#the notifs make me feel real idk how to describe it does that make sense like I wanna be percieved
iamfabiloz · 2 years
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I miss you alive Yellowfang :( my finger aches I’ve been doing a lot of phone art these days
Edit: CLOUDPELT added!! Yellows first foster kit :3 these refs for a redraw thingy
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m1ckeyb3rry · 1 year
hii i have returned with my ramblings on SITH like i do every chapter lol :))
omg the mention of friedrich being “scary looking” reminded me of that time u said that only the mc genuinely finds him handsome & i still have not recovered from that /pos
i love how much falco looks up to the mc & how this chapter kinda showed her being a mentor to him, it was so sweet <3 falco being out of breath from JOGGING is so real, like he’s just like me fr we’re both terrible at running
the irony of colt being the first of the trio to inherit his titan & also being the first who will die. idk if u plan on diverging from the canon plot & having him live or just sticking with canon plot, but the “i’ll be the first” line rlly hits hard either way, & it’ll hit especially hard if he still dies.
now that i think abt it, the trio rlly is just the found family trope & im gobbling that shit up bro, i love them with all my heart 🫶 i feel like they’re not only soulmates, but also the “our fates are intertwined in every universe” trope as well. so even if one of them dies & the other two have to live on w/o them or two of them die & the last has to preserve their memory, all 3 of them will meet again in another lifetime. they just can’t be separated (they come in a set LMFAO). that’s my take on their relationship at least.
i hope u like my theories & takes lol. when im super invested in smth, i always like talking abt it & going in-depth bc that’s just what i like to do. even if i get some shit wrong (when theorizing or analyzing), that’s ok, bc im just having fun & enjoying smth im interested in :))
hope ur doing well & taking care of urself!! remember to hydrate & get lots of rest. and dont overwork urself (even tho that’s prolly easier said than done). <3
— 🪐
HIII I love your ramblings I always smile when I get the notifications!!
LMAOOO I would like to slightly revise that and add that friedrich isn’t really considered ugly by anyone either he just always looks 0.5 inches away from snapping so people are too busy being scared of him to think he’s handsome. Ofc the mc knows him so well that she sees past that and can appreciate him for what he is <3
I wanted to somewhat show Y/N being a good person again since we’ve seen so many chapters of her struggling and overcoming her faults and traumas. She’s definitely not a perfect person but she can be very kind at times and she is canonically super good with kids so I thought showing her and falco bonding and her doing something for someone other than herself would balance out the heaviness of everything post-athyae. falco is so sweet I actually love him sooo much but I was lowkey dying writing him in this chapter because he’s just so hopeless 😭 I would like to add that in the running scene Y/N is the one jogging…my man falco is SPRINTING to keep up with her 😩 up to interpretation whether it’s because “slow” for Y/N is fast for like anyone else or because falco is just really not athletically blessed.
I feel like friedrich being the jaw titan is the most obvious choice. He’s way too slippery (does that even make sense?? Idk how else to describe it) to be the armored titan and way too independent to be the colossal, he could be the cart but tbh Y/N just exemplifies the cart to me I couldn’t see anyone else inheriting it, colt being the next beast has been a thing since like the first chapters of the fic, and he just…is not a girl so I can’t imagine him as the female titan.
I won’t spoil the trio’s fates, but writing that scene knowing their futures was definitely painful. I’m trying to write and update more often so you don’t have to wait years to find out what happens to them because there is SO much planned for the future of this story. I’ve been struggling because the past two mini arcs (which were titled return to liberio and warrior’s welcome if you were wondering) have been the hardest to write so far. They’re a lot more introspective and focused on Y/N’s mental development, conflict, and recovery, so it was a lot of just “people visiting houses” with inner monologues as opposed to plot and external conflict. The next mini arc is very different though so I’m excited to get to that!! One more chapter of warrior’s welcome and then I’m finally free 😭
I ADOREEEE FOUND FAMILY!! That’s why endure and SitH are my favs, I feel like they both have their own versions of the found family tropes that make me feel so 😫 but the trio and the endure crew are definitely super different. like the endure found family is just a bunch of siblings (case in point Y/N and Jean) but the trio defies categorization. They’re in love but they’re best friends but they’re somehow more than that?? Idk their dynamic isn’t something I’ve written before but it’s definitely one of the most interesting I think!! (I’d say it’s my favorite but my favorites are endure jean and y/n, endure eren and y/n, and promise y/n and tullia, with an honorary mention to endure y/n and tullia)
I LOVE YOUR THEORIES SO MUCH!! I won’t confirm or deny if they’re right because I don’t want to spoil but I love reading them and responding to them so much. It makes me sosososo happy that you’re so invested in this random story I decided to write on a whim one day and that you’re having as much fun with it as I am. Your asks motivate me sm because with a story like SitH it can sometimes feel like I’m only writing for myself (which is good because it gives me creative freedom but sometimes demotivating as there’s no engagement)
Thank you so much and remember to take care of yourself as well!!
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lala-pipo · 4 years
(1/18) *peeks from behind the wall* I hope I am still welcomed here hahaha cricket anon is here! <3 I am very sorry for making you worry last time O.O, for sure no matter what happens to the story, I'm going to be right there to read it! Huehuehue, I literally was not lying when I mentioned that this story is bringing me lots of joy this year :3 Cricket anon is fine now! hahaha my last work place was really bad, kind of black-company-level-bad, and it really took a toll on my mental health…
Dear cricket nony, I already answered one of your non-anonymous asks privately because I was so overwhelmed by the sheer amount of email notifications I got from tumblr and Ao3 that I had to thank you right away, but I still want to do it publically because even after days I’m still overwhelmed that you took so much time to write me a whole essay. I’m still all soft and wobbly and squishy on the inside. Your notifications really made my day, week, probably month – so thanks so much again. It really means so much T___T
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(2) so, I kind of took two months? break from social media and just literally try and figure out my life lol basically quarter-life crisis also happening, but yeah slowly getting better now! I hope you are doing fine as well, sending you lots of hugs and love ~^^~ Firstly though!! I wanted to say sorry too that it took a while for me to reply hahaha… BUT!! Let me tell you omg during my rest of 8 weeks, I have managed to re-read ALL. SEVEN. CHAPTERS!! So many things to share!!
I’m so sorry to hear that your last workplace took such a toll on your mental health and I really hope that you are going to get better. I cross all my fingers for you and send you good vibes only. Please don’t feel pressured to comment at all. I mean everyone loves receiving comments, but it shouldn’t feel like a chore. So if you feel like sharing your thoughts I’m always glad to read them, but if you don’t feel like sharing them, please don’t feel bad about it. <3
(3) However, since my comments were a grand total of 4,000 words lol, I inserted them in AO3 under "cricket anon" in every chapter! :3 You might get confused as you read them because I take notes as I read the chapter lol hahaha I hope my comments might bring some joy <3 Ahh! By the way! These anon messages are partly not anon since anon asks are limited to 10 per hour? I didn’t know that! :( But since I accidentally have revealed myself to you lol I think it should be okay!
I’ll also try to answer your comments on Ao3 in the upcoming days because (if I remember correctly) you had some questions and I hope I can answer some of them. ^^ But I’m impressed that you went through all the chapters again. We’ve reached 150k now, which is quite fascinating to me because there are still quite a few chapters left. I wonder how long the story will be in the end *hides* I didn’t know that either! I’ve been on tumblr for so long and yet this 10 ask limit is new information for me, but it makes sense in some way – if I think about spam accounts or people going around spreading hate or something.
(4) Also, I think I’m going to make my snorts reactions straight onto AO3 from now on, rather than spamming your ask box with 10+ anon messages hahaha but I’ll still come here to share you my overall reactions and analyzations huehuehue and also to possibly warn you about the length of the comment lol something I noticed, from chapter 1 to chapter 7, the comment got longer lol more things to discuss about, I guess!? But yeah!! Let me reply to your reply to my previous ask here!!
LMAO I admire your dedication. Do whatever is most comfortable to you, I will be happy either way ^^ I think it makes sense that someone can comment more on later chapters because the painted picture gets fuller and fuller with details, there is more information about the different characters, the storyline is more developed and so on… ^^
(5) Is the sad scene in chapter 6, you were referring to the conversation that Jong-Taem were having, and then Jong tried to diffuse it into another lighthearted banter, and Taem is just. tired. of. Jong avoiding the conversation? and despite all that, Taem still let Jong come into his room and cuddle to sleep? idk... I find that scene really heartbreaking :( or maybe it was another scene?
