#the nuggest were...fine
baekuras · 1 year
I have been buying a few bio-products lately mostly because the cheap ones are too large/have too many...idk like potatoes for me to actually use and not end up throwing some away and
i swear to god
if one more thing tastes worse than the cheaper option i will never buy them again it’s getting really annoying
the ONE expensive thing so far that tastes better than the cheap one is the bratwurst my great grandpa brings from his local farmer once in a while (it’s really good and nice and soft even when you reheat it but with a nice crispy kinda skin, nothing that drags, nothing that hardens out, just the right texture in all the right places and good taste and everything <3)
but other than that so far my experiences have been subpar so i guess my taste goes
more expensive bio/organic foods<cheapest options<expensive local farm options but i’d have to actually be able to drive out someplace to get any so basically impossible to get lol
#txts#we do have market day tomorrow again#i dont think i can go buy anything bc i work right through their open times#but maybe next time i could buy some eggs and try those?#bc then i have tried every option for them#sadly cant buy meat from them though bc i got no space to store it for multiple hours afterwards because...work#we have the tiniest fridge ever at work...it's not made for my shopping style#i also tried like fresh cut chicken breasts but god....can you...make them big?#and not the tiniest pieces which also have the most gum-like textures around#so i need to cut them even MORE#really annoying#i just wanna eat nice food and have more than 1 option#and also not feel like dying when visiting my vegan friends#FUCK VEGAN MAYO BTW i have strong feelings about that#unsure if they all taste the same but WHICH FUCKER DECIDED TO SWEETEN IT#THIS ISNT SALAD DRESSING FUCK YOU SPECIFICALLY WHOEVER MADE THIS SINGLE MAYO I TRIED AND LEFT ALONE RIGHT AFTERWARD#the nuggest were...fine#bit eh in texture-too flat and paper mache vibes but it was food i was willing to chew on#which is more than i can say for most#this side rant made me hungry now#its 11pm...i am rly not in the mood to cook#and i have no leftovers atm#i wanted to go wait till tomorrow and cook some food them#i lied-i DO have some quick food but i didnt read the full package and it has mushrooms in it#and i am also not in the mood to pick out every.single.mushroom#i need rice to bury it#and my gag reflex to chill out more bc its coming up just thinking about it....gid
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onceuponaloonatic · 4 years
Nico going the supermarket for the first time? —🍊
“nico-chan the supermarket is super fun!” saya told her baby sister as she held her. nico was ten months old now and even though mina wasn’t always comfortable letting the triplets hold their baby sister but it was better than when nico was younger.
“saya!” nico giggled, squirming in her sisters arms. nico could now say all her sisters names along with calling all her moms.
“come here give her to me.” sana picked you nico from saya’s arms. “aww look at my cute little baby. you are fourteen pounds of cuteness.” sana tapped nico’s tiny nose and nico giggled.
“mommy can i sit in the cart this time saya got it last time?” saki asked.
“sure honey. tzuyu babe can you go get you go us a cart please?”
“sure.” tzuyu nodded and left.
“no fair!” saya protested.
“you got it last time!” saki answered.
“girls it’s saki’s turn to ride in the cart.” mina nodded, helping sae into her jacket.
“fine.” saya pouted, before hugging sae and engaging her in conversation.
“oh nico let’s make sure we have clean hands.” mina smiled at the baby and took a baby wipe to clean them off before nico could stick them in her mouth. nico was at the age where she put practically anything in her mouth. mina then grabbed nico’s pink pacifier and put it in her mouth.
“alright got the cart.” tzuyu yawned when she returned with a red shopping cart. sana put nico in the baby part, of course after mina had wiped it down, and tzuyu lifted saki up to put her in the main part.
“mommy can we get cereal?” saya skipped besides the cart as the walked into the store. sae was holding tzuyu’s hand and sana was pushing the cart.
“sure darling but cereal is close to the end of the store.” sana explained. “we need to get fruit and veggies first. yummy yummy right nico-chan?” sana giggled and chanted at her daughter. nico giggled and clapped her hand together at the statement.
“ew.” saya stuck her tongue out.
“you can get some peaches saya.” mina rolled her eyes.
“okay!” saya instnatly brightened. when they were at the fruit display all of them pretty much ran off, leaving sana to watch the cart and the baby. while sana was looking over some bananas she didn’t notice her baby reach over and grab a pink flower from the flower display next to the fruit.
“nico? where did this come from?” sana giggled when she looked at the pink flower. she looked over to the flower display and noticed it was missing from its arrangement. “let’s put it back okay?”
“mine!” nico refuses to let it go and sana sighed.
“mine!” nico held the flower tighter.
“okay.” sana sighed. “we have to grab the whole arrangement though.” sana picked up the whole floral arrangement and put it in the cart. she then returned nico’s stray pacifier to her mouth and let her suck on it.
