your masks can finally fall, you call him by his real name, hug him lightly and let him know that no matter what, you'll be there for him. Always.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Ciel actually told you everything, everything except that he made a contract with a demon. He hopes you can forgive him when the contract is completed, when he and his soul disappear from this world, without any chance of seeing you one last time in the so-called paradise.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Even after your death, Ciel might remember the loving way you sat in the chair next to his bed when he was sick and took care of him. He will remember the silly promises you made, the bad jokes you told him to make him laugh until his stomach hurt, the little adventures to steal cookies on Christmas morning. Things too precious for him.
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chuuyrr · 2 years
I saw the baby fushiguro ask box open and I got so excited! I’ve read every fic you put out (crossover or jkk world) and I can’t stop coming back to reread them!
Feel free to ignore this request because it probably gets tiring writing for that more than Gojo! Reader, but what if, and hear me out, baby fushiguro reader tried to go to the Bungo Stray Dogs universe, but accidentally ended up in the Beast! AU. If you haven’t read the Beast! AU, that’s perfectly fine! Like I said feel free to ignore this
Alternative idea though, baby fushiguro meets the hunting dogs (in honor of season four coming out in a few months)
As a fellow student, make sure you’re taking care of yourself and prioritizing your health, both physical and mental. If you don’t, you’ll make baby fushiguro reader upset (and we don’t want that). Have a great day!
scarlet witch! baby fushiguro! reader goes to BEAST! AU of bsd
jujutsu kaisen x reader x bungo stray dogs
masterlist of the series
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╰➤ CW(s): major spoilers for bungo stray dog's beast manga, angst & the most detailed shit i've written in a long while that i have also may or may not have cried to while writing : )
╰➤ PAIRING(s): platonic! bungo stray dogs x child! reader
╰➤ SONG SUGGESTION(s): good parts by le serrafim
before you read: hi, in case you're new, you're megumi's younger half-sibling, and while you don't have cursed energy, you do have scarlet witch's powers and abilities! aside from that, as a special scarlet witch variant, you also have the ability to travel across the multiverse. how chaotic! furthermore, like your half-brother megumi, you are being cared for by gojo satoru, who also serves as your adoptive father. for more info, please see the masterlist.
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being a multiversal being of sorts, you were aware of the vast range of universes that existed. however, you've never been to this particular alternative universe of bsd before, not until now. you made use of your dimensional travel ability and ripped through the seams of reality to see dazai and the others.
as usual when you entered the red portal you conjured, you were greeted with the ever familiar streets and atmosphere of yokohama. you immediately ran towards the reddish-brown brick building, climbing the stairs until you reached the fourth floor, and twisted and pushed the door open.
however, as soon as you stepped inside, you were immediately greeted by naomi who was near the door, carrying a stack of paper. you smiled and immediately wrapped your tiny arms around her to greet her, "naomi-nee!"
naomi's eyes widened, gasping softly in surprise at you and nearly dropping her papers, "h-hi?"
just as naomi was about to question you, you released her and ran deeper inside, only to find dazai missing. in fact, kyouka and atsushi were also gone, but what you discovered made you pale. your eyes widened as you stared at the familiar tall man with dark brown eyes, short reddish-brown hair, and a beige brown coat.
"odasaku-san?" you muttered, blinking.
before you could respond further, you felt a hand pat your head, prompting you to look up and notice kunikida staring down at you.
"what are you doing here, kid? how did you get in here?" he asked you with furrowed brows.
"uncle kunikida!" you exclaimed, gently removing his hand from your head and approaching him to hug his legs.
"me? an u-uncle?!" kunikida stammered in embarrassment with a bright red blush spreading across his face as he gazed down at you with wide eyes.
"since when did you become an uncle, kunikida-kun?" that was ranpo's voice.
turning around, you, kunikida, and odasaku saw ranpo, junichiro, yosano, kenji, and, to your surprise, akutagawa himself entering the office.
"i-i don't know this kid!" kunikida exclaimed, motioning at you, causing you to make a puzzled noise and tilt your head to the side, "she just appeared and hugged me!"
"you... don't remember me?" you asked, frowning as you looked up at kunikida.
"certainly not, kid," kunikida sighed, adjusting his glasses as he turned to the others.
you then cast a glance at akutagawa, and you can't help but be perplexed. what exactly is he doing here with odasaku? he appeared to be different. instead of the usual terrifying stoic expression on his face. he just simply had a blank expression on his face and was dressed in a gray overcoat, a black button-up, gray suspenders and tie, and dark calf-length pinstripe trousers that reminded you of both dazai and atsushi. for some reason, akutagawa appeared less agitated, or tamer, than usual
"aku-nii?" you muttered, blinking as you turned back to odasaku, "what's going on? why are aku-nii and odasaku-san here?"
"how do you know our names?" akutagawa questioned you, stiffening up at your words.
"akutagawa's right, who are you?" naomi nodded in agreement as she asked you next.
"i'm fushiguro [name]. i've come here before.. you guys know me.. should know me.." you explained, releasing kunikida's pant leg as you fiddled with your fingers, "but you guys don't.."
"are you saying we've met before?" yosano asked softly, tilting her head at you and placing a hand on her hip.
"yes! dazai-nii brought me here with sushi-nii and uncle kunikida!" you nodded, eliciting gasps and surprised looks from everyone in the room.
"who's 'dazai?'"
at that moment, a pierce of gray fabric had made its way towards you, but your reflexes kicked in and your eyes glowed red as red psionics held it in mid-air, much to everyone's surprise, preventing it from touching you.
"you're an ability user," junichiro gasped.
"where's dazai-nii?" you asked this time, your brow furrowed as you let go of the gray fabric that had shot out of akutagawa's coat, "why is he not here? why don't you like him?"
"I asked first, kid. who is he?" akutagawa grew irritated as he sent more tendrils of fabric from his coat towards you, but this time, odasaku had blocked each of them, standing protectively in front of you.
"akutagawa, that's not how you interrogate a child," oda exclaimed, using the metal ruler he stole from kunikida's desk to block akutagawa's attacks on you.
"dazai-nii is my dazai-nii. he was the one who protected me together with uncle kunikida when i saved sushi-nii from the bad guys!" you answered, getting annoyed as well as the red glow in your eyes dissipated.
"where's dazai-nii, odasaku-san? and why are you here? you're.. you're supposed to be..." you frowned as you looked up at oda, taking a hold of his pant leg and tugging at it.
"supposed to be what?" oda held a concerned yet confused look towards you.
you couldn't even mention it to him. instead, your lips trembled as tears streamed down your cheeks. he was supposed to be no longer alive. you were going to say that, but you couldn't. akutagawa is also not supposed to be at the agency. it's as if he took the place of atsushi. in fact, if you think about it, odasaku replaced dazai and kyouka was out of the picture.
"o-oh no! h-hey, kid! d-don't cry!" junichiro waved his hands in the air, "hey!"
"kid?" odasaku asked, watching you clench the fabric of his pant leg as you teared up.
everything was getting to you. what was going on here? why didn't they recognize you? why were they acting this way when you mentioned dazai? you didn't understand it at all.
