#the non-VIP bourgeois reaction has always been ‘you’re ugly uggos for doing this I hope you have a horrible day’
sciralta · 1 year
oh blades is totally not getting a book 3 i have no doubt in my mind about that! also so many vip books are just being single books maybe there’s a reason they aren’t profitable PB!
ngl i don’t wanna be that guy but i wouldn’t be shocked if we lost gender of choice MCs in the next couple years as well 🤷🏼‍♂️
PB’s been stumbling ever since they announce VIP which is why i’ve looked for interactive fiction elsewhere! if you want any recs… 👀
Half of me thinks they wouldn’t, half of me is going “yeah them ditching GoC entirely that’s absolutely possible”. At the current rate it probably wouldn’t be that much of a loss because the recent new series have been uh… less than middling, on average. We can always go and make our own gay shit on Storyloom if for whatever reason we don’t want to abandon Pixelberry entirely.
Stumbling, yes. They’re well past their trial run of VIP so if they’re sticking with it, it has to be more lucrative than the classical pre-VIP era. But even if it’s better business the way they’ve gone about it is also pretty funny because it’s like they’ve tripped over every hurdle on the way here.
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