“why did you grab flowers?” mina asked when she returned with sae and a bag of vegetables.
“someone wanted the flower.” sana pointed to nico, who was still holding onto her pink flower.
“aww nico is so cute.” sae giggled.
“yeah she’s pretty adorable.” mina smiled. “no putting this in your mouth okay love?” mina told the baby, pointing to the flower to try and get her to understand it. nico of course didn’t but she was okay with her pacifier in her mouth.
“mommy look peaches!” saya smiled and held up a bag of peaches. “i got the sticker all by myself.”
“and i have avocados!” saki giggled. “i also got the sticker all by myself.”
“that’s great girls.” sana smiled at her daughters, watching them put them in the cart.
“nico this is a peach. they are super yummy but mommy says you are too little to eat them. i’ll give them to you when you can!” saya showed her baby sister a peach.
“yeah and nico-chan this is an avocado. it’s really good when ka-san puts it in poke.” saki explaiend, snowing her sister the avocado.
“and this is an onion! it makes you cry when you cut it.” sae, feeling a bit left out, showed the onion.
“this is a very educational moment for nico girls but we need to move onto meat.” tzuyu told the triplets, who all put their foods back into the cart.
“meat!” saya cheered.
“meat! meat!” saki joined. the two chanted the whole way to the meat section and their parents were all slightly embarrassed by them. once in the meet section they picked out what they wanted for the week, while nico sat in the cart and played with the tiny pink stuffed poodle sana carried around in her purse in case nico needed a toy.
“nico-chan this is beef. it’s super yummy when it’s cooked.” saya showed her sister the uncooked package of beef. “and look it’s super squishy.” saya demonsrtated by poking the beef.
“nico this chicken. it’s super yummy when cooked too. chicken nuggests are especially good.” saki giggled, showing her sister the chicken they had picked out.
“and this is salmon. ka-san puts it in poke and sometimes when they feel like it sushi! but making sushi can be kind of hard so mommy and ka-san don’t make it a lot.” sae added, poking the salmon once before putting it in the cart with the other meat.
“okay let’s go to the bakery.” sana smiled at the girls and lead them to the bakery. once there when sana wasn’t looking nico grabbed a cookie shaped and frosted like a pink butterfly from the shelf.
“where did she get that?” mina asked when she noticed nico with a wrapped up cookie.
“i don’t know i didn’t give it to her.” tzuyu shrugged.
“me either. she must of grabbed it.” sana giggled. “okay nico let’s put it back.”
“mine!” nico whined when sana tried to take it away.
“honey no cookies are bad for you.” mina tried to get the cookie out of nico’s hand but she just pouted.
“mine!” nico screamed, on the verge of a meltdown. mina knew better than to push nico further, she didn’t want to deal with a crying baby in the middle of the supermarket.
“okay okay. ever since you learned that word you have abused it.” mina sighed. “she’s only getting a tiny piece of that though.��
“i know babe.” sana giggled. “we may as well grab two more. each of the girls can have one that way.”
“nico-chan got us cookies! your the best nico-chan!” saki pointed out when she noticed what her parents were doing.
“i think she wanted the cookie for herself.” tzuyu nodded, watching nico try to put the wrapped cookie in her mouth. she stepped in before nico could and got nico’s pacifier in her mouth again. sana grabbed two more cookies before they moved onto the dry foods. saya went and picked out her favorite cereal and nico entertained herself with her poodle. they were just happy she wasn’t aware enough to notice all the things her tiny hands could grab in that section.
“nico this is cereal. you like this too! it’s one of the only foods mommies let you eat.” saya explained to her baby sister.
“she lets you eat that gross baby food stuff too.” saki added. “who likes mashed sweet potatoes ew.” saki stuck her tongue out at the thought.
“she likes applesauce.” sae nodded. “applesauce is pretty good.”
“yeah but most of what she eats is super gross.” saya stuck her tongue out.
“you loved that stuff at her age saya.” tzuyu nodded. “you loved mashed carrots and sweet potatoes.”
“ew.” saya whined.
“saki you loved mashed peas.” mina giggled at the memory. “and sae you loved some mashed green beans.”
“i’m happy those days are over.” saki spoke. “chicken nuggests have been my favorite food for a long time and they will be forever.”
“forever huh?” sana giggled. “come on let’s get moving we still need to get to the frozen foods.
they didn’t eat much frozen food in their household. mina was a fan of healthy fresh food for her children so they rarely needed stuff from the frozen section. but it was where saki always fought them about chicken nuggest.
“please? they are shaped like dinosaurs!” saki pointed out.
“saki they aren’t good for you.” mina nodded.
“they are my favorite food!” saya whined. “pretty please?”
“fine.” mina sighed.
“nico these are dinosaur chicken nuggests. they are the best food in the whole wide world.” saki smiled.