"i want dazai-nii! where is dazai-nii?" you cried out, releasing a repulsive red energy created by your psionics. it shook the entire building and nearly sent everyone flying away from you, similar to a shockwave and earthquake.
as everyone shielded themselves and clung to strudy office furniture. ranpo took advantage of the situation by placing his glasses on the bridge of his nose with his free hand before staring at you, and that's when he realized what was going on.
"the one you're looking for is in the port mafia headquarters," ranpo exclaimed, dissipating the immense psionic energy in the air and reducing your cries to sniffling.
"he's there?" you asked, your tantrums subsiding as you cast a hopeful glance at him.
"yes, he's there," ranpo nodded firmly at you.
without another word, you activated your red psionics once more, but this time you used it to increase your speed as you approached the door. you fled the armed detective agency's office, with akutagawa chasing after you, but he was stopped by odasaku and ranpo blocking the door.
"what are you doing? the kid's escaped and they're heading straight to port mafia!" thrashed akutagawa in odasaku's hold.
"that kid wasn't lying when she said she knew all of us. she's someone from another universe who has seen and met our other selves from another universe," ranpo explained.
"alternate universe?" everyone chorused.
"that kid was either that "dazai's" younger sibling or someone close to dazai in the universe she's familiar with, which is why she was looking for him here," ranpo continued, folding his arms, "and if we didn't let her go, she would have most definitely destroyed the building and the entire area. her ability, whatever it is, it's dangerous."
as the detectives were left to mull over you and the existence of the multiverse, you made your way to the port mafia headquarters; a black building that towered over yokohama's ritziest neighborhood, which you were already familiar with. you were quickly stopped by the mafia's subordinates, men in black.
"oi, get out of here! this isn't a place for a child!" one of them yelled, shoving you away.
you ignored them and continued running inside. you yelped in terror, occasionally using your red psionics to boost your speed, but it was draining you as you ran away from the men in black who were chasing you. you closed your eyes and concentrated on feeling and sensing dazai. ranpo said he should be here, and you believe him. he must be here. he has to.
you opened your eyes again as you ran across a fancy high-pile rug fit for a throne room, eventually reaching the corridor after struggling to escape the men in black.
you had gotten a few bruises and scrapes along the way as they were able to catch up to you and snatch you in some cases before fleeing because you were tired. you came to a halt in front of a sturdy double door and realized you were getting close.
you turned around to see the men in black approaching you and yelling at you to stop. "dazai-nii! please open up! it's me, [name]!" you yelled as you returned to the door.
"this is not a place for kids! the boss will be furious when he finds you here, brat!" you cried out in agony as one of them finally caught up to you and grabbed your arm, lifting you in the air and gripping you tightly.
"no! no! dazai-nii, help me!" you cried, tears streaming down your cheeks as you squirmed.
"shut up, brat!" they scowled as another yanked on your hair roughly, "quit your yapping!"
finally, the solid doors that had been closed earlier burst open, revealing a large office with every one of a kind high-end oddity from candlesticks to the desk in the center of the office. the floor and ceiling were black, and it didn't take long for the presence of death to fill the atmosphere when a furious voice boomed,
when the men in black let you go, you fell to the ground with a thud, whimpering in pain as you fell on your side. you looked up and froze as you saw the men groaning in pain as they were surrounded by a red glow caused by a familiar ginger-haired young man. before you could react, you were suddenly whisked into someone's arms, but it wasn't rough; in fact, you were handled with care.
as you realized who was carrying you, your eyes widened. you recognized his unkempt brown hair and features, but they were bandaged, especially one of his eye. it was dazai, but something was wrong. there was something sinister was emanating from him. his tone was so venomous that it made you tremble.
"i told you to let her go, not drop her. pathetic. you all know what happens next, right? to subordinates who disobey my orders?" he scoffed, gritting his teeth in rage as he drew you closer to his embrace and turned to the other, "get rid of them, chuuya," he said.
"got it, boss," the ginger-haired mafioso nodded before using gravity manipulation on the men in black chasing you to get them all out of your sight as the doors closed, leaving you alone with dazai.
the icy cold tension in the air immediately dissipated. you looked up at the brunet, whose glare had softened as he faced you.
"[name]-chan.." dazai murmured, reaching out his hand to cup your cheek, "it's really you.. you're here.. finally here.."
"dazai-nii..." you found yourself tearing up as you returned his gaze. with that, you burst into tears, causing him to panic a little.
"[name]-chan! it's okay. it's okay, little bella," he said as you buried your face in his neck and gripped the fabric of his clothes. he then rubbed shapes on your back to calm you down, saying, "shhh, they won't hurt you anymore. you're safe now, i promise."
"y-you remember me.. dazai-nii.." you cried out.
"of course i do," dazai's lips curved into a smile as he held you, cradling you, "how could i not?"
"uncle ranpo, uncle kunikida, and the others don't remember me," you explained to dazai, sniffling, "a-also.. odasaku-san and aku-nii were there too, but they don't remember me either.."
when you looked at him, there was an indecipherable expression on his face as his smile faded into a frown. dazai looked down at you, almost lost for words, but before you could open your mouth to speak again, he beat you to it.
"[name]-chan, would you like to go eat lunch with me outside?" your eyes widened slightly as you looked at him puzzledly.
however, you were hungry and exhausted, so something to eat sounded appealing. you nodded, which brought back dazai's smile. just as dazai was about to put you down, he noticed some bruises and scrapes on you, which caused him to come to a halt.
"you're hurt." dazai's eyes, or rather, eye, widened, "fuck, are you alright? are you hurt anywhere else, [name]-chan?"
"no!" you immediately shook your head and waved your hands in the air, "i-i'm okay, really!"
"those bastards deserved what's coming for them. they shouldn't have hurt you," dazai mumbled angrily, clicking his tongue in annoyance, but not towards you.
"huh? what are you talking about, dazai-nii?" you quipped, tilting your head in confusion.
"nothing!" dazai exclaimed with a smile, the dark glaze across his eyes gone, "let me just patch you up and then we'll go out for lunch, okay [name]-chan?" you nodded your head.
dazai sat you on the top of his desk while he called someone from his black phone to come over. it wasn't long before a man dressed similarly to auntie shoko from your house arrived. you quickly recognized him as a doctor and allowed him to treat your bruises and scrapes under the supervision of dazai, and speaking of dazai, you couldn't help but notice how he was staring intently, as if he was waiting for the said man to make one wrong move and he'll beat him up or something.
fortunately, the doctor treated you well and left after bandaging you and acknowledging dazai. with that, you felt much better and more at ease knowing that you had been treated.
"are you ready to go?" dazai inquired, ruffling your hair and softly chuckling. "i guess we kind of match now, too, since your arms have bandages."
"mhm!" you nodded your head as you hummed.
dazai assisted you in getting down from his desk and extended his hand to you, which you gladly accepted. you could see a genuine smile on dazai's face as he peered down at you. he squeezed your much smaller hand with his larger hand almost childishly and innocently.
as you walked down the corridor where you had been chased earlier, you realized that the office you had been to was supposed to be mori's and remembered how you used to play and draw with elise there. mori and elise were nowhere to be found and it made you curious.
as you recognized some of the men in black, you followed dazai and immediately hid behind him, hiding yourself in his long coat. this made dazai reach out for you, saying softly, "hey, hey! it's okay," seeing how scared you were, "they're not going to hurt you. i promise."
dazai thought it was a cute yet nostalgic gesture. with him remembering himself in the canon world, the one you were familiar with, he was reminded of how you gripped him and hid behind his coat when he first met you.
you reluctantly took his hand in yours and squeezed it, but you stayed close to him. you didn't like being chased and yanked away again. dazai's brow furrowed, and his gaze darted towards his subordinates for a moment, glaring, already making a mental note to make sure he gives them a warning so they would never think of hurting you again. you were scared and even tried to deny that you were hurt earlier, and dazai found it unacceptable.