For me it was the shower scene tbh. I don’t know, but it always struck something inside of me (is it weird that I’m saying this although I’ve written it?) There is something very fragile about Jonghyun in that scene and Taemin does feel a little helpless and is so caught up in his own thoughts, in his own needs, what he wants (and doesn’t get from Jonghyun) and yeah – it always makes me go :( but yes, the follow up scene is sad as well because you sit there and think – you two are just so damn dumb, which is something most people, who read this story so far – seem to think constantly, because yeah, they are very dumb – each in their own way. ^^
(6) I think I mentioned in the AO3 comment somewhere that even I started to feel like Taem can just leave Jong because Jong is not trying to understand Taem, I mean, nothing to do with his mood swings or his claim that Taem will get bored of him, just that he isn't trying to see things from Taem's perspective whereas Taem is trying! so! hard! and he even tried to ignore the fact that Jong avoid the vital conversations for like the 10th time already :(
Feelings are a very difficult topic – and while chapters 1-9 are very focused on what Taemin does, thinks, wants, needs, wishes etc. the focus does shift a little over to Jonghyun starting from chapter 10. So the reader does get an inside of why Jonghyun might have acted the way he did. If his behavior makes sense is up to the reader (and Taemin as well) to decide – but I think it shines a little more light onto Jonghyun, who the reader doesn’t know much about – feeling wise –, although he’s one of the main characters of the story. ^^ It’s the onion layers that get peeled one by one. ^^
(7) Yeah, re-reading this definitely showed me muCH MORE parallelism in Jong-Key and Taem-Jong dynamics. Even with Taem's mood in a sense? Like how Jong used to be really upset when Key has a new friend, and then suddenly okay when they do sexy times. Before, I only noticed the puppy-love-ness parallel, but then there is more to it, like I said, Taem's mood affected by Jong a lot, just like Jong's by Key, and also the way Jong claims that Key doesn't understand his feelings,
(8) well, it applies to Jong not really wanting to understand Taem's feeling? by just brushing it off as Taem will get bored of him or Taem doesn't know what he is talking about. I mean as a reader, I am also not sure, if it’s either Jong doesn't care or he is scared to show himself or both or maybe there is another reason? Hahaha ^^;;
This is true and done on purpose. ^^ This knowledge doesn’t play a key (haha) part in the storyline, but it is there to show how blinded one can get by one’s own feelings. After adapting to his new life in a dorm Taemin sees through Jonghyun and Kibum’s relationship quite well, but later when it’s about his own relation to Jonghyun he’s completely blindsided and doesn’t see how unhealthy it is at first – him going back and back and back over and over again in the hope that Jonghyun’s behavior towards him might change.
(9) You mentioned that there will be more Jongtae drought, and honestly, I think they need it? I think some space for them to think about things and you know do other things and talk to other people about other things lol maybe it will clear up their heads hopefully? Ahh!! You said the beginning of chapter 5 is for your own sanity lol I totally understand ;), it was a very sweet scene, soft, and kind of endearing compared to what is coming in the next chapters TnT
It depends on how we describe the drought. The hard cut was done in chapter 8. I went in like a warrior and just cut all the strings, not showing any mercy. ^^” I don’t want to spoiler anything, but yeah – the hard drought will continue throughout chapter 9 – soft drought from chapter 10 …… till ….. *closes mouth* 6v6 
Working on chapter 8 made me write two lovey-dovey JongTae oneshots because I couldn’t stand seeing them fight in my own fanfic, in front of my salad. T_T so yeah, the beginning of chapter 5 was for my sanity. While writing chapter 8 I also realized again while I never really write angst, fights – anything dramatic really, because I’m a very chill person in real life, and I like my fanfics to be very chill as well – so writing this was completely out of my comfort zone. For others it’s writing smut for me it’s writing angst lmao. I usually want to wrap up all the characters in fluffy blankets and make them tea, and yet here I am – letting Taemin suffer for so many chapters. I’m a monster T_T
(10) Yeahhh, about the fact that we don't see Key so much since it is in Taemin's point of view, and also the fact that our (the audience)'s perception of Key is very much influenced by how Taem sees Key, right? I think I even mentioned somewhere in the comments, that in a way, a Rashomon effect is present as the readers read the story right, since they are all on accounts of Taem's witnessing, but then also maybe I am just reading too much into this lol
It would be the Rashomon effect if I wrote the same fic out of Jonghyun’s perspective and Minho’s as well for example. In this case Taemin is just a very unreliable narrator and we don’t (well I do :’D) but the reader doesn’t know what’s really going on, if everything Taemin is experiencing is true or if it should be taken with a grain of salt. Considering that everyone in the dorm, except for Taemin, gets along well with Kibum, we might want to believe that Kibum isn’t the bad guy Taemin wants to make him out to be. ^^
(11) Honestly, I could hear my English Lit teacher saying "maybe that is not the author's intention" hahaha xD Yes yes yes!! more chapters for Taem's development!! I am ready for it!! I mean the end of chapter 7 marked the sign of the broken vase, and paired with the JongTae drought, I am looking forward to the next part of the story!! Some character development at this point is perfect I think!! And also!! About the advices, I think I commented a few times on some of the chapters.
(12) I didn't notice that before! And after you pointed it out, I think I made some comments on Minho's, Key's, and Onew's advices to Taem and definitely, based on how the events unfolded, we could argue that the advice was bad - in a way though, I can't seem to tell (yet, maybe?) if the advice giver was genuinely trying to help or do they have ulterior motives? hmmm but either way, I like how you placed a lot of thoughts in the story, even on things such as advice.
(13) Because for sure, in reality, people tend to give bad advices, and act on bad advices. It is true that most fics tend to focus only on the good advice and then the story ends happily ever after. Real life is most definitely not like that :3 your "slice of life" tag is holding up to its name ;) Thank you so much for your hard work!! You added 10,000 words for chapter 7?? omg… huhuhu (insert a bowing LINE sticker)... yeah, for sure, the way the story unfolds in my head,
(14) probably is different to other readers, right? And for sure, very different to you, the author! There are probably a lot more instances, scenes, implications, interpretations? that we as readers are unaware of! Thank you so much for all your hard work TnT, as readers, having more context into the story does give much more clarity on the flow of the story and the feelings of the characters, etc. Thank you for all your hard work! (bow bow bow)
That was something @hwarang-number commented on as well while betaing the story. What if Minho has ulterior motives?!?!?!?!? In Minho’s case it does make sense to give out bad advice to lure in the innocent lamb haha but for example what would Jinki’s or Kibum’s ulterior motives be? Sometimes people want to give out good advice, but in the end it just turns out to be bad advice – unintentionally – humans are just humans after all – and none of us is all knowing, we all perceive things differently, and what might work for one person might not work for the other. I did add 10k to chapter 7 and 25k to chapter 8 – because chapter 8 felt like the most incomplete out of all the chapters in this story. 
I think I’ve mentioned it before but hwarang_number is super attentive while reading and figured most things out that I’ve implied – even smaller details which I thought might get lost in the chapters – which I’m still impressed by, but I also said before that everyone reads stories differently, and some aspects that might not be important to me as the author of the story might be important for the readers and the other way around. For the past chapters I just tried to fill in the gaps that might confuse readers unnecessarily. In the original draft of chapter 8 Taemin is doing the deeds with Minho far more spontaneously because he’s so frustrated with Jonghyun – it made sense like that as well – but I think his frustration got more depth through the added scenes. :)
(15) Ah!! By the way!! Please don't feel like you are forced to reply to all of my messages! Having you read them already makes me happy! I don't want to make it feel like an obligation to you because... well omg my comments like super loooooong hahaha ^^;; And yeah!! Take your time with the next chapter by the way!! I am rooting for the development of the story no matter how it will go :3 I will be waiting for the next update (though no pressure, just want to put it there haha)
Dear cricket nony, if you write me 50 message I will still try to answer all of them ㅎㅅㅎ I might just take a little longer. I hope you will like chapter 8 as well, despite the drought ^^
(16) Next time, this cricket anon will bring some more noise ~ I hope your real-life stuff works out well too :D Once again, thank you for answering all of my messages, and for writing this awesomely written fanfiction! While I wait for the next chapter, I think I'm going to re-read songs of siren hehehe :3 Please stay safe!