“next to ice cream.” sae spoke up.
“oh yeah ice cream is pretty good.” saki nodded. “ka-san why can’t nico have ice cream? it’s close to liquid like all the other stuff she eats.”
“she can’t have too much sugar.” mina explained. “she gets enough sugar from cereal and applesauce, she doesn’t need ice cream too.”
“huh than can we get ice cream?” sana asked.
“nice try.” mina ruffled her hair.
“yeah you girls know no ice cream allowed unless it’s a holiday or someone’s birthday.” tzuyu nodded. “or mommy’s pregnant.”
“and that’s never happening again we made sure of that.” sana nodded. “so sorry girls. let’s go check out and if you are good you can have your cookies.”
“okay!” nico was silent the rest of the trip, busting herself with her stuffed poodle and her pacifier, her pink flower and butterfly cookie laying next to her until check out. when sana notices nico is getting a bit sleepy she picks up the baby and trusts the others to put the groceries on the counter to check out. by the time they get back to the car nico is dead asleep, sana putting her flower in her car seat next to her and taking a quick picture before leaving to join mina in the front of the car.
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cass won't share her cheese nibs and bruce doesn't love me and i think?? that i deserve better??? than this???? i'm moving to alaska where NO ONE CAN TELL ME WHAT TO DO
the sequel to that one trix yogurt fic
I feel like I should tell you that I am MASSIVELY fucked up right now 
 like i am such a garbage heap that oscar the grouch took a look at me and said 
 “fuckk off!! i have standards!” 
it’s Brimothy, bitch
what is UP mothertrucksrs it is Me i am back here to write a report on the UNBELIEVABLE SHIT I JUST HANDLED.
okay so u know how Gotham city is on crack cocaine all the time. with like some LSD and heroin and never ever any weed except for like who is that pig guy?? nevrm he doesn’t have weeeed but like he is definitely a Pig. what the fuck is his name. what the fuck.
 okay so anyways 
 is it Goyle
 tin foil? lmao
OKAY FUCK anyways the City, who Also May Be My Lover, is in a constant life crisis (which i relate? a Lot) and do you want to know this s h i t
Killer Croc
who Steve Irwin would be v disappointed in
Is climbing
into people’s FUCKING TOILETS
okay so obviously KC is a big guy. a Dude. a whack-o whaler of a Male. a Big Boh. the largest banananana in the pack. he is Big. so he cAn’t fit into most people’s toilets. he can, however, fit into Big People’s toilets (big as in wealthy, not As in Tom Hanks)
so KC (crispy,,,nuggest…i wonder if fried alligator is good—not that im thinking of eating him, though someone really should threaten him with cannibalism, like if you’re going to be a bitch about it then you deserve the same done to you, it’s just manners) is in cahoots and canoodles with Someone Who Shall Not Be Named (not bc i don’t know, I do, that’s how detectives work. it’s my JOB to know, and i was a prodigy) but bc there is a whole other report detailing this person and their movements and its case file #4461 if u don’t believe me, but i ain’t no snitch, but i will say that tonight’s events connect to file #4461 so Dad if you’re reading this you should already have it out bc it’s your JOB
speaking of jobs ding ding here is mine coming round the mountain as she comes bc the apple bottom jeans the boots with the fur will be coming round the mountain when she comes shE’ll be coming round the mountain she’ll be coming round the mountain she’ll b e coming round and getting low low low low low l ow low
It was a crisp October night. The sun was blinking its sleepy lids, setting the ballroom with an incandescent glow. Bruce Wayne strode across the floor, his daughter Cassandra accompanying him. They wore matching expressions that the privileged always wear: guarded, yet hungry. Hungry for what? Probably for the crab cakes just out of reach. Neither of them had an allergy, and Cassandra in particular had a propensity to shove anything edible in her mouth, so it really was a tragedy that those crab cakes were all the way across the room. There should really be a table right in the middle of the dance floor just for snacks. That way caterers wouldn’t have to do so much leg work, which is actually a good thing, because that ballroom floor is slippery af. This narrator should know, he has Died A Few Times getting there. Suddenly, the night’s festivities were interrupted by a social faux pas: a scream.
You don’t just scream at regular parties, it’s uncouth and hysterical. But you can scream if the social boundaries have already been crossed, and boy, were they crossed.
You see, Dear Reader, there was a man in the toilet.
I use the term “man” loosely, as his glaring yellow eyes do wonders when you might just crap your pantaloons. You start imagining things, like dinosaurs whcih i am personally a big fan of bc Jurassic Park has a kid named Tim in it and I am also Tim.
 hI y is our toilet so big that Killer Croc could wiggle his way up? also how long can he hold his breath. 
 it seems to be impressively long
 hey Bdad how long can he hold his breath? please let me know if you can, and if you won’t i will eat all your wafers becauzs i wa
Mrs. Trenton screamed and fled the impertinent bathroom guest, who wasted no time in ripping the commode to pieces. There was a roar and all the guests paused, unsure if it was merely pipe problems or if they were under attack.