"i got you, [name]-chan. i'm right here with you," dazai reassured you softly as he led you out of the headquarters, squeezing your hand back as a form of comfort.
the port mafia was taken aback as they witnessed their normally intimidating boss soften around you. just who the hell were you, and what did you do to their leader? they had never seen him switch up so quickly before.
outside, you and dazai got into a black car, and to your surprise, dazai had asked the driver to take you to your favorite restaurant in the city—the one he had taken you to before when he heard your stomach growl, much to kunikida protests of him being an irresponsible adult for using you as an excuse to slack off.
when you arrived at the restaurant, you both took a seat at a table, and as soon as the menus were handed to you, dazai asked, "is omurice your order, [name]-chan?"
your eyes widened slightly, but you nodded your head and smiled, "yeah! that one!"
"the little lady will have omurice, and I'll have a plain black coffee," dazai instructed the waiter.
"you must be hungry after getting here," dazai said again after the waiter took your orders.
"yeah.. a little," you nodded your head, a pout on your lips as you rested your chin on your arms, which were flat on the table. "and i had to run too from those scary men in black.."
"i'm so sorry about that, [name]-chan. i'll make sure it doesn't happen again," dazai smiled as he outstretched his hand and gently grasped your hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
after that, you became quiet. you had so many questions in your head. something was strange about dazai right now. he was unique. he had this horrible vibe about him. you weren't going to lie, you were a little scared, especially after hearing his murmur and seeing the dark glaze over his eyes earlier.
"is there something wrong, [name]-chan?" dazai inquired, watching your brow furrow as you stared at him, almost deep in thought.
"well, um... it's just that.." you scrunched your brow, not knowing where to begin.
"you're probably wondering why i recognize you and the others don't—that's one of your concerns right now, correct, [name]-chan?" dazai stared at you for a second, blinking before taking a deep breath and sighing.
"this world is just one of many others," dazai explained further, "and of all people, you should know, right? you're fushiguro [name]-chan. you're someone capable of traveling across the multiverse with your reality warping powers, which i can't even nullify."
your eyes widened as you realized what had happened. it was no surprise that the armed detective agency hadn't recognized you earlier, or that akutagawa and odasaku were present but not dazai or atsushi and kyouka. this world was an alternate universe, just like the others you'd visited, with a much older version of yourself as an example. bacause the multiverse is so vast, dazai's world would have alternate universes that similarly to yours.
"but.. if you're not in the armed detective agency with uncle kunikida.. and odasaku-san and aku-nii are there.." you muttered, putting two and two together, "that means they don't know you the same way they don't know me because you're.. you're.."
you closed your mouth. you got your answer the moment you discovered elise and mori missing, as well as the office looking a little different earlier, with dazai wearing the same exact clothes as mori.
"ever the clever little bella. you're not wrong, [name]-chan," dazai exclaimed, intertwining his hands on the table and smiling at you.
"but, why?" you furrowed your brows.
"because it's the only way, [name]-chan," dazai replied as the waiter arrived to bring you your omurice and his black coffee.
"i don't understand.." you exclaimed, frowning at dazai, "what do you mean?"
at first, dazai looked around. fortunately, there were no customers and the waiter had already left, which you found odd, but with that, he returned his attention to you.
"as i previously stated, this world is just one of many, but this world, this is the only one where odasaku lives, [name]-chan."
your eyes widened at the revelation and dropped the spoon you had just picked up.
"you know him. you've seen odasaku's ghost. you even had him and my other self reunite, even if it was only for a brief moment with your power," dazai continued, "and i saw it through my other self's memories."
so he already knows about you in this alternate universe, long before you arrived here. alright, you were getting a little scared now.
"i succeeded the previous boss to gain the advantage, to dedicate my life to protect what could have been," dazai stated calmly as he sipped his coffee, "honestly, i was surprised that you'd come here. i never would have thought, but either way, i'm grateful. this is also one of my universes that doesn't have you."
as dazai grasped your hand, you found yourself crying. you quickly had got a vision of what was going to happen to him because your emotions were amplifying your chaos magic. dazai planned to jump off a building. as you regained your composure, you drew your hand away, panting softly for air to calm yourself down.
"[name]-chan?" dazai stared at you with a baffled look, prompting him to reach out his hand to you to wipe your tears away.
you shook your head and continued to eat the omurice dazai had given you after wiping your tears. dazai frowned but didn't say anything. he just knew you saw something, and he hopes it wasn't about the book with his plan on set, because him knowing three or more people knew would destabilize this world. dazai let you eat your food and paid the bill when you were done. you and dazai got on the black car again, and the ride was quiet, even awkward.
dazai felt guilty seeing your eyes glassy with tears and slightly puffy from crying.
"[name]-chan, would you like to go to the park?"
dazai knows his canon self and his other variants, so it's no surprise that he knew you, and from his canon self's memories, he knows how much you liked to play outside and run, in addition to liking omurice and [favorite food]. dazai has the advantage because he has the book. he can make things work, at least in the best way he knows how. for the time being, what you saw with your witch abilities was the furthest thing from his mind. dazai wished to see you smile and be happy.
when he asked you the question, your eyes seem to light up. as you fiddled with your fingers, you slowly nodded your head. dazai smiled at this and asked the driver to take you to the nearest park in the city.
it was the same one you recognized when you and dazai were dropped and left the car. the same breeze, trees, and ambiance. the only difference was that you weren't with your usual dazai.
"so, what would you like to do first? wanna play zoomies? swing?" dazai questioned, crouching down at your height and ruffling your hair.
"zoomies," just as dazai had expected.
when you ran across the park with dazai—this dazai—it didn't take long for you to start smiling. he'd like to think that being with children was simple. it wouldn't take long for one to smile and laugh as if they hadn't cried or something if you knew how to play the right cards with them. you had so much fun running around and getting to know dazai that you openly suggested what to do next.
"dazai-nii! let's play on the swing next!" you exclaimed, running towards him and excitedly wrapping your tiny arms around his legs.
"alright, alright, little belladonna," dazai chuckled softly at his, giving you a gentle pat on the head, "i'll push you on the swing, okay?"
you spent the entire day with dazai, doing everything from zoomies to swings to slides. dazai's favorite part of the day was you playing with the slides because every time you slid down, he would catch you and pick you up in his arms, just loving the adorable smile and giggle you'd have afterwards. to see you so happy was just nostalgic and music to his ears.
you became tired at the end of the day, and dazai couldn't help but melt when you tugged on his pant leg and made grabby hands for him to pick you up. "up-up.." you said, exhausted.
"come here, [name]-chan," dazai grabbed you and cradled you in his arms, his heart melting as you wrapped your tiny arms around his neck and snuggled up against him. "is little bella tired from playing all day?" he cooed at you.