Please do! Song of Sirens is definitely a story I would have loved to treat like “Dorm Life” in a sense that it would have turned out better if I had worked on it longer, but I’m still a fan of the big brain energy I had running through my veins when I came up with the mythological aspect of the story…lmao So I hope you will enjoy re-reading it. ^^ Chapter 8 is longer than Song of Sirens (just as a side note haha)
(17) Ah!! I forgot to mention!! After I re-read it, my most favorite literary device that you used in this fanfiction (lol this commentary is beginning to sound like a Literature essay) is the Biblical Allusions? I am not sure if this was your intention, but the juxtapositions of Bible verses or reference to God, in Taemin’s thought reminds me heavily of Taemin’s songs, particularly Heaven? It be a sexy time song if you look at the lyrics, but the composition is that of a choir church song
(18) I find the contrast chilling, and maybe you were trying to invoke that feeling to the readers? Orrr maybe I am perhaps, indeed, reading too much into this hahaha ^^;; but really! I really enjoy reading your fanfictions and coming up with analyzations, it’s very fun, and the fact that I can discuss or ask you questions about it is just makes it even more fun – since in Literature classes we can’t actually ask the author of their true intentions right hahaha okay!! I am done :3 Thank you!! <3
It was my intention and still is, so I’m glad you picked up on that. ^^ I always wanted to write a fanfic in which Taemin’s religion plays a role – even if it’s just on the side – I always make some references to Dante’s circles of Hell (when Taemin is being dramatic again) or I also made a reference to Hieronymus Bosch’s painting The Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Last Things in chapter 8. (I’m a big fan of his work – that dude was wild – the way he painted blows my mind every time I look at one of his paintings). So yes, dramatic Taemin talking about religion and throwing around with biblical references is my brain being wild. ^^ 
I would say that ‘Dorm Life’ is not a really deep story, but I did put a lot of thought into it to not make it your regular smut/romance fanfic. I mean it took time, still does – but I’m glad when people, like you dear cricket nony, appreciate it. So thank you so much for your kind words and sending me all your thoughts and interpretations. <3 I hope you will have a lovely December – please stay healthy and please take good care of yourself. <3
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Answer all of them. 1-170. have fun.
1: How tall or short do you wish you were? 
5′2″. Exactly how tall I am now. I like being short.
2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not)
I’ve always wanted a ferret. They can weed out people for me. If a person says “Ew, it’s a rat” then they ain’t worth my time.
 3: Do you have a favorite clothing style? 
Whatever’s on sale. Preferably baggy and comfortable
4: What was your favorite video game growing up? 
Always has been and always will be the Nancy Drew computer games. I’m obsessed. There are 32 games (we don’t talk about number 33), and I’ve played each one dozens of times.
5: What three things/people do you think of most each day: 
My laptop, my dog, my tumblr account
6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say? 
Warning: Prone to spontaneous breakdowns, both physically and mentally.
7: What is your opinion on [insert person/thing here]? 
Honest opinion on @Elizard-Hamilton, the person who sent this ask: They’re super sweet and kind, and probably the first reciprocal tumblr friendship I’ve ever had.
8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic] 
Don’t know what that is, too drunk to figure it out right now.
9: Are you ticklish? 
God yes. But I retaliate. If you tickle me, you will die.
10: Are you allergic to anything? 
No, that’s the one medical thing that I don’t have.
11: What’s your sexuality? 
Hetero-Demi Sexual. So I like men, but I’m only sexually attracted to them if we’ve been close for a long time.
12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa? 
Cocoa, always. Specifically, Tim Hortons Hot Chocolate. Medium, 2 creams.
13: Are you a cat or dog person? 
Dog. Always.
14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson? 
I answered this one already, definitely merperson.
15: Do you have a favorite Youtuber? 
16: How tall are you? 
See above.
17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? 
I’d just add an L to my name. New name, pronounced the same.
18: How much do you weigh? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!] 
Right now, 126 lbs. But I should be 110. I just got off a medication that made me gain 40 pounds practically overnight. I went from 100 pounds to 140 pounds. I’m slowing losing the weight.
19: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? 
Not in the traditional sense, but I do believe there are things about the departed we don’t yet understand. Kind of like way back when they though lightning was a supernatural event, until they found a scientific explanation for it. I think there’s stuff we just haven’t discovered yet.
20: Do you like space or the ocean more? 
21: Are you religious? 
Nope, athiest.
22: Pet peeves? 
Idk, I can’t think of any right now.
23: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]? 
Wtf I don’t know? Who cares? I’d rather be whatever koalas are. They sleep 22 hours a day.
24: Favorite constellation? 
The only one I can think of right now is big dipper. That makes it my favourite and also my least favourite constellation.
25: Favorite star? 
See question 24, but North Star.
26: Do you like ball-jointed dolls? 
I don’t know what that is? Do you mean like Barbie? I litterally watching Barbie Nutcracker right now, lol.
27: Any phobias or fears? 
28: Do you think global warming is real? 
29: Do you believe in reincarnation? 
30: Favorite movie? 
Does Hamilton count? If yes, that. If not, Knives Out. I’m a sucker for a good murder mystery.
31: Do you get scared easily? 
32: How many pets have you own in your lifetime? 
Oh god. Idk. You’re going to make me do math on vacation. Lets see. 3 Dogs, 2 Cats, ungodly numbers of fish, 2 rats, 5 hermit crabs, 3 hamsters, probably others I can’t remember.
33: Blog rate? [You’ll rate the blog of the one who’s asking.] 
@elizard-hamilton 10/10. 5 stars. Thumbs up. Gold Star.
34: What is a color that calms you? 
Royal Purple. I used to have a bedroom where everything was royal purple. The walls, the furniture, the bedding, the accessories. Everything. It was a great time in my life, so the colour makes me think of good times.
35: Where would you like to travel and/or live? 
I’d love to go to Belgium. My grandmother was born there, and we still have family over there that I’ve never met.
36: Where were you born? 
London Ontario
37: What is your eye color? 
38: Introvert or extrovert? 
39: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs? 
Not at all
40: Hugs or kisses? 
None of the above. I have Asperger's, I don’t like to be touched.
41: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now? 
I’d love to see my BFF from high school again. Haven’t talked to her since we graduated. Rachel, if you’re out there, I miss you.
42: Who is someone you love deeply? 
My parents.
43: Any piercings you want? 
44: Do you like tattoos and piercings? 
Nope. I don’t have anything against them, they’re just not for me. If you have them, I won’t think any less of you. There’s nothing wrong with them.
45: Do you smoke or have you eiver done so? 
Nope. I’ve already got really shitty lungs (I have Cystic Fibrosis), I’d rather not make them worse than they already are.
46: Talk about your crush, if you have one! 
Oh gosh, he’s cute, funny, talented, a great singer, a great writer, he wrote a hit broadway musical... oh, he doesn’t count? Then no, no one right now.
47: What is a sound you really hate? 
Styrofoam rubbing against more styrofoam.
48: A sound you really love? 
The notification sound tumblr makes when I get something in my inbox
49: Can you do a backflip? 
HA no.
50: Can you do the splits? 
HA HA no.
51: Favorite actor and/or actress? 
Do I even need to answer this? I’m going to anyway. It’s..... drumroll........ Danny Devito! Lol, no, it’s Lin Manuel-Miranda
52: Favorite movie? 
This is the same as question 30.
53: How are you feeling right now? 
Drunk. Next question.
54: What color would you like your hair to be right now? 
Purple. I used to have purple hair. Then I got older and got a real job and I’m not allowed to die my hair anymore.
55: When did you feel happiest? 
At 16, with my purple hair and purple bedroom and my bff in like grade 11
56: Something that calms you down? 
57: Have any mental disorders? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!] 
Asperger’s, Depression, situational anxiety.
58: What does your URL mean? 
Every time is Hamiltime. Because it’s always time for Hamilton.
59: What three words describe you the most? 