Reader: They were, in fact, under attack. 
The guests, deciding that Mrs. Trenton was a social entrepreneur, followed her lead and began to scream. Killer Croc had made it to ballroom, standing at an impressive height just outside the doors.
He was Not wearing a shirt.
okay have u ever noticed that Killer Crog hasn’t got any nipples????? where are they? he’s got pecs but no nipples?? 
where did they go where are his nip nops i kno people don’t like to think about this but i hAve wondered since i was like 13 like where did they go. has anyone ever asked him. 
did they fall off
“Take the crab cakes!” shouted Matthew Fielder, a lil bitch.
“No, take me!” said Cassandra Wayne, who would literally rather die than give up those crab cakes.
Killer Croc paid them no heed. He desired one thing and one thing only, the sweet satisfaction for his carnal craving: Humain Flesh.
(alliteration hell yeah hell yeah take that Mrs. Johnson i do know shit and im creative as well u jusy don’t know how my brian works it’s like a golden goose egg trap ye ye ye)
 i just Realized 
 i am…a high school drop out
 i don’t know why im doing this
Dear Reader, as an Aside: Smoking can lead to many health issues, especially if one begins smoking at a young age. Harmful side effects include increased risk of stroke and brain damage; muscular degeneration, eye cataracts; cancer of lips, nose, tongue, and mouth, and nipple loss.
 Jason you may want to have a talk with you and your mipples
The terror in the air was stifling. Cannibalism conduct was not something conveyed in etiquette classes. Rich people never expect to be eaten.
Reader, everyone hardly breathed. Something deeply primal had occurred. 
From the doorway the golden eyes struck. Deadly. Lethal. Hungry. 
This was more than vengeance. It was a sadistic occasion of play.
  okay good thing Dames wasn’t there because he fucking HATES KC he gets all huffy and shrieky about him like “he’s a HYGIENE PROBLEM” and it’s like,,,,,.ur right but i don’t want to agree with you because where do we stand if i do that?? as brothers???
 i think the fuck not 
anyways i just realized i’ve been calling Waylon Jones KC the entire damn time (NEWSFLASH ASSHOLE) but to be fucking h, he wants to to be called that. i called him Allen once and he was so PISSED so i can only think of actually calling him by his name. he wouldn’t even be chill with me naming the sewer alligators even tho they were awesome names. i called one Dundee. that’s fucking genius. that’s just. i’m fucking amazing. stupenous. and unappreciated.
 maybe his nipples fell off because he swims in shit every night?????
 question: why do i swim in shit almost as often 
 what the dfck
 what are my life choices
 i feel like there should have been some fine print involved here 
 “Robin duties include scraping shit off your asschreks 3 times a week”
 mahbe,,,,maybe not what i want 
 personal choice
though i haven’t really seen any alligators in the sewers for years now, which is
im so disturbed……..i like, need to eat something. Fucking hell. this Not what i had in mind when i decided to be alive.
i feel like as if i woke up one day and i was the only one in the entire world who remembered Caillou. also could pull off my face and eat it like taffy. imw so. i.
mom i know i refused to go to Shabbat when i was ten so i don’t get to say this but:
this is Not kosher 
oh heyy i want some pIckes
i was also thinking of takin a spin class?? like fuck it i like to bike. fuck it. and maybe iwdont want bruce and nigtwink fucking watxhing me with their beady eyes. like get those off my calves. my cleavage is up here, gentlemen. stop talking about proper form. some people can do things and suck at them. i’m never going to be like a professional ice curler. and i shouldn’t feel bad about that. who the fuck curls for fun. maybe Canada???????
note to self: look up the history of the sport of curling 
i’m going to get good at it to piss off Jason
Back On Topic:
Killer Croc took a step forward. His mouth trembled, watering in anticipation. He took another step.
Mrs. Trenton drew in a breath. 
The room was silent. 
Far across the room, Bruce Wayne clenched his champagne glass. Cassandra Wayne stopped chewing the crab cakes.  Reader, I won’t mince words: Waylon Jones crossed the threshold.
  and the instant he put his foot down on the ballroom floor he fucking slipped like a drunkass toddler
like when Damian is really really tired bc he’s like 2 years old (only an evil 2 years old like chucky) and Jason tries to give him a high five 
gremlin still doesn’t get that “down low” precedes “too slow” 
and he like. faceplants
onto the fucking concrete 
and then Bruce yells at Jason 
and then Jason yells back
like it was something we all did, like wrote it down on our batmas lists for Brucie Claus 
and im sitting there, a perennial Forgotten Middle Child
and Damian is like still. on the ground.
anyways KC is just slipping across the ballroom, slippering and sliding bc the floor was just waxed and it’s silent except for the wet slaps of his feet against the floor and the screech his tail makes every time he trips (sort of like this) and when he sometimes falls it makes that sound of when your thighs SLAP against the mats and it sounds like a wet walrus coming to cheer you on while a Giant simultaneously swallows a liquid-filled gummy worm down his throat like QAWAGGHHHHHHH only his falls reverberated against the ceiling panels and the cherubs looked down in like. disgust.