"mhm..." you nodded tiredly, pressing your face against his neck as you clung to him.
"let's go back, okay?" dazai patted the back of your head as he gently cradled you, "i got you, [name]-chan, feel free to sleep."
as dazai was carrying you to the car, you clenched the fabric of his collar, causing him to hum at you, "hmm? yes, [name]-chan?"
"please don't leave," you muttered quietly, now clutching his fabric even more tightly, almost desperately, as dazai could tell.
"i'm not leaving you, [name]-chan; we're going back to the headquarters together," dazai explained, chuckling at your clinginess.
"no.." you whined softly, "don't go ever."
dazai came to a halt, blinking in confusion. what did you mean when you said he was leaving? he was deep in thought when you spoke up again, saying exactly what he was thinking.
"i don't want you to die, dazai-nii."
dazai had heard you say it before, but it was to his other self, back in the canon world when he got hurt and you went out of your way, risking your life, to get to him at all costs as soon as kunikida mentioned it, even if it meant coming across port mafia.
nonetheless, it caused dazai to freeze. even if you weren't his little sister, niece, or family in this alternate universe, you still thought of him as your "dazai-nii" and cared about him.
you were too kind for your own good.
it made him even more guilty.
"i can't promise you that, [name]-chan," dazai muttered sadly, clutching you tightly in his arms, tears streaming down his cheeks, "which is why i want you to stay here. i'll take care of you like my other self did. you won't have to worry about anything because no one will ever hurt you, and no one from your world will either."
"i can't be with you forever. i have a home to go back to," you said, looking him in the eyes, "but the only way i can promise to be with you is for you to promise me that you won't go. i'll come back to you as many times as i can now that i found you!"
"[name]-chan.." dazai's gaze softened.
"i promise i'll save you, so you won't have to jump off and leave! i'll save this world if i have to even!" you exclaimed determinedly, your eyes glowing red, "i don't know exactly why or how you're doing it, but you're still my dazai-nii, and i know how much odasaku-san means to you."
"but, [name]-chan, i can only do so much," dazai exclaimed. he sounded as if he was about to cry. "odasaku and i are never meant to be together on the same side, but if anything, he deserves to be on the good, so he can become a writer, and me? i have to be on the bad, and the worst as possible.."
"don't you wanna see his works? see him achieve his dreams?" you asked.
"i do, [name]-chan," dazai nodded.
"then, promise me, dazai-nii. you won't ever be alone again," you flashed him a close-eyed smile as you cupped his face in your tiny hands, "i'll come back to you and help you the best i can with my wiggly-woos magic. after all, i did promise odasaku to look after my dazai-nii, so i'll save you. you're still my dazai-nii, even here!"
fresh, hot tears welled up in dazai's eyes and streamed down his face, unable to be held back. he hasn't had anyone in a long time. this world was very different from the canon world, where he had the armed detective agency and people like atsushi. even with chuuya, atsushi, and kyouka by his side, he was alone. this dazai had become so numb from witnessing odasaku's fate from across the vast universes that he had forgotten what love was like and how warm it felt.
had his prayers been heard by the universe? could it even be the book? is that why it brought you here to him by connecting the physical and outside worlds? was it not by chance at all?
but, in any case, he loved the feeling of being loved—of having a family of sorts, whether you were his little sister, niece, or daughter.
dazai remembered seeing one of his other selves as your biological father, another as your uncle, and you as his younger sister. he remembered being so envious of seeing his other selves happy despite the fact that they didn't have odasaku because of you, and dazai loved you in all those universes.
"thank you, [name]-chan," dazai whispered in your ear, hugging you tight as you heard him sniffle, "please save me.. save me too."
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[ author's notes ! just to clarify one thing, no, you don't know about the book, you just know that BEAST! dazai knows you from the CANON! dazai's memories, and the fact certain universes existed wherein it had you.
the reason for this has something to do with the knowledge of the book. if three or more people would know, the world would be destabilized. this is also the reason why your witch abilities made you see the end, and not the whole picture.
the reason BEAST! dazai wants you to stay because he has no one. he might be the port mafia boss with chuuya as his right hand man, but he's still alone and also because his universe is one of the few where you weren't in it :( ]
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Cells at work manga masterlist
(Fun Fact did you know: Cells at Work has a 2nd season, and although there will be no more new episodes, spinoffs are constantly releasing, so you can still enjoy fresh new cell content even now!)
✓: Completed
*: ongoing
X: not officially translated as of November 2022
Cells at Work (the original) ✓
Cells at Work: Code Black ✓
Platelets at Work ✓
Cells at Work and Friends ✓
Cells at work Baby ✓
Bacteria at Work ✓
Cells Not at Work ✓
Cells at Work Lady ✓ X
White Blood Cells at Work / Cells at Work White Brigade ✓
Cells at Work Illegal * X
Don't know what to read/start with? Recommendations and trigger warnings under the cut!
Cells at Work (The original manga): A nice series that teaches you the basics of cells, mostly immune cells but they do include some gut immunity in the 2nd season, filled with a nice balance of angst and fluff, includes a prominent ship although it isn't the main point of the series and they don't actually say out loud if they like each other romantically or anything.
TWs: Includes a lot of blood, slicing of knives/violence in general, cancer (anthropomorphized, but they do say the word a lot of course), violently biting things until they gush out blood/whatever they're made from
Cells at Work: Code Black: An angsty series, a lot of sadness in general, although it looks like a gender swap of the original, the contents are also very opposite to the original. This series takes place in a different host body. Not fluffy, bad work environments, cells suffering in general. If you love seeing little fictional people suffering or want a reason to take better care of your body, this is the series for you!
TWs: Blood, violence, actual bazookas/guns, nsfw topics like unsafe sex and others, major and minor character deaths, drug mention both beneficial and unbeneficial, attempted suicide, ACTUAL suicide, depression, cancer
Platelets at Work: A very nice and fluffy series about the children of Cells at Work, takes place in the body of the original CaW manga, features the platelet team we all love and their master Megakaryocyte. It's a very nice slice of life series that talks about the platelets doing their best and being children, very cute 10/10.
TWs: Tbh, I'm not sure, maybe i can reread it and see, but i don't think there's anything worth a warning.
Cells at Work and Friends: My personal favorite, features a Killer T cell with social anxiety as it's protagonist. A great slice of life that doesn't have much about education of biology. A lot of misunderstandings, a lot of funny and relatable moments, I'm sure all of us can relate to at least 1 of the chapters.
TWs: Blood, slicing and dicing and violence, eating and dead bacteria/viruses that would usually be very gorey are censored, depression and suicide mention (from one specific character, you can avoid him if you like and still enjoy the series), sewing needles on specific chapters, mention of nsfw
Reply if you'd want me to reference which chapters have the trigger so you can avoid it while still enjoying most of it
Cells at Work Baby: Much like the original, featuring 2 red blood cells as the main character instead of a white blood cell, just as educational as the original and all the characters are in a cute chibi style.
TWs: Blood, slicing, a little violence but it isn't as bad as the original, character death
Bacteria At Work: I have yet to read this fully, but i have read the first chapter, full of pretty men and talks about gut bacteria and dietary stuff.