Bizarre, confrontational, idk. Is there a word that means unwilling to put up with anyone’s bullshit? Because if so, then that.
60: Do you believe in evolution? 
Yes. Evolution is a fact, it’s been proven. So this question should not say do you believe in evolution, it should say do you accept evolution.
61: What makes you unfollow a blog? 
If they start posting stuff i disagree with, or if they totally veer into a new fandom I’m not interested in. I’ve lost so many good blogs to kpop.
62: What makes you follow a blog? 
Idk, I like their stuff?
63: Favorite kind of person: 
Kind people.
64: Favorite animal(s): 
65: Name three of your favorite blogs. 
I’m not going to start naming friends, cause I’ve got way more than three and I know I’m going to forget someone, so here’s 3 random blogs I enjoy: gmoringgnight, tinywhim, torsnavi
66: Favorite emoticon: 
I’m on my laptop, i don’t have emoticons right now, but probably the one where he’s crying laughing
67: Favorite meme: 
All of them. I love all the memes.
68: What is your MBTI personality type? 
I’m too drunk to remember right now, ask me tomorrow.
69: What is your star sign? 
70: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog? 
He cannot. He’s an idiot. But he can give you a high five, if that counts for something.
71: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most? 
Leggings, T-Shirt, Hoodie. Whatever’s clean.
72: Post a selfie or two? 
73: Do you have platform shoes? 
74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself? 
I can solve a rubik’s cube
75: Can you do a front flip? 
76: Do you like birds? 
To look at, not to own or touch
77: Do you like to swim? 
Very much. In the water, it’s the one place my back doesn’t hurt.
78: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you? 
Swimming. I don’t skate. I know, oh wow, a Canadian who can’t skate. Sue me.
79: Something you wish didn’t exist: 
80: Some thing you wish did exist: 
Alex Clairmont-Diaz
81: Piercings you have? 
My ears are pierced.
82: Something you really enjoy doing: 
83: Favorite person to talk to: 
My mom
84: What was your first impression of Tumblr? 
Amazing, finally a place I can be as weird as I want and it’s totally anonymous.
85: How many followers do you have? 
I have no idea.
86: Can you run a mile within ten minutes? 
HA no
87: Do your socks always match? 
88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely? 
When I was 14, they did a surgery where they put metal rods in my spine to keep it from growing crooked. My spine doesn’t bend at all. So I’ve never tried to touch my toes, but I’m going to go with no, I can’t.
89: What are your birthstones? 
I think Aquamarine? I don’t remember.
90: If you were an animal, which one would you be? 
Koala. They sleep 22 hours a day.
91: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be? 
I can’t think of any flowers right now beyond rose and tulip, and neither represent me. Is there a flower that’s really ugly? If so, that.
92: A store you hate? 
Gap. I despise that store with every escence of my being.
93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day? 
None. It tastes like manure.
94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds? 
Ooh, fly. No more wheelchair.
95: Do you like to wear camo? 
I don’t think i particularly like or dislike it. I just don’t wear it.
96: Winter or summer? 
97: How long can you hold your breath for? 
Not long at all. See explanation above, r.e. Cystic Fibrosis
98: Least favorite person? 
99: Someone you look up to: 
My mom
100: A store you love? 
Hot Topic. Yes, I’m basic like that. 
101: Favorite type of shoes 
Flats, cause I don’t have to attempt to bend over to put them on.
102: Where do you live? 
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Yes, I’m serious.
103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why? 
104: What is your favorite mineral or gem? 
Wtf? Are people supposed to have a favourite mineral or gem?
105: Do you drink milk? 
106: Do you like bugs? 
107: Do you like spiders? 
108: Something you get paranoid about? 
If I remembered to turn off my computer before I go to bed.
109: Can you draw: 
110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked? 
On a daily basis, people ask me why I use my scooter or my wheelchair. Every day. Not so much during the pandemic, but yeah.
111: A question you hate being asked? 
“When are you going to get a boyfriend?” “When are you going to settle down?” 
112: Ever been bitten by a spider? 
113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach? 
Who doesn’t?
114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days? 
Cloudy, cause then I can stay indoors guilt-free
115: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now: 
My dog. But he’s with my sister.
116: Favorite cloud type: 
???? Is this something I’m supposed to have an opinion on?????
117: What color do you wish the sky was? 
???? IDGAF ??????
118: Do you have freckles? 
119: Favorite thing about a person: 
Their laugh
120: Fruits or vegetables? 
121: Something you want to do right now: 
Get another drink, but that’s probs not a great idea
122: Is the ocean or sky prettier? 
123: Sweet or sour foods? 
124: Bright or dim lights? 
125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature? 
126: Something you hate about Tumblr: 
I can’t reblog ads. Some of those ads are really, REALLY funny.
127: Something you love about Tumblr: 
Completely anonymous. I could be anyone. For all you know, I’m actually Mike Pence. (I promise I’m not)
128: What do you think about the least? 
Idk? There’s probably lots of stuff I’ve never thought about at all
129: What would you want written on your tombstone? 
Nothing, but I want there to be a little machine on top that looks like a parking meter, and when you put money in it you get wifi for an hour.
130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now? 
Trump, most of the politicians in the states. I want to go to New York, and I can’t because y’all can’t get your shit together and kick this virus.
131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself? 
My face. Not going to elaborate.
132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures?
Yes, but only because I get yelled at if I don’t.
133: Computer or TV? 
134: Do you like roller coasters? 
I used to. Then the back surgery and now I can’t anymore.
135: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness? 
Motion sickness no, seasickness yes.
136: Are your ears lobed or attached? 
137: Do you believe in karma? 
I believe that what you do will eventually come back to bite you in the ass, but I don’t believe in some cosmic force that balances the scales.
138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are? 
0. Not going to elaborate.
139: What nicknames do you have/have had? 
None. My name has always been Adele. The few people who tried to give me nicknames got shot down real quick.
140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends? 
When I was little, yeah
141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink? 
Yes ma’am. For over a decade.
142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others? 
Both at different times.
143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help? 
Giving. I never know what to say when receiving.
144: What makes you angry 
A lot of things these days. Can’t think of anything specific. My sister, usually.
145: How many languages do you speak fluently? 
Two. I speak French and English.
146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries? 
147: Are you androgynous? 
148: Favorite physical thing about yourself: 
My face. Not going to elaborate.
149: Favorite thing about your personality: 
My “take no shit” attitude.
150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person. 
Lin Manuel Miranda, Renee Elise Goldsberry, anyone from West Wing
151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose? 
Revolutionary America
152: Do you like BuzzFeed? 
I’ve been known to partake.
153: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? [If you have one.] 
Nope. I’m forever alone.
154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons? 
No. I have Asperger’s. No touching.
155: Do you like to play with others’ hair? 
156: What embarrasses you? 
When I need to ask for help for really simple things because of my wheelchair or other disabilities. I hate it.
157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious: 
The future, for reasons way too complex to write in a tumblr post.
158: Biggest lie you have ever told: 
I convinced half my second grade class I was related to Elton John once. That was fun. They believed it for like 3 months.
159: How many people are you following? 
160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)? 
I don’t even know how I would find that out.
161: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)? 
Right now, I have 12, but that’s because I’ve queued up the next 4 days HamiltonHungerGames. Usually, I have none. I don’t understand how people have drafts. When I feel like writing something on tumblr, I start a post, I end the post, I post it. I never use drafts
162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)? 
??? Again, I have no idea how to find that information.
163: Last time you cried and why: 
I honestly don’t remember.
164: Do you have long or short hair? 
Usually long, but right now short. My mom decided to give me a covid haircut, and she does not understand the meaning of “Just a trim”.
165: Longest your hair has ever been: 
Down to my butt. 
166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religon? 
Dislike. I’m not going to talk about it here, but if you’re really curious you can dm me.
167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created? 
Yes, because if we know where the universe and world came from, we can figure out where it’s headed. See the book Origins by Dan Brown.
168: Do you like to wear makeup? 
Not at all.
169: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds? 
I can barely stand on my feet for more than 30 seconds.
170: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully? 
Tried to.
Ok, this took me an hour and 45 minutes. I’m tired, I’m drunk, I’m going to regret this in the morning, I’m going to bed. Night y’all.