Cass began chewing the crab cakes again by the time Killer Croc fell for the twelfth time so idk it was an embarrassing situation
 we all did that Thing people do when a social barrier is breached 
 we like…..avoided each other’s eyes and made light conversation 
 meanwhile Killer Croc’s body screeched in the background
anyways Matthew Fielder was like “so I hear you dance ballet” and Cass responded “uh huh. tap too” and the chewed up crab cake crumbs fell out of her mouth and onto the floor
 i CAN’T
scrambled cock on a cracker, Cass why does Alfred let this happen????? what is this??????  like she can snort creme puffs like cocaine but GOD FORBID i put my elbows on the table and call damian “a poisonous little bitch” because he ate my croutons
 the standards in this family are unbelievable
So everyone is just talking and Mrs. Trenton is sipping champagne now and Luis Alvarez is doing that thing where he starts trying to eat caviar one teeny tiny egg at a time and KC is just like WHUMPH for the thirtieth time
finally dad takes pity on him and crouches down and is like “hey how you doing slugger” which???? Offended me. Very Much.
that’s MY nickname 
has Waylon No-Nipples Jones been adopted by Bruce Wayne??? has Waylon No-Nipples Jones retrieved HIS sorry ass from time?? i don’t fucking think so 
the audacity of this man
but before Killer Croc can reply
Red Hood
guns out, voice modulator kind of fuzzy like a broke refrigerator that makes an “eeeeeeeeeee” sound ever since i tripped over it and fell on it
 which wASN’T MY FAULT 
 IM NOT “deformed baby zebra clumsy” FUCK YOU JASON 
 you know what? I’m GLAD i tripped over it.
 yeah. suck it. 
 im glad you sound like a 90s japanese transistor radio 
 off brand too
 fuck you 
 even Bruce was like “hey tim you need to watch where you’re going”
 how about YOU watch where YOU’RE GOING 
 “where” as in TIME TRAVEL 
 HUH BIG GUY?!???????!!???
 no one is allowed to criticize me from now on
 i am Above Reproach 
Tumblr media
    anyways yeah Red Hood appears at the party and shoots KC and Bruce was like “why the FUCK would you SHOOT HIM” as if he has some misplaced paternal feeling for Waylon No-Nipples Jones because he called him slugger which is something he calls one of his other kids but whatever im not bitter im just insecure and sad all the time but don’t worry about it maybe i’ll die one day and you’ll all be sorry especially about Certain Things like not sharing cheese nibs huh Cassandra
so RH and Bruce Wayne kind of argue. like. literally sniping at each other bc SOMEBODY forgot that Red Hood is a criminal and not their misplaced son and RH is like “it’s!!!!! a tranquilizer!!!!! ya big hoe!!!!!” only he doesn’t really say it like that but everyone isn’t even listening at this point because this party has already been so goddamn weird and we’re all suffering from secondhand embarrassment
i am Assuming,,,,,that Killer Croc Jones “Jonsie No-Nipples” has been taken away to be put into jail and studied for his non-nipple properties but at this point i’ve been sitting here huffing that cold medicine or whatever Bruce gave me. which
 oh yeah i was crushed earlier 
 it was by “slugger” but whatever
 yeah his body broke mine 
 it was because Bruce and Jason were fighting again and not paying attention so 
 KC was tranquillized and like 
 fell on me 
 he drooled on me too 
 those ballroom floors really hurt 
 like my head feels like mush 
 Alfred’s oatmeal 
 on its second day 
 because i refused to eat it on the first day 
 that man has a spine of Steel and he Does Not Let You Waste Food 
 btw he fell on me because i pushed Luis Alvarez out of the way 
 he was really transfixed by those tiny fish eggs 
 it’s fun to put them on your tongue and let them like slide around 
 so i pushed him out of the way and was promptly crushed to death 
 B said something about a broken collarbone 
 i am more worried about a broken butt 
 my coccyx
PROFESSOR PYM wait no shit that’s a comic book character
anyways my butt is broken and im hungry and dad wouldn’t let me get out of the chair so i write up this report because I am A Real Life Detective and I do my JOB
once again im the best
hey red jood can you get me some cheese nibs cassandrA won’t share which is p mean especially since i was all for being eaten to give her those crab cakes  red hoof red  why isn’t he responding to me i want xheese nibs red hanz  red  red  Red Hood please I require sustenance  red fhau red gjji red hhood ted joood redb hood red red edds red red edd dedd red red red red red wd red  what the fuck what a right bastard sometimes oh hi Badaman
EDIT: His name is “Pyg.”  Fucking. Pyg. Points taken off for unoriginality.