TWs: Unknown (to me)
Cells NOT At Work: More of a slice of life compared to the original, it is quite educational on the development of red blood cells. Real LGBT rep, a wide range of characters and dynamics, made me very emotional, though i haven't read the last volume.
TWs: Mention of death/character death, and maybe slicing and killing in the last volume
Cells At Work Lady: Because this manga has yet to be translated officially, i have yet to read it, but it talks about the anatomy of women, from periods to pregnancy, there is quite a lot. They also include pretty men!
TWs: NSFW mention, slicing and dicing of various things, potentially more that i am unaware of.
Cells At Work Illegal: Lastest CaW manga spinoff to be released as of writing, the name speaks for itself. Usage of drugs, smoking, drinking, and potentially many more. It is untranslated, so I cannot truly understand what it is about, but thats the gist of it. Also the main characters might be potentially a little gay
TWs: Drug usage, a lot of slicing and dicing and blood, NSFW (not just mention I'm pretty sure)
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flameshadowconjuring · 2 months
I am in the middle of my Assassination Classroom reread and rewatch and I am really enjoying it. It might just be that it resonates with me more now than 8 years ago when I originally read and watched it (ironic, given that I was much closer in age to the characters then than now), but it is even more fun than I remember it being. Most anime don't make me perpetually grin while watching them. Korosensei must be rubbing off on me.
The series does what the Japanese do best exceptionally well, which is to mix things that seem incompatible and make it work. Korosensei is the most kind and devoted teacher there is. He is also going to blow up the earth in one year if no-one kills him before then. He is the best teacher ever, can move at Mach 20 and is just generally a badass superbeing, but he is also deeply pathetic. He can destroy the world, but lives paycheck to paycheck. He encourages his students every step of the way in their mission to assassinate him, but does everything he can to survive their attempts. His students love him and depend on him, but also they are doing all they can to assassinate him. The most skilled assassin in the class, Nagisa, is a meek, kind boy who looks like a girl. All of this contrast is the source of most of the comedy of the show, and it works really well.
The thing I find most compelling in my reread/rewatch is how the task of assassinating their teacher unites the class. While the (almost) thirty students don't all get equal screen time/relevance, they all get moments to shine, and all of their successes come from everyone pitching in with their own unique set of skills. So many shonen manga talk about the power of friendship, but Assassination Classroom actually delivers on it. It has this strong message that everyone has talents to be nurtured and can become badass assassins someone awesome if you give them the chance.
The characters, particularly Korosensei, are very likeable and fun to watch. The anime's soundtrack is really good. It suits the series perfectly. The anime is generally a great adaptation. The mangaka actually worked closely together with the studio (at least for season 2, presumably also season 1). The cuts that the anime made were largely scenes from the manga that weren't essential. Exposition scenes whose information content can be inferred from more active scenes and stuff like that. I liked those scenes in the manga, but they were definitely the right scenes to cut so that the anime can conclude within only 47 episodes. The anime is really good. Just try not to look at students in the backgrounds of shots. They are often CG.
Perhaps most notably, Assassination classroom has achieved what most manga fail to do, which is to be neither too long nor too short, and to end in a way that wraps up the main plot in a satisfying, emotionally moving way. You will cry by the end of the story. I don't make the rules. The ridiculous initial premise of 'hey, your new teacher is a superbeing that just blew up the moon, he will do the same thing next year with the earth. It is your task to assassinate him before then.' is actually explained satisfactorily by the end.
That being said, I do have a few criticisms. I don't really like Bitch-sensei. A lot of scenes featuring her feel more like a reminder of 'hey, she still exists'. There are some great scenes with her, but not many, since she really only has one gimmick.
The first big plot twist of the show, which, to describe it in a non-spoilery way, is the big twist surrounding the actress, came out of nowhere. Maybe I am just dumb and missed all the clues (the author did point out that he planted some extremely subtle visual clues), but there were a bunch of scenes where the author could have easily planted some clues that would be subtle enough, but that a reasonably attentive reader would be reminded of during the reveal. The twist right after that one is really good though, so honestly its fine.
I will frame my final criticism as a warning. You might be tempted to let your guard down. To get emotionally attached to any budding romantic subplots that the story is suggesting or outright devoting entire scenes to. Don't. Down that path lies only disappointment and ambiguous open endings.
So, yeah. To close this with something positive, I guess I'll say who my favourite character is. Except I am going to cheat. I love Korosensei and Nagisa, but they are the two characters who get the most screen time. My favourite non-main character is Rinka Hayami. She is the sniper girl who is a steady shot no matter what, and she is just really cool. I ship her with the sniper guy who can shoot from super long distances. They are just a really cool, calm, get-the-job-done-without-a-hint-of-complaint duo. Mild spoilers, but they were responsible for what you could argue was Korosensei's closest brush with death.
Who would have ever thought that a show about middle school students learning the art of assassination to kill their teacher could be so wholesome and touching?
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sualne · 5 months
The new season got me out of my year long black butler fan closet tbh😭 but, yea i honestly don't think i ever even watched season two of the anime? The ending they made up was so insane tho. Black butler fans where in the trenches for so long bc you could not admit to liking it without beeing labeled a creep🥲 I'm so happy they're animating the school arc its one of my favourite manga arcs... idk if you mentioned it before but what is your favourite arc?
im not going anywhere near the main tag and dont tag it on my post because im very much still scared of being associated with the creeps ○| ̄|_
it's one of my favorite too!!! it's hard to pick one true favorite tho because i haven't reread all of it at once in a long while, my fav when i first started reading the manga was the circus arc, then the murder arc then the campania ect, i love each new arc so much!! (except the bard & lau mission that, huh, didn't like that) each have a different kind of nostalgia attached to it! i read the circus arc when a circus was in town! i got Obsessed with undertaker with the campania and watched the titanic movie for the first time soon after! ect!!! this damn manga has been maybe The One Constance through my life it's ridiculous 😭
but to answer your question my fav arcs would be the campania & public school arcs!!
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shizekarnstein · 6 months
The hype for the weston adaptation made me forget myself and try to interect with other kurofans on tw but then i remembered id never blocked youknowwhat shippers on there so here i am, the long suffering kuro fan in my natural habit. I dont really have anything against /those shippers/ bc how can i blame them for liking (ok i kinda blame them) something that's there poisoning the entire manga, but im tired of thinking about that disturbing visual baiting every time i reread the source material so for everyones peace of mind i prefer to block and surround myself with mindlike ppl.
Anyway im sorry to my poor followers that have no idea of kuroshitsuji (you're so valid and lucky) bc with the new season not only ill be back to my bullshit but also i can no longer ignore the part of me that just can't help but theorize what the fuck is gonna happen in the upcoming (9 pages long) manga chapters.
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ciaossu-imagines · 7 months
Hello, hello, my gorgeous lovelies! I'm put a bunch of posts in queue earlier and I'm working on adding a couple more before I log off for the night! For any who might have noticed, I'm making the official announcements that the ask box is closed to new requests at the moment and there have been changes made to the fandom list. Not only is this allowing me to queue up the event posts and spend time on my own writing, but I'm really moving quickly through the rereads and watches of some media I've either wanted to revisit or finally get around to watching, which is something I want to keep focusing on, so that when I do write, I'm giving you guys the best that I can, the most in character and authentic posts that I can. For those curious, I've finished
Reading Katekyo Hitman Reborn, plus the Secret Bullet novels and the anime filler arcs for that.