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master-sass-blast · 6 years
Henlo, it's me, your local trash monster here to say I love Hannah and I can't wait to hear more about her?? That being said, GIMME ALL THE SAD GOODS ABOUT HER. But also add in something happy about her in the end! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ ((Also sending hugs! I know things have been stressful the last few days so just know I'm rooting for you !!))
Holy fuck I think this is the first time someone’s ever told me to cut loose and just SAY ALL THE THINGS AND I’M SO EXCITED!!!! :D
(Answers under the cut because I just went with the entire list. I have no self control.
And thank you for the hugs and encouragement!)
1. What is one word to shut them up: Okay, for some context, Hannah is a lawyer. She has a thick skin (unlike me, heyoooo). It takes a lot to shut her up; she’s an HBIC and she owns it.
But if someone starts talking about her scars (she’s struggled/struggles with self-harm), she shuts down. It’s a part of her she’s still self-conscious about, and if someone mentions it she’ll literally stop mid-sentence and mentally exit the conversation.
2. What is the thing they feel the most guilty about: Again, she’s got a pretty thick skin, so she doesn’t hold onto too much. Life happens, you make mistakes, and it’s better to learn from them rather than beat yourself over the head for something you can’t change anyway.
If there’s something she’s going to feel guilty about, though, it’s fights or incidents she’s had with family members/close friends where she’s hurt them with something she’s said or done. She holds herself in high accountability to ensure that she doesn’t step all over people, and when she does she fails not only them but her expectations for herself, so yeah. Guilt.
3. What is the worst pain they’ve ever experienced: Physical pain? Probably different injuries from her career in martial arts. She’s a tough cookie, but some of that stuff just hurts.
Emotional pain? Anytime she fails her expectations for herself. She has very high standards for herself, and when she can’t reach them she becomes very depressed (more so than usual).
4. Describe their worst nightmare: Actual dream? Anything where she’s drowning or running out of air. She almost drowned a couple times as a child/preteen, and the trauma still emerges in her adult life from time to time.
Real life “this is a nightmare” scenario? Any point where her depression gets so bad that she stops being functional. Things just start piling up and get overwhelming very quickly.
5. List 3 fears; one “surface level” fear, one “repressed” fear, and one “deep dark” fear: 1.) Drowning, which runs pretty deep but it’s an obvious one that she’s done a lot of therapy work for, and she doesn’t mind talking about it with other people. 2.) Wasps. She accidentally got locked into a shed with an active wasp nest in it as a child. She made it out alright, but the sheer terror of the situation made her repress the memory. She’s heard the story from friends and family, and “gets” why she’s scared of the fuckers, but can’t actually recall the incident itself. 3.) The dark. A side effect of depression is paranoia, and when she’s alone, in the dark, she can’t shake the feeling that there’s some sort of creature watching/following her. When her depression gets really bad, she has to sleep with a light on to keep from flipping out.
6. What is something that never fails to make them feel sick: She’s not naturally squeamish, but the sounds of belching (ala college frat boys, y’all know what I mean) make her stomach churn.
7. What feature (physical or otherwise) do they hate most about themselves: Her scars. She’s very ashamed of them, and goes out of her way to wear long sleeved shirts so she can hide them.
8. Do they have anything that triggers them: Feeling like she’s failed her own expectations/expectations others have of her, accidentally inhaling water, the ‘buzzing’ sound bees/wasps make.
9. What is their greatest physical weakness: Her height. She might be a kickass lawyer and an even kick-assier martial artist, but she barely clears five feet.
10. What is their greatest mental weakness: Her struggles with self-hatred. She’s her own worst enemy a lot of the time.
11. Do they have any vices: Not really. Not as far as serious vices go. She’s pretty grounded.
12. Have they ever done something illegal? What was it: Nope. She knew she wanted to be a lawyer from day one and made sure her record was spotless.
13. Which of the 7 Deadly Sins best describes them: Pride? I think that one comes closest? Again, since she really doesn’t have a vice or a thorn in her side, it’s hard to pick something for her.
I think Pride comes closest because she spirals when she fails to live up to her own expectations, which I think often comes with a bit of ego (at least in my experience with that sort of thing). She’s also got a lot to be proud of (lawyer, martial artist, financially independent), but she’s not a walking ego either?
Idk. This is a weird question, lol.
14. Are they prone to outbursts (of violence, extreme emotion… exc… ): Not really. Don’t get me wrong, she can get there, but it takes a lot. She’s very collected (and usually swings the opposite way; she’s more likely to cold shoulder you if she’s mad).
She does threaten to shove her Prada stiletto sideways up Hank Pym’s ass, though. So there’s that.
15. Who do they hate the most: Guys who use her height against her by cornering her into spots while they try to ask her out/talk to her about something. It’s the fastest way to wind up on her shit list.
16. Is there anyone who makes them feel inferior: Herself. She’s her own worst enemy.
17. What sound always gives them a headache: Her coworker Tracey’s text/notification sound. Which is always going off because Tracey’s always talking to someone.
18. Is there a certain flavor that disgusts them: Not really. She’s half Japanese, half ethnic Jew, and a practicing Jew to boot, so she grew up on a pretty broad flavor palette.
She’s tried a bacon cheeseburger once on a dare, though, and she hated it.
19. Do they consider themselves ugly: Not really (outside of her scars). She’s pretty confident in her appearance.
20. Do they consider themselves unloveable: Again, not really. She’s spent a lot of time in therapy, which helps, but she’s always had her feet pretty well on the ground.
21. What is something that causes them great anxiety: The prospect of losing. She’s very competitive.
22. Do they have any mental illnesses: Depression.
23. Have they ever been assaulted/abused/raped: She’s run into the usual guys that like to try and use her size against her, but they usually wind up worse for wear than she does.
24. Do they fear the possibility of being assaulted/abused/raped: Yes. She’s five feet tall and doesn’t clear 110 lbs. She’s very aware that she’s got “TARGET” written across her back.
25. Have they ever been betrayed by someone they thought they could trust: Fortunately, no. Most of her close relationships come from communities she knows well (school, work, the temple she attends in LA), so she hasn’t had to deal with too much betrayal.
26. Have they ever been seriously injured: Yes. Even outside of her struggles with self-harm, she’s a martial artist. She’s broken a few bones over the years from that.
27. How many times have they been in the hospital: Five. Three for some pretty drastic self harm incidents, and two from sparring injuries.
28. Is there a certain type of person that disgusts them: Obviously, she has frustrations with asshole guys, racists/anti-Semites, but she cannot stand people who work in organizations that prey on the disenfranchised (ala military recruiters going to schools in impoverished areas to fill their quota because they know how to trick the kids into trying out and all that). It gets her blood boiling fast.
29. Does what they cannot see scare them: Yes. Again, this shows perfectly with her fear of the dark.
30. Have they ever been bullied: Yupp. For her heritage, her beliefs, her mental health struggles, her size... High school sucks.
31. Do they have self-confidence or self-image issues: Yes and no. Again, she’s pretty confident about most things in life, but she does have certain weak points (her scars, living up to her own expectations, her height).
32. Do they have a bad relationship with their parents: Actually, no! She has a good relationship with both her parents and her extended family!
33. Have they ever been in a relationship that didn’t work out so well: Not in the drastic sense of things. She’s been through a few break ups, sure, but nothing that was abusive or crazy.
34. Have they ever self harmed: Yes. It’s something she still struggles with as an adult.
35. If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be: Her scars. She’d make them disappear.
36. Are they in control of their emotions, or are their emotions in control of them: She’s pretty well in control of her emotions.
37. Have they ever had their freedom taken away: Not really, no.
38. Have they ever been imprisoned: Nope.
39. Have they ever been accused of something they didn’t do: Not in any serious sense. Her reputation for toeing the line was too well known for her to be accused of something she didn’t do.
40. Do they often blame themselves for other people’s problems: She did as a teenager, but dutiful therapy and self-care has helped her outgrow that habit.
41. Do they get sick often: Nope! She’s pretty healthy.
42. Are they comfortable with where they are in life: She’s content, but not complacent.
43. Do they wish that they could change their pasts: Yes. Again, she doesn’t like her history with self-harm. If she could erase that, she would.
44. What’s one thing they wish they could do more often, but can’t: Travel. Her job’s pretty demanding as far as hours go.