decided to have a tumblr version too ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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xxbluestrifexx · 5 years
EXO as toddler sims (minus suho bc hes runnin this show)
- it was freezing and Kai nearly froze to death bc he wouldn’t go to bed
- Chanyeol and Kai woke up bc of nightmares and proceeded to stare at each other and cry
- I didn’t have enough room to fit seven toddlers beds in one room so Xiumin is sleeping in a bed under the stairs harry potter style
- every toddler but Xiumin woke up at 2am for no reason and now they’re all screaming bc they’re sTARVING
- poor suho he’s gonna die before it’s even six am
- Chen, baekhyun, and Kai have all thrown tantrums so I’ve fed them and everybody else passed out bc I bought a thermostat
- Baek nearly got CPS called on my ass
- Xiumin is my favorite he’s been asleep this whole time
- sehun had a nightmare and he’s now woken everyone up, a repeat from 3 hours ago (it’s now 5:25am and suho is TENSE)
-kyungsoo is next for “cps will be here before I know” and I’m scared
- sehun is playing with Teresa the triceratops to be happier
- Xiumin is dreaming about death
- suho is starving but so are the toddlers sAcRiFiCeS mUsT bE mAdE
- suho has made himself a sanwhich and refuses to deal with anything until he’s done eating
- Xiumin is STILL ASLEEP
- suho has to pee but the kids need to eat
- Xiumin has joined the cps needs to arrive soon line
- Kai is either sad or angry and I can’t anymore with him
- it’s 10:30 in the morning and I’m already yelling at my screen bc SEHUN IS HUNGRY BUT IF HED EATEN HIS FOOD INSTEAD OF THROWN IT WE WOULDNT HAVE THIS PROBLEM
- oh shit it’s the welcome wagon
- suho is TIRED
- Chanyeol is tired and angry but also needs attention and won’t let me HELP HIM
- all of the welcome wagon is watching Kai sleEP
- suho is napping on the couch upstairs and has left Xiumin in a high chair with all the neighbors
- apparently the house I’m in has a basement
- it’s now 1:27, suho hasn’t met with any of the neighbors and it’s freezing outside
- one of the neighbors is eating the applesauce I left out for a quick snack for the toddlers and she’s on my hit list
- the neighbors all left and they’re really pissed we weren’t good company oh well
- Xiumin is eating fruitcake on the ground in the kitchen bc SOMEONE ate his applesauce
- it’s 4 o clock and I think I’m gonna have suho make a grand meal so I have enough food for the small EXO army of toddlers
- Superhuman by nct 127 just came on and IM JAMMIN
- Xiumin and Chen are playing together and it’s cute, baekhyun woke up and theyre having a cbx moment
- it’s 6:09 and all of them but Kai just woke up and they’re P I S S E D
- giving Chanyeol and Sehun baths is its own feat
- kyungsoo is really content and I’m happy but HES WANDERING OUTSIDE AND ITS STILL COLD
- our heater has been on this whole time and my bills are gonna be H I G H
- all the children are gathered around the counter that holds the food and it looks like a daycare class on their colored carpet squares
- Baek is playing by himself and it’s cute
- the food is really bad and all the toddlers are sad now
- suho had to convince Sehun to bathe and he’s like flithy but no GOTTA CONVINCE HIM
- Kai and Baek are starving to death and it’s fine it’s normal
- if you know that EXO song were best friends
- Xiumin is lecturing baekhyun and he’s got the green stuff coming off of him and BAEK IS DISGUSTED
- Kai finally decided to get out of bed and be productive and get food instead of starving
- suho just passed out and all of the toddlers and upset
- Chanyeol put himself to bed after knocking over the trash can
- sehun is coming down the stairs and I’m scared
- suho is up but I feel so bad for him there’s still two toddlers he’s gotta bathe
- it’s 11:05pm and we have three toddlers to put to bed and suho is gonna pass out again oh boy
- suho passed out again and Xiumin can’t get down the stairs
- Kai is so dirty he’s just sitting on the floor unmoving
- there’s so many dishes all over the kitchen
- suho is on the brink of death; he’s gotta pee, he’s hungry, he’s gonna pass out again, he’s gotta shower and he’s not having any fun
- it’s now 1am the next day and suho has been up for 24+ hours
- Baekhyun had a nightmare and he’s feeling neglected join the club buckaroo
- the trash can is overflowing bc we can’t wash dishes with seven toddlers crying at once
- suho passed out before he could even bathe Kai
- Xiumin has awoken from his nap on the couch and has finally decided to try and go downstairs
- nvm he can’t go downstairs
- it’s 4am and they’re still not all asleep and poor suho is about to die
- I moved two beds to the second level for Xiumin and Kai who are trapped up there
- Chanyeol is eating spoiled food
I’m just gonna end it here and assure y’all it probably took a lot longer to get to the point for suho to sleep- I hope y’all enjoyed!