I'm caught up to Chapter 135 of Servamp (that's all they have translated to English on the source I use)
Reading Dogs: Bullets & Carnage up to Chapter 101
Watched all 3 seasons of Iruma-kun and caught up to Chapter 339 of the manga
Read Eyeshield 21
Watched Ronin Warriors, including the OVAs...I took this one off the fandom list and won't be writing officially for it on the blog beyond the posts already queued because honestly, I get very little interaction with those posts and it makes them less fun for me to write and share
Watched both seasons of The Vampire Dies in No Time and am caught up to Chapter 71 of the manga, as that's where my source stopped
Replayed the Mystic Messenger routes
Currently alternating between watching Yu Yu Hakusho and Haikyuu!!
Currently alternating between reading Jujutsu Kaisen and One Piece
The fandom list is a work in progress, because I do have sources to watch/read all the fandoms I was writing for, and will decide on whether to continue writing them after rereads/watches and seeing reader engagement with the queued posts :)
I'll be reopening the ask box once I've finished up a few more rereads and done some other stuff I want to do (like getting commissions back up and running here soon - I have some new ideas for that as well regarding pricing and services offered)! I promise - for now though, I'm making things as easy as possible on myself as I can, my dears!!
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kolbisneat · 8 months
MONTHLY MEDIA: January 2024
I know folks say January feels like a long month but it kinda felt normal to me? I dunno. Anyway this is how I spent the last 31 days.
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Asteroid City (2023) The artistry is top notch and spoke the loudest but I feel like I'll need to watch it a couple more times to take in the quieter voices. I can't tell if it's me or specifically this film, but it felt...sadder than Anderson's other work?
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Saltburn (2023) A lot of false starts, or rather a lot of pivots from what I thought the movie would be. And then also a lot of false endings? I dunno. I found the whole thing...indulgent (take that for what it's worth). A lot of beautiful and memorable imagery.
Spice World (1997) Technically a New Year's Eve watch and a great way to wind down 2023. Truly a wild ride and so many great cameos. And for anyone who doesn't know the Spice Girls I actually think it'd be a pretty great introduction to them.
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Delicious in Dungeon (Episode 1.01 to 1.04) Digging this adaptation so far! If you haven't heard me ramble on about how great the manga series is, this is your chance to see if you dig the tone and concept.
Daisy Jones & The Six (Episode 1.01 to 1.10) Gotta love the Fleetwood Mac fanfic. Feels both familiar and wholly unique and the brief documentary-style character moments are a lot of fun too. I strive to be Warren the drummer.
Blue Eye Samurai (Episode 1.05 to 1.08) Really great season of television. The last episode stuck the landing in an unexpected way and while I didn't looooove it, I respect it. Still suffers slightly from "just wait til next season" but one misstep amongst a season of perfect steps is okay by me.
The Crown (Episode 6.07 to 6.10) Having not watched the rest of the series (outside of a few eps of the Diana-centred eps this season) I really found the finale...moving. Elizabeth and Philip really do feel like the end of an era.
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This Candyman Makes a Wonka-Style Candy Feast | WIRED by Wired Certainly didn't realize how interested I'd be in the process of making candy, but here we are. Really great breakdown and watch it if for no other reason than to learn the backstory behind the "drops" in "lemon drops". VIDEO
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How YouTubers Can Avoid Burnout by Extranet Shaquille While specifically talking about YouTubers, this succinctly captures my approach to working in the creative industry: push yourself but not for the sake of exponential growth. Any creative could benefit from hearing this alternative to those pushing the grind mindset. VIDEO
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Full House by Zeke Masters (Complete) Picked this up randomly at a thrift store and it didn't disappoint. Not quite as horny as I expected an "adult western" to be, but that's okay. An easy read and if I see more of "Zeke's" books I'll definitely pick them up.
There Is A Tide by Agatha Christie (Complete) Plenty of twists and I think it all played fair as everything Poirot revealed made me think "oh yeah that was mentioned earlier". Great introduction to Christie's work and excited to pick up more!
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Ducks: Two Years in the Oil Sands by Kate Beaton (Complete) Heart-wrenching. Such a deeply personal reflection and perspective on Canada's relationship with oil and the people who take it from the ground. While the entire read is a blend of very fun and deeply sad, I found the written epilogue to contain the biggest gut punch. Should be required reading for anyone who drives a car.
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Richard Stark's Parker: The Score by Darwyn Cooke (Complete) It's incredible just how cinematic Cooke's work is. So much style and substance with such little brushwork (and only two colours)! If you haven't read any of the Parker retellings then know each pretty much stands on its own and are all worth checking out.
Delicious in Dungeon Vol. 3 by Ryoko Kui (Complete) Really enjoying this reread while also catching the Netflix series! It's interesting to see the little details peppered in that really shows the whole thing was developed from the beginning. Go watch the show and if you like it well enough then the books are, as cliche as it is, even better.
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God is Dead by Twin Temple (2023) Satanic doo whop? Heck yeah. Their first album was great but something about this follow-up really clicked for me. Maybe it's the the track "Be a Slut (Do What You Want)".
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Oz: A Fantasy Role-Playing Setting (Andrews McMeel Publishing) My Tuesday crew is knee-deep in Ozian politics. They're allied with a few different parties and many of those parties are in conflict with each other. Classic. Anyway you can read all about their antics here!
And that's it. See you in February!
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gosiksmallspace · 1 year
Tag someone you want to know better OR just want to say hello to!
Tagged by @verochkasnightmarecorner (thank you <3)
Favourite color: it changes a lot but lately light blue. Or orange
Last song: She's a Rainbow by The Rolling Stones (because of that one episode of Ted Lasso)
Last movie: Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead. It was crazy and wholesome. Had fun watching it.
Currently watching: New season of Inside World's Toughest Prisons. Also rewatching some One Piece and Ted Lasso episodes.
Currently reading: The Plotters by Kim Un-su, rereading One Piece manga
Currently working on: I should work on my WIPs but I mostly just sort files on my computer 😅
Current obsession: back to One Piece (the live-action was good but made me miss the anime and manga), Ted Lasso (the show is amazing!), tigers and Baklava. And The Merciless of course.
Tagging: @daxianme @bobafvcks @godotismissingx @yardmargs @frayed-at-the-seams @sweetgazelle @weaverhawk @requestomaestro @igonecrazy @ice-tea-and-coffee @of--oceanhearts @srabaskerville @katierosefun @beif0ngs @moonlitdayy
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glassbead-xx · 11 months
So I’ve been listening to Ai Higuchi’s ed song nonstop since I saw the Attack on Titan finale two days ago (I couldn’t see it the day it was released) and I’ve been crying all that time
Because that’s what happens when the series you grew up to adulthood with finally ends
10 years ago, when the first season had just finished airing, I watched it and loved it. Then I read the manga and loved it. I was 16 back then. Every month, since December 2013, I would wait for a new chapter. When it ended in April 2021, I had recently turned 24. Today, as I’m crying and coping with the end of the anime, I’m 26
There’s just so much about the finale, and the series as a whole, that I love and that I can talk about all the time. I didn’t originally put my thoughts about chapter 139 two years ago because I was part of the minority that liked it. Now that I feel somewhat vindicated, I think I can look back and say that it was a wonderful story, and many will agree
It’s not that happy, but it’s really hopeful. You just have to look in the little moments, like Armin told Zeke in the end
And I’m sure now that Yuki Kaji and Marina Inoue were born to play Eren and Armin. They both have memorable characters that I love, and I know they will both have amazing careers for many years to come, but in 80 years, when talking about them, Eren and Armin will be their eternal legacy
Yui Ishikawa’s legacy will probably be Violet Evergarden, but she was the perfect Mikasa. To me, Eren, Armin and Mikasa are among the best trios in anime and the best trios in all of fiction, their friendship is as precious as it is tragic
And speaking of tragic, Eren and Mikasa, they are the most tragic couple in anything I’ve ever seen in my life. The worst part is that they both loved each other, and Eren was aware of it, but never did anything about it, and I get sad thinking about it.