45. What is the emotion they most commonly experience: Melancholy. No matter what she’s doing, it’s sort of always hanging around her, like a tiny cloud.
46. Have they ever contemplated suicide: Yes. Unfortunately, it’s a side effect of the depression.
47. Have they ever gone so far as to attempt suicide: A couple of times, when she was teenager.
48. Is there anyone that they would willingly kill: Outside of self-defense/the defense of others? No.
49. If [name] was put into ______ situation, they’d rather die than live to see it through: Being forced to reject her identities as a Jew/person of Japanese heritage. Her families have made it through so much (internment camps, persecution, the Holocaust), and she’d rather die than erase her own identity.
50. Create your own: Alright, I’m gonna put the happy one here so we end on a high note!
She’s a firm believer in the need for “mah” (the Japanese word for “emptiness), or a moment to pause and do nothing. It’s easy to see that reflected in how she practices meditation, follows Shabbat, or takes time each day to simply be.
However, she also believes that the principle of “mah” is what makes her and Luis work so well as a couple. She is the silence to his constant chatter and helps him keep his feet on the ground. Likewise, he keeps her from living inside her head and helps her connect to the world.
They’re just such opposites attract. Ugh, I love them so much!
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daz4i · 6 years
you should give us your uhh mchanzo headcanons 👀
great idea buddy ;0 
this ended up. really long. and also more of like a plot fic rather than hcs bc i suck at actual hcs (idk who hogs the blanket! whoever feels like ig??!) but i hope you like it anyway
mmmm i don’t see them like, both joining overwatch and then meeting there with like genji introducing hanzo awkwardly like all fics do, but i like going with the idea that involves that one OWL spray with sombra and zarya where all these 4 peeps are mostly chilling together, kinda neutral abt whatever’s going on rn, not in overwatch neither in talon (or vishkar. or whatever other oragnizations there are), just doing their thing
and now with this introduction i’ll start with the actual mchanzo:
i wanna say. they met at a bar. in. the us. maybe. or anywhere else. maybe castillo (bc we know mccree was at the bar there)? but not in hanamura or santa fe. 
i’d like to think that when they met mccree instantly recognized hanzo (i bet genji showed him pics before, yknow? or like even with a short research mccree probably found what hanzo looks like before), or at least felt like he’s familiar for some reason until he said his name/got hit with sudden realization. on the other hand, hanzo didn’t know who mccree was, bc why would he (unless he saw like, wanted posters with his face and then that’s all he could recognize him as)
i don’t wanna go with the “OOOOOH MCCREE IMMEDIATELY HATES HANZO OOOOOH ANGST OOOOOOH” vibe bc let’s say mccree and genji are still in touch and he knows genji forgave him. yeah let’s go with that. so when he recognizes hanzo he tries to remain neutral, tho he for sure has SOME hostility towards him at first
then he sees hanzo is just this walking disaster atm (like he walks up the bar, orders a bottle of their cheapest drink and chugs it all in less than 5 minutes) and he’s like “ohhhhh i can’t not fuck him”
he approaches him like “well i’d buy you a drink but i don’t think you need one at this point” and hanzo’s like “holy shit that’s a cowboy in the year 2076, wtf”
they don’t fuck obvs but they talk until hanzo gets really shitfaced and mccree helps him not die on his way back to wherever he’s staying
he stays with him and excuses it as “i wanna make sure his hangover doesn’t kill him.... yeah i’m just.... taking care of this dude....” 
he finds out hanzo doesn’t really have a hangover when he wakes up or rather that he’s lowkey used to it enough that he can just go on with his life easier than one would expect 
but now he has to explain to hanzo why he’s there in his. room? i wanna say room. hotel room. yeah let’s go with that
“well i was helping you get back here last night bc you were really drunk and i was scared you’d die and i’m still here to make sure you’re not dead by morning hahaha yeah. anyway my name’s jesse how are you” 
and hanzo’s immediately lowkey alarmed bc,,, why didn’t this strange man ask for his name. unless he knew it. o shit is that an assassin? so he asks, “are you an assassin?” and mccree’s like “nah man if i were i’d have killed you by now, why would i wait for when you’re awake and sober and not take advantage of your drunkness/sleep?” and hanzo sighs bc yeah that makes sense. why are you still here tho?
mccree just ignores the question and asks him if he wants to get breakfast together. and hanzo has nothing to lose so he says yes. 
they’re both extremely gross which just makes mccree go “OOOOOH I CAN’T NOT FUCK HIM” even more and hanzo mostly just feels lowkey safer than he has in awhile bc wow, he hasn’t had proper company in so long, this is actually nice even if this man is just Really weird
it’s kinda awkward when they finish bc they both want to stay in each other’s company and also both of them don’t really have much of a thing they need to do today, so they kinda just. go on a walk? and it’s quiet for a bit, but then hanzo asks mccree how he knew his name and mccree has to tell him he knows genji and well, how he knows genji (bc what’s the point in lying and bullshitting smth like “i heard about your family on the news” or some shit)
it gets even more awkward after this but they keep walking and then hanzo asks a bit more abt genji and how he was in the time mccree knew him
the convo flows better after it and drifts into other subjects, and jokes, and mccree makes hanzo laugh at some point and it’s so cute he goes “holy shit” and hanzo feels warmer than he has in awhile..... but on the inside. and it’s nice
they spend the entire day together and then mccree gets like, a notif abt a criminal he could catch and suggests hanzo joins him in finding them n all ((idk how bounty hunting works)) and he says yes bc eh it’s not like he has anything better to do
they catch the person and split the money they get but the real money? is the friendship they made along the way 
they found out they work kinda great together and mccree tells hanzo that while it’s not as good as money as killing people (i assume??), it’s less dangerous so maybe like, he should join him in this. for like, awhile. to see if maybe it feels more fulfilling. and also bc he likes having his comapny
and hanzo is no fool and by now he realized that this man is into him and that also he’s kinda into him as well? so with a spur of gayness he agrees, and it works great
so after a few weeks of this - kinda traveling the world, catching criminals, getting paid - hanzo drops the bomb. “i know you like me” “like you? we’re almost 40″ “you got a better word to describe this?” “...no, i like you”
smorch (take this to whatever rating you want)
and now they’re a couple
fast forward a few months, mccree gets another message (like, other than the recall) asking him to join overwatch again. a bit more personal and a bit more “we think you’d do great with the new members, you should come back, be a hero” 
he asks hanzo what he thinks and hanzo panics bc,, does that mean he’ll leave him? but nah, mccree just takes him with him
at first people are lowkey shocked, esp genji bc “wtf hanzo i asked you to join months ago and you only do when your boyfriend asks you? smh”
so they’re in ovw now, all’s good for awhile, then they have a mission and... hanzo doesn’t come back from it
mccree fucking loses his shit, wtf, where’s hanzo?
the other teammates say they haven’t seen him but it’s not like his body was found in the area either? 
they realize talon probably took him? damn bastards
they manage (with a lot of goading from mccree) to find a talon base not far from where the mission was and indeed, hanzo is there, not quite held captive but also not cooperating (talon just Really want him to join, yknow?)
blah blah blah, they save him and make sure talon haven’t messed with his brain in any way when he gets back, but also put him in some sort of quarantine for awhile Just In Case 
it sucks but like, at least mccree can talk to him this way, so he spends most days near where hanzo’s kept talking to him and making sure he doesn’t feel alone (i assume they talked abt hanzo’s time alone so he knows it like. made him feel bad and unsafe. and he wants to help him avoid being in a situation like this again)
after what they deem as enough time, hanzo’s out of the quarantine, they smorch again, all is good
they never get married or like, have kids bc they’re both way too paranoid for that, but they still love each other and enjoy each other’s company a lot and they work great together both as teammates and as a couple
i’d go with hcs like “who cooks better” n all but i honestly don’t know how to pick those. so instead i gave you plot. i’m sorry. i hope you still enjoy this
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zoesrose · 3 years
pt.2 - January 2021 - March 2021
yasmin puckerman
How your sub legs doing?
zoe rose
It's fine.
yasmin puckerman
If I was you I'd be like iT's fINe wHAT??
but i'm not doing you like that, don't worry
zoe rose
that was funny
but i'm not calling you Miss
but i suppose this week, you are free to call me Zoe
or any other nicknames you're been wanting to use
yasmin puckerman
oh shit
I'm gonna have to think on that.
zoe rose
no rush, I have a feeling this week is just going to drag
yasmin puckerman
It's not all that bad. Bet you could have fun with it.
zoe rose
i doubt it
yasmin puckerman
You already got a nickname from me
zoe rose
What's that?
yasmin puckerman
you got other people callin you Sir?
zoe rose
No, but I'm not sure if I would call that a nickname
yasmin puckerman
zoe rose
A petname insinuates complete freedom, you have to use a title with me
yasmin puckerman
switch up got you splitting hairs
zoe rose
It does have me on edge
yasmin puckerman
you're still gonna be the same you on the other side maybe know a little more what it's like to be me is all and Marley
zoe rose
Thank you.
yasmin puckerman
good girl tight Goodnight Zoe.
zoe rose
What's bothering you?
yasmin puckerman
Just got that feeling. You know when you gotta get control, let off steam some of the healthy ways
zoe rose
I understand that feeling all too well.