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nanyoky · 7 years
hey gang guess who’s sick in bed and therefore not drinking but is definitely getting Fever Weird which is the next best thing really
No it’s not i’m sick as a dog and fucking miserable and probably not going to be as much fun as usual, full disclosure. Instead of sushi and cider like my usual wednesdays, i’m having tang and saltines so.... cheers.
also i want you all to know there were no working links so i had to wait for the official cw stream to go up like a pauper come on team it’s 2018 we’re better than this
mayor mac and the lodges are still in cahoots and now v knows why but you know who doesn’t yet? ME THAT’S WHO
oh wow so that’s penelope’s deal now
this is- in a darkly hilarious way- the photo negative of season one keller boys “no cruising guys today kiddo” “good GAWD dad”. “i may be a widow but i can still fucking PULL” “good GAWD mom”
i should not be laughing but oh my god CHERYL’S FACE jesus h christ
it’s veronica’s job to keep next gen riverdale chill “when the news breaks” ruh-roh
did archie say he’s going to start a band “of redheads”? so just- him on guitar and cheryl screaming into the mic like a kraken? that’s the only possibility i can envision
“are you upset?” “upset? ronnie, i’m crazy about you” that is a suburban white mom level of non-answer, archie- stop hanging out with alice cooper
awkward betty and archie eye contact is almost as obvious as veronica’s stilted forced “we should probably all stay calm....” to the room at large
((the saltines went over pretty well so i think i’mma try some chicken nuggest pray for me team))
“my home is a dickensian nightmare- i won’t have my school turn into one too!” there is just... so much here. short version: cheryl’s origin story is that of the classic highschool bully: not in control of her home life, so enacts violent control over her school. in this way she has not changed. also jesus christ she’s so fucking dramatic i love her like this is in any way her problem but she’s automatically FURIOUS about it. but also just: wow cheryl hates poor people.
“of course. we’re fine.” kevin’s skeptical face (tm) is mint. top shelf. the good shit.
“jones- this is very lovecraftian, which i’m sure was the intention.” toni has jughead Figured Out, and i’m not sure he’s comfortable with that. 
*jake peralta voice* toni- first off your insinuating voice is way too high you sound like meryl streep in mama mia
oh my god sweetpea and fangs are just so dumb. so pretty and so dumb. just because you two wear leather jackets and flannel doesn’t mean you’re not dumb jocks. i’m calling it: sweetpea/reggie. can you imagine the angry makeouts???? so much angry repressed sexuality.
toni’s face of “oh god why are you morons celebrating” is some of the best we’ve seen of her so far my hopes are high for next gen serpent characterization with this plotline
POLLY MY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh wow yeah actress must have gotten a better gig or something and is only available for a cameo or two if a show as drama loving as RIVERDALE is keeping the birth of twins offscreen
“juniper and dagwood” *betty face*
also yes polly you are in a cult get your babies and LEAVE. go hang out with smithers and joaquin whom i command are safe and happy and healthy wherever they are
“that’s mine by the way” FUCKIN COLD.
FINALLY someone other than the sheriff’s office is getting involved in how fucking SHADY this “small” town is
oh nevermind one seed of doubt and he’s back. poor boy. sweet boy. dumb boy.
oh nooooo freddddd
fp in his adorkable pop’s uniform smugly nudging about betty is a great moment everyone deserves an in-law that loves them like fp loves betty
please tell me “doctor beeker” is their actual science teacher’s name
we all know that finding the lost cooper brother is going to do ANYTHING but make alice a happier, more stable person right this is not going to end well
i mean even if he wasn’t a minor and using him to get information from a dangerous criminal was a profoundly shitty thing to do, the fbi could have picked literally anyone in town that would have been a better double agent because this is.... not a subtle conversation.
GREAT SONG CHOICE FOR THE SERPENTS’ INTRO TO RHS ((my mom had a tape with this song on it that she’d play to get me pumped for kindergarten))
okay i’m only going to say this once and then probably once more in the scorecard but: how much better would this mixed school plot have been if JOAQUIN WAS STILL IN TOWN?!?!?! the joy and comedy if he and kevin got back together?? the ANGST IF THEY DIDN’T?!?!?!?!?! i am CHEATED. LAID LOW. BITCHSLAPPED.
THAT BEING SAID: this is so good already. serpents swaggering in. veronica’s stepford forced cheer. cheryl and reggie STRUTTING to create conflict.
toni’s face upon gazing at cheryl once more is just so very gay. angry gay. furious that she has to see those mile long legs again.