Also, the baby in the cliff? That was already sad but when I saw the news it broke me. Four years ago, Yuki Kaji, who I already said voices Eren, got married to another actress, Ayana Taketatsu. The baby in the cliff was voiced by Yuki and Ayana’s baby. It’s poetic and beautiful and tragic and everything I will associate with this story forever
My headcanons/theories that I will die with are that Armin and Annie got married, so did Gabi and Falco. Anything else is fair game. Who married who and how many children they had, I’m open to all kinds of interpretations, I just know that they all lived long happy lives like Eren wanted, and that they never had to fight in any wars ever again
The music, the voice acting, the animation and the expanded conversation between Eren and Armin made the finale from one I liked to one I absolutely adored, and I’m honored to have this story while growing up to adulthood
This story has been a part of me for 10 years of my life now. I still have lots of stories to love, but this one will always have a special place in my heart. I will remember every reaction I had, every theory, my awe with the anime openings, my excitement when I found out that Gabi and Falco would be voiced by the actors I wanted, Ayane Sakura and Natsuki Hanae. I will reread the manga, rewatch the anime, and make lots of bird jokes for many years to come
So thanks to the staff, both at Wit Studios and Mappa, to the voice cast, to the musicians, and to Hajime Isayama, who gave 12 years of his life and his entire heart to this story. I will always love it, forever
To the story that gave its heart to the bitter end, thanks and goodbye 💙💚🤍
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squish--squash · 8 months
Thanks for answering my ask......If you don't mind me asking (again), what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
lol hello again, ty for asking me this! I promise I'll give you more than 7 answers this time lol
Tian Guan Ci Fu/tgcf (book series, donghua) - I stumbled upon this randomly back in 2021 through its brand new donghua and I've loved it ever since. I adore the characters and the plot is both extremely complex and absolutely wild. it's roughly 750,000 words but I was able to read it in a week despite having school because I was so invested in it!
Moriarty the Patriot/mtp (manga, anime)- I think this is funny bc I tried watching bbc sherlock once and did NOT like it, so I just thought I wasn't into the sherlock holmes stuff. WRONG! I just had to discover this. I call this the "best sherlock holmes adaptation" for a reason (check my current pinned post, you'll find many reasons why I love mtp; I don't want to sound like a broken record so I don't plan to repeat them). I can't wait for when (or if) the manga comes out of its break/hiatus
Good Omens (book, show) - both the book and the miniseries/show are so near and dear to my heart. I always have a soft spot for watching supernatural entities fall in love (with each other and) the world around them. also, it's funny as hell
Promare (movie) - goooood I love Promare it's so neat; love the colors and the shapes and the plot is fun despite its simplicity. I could rewatch this movie every day for a month straight and not get tired of it
Arc of a Scythe trilogy (book series) - this is not something I've talked about a love, but this is one of my favorite book series! found it back around the same time I did tgcf; it's fucking insane I loooove the worldbuilding and the main cast, and by the second book every other page was like a plot twist gutting me in the best way possible; it's made me ponder about life and death on more than one occasion too
Matched trilogy (book series) - I started reading this in either 5th/6th grade but didn't really get it so I kinda forgot about it until around 2021-2022 (what? I actually had time to READ that year!) and managed to reread it and it was like a third eye opened. I really enjoyed the mystery unfolding in the trilogy! it's pretty cool imo, even tho I think (?) it was meant for teenagers to read
Not So Shoujo Love Story (webcomic) - this webcomic is so fucking funny AND it's wlw! I've been a fan for years it's so good
Bee and Puppycat/Bee and Puppycat: Lazy in Space (show) - a comfort show of mine (one of many); I'm in love with the atmosphere of the show and how awkwardly real the dialogue tends to be (plus I've been slowly rewatching it with my gf with is always a plus <3); I love both the og and its "reboot" equally, and would recommend people watch both
Snow White with the Red Hair (anime) - I haven't read the manga for this one, but I've seen the anime and it's another comfort show of mine. It's so sweet and cozy and the entire cast is lovable; even the "bad guy" in the first season is someone you grow to root for by the end of the second season. it's great!
Supernatural (show) - even tho I haven't finished the show and idk when/if I ever will, I still consider it a favorite media of mine. not bc I think it's great (it's good in most places, lacking in other), but bc I pretty much grew up with it. I have a core memory of watching the first handful of episodes when I was younger with my dad on the couch with the first time and being hooked on this strange show about supernatural creatures (I was that kid that enjoyed the supernatural! I read ghost story books, I binged every Goosebumps book I could get my hands on in fourth grade, I had a creepypasta phase, etc); even now in 2024 I've been sitting down with my dad to rewatch it with him before I go back to my college dorm and start back up classes. it's less so one of my favorite medias because I think it's good but because I associate it with my family <3
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whippoor-wont · 1 year
I was tagged by @yoiku for this "Get To Know You" meme! Thanks for the tag, and sorry it took me so long to get to it OOPS
let's see here...
Last song: My memory says it was ...a song off the middle-ish of Hounds of Love (Kate Bush) bc I was listening to it last night and fell asleep. Maybe Under Ice? I don't know. But if you ask Spotify it was BLACKTIGER by Oborataebi!
If you're reading this now this is your call to go look them up on Youtube bc they delight me so much- they're a Japanese funk/psychadaelic/???? band that have these incredible shrimp super bright shrimp costumes (Their band name is Drowned Shrimp! / Autopsy Report of a Drowned Shrimp in english) and they put on really fun high-energy performances and I love to watch them. They only have one of their albums on Spotify, but they more music on youtube, including a lot of recordings of their live performances, which I highly recommend checking out. I love these shrimp..... I mean look at em ...
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This article has some more really great pictures of them, and here's their youtube channel!