If you find that you need to (leaf) (smoke) just let me know and I'll come to you.
yasmin puckerman
always take that offer
zoe rose
I'll be right over then
yasmin puckerman
zoe rose
Are you busy tonight?
yasmin puckerman
Free as a bird.
zoe rose
Would you like to accompany me to the club? I need to let loose.
yasmin puckerman
Hell yeah. Let's do that.
yasmin puckerman
so the smight flub babes... creepy fetish murders or regular type masochists what you think?
zoe rose
I think it's the latter.
yasmin puckerman
Me too. They had a chill vibe. I’m guaranteed to like anyone that complements my right hook tho so I trust your judgement more, Sir.
zoe rose
You do have a nice right hook. It's too bad you didn't get to see mine.
yasmin puckerman
I jumped too soon. I know, I know Froggy and I am not sorry
But if we hit up their spot, that should facilitate that.
zoe rose
I'm going to add a
next to your name in my phone
Is it something you want to check out?
yasmin puckerman
thanks I hate it Yeah I think it is. What’s the worst that could happen right? If its shit we’ll leave.
zoe rose
I won't, don't worry.
If we're going to do this, I want to establish some rules first.
yasmin puckerman
You said rules and my stupid ass got horny tf But I agree. I think. What type of rules?
zoe rose
Rules for your safety.
1. You will stay in my sight at all times. 2. When I say stop, that means stop. 3. When/if I say it's time to go, there will be no questions asked. 4. When/if you say it's time to go, I will escort you out, no questions asked.
yasmin puckerman
Yeah I’m down. What about if you lose your shit, could we drop rank? Hold up do you ever lose your shit? I can’t see it now that I think about it.
zoe rose
I never lose my shit. I've been described as apathetic on more than one occasion.
yasmin puckerman
I could see it. Aight bet. Got you, Sir. Looks I got plans next Sat night
zoe rose
I'd like to make it a habit to dress you whenever we're together. If that's alright with you.
yasmin puckerman
Whenever we going out somewhere or whenever whenever I’m with you?
zoe rose
The latter is tempting, but we'll stick to the first one for now
yasmin puckerman
I’m cool with that. Had me looking good on that yacht
zoe rose
You did look good.
yasmin puckerman
Speaking of parties and next Friday, the Sylvesters are having a birthday thing. Open bar. You wanna be my escort?
zoe rose
yasmin puckerman
zoe rose
Apparently someone put my phone number up in the girls bathroom somewhere on campus.
yasmin puckerman
You be hitting to good. They tryin to share tips
zoe rose
It’s irritating.
yasmin puckerman
You getting a lot of takers?
zoe rose
Just one was too many, so yes.
yasmin puckerman
did you at least have then send pics? Seems like a waste.
zoe rose
You and I both know that's not how I operate.
yasmin puckerman
True. You busy rn? I’m on my way to my brother but tryin to
zoe rose
yasmin puckerman
cool. can I meet you somewhere?
zoe rose
I'm behind the cafeteria.
yasmin puckerman
zoe rose
(thumbs up)
zoe rose
How's your hand?
yasmin puckerman
zoe rose
It's been a few days, you should have someone look at it.
yasmin puckerman
Yeah that's probably true. Oh shit you know what, I was recently told there's wholeass free medical services on this campus.
zoe rose
I want to know the outcome when you do see someone.
It's amazing what opportunities are afforded to the rich, hm?
yasmin puckerman
Got you. Just set something up for tomorrow morning. At least little ol' me caught up in the benefits. I wonder if I can find a hook up for chiropractor visits
zoe rose
Good girl.
This certainly seems like the type of place that would have something like that. I'm sure if you get a referral from the school any place in town will take it
yasmin puckerman
damn that was new in text form. read the notif off my home screen.
zoe rose
Good or bad?
yasmin puckerman
good. better in person but that's usually cause you're literally fucking me when you say it. it's my performance skills. crushing it.
zoe rose
What are your thoughts on trying something a little more domestic?
yasmin puckerman
Like what?
zoe rose
Household chores, kneeling, things like that.
yasmin puckerman
you know, chores are actually hella unimportant to submission
zoe rose
It's not about the chores.
yasmin puckerman
We could try it out.
zoe rose
That's all I'm asking for.
yasmin puckerman
Aight, you got it.
zoe rose
Thank you.
yasmin puckerman
So I was talking to your sister idk to be encouraging about the switch thing and practicing
Now she's cooking Monday night and I think I'm washing her dishes I know I don't gotta tell you that but
zoe rose
Thank you for telling me.
yasmin puckerman
You and me tomorrow right?
zoe rose
yasmin puckerman
dope. I’m gonna wrap my hands this time.
zoe rose
We can wrap each other's hands.
yasmin puckerman
how romantic
zoe rose
is that what the kids are considering romantic these days?
yasmin puckerman
the kids?
lol okay grandma
zoe rose
I thought it was funny
yasmin puckerman
trust me it was  
hold up, before i get called out trust me it was, Sir.
zoe rose
i'm glad i was able to make you laugh
yasmin puckerman
you know it don't take much you gonna be dressing me?
zoe rose
And we're going to apply Vaseline on our faces, necks, and wrists.
yasmin puckerman
the ol vaseline trick, getting serious
zoe rose
It's better to be prepared.
yasmin puckerman
I can’t wait. I like seeing you like that. Badass and focused.
zoe rose
I think I might actually step into the ring tonight.
yasmin puckerman
zoe rose
I can’t let you have all the fun.
yasmin puckerman
Now I def can't wait.
zoe rose
Why’s that?
yasmin puckerman
I finally get to see if the bark matches the bite.
zoe rose
I see. I suppose you'll see tonight.
yasmin puckerman
How’s your eye?
zoe rose
Fine. The swelling is down and it’s fading.
yasmin puckerman
That’s good. Must have been my magic touch and them peas.
zoe rose
Your magic touch, huh?
yasmin puckerman
hell yeah I am the baddest chick Shorty you don't believe me, then come with me tonight and I'll show you maaagic what what
zoe rose
♫ i got the magic stick ♪♬
yasmin puckerman
You getting in the ring again this weekend?
zoe rose
Yes. Are you?
yasmin puckerman
I might just watch you go a few rounds because a, that shit was sexy af and b, hands been fucking twinging so I should probably actually give it a minute. Tired of rubbing it out in the morning with my left hand
zoe rose
Come over in the morning. Give your left hand a rest.
yasmin puckerman
don't gotta tell me twice
zoe rose
You're missing something.
yasmin puckerman
my fault Yes, Sir
zoe rose
Good girl.
A blunt and some pussy, I can't imagine a better way to wake up.
yasmin puckerman
already know tomorrow bout to be a good day.