Currently Reading: I just started reading the Ambergris trilogy by Jeff Vandermeer at the recommendation of my roommate! I'm not really far enough in to say much about it other than "i would bet actual money something horrible is about to happen to this shit idiot missionary guy" LMAO I'm also rereading Trigun: Maximum for #trigunbookclub but. I am like a chapter and a half behind at this point, OOPS
Currently Watching: Nothing in particular, actually- I've got a list for sure, but I've not sat down to watch anything in a while. I need to finish Quantum Leap- both the new one and the original show, and I just got the Doctor Who seasons w/ 9 and 10 that I really want to rewatch soon. And I'll be watching Gundam Witch from Mercury with a friend here soon! I could probably go on about other shows i maybe wanna watch soon for paragraphs but these are the ones in the front of my brain haha
Current Obsession: Trigun.................. specifically the manga, but god. This series has a deathgrip the likes of which no media has Ever really had on me? Like ever? I dunno what it is but I'm here for the long haul and I've made more art of individual characters than I typically do of Any fanart I make for other things I've enjoyed in the past LOL. Usually my fixation is firmly on OCs with a background noise of whatever media I'm enjoying at the moment but NOT THIS TIME
Tagging: @breserker @japaneesee @mustielsen @genderfluid-chameleon @sarahtheconjurer AND WHOEVER ELSE i feel bad tagging so many ksdjfghk- I'D BE DELIGHTED IF U HOPPED IN
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kakusu-shipping · 9 months
1, 2, 4, 11, and 18 for the end of year asks? :0
Aaah thankyou Echo!!! This post might be long, please forgive me!
1. Did you add any F/Os to your list this year? Were they from new media or just a newly discovered love?
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Here's every romantic F/O added to the list this year, or at least that I can remember adding this year. Years are long and my sense of time is very warped so it may not be fully accurate.
Most are from new media, or just new parts of media, like the end of the Owl House and the New Pokemon Games. The ones that are new loves from re-visits are Heracross, Smeargle, and Keckleon from Monster Mind, Mario and Luigi from Super Mario, Makarov from Fairy Tail, and Jill from The Wayward Children series.
Though Mario and Luigi are also what I consider my first F/Os, they weren't officially on the list until the movie came out, so I'm counting them in the 2023 yearly wrap.
2. Did you reconsume any of your F/Os’ source media this year? How did you feel about the rewatch/listen/read/etc?
I rewatch Assassination Classroom every year in March and it makes me cry every time. I also replay Hatoful Boyfriend and Holiday Star every December for Kazuaki and Hitori, watch Baka and Test sometime around late Summer most years to ease my seasonal depression, and rewatch Mushishi at least once a year.
Other than that, nothing super meaningful. I rewatched a few LPs of Mario games, replayed through Paper Mario myself, watched Romantic Killer again, Reread Manly Appetites every other month or so, watched The Cat Returns once or twice, played more Pokemon, Restarted Monster Mind (still haven't finished it), and skimmed the Ouran Manga at the library while waiting for them to replace the volume they're missing.
HOWever, this latest reread of Down Among the Sticks and Bones is what got me to finally put Jill on the F/O list, so that feels worth mentioning. I love that book <3
4. Was there anything on your blog that you were particularly proud of this year?
No, not really. My drawings were all very incomplete and sketchy this year with long gaps between them, and my writing really flaked off suddenly, I haven't written more than a paragraph at all this year.
I wouldn't say I'm particularly proud of them, but I did really enjoy making moodboards last month and am kind of waiting for my health to settle so I can get back to them. Making stuff for other self shippers is a lot more fun than writing/drawing for myself atm.
11. Was there new media for any of your F/Os this year? If so, what was your opinion on it?
Yes FNaF Help Wanted 2 came out and gave us New Sun Content and I LOVED IT!!!!! He's such a bitch!!!! A shit!!! A snobby theater kid!!! He's so controlling and harsh I LOVE him <3 So happy to know more about him honestly and that he's not all UwU Caregiver that the fandom made him. I like soft characters, but he's a HORROR character he needs to be a little fucked up!!
18. Did you have a favorite trend in the selfship community from the past year?
I'll be honest, I don't pay much attention to what other people in the selfship community are doing. I follow the tags but if there's like a popular trend thing going around, I miss it every time.
My LEAST favorite right now though is the whole "Stolen from an Anti" thing. I have no qualms about stealing posts it's whatever, but I hate when it's says that in text at the bottom of the post. Just tag it as such so I can filter it please
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the-east-art · 1 year
Chatting about Trigun
(Both the manga and the new anime)
A couple of my mutuals have asked me about my thoughts, and if yall wanna dm me and keep talking I LOVE chatting, but I also thought it would be fun to write down some of my thoughts for everyone. For reference, I have finished watching Stampede and I'm a little less than halfway through TriMax. There isn't really a 'point' to all of this, just some misc thoughts :3
So first of all really loved Stampede. I read the first manga and got like 12 chapters into Max before giving in to watch the anime, both because I was excited to watch it, and also because the manga is... a little rough to read? I don't watch or read a ton of anime or manga these days, working on art and full-time school and my job make it hard to pick what to do in my little free time. The manga that I've read recently has been Yokohama Shopping Log, Dungeon Meshi, and Witch Hat Atelier. While Trigun is fun paneling and storytelling wise it isn't as easy to read as any of the manga listed. I found myself having to reread some pages a few times because between the words, the paneling, and the art I couldn't tell what it was trying to get across. It is also heavy on the action and fights scenes (much like some manga I read in the early days like Bleach or Naruto) and I'm not about long fight scenes, especially when it's hard for me to tell what's going on. The story that the manga has going on is very interesting, however, it reminds me incredibly of Katekyo Hitman Reborn (or tbh even D. Gray Man) in that the early portion of it really feels like the Mangaka wasn't sure what the entire plot was and kind of made it up as it went, especially leaning into funny tropes quite early on. The manga reads like the mangaka realized that they needed to focus up and iron out the story idea when they ended the original Trigun, and had a better idea of what they were going for when they wrote Trigun Maximum (obv idk if that's true, that's just the vibe)
Stampede feels like they're trying to write the story of Trigun but more focused, if the story had been more put together from the beginning, which I really like. A few of the changes I struggle with, but I'm trying to be optimistic to how these changes can be remedied in season 2. Season 1 of Stampede was both the original Trigun books AND the backstory of the books in a way, which I really like I feel like having the destruction of July being the incident before the two year gap actually works really well, as well as letting us see how some of the characters develop. Meryl in season 1 has been much more naive and soft than I felt like she was in manga, but I think you do get the vibe that in season 2 after the developments of the finale and the two year gap she will be more like the Meryl from the manga, which actually if it is true sets up her character pretty well!
I like the designs for a lot for the characters in Stampede too, although I am a little sad that they leaned more into the generic white futuristic clothing for the people on board the ship. I really like that in the manga, even though they're all like astronauts and stuff they're seen wearing t-shirts and jeans. Also I think Rem has more of the milf vibes like that (someone said that she looks more like a big sister like that and if so I think I like it even more haha, since she was thrust into the position of mom really suddenly). The many wrappings/belts of Vash are also missed, but I also like his new design so they're both good lol.
The last thing I wish that they included or that I really wish they'll add into season two is how Vash when he was still with Nai and Rem was less optimistic. In the manga I just got to the part where Vash acts out after seeing the previous Independent, going as far as hurting Rem. The idea that he became so steadfastly optimistic after his world falls apart is so good. Not that he was pessimistic before, but that he was just a kid that was still figuring things out, and scared.
Haha, it's also a small thing, but in the manga when the ships go down, Nai specifically says that Rem thwarted his plans, but in the anime I feel like it just kind of vaguely says she might have or might not have helped.
Uhhhh if you have any questions though about any other thoughts I might have about things let me know! It was a fun watch and I'm excited to finish reading the manga, even if I do have my critiques lmao.
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