(smile blush) (alien)
zoe rose
liked this message
yasmin puckerman
I'm not trying to come rat a g
yo your sister just asked me to fu
it's nbd but your
you hear that one girl yesterday saying how next week is the last fight club?
zoe rose
Yes. Did you ever find out why?
yasmin puckerman
sounded like whoever funds the space is done vacationing here. do you be forgetting we are legit on a whole ass island surrounded by people with bucks. people do drop a lot in the shop but I swear I forget sometimes
zoe rose
That makes sense. Trust me, I'm constantly reminded of it.
yasmin puckerman
guess I just don't pay enough attention
zoe rose
I think it's just always something that's stood out to me. Other people being able to afford what I couldn't.
yasmin puckerman
Now we're slumming it on someone's yacht every other weekend I'm gonna miss the saturday set up tho
zoe rose
What do you think you're going to miss the most?
yasmin puckerman
besides watching you kick ass? it just feels good. Letting shit out. adrenaline I guess.
zoe rose
Yes, it was the same for me.
What if we started something like that here on campus?
yasmin puckerman
like do our own? for real?
zoe rose
Yes, why not?
yasmin puckerman
hell yeah house makes bank on books
zoe rose
The real question is: how do we invite people and still keep it a secret?
yasmin puckerman
if i'm gonna be brainstorming, i gotta be high for that
zoe rose
I think you're about to ask me something, so I'll just wait for it.
yasmin puckerman
if I just knock, does that count as asking?
zoe rose
yasmin puckerman
you tryin to smoke? Sir?
zoe rose
Try again.
yasmin puckerman
do you want to smoke with me, Sir?
zoe rose
That's better, thank you. The door's open.
yasmin puckerman
You have time to chill tomorrow, Sir?
zoe rose
I was actually going to ask you the same thing.
yasmin puckerman
Oh so you was thinking about me
zoe rose
You say that like it's not something I would readily admit.
yasmin puckerman
Not gonna say I don't like hearing it confirmed.
zoe rose
I don’t mind confirming it from time to time.
yasmin puckerman
Loving the family time but, i'm trying to get away for a little bit if you know what I mean
zoe rose
I've just been in my room. Come over.
yasmin puckerman
Yessir. Already grabbed 2 cans of orange.
zoe rose
liked this message
yasmin puckerman
at least this was a good week to go smight flub-less. we still chillin tho?
zoe rose
My sister is coming over tonight, but you're free to join us.
yasmin puckerman
oh damn, I can't I need your sister thinking I'm too busy r that cool I don't wanna get all in on your time together.
zoe rose
Alright. Are you free tomorrow?
yasmin puckerman
as a bird in spring
zoe rose
I'm going to assume that means yes. I'm thinking a beach day, how do you feel about that?
yasmin puckerman
sounds dope. for a person at a school surrounded by beaches I never really hit it up. Never been a beach person
zoe rose
We'll change that tomorrow then.
yasmin puckerman
cool as long as we involve food
zoe rose
I'll have Marley make us something before she leaves in the morning.
yasmin puckerman
want me to bring sum from the toy collection, Sir?
zoe rose
Yes. It's not like me but, surprise me.
yasmin puckerman
yeah, it's hello not but, bet I got us
zoe rose
See you then.
yasmin puckerman
(peace) (alien)
zoe rose
Do you have plans on Saturday?
yasmin puckerman
nah, I save em for yo
zoe rose
How about Friday night and Sunday?
yasmin puckerman
you making me sound lonely af rn No, none plans. I've just been working tryin to catch up a little after taking days off with my mom here. But I have Sat off and I never work Sun
zoe rose
I want to have your whole weekend.
yasmin puckerman
in a you wanna tie me up kind of way or a that date you wanted type thi?
zoe rose
In an I would like your company for a full weekend type of way. Scenes and... just hanging out.
yasmin puckerman
Ok dope, I'm in I get off work at 7 on Friday.
zoe rose
Excellent. Consider these orders. From 7pm Friday to 7am Monday morning.
yasmin puckerman
you got it, Sir.
zoe rose
loved this
yasmin puckerman
finished that flyer. Imma make copies at work today
zoe rose
I can't wait to see what you come up with.
yasmin puckerman
maybe I can get some thrown up tonight on the low after you get a look at it
zoe rose
I'll come with you.
yasmin puckerman
zoe rose
These new deans are something else, hm?
yasmin puckerman
I legit had to look bc someone asked me about new rules I’m
zoe rose
I'd rather not tempt fate. Let's find a venue off campus.
yasmin puckerman
whatever you say boss
zoe rose
I'll ask my connect what he knows.
yasmin puckerman
it was only a matter of time before this school tried somethin to put it’s program students in their place. Not here for it. But also can’t catch me giving a shit about a legacy status They can go on, I’m chillin
zoe rose
I've been expecting this as well. Doesn't even phase me when they pull the status card.
yasmin puckerman
the less I think about it the less likely I am to get pissed so, best for everyone
zoe rose
I should be back with Marley soon. Would you like something to eat?
yasmin puckerman
imma be honest, the answer is yes but also I raided your snack stash already Those sweet chili Doritos are
zoe rose
Those weren't mine.
yasmin puckerman
oh shit, then I owe ya roomie a bag of chips
zoe rose
I'm bringing tacos from that place you like.
yasmin puckerman
yesss How did you know I was craving tacos? Damn that just gave me a boner
zoe rose
I had a hunch, I suppose.
zoe rose
How are you feeling today?
yasmin puckerman
Good. I’m tight. No welts or anything.
zoe rose
And your headspace?
yasmin puckerman
Fine. I’m fucking fabulous today. And yesterday. I was fine on Saturday.
zoe rose
Okay, good.
yasmin puckerman
Yeah solid
zoe rose
Are you still up?
yasmin puckerman
zoe rose
Come over?
yasmin puckerman
I would but I did a scene and I can’t leave.
zoe rose
yasmin puckerman
Look, I was feeling some type of way and I needed to switch it up so You good?
zoe rose
Yes, why wouldn't I be?
yasmin puckerman
Idk It’s a perfectly valid question. You asked, I can. I mean, you didn’t right now but you did
zoe rose
I asked because it's my job as the Dominant to check in on your after an intense scene.
yasmin puckerman
fuck off and Dominants don’t? Damn, wait that came out fast I’m having a whole day. I meanT. Dominant’s need aftercare too
zoe rose
My aftercare was having you spend the night with me and keeping you close.
yasmin puckerman
Ok good wtf are you making me explain me asking how you are? I feel like I’m tripping
zoe rose
You just asked like something else was wrong with me. I misunderstood.
yasmin puckerman
oh my bad I don’t know why I’m so fucking touchy right now I switched my birth control so maybe I’m hormonal
zoe rose
I would like to see you when you're next free.
yasmin puckerman
zoe rose
Tomorrow night you're staying with me. These are orders.
yasmin puckerman
good call official orders for the new rules Yessir
zoe rose
liked this
yasmin puckerman
You coming by right? I picked up on my way home from work.
Tumblr media
you wanna taste it?
zoe rose
Say less. Yes, I'm coming over. Damn you look good.
yasmin puckerman
It's GG4 and  
And I'm wet so, please hurry?
zoe rose
Please hurry, what?
yasmin puckerman
please come get your tongue on me, Sir? I had a DAY. Got you a blunt rolled already and my legs open
zoe rose
That's better. I'll be right over.
yasmin puckerman
are you busy?
zoe rose
yasmin puckerman
I need your help with something
zoe rose
Try that again.
yasmin puckerman
fuck yo for real not right n
I need your help with something please
no, damn. do I really have to do this when its an emerg
Can you help me with something, Sir?
Look I gotta slip out right now or I'm gonna be locked out. I tried to do it myself but I can't fucking get it and I'm gonna lose my shit if I have to deal with this all night. And there's only so many ppl I trust if it can't
zoe rose
Come over.
yasmin puckerman
thank god ok I'm running.
yasmin puckerman
h ey
zoe rose
Having a good night?
yasmin puckerman
I did but I could be having a bett er 1
zoe rose
And how's that?
yasmin puckerman
yeah caus imma need your assistannce i'm gonna fall in the tub
zoe rose
What are you doing?
yasmin puckerman
mmmmmm busy being busy I was think in abt you
zoe rose
Are you touching yourself, Yasmin?
yasmin puckerman
oooooh full namin me you're so cute
zoe rose
That doesn't answer my question.
yasmin puckerman
don't you wanna sho w me how no cute you are or sum?'
zoe rose
Seems like you're still missing something.
yasmin puckerman
can you com  over so I can ride you, please sir?
zoe rose
I'll be right over.
yasmin puckerman
goodgirr (blushsmile x2)
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