“no one invited facist barbie to the party” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "ragamuffins” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh archie. so pure. so ineffective. as always.
did jughead just sidehug sweetpea away from conflict are they there now
i haven’t been paying enough attention to outfits so far but the placement of cheryl’s iconic spider broach not over her heart like a normal broach, but ON HER SHOULDER LIKE IT’S CRAWLING was a topnotch choice by wardrobe
again this is some classic response to sexual assault in the category of “well that’s unfortunate” until it’s about someone close to you come on archie you’re better than this.
which of course reinforces cheryl’s “me against the world” attitude because NO ONE SEEMS TO FUCKING CARE that she was attacked except veronica and the cats
“of the park avenue lodges” juggie. not helping. although i’d like to think jughead has mentioned veronica enough that toni knows this is just mild teasing between unlikely friends
josie’s awkward “now just... josie...” BROKE MY HEART
“joaquin and i used to hang out. talked about you all the time” OF COURSE HE FUCKING DID THAT POOR BOY WAS *ELIZA SCHUYLER VOICE* HELPLLLLLEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS. also i’m so happy joaquin has FRIENDS that hopefully still keep in touch please just someone check on him i miss my gay biker leo
godfuckingdammit reggie
“no more serpent jackets” okay- okay- i really need to ask the writers to go to a real high school just once. once. in what world would they have not made this a rule already???? i got in trouble in middleschool for wearing a bandana okay and i was a weird horse girl and LOOKED IT.
is josie hanging out with the core four+kevin because cheryl’s weirdness was scaring her off and the cats have cut all ties? has she lost her entire support network??? i’m worried about alpha kitty guys include her in stuff
jughead is #worked up and toni is having none of it thank god for toni
“i just need to borrow one of jason’s blazers” thank GOD they haven’t abandoned creepy ties between jason and archie. please someone share my half baked conspiracy theory that they were switched at birth and archie is the real blossom twin
juggie. i love you. i genuinely do. but you are being a prime fucking asshole right now. 
i was rolling my eyes so hard at jughead’s bullshit i almost missed sweetpea’s turtleneck which would have been a TRAGEDY
this separation between jughead’s attitude and the rest of the serpents is finally bringing to light what has bothered me about his plot this season so far. he’s so fucking desperate to fit into his role as the heir apparent to the gang but he doesn’t actually know shit about being in a gang and being in danger all the time. for all he grew up poor his has this really privileged attitude and i can’t wait for toni and co. to just tell him to sit down and shut up because believe it or not his actions have consequences
i was going to say “what they didn’t call ahead???” but of course not. cooper women do not call ahead
i mean we all knew this wasn’t going to go well and i think a lot of us thought it might be a possibility but...... umm.... heavens.... golly.... that.... that uh... looks like.... ayoungblondskeetulrich. .....jinkies.
oh god why do we have two prostitution plotlines in one episode why why is this a thing in riverdale now
on a lighter note they are hitting into my nostalgia funny bone hard this ep with the game in the whyte wurm being mortal combat ii it’s been years since i’ve gazed on those pixilated icons of my childhood
fp giving you advice on doing the smart thing instead of your kneejerk reaction to a shit situation is a real lowpoint i hope you realize that juggie
again, as heavy as it is, i’m glad they don’t shy away from the dreaded “R” bomb with this nick plotline. like characters seem hesitant to say it in a realistic way, but they do use it which keeps it from feeling like the creators trying to write around controversy
i like that they’re acknowledging it’s pretty shitty of archie to not care until it’s about veronica it feels like brewing #character development
I mean don’t get me wrong, i love seeing nick get beat up as much as anyone else, but archie should have def talked to veronica before all that and she’s right to be upset
yess betty goin to rescue her bro and showing up in the suspiciously convenient nick of time i love it
archie being a good boy and clearing the air about the kiss before things get out of hand but also.... not mentioning the fbi agent after her dad is such a very riverdale thing to do
god this poor lost cooper boy this is the most awkward situation ever because you know alice and hal are not going to handle this well and you know betty is going to try too hard to make it work and you know chic is probably involved in some stuff that will be Plot (tm) later on and this is just A Lot
chic..... (we’re supposed to find this threatening, but psych, chic is noticing all the suspiciously different features they have almost like they might be half siblings instead of full siblings.....)
Episode Scorecard:
# of Sick Beat Drop Editing Sequences: None
Do I Still Miss Joaquin: Do i have to fucking elaborate YES okay goddammit someone better be working on a “joaquin never left” au to fit in with this serpents at rhs plot as we speak or i will be MOST CROSS.
Episode Hair MVP: Toni’s was looking particularly nice today
Episode Outfit MVP: sweetpea’s turtleneck. hands down. but with a close second being the placement of cheryl’s spider.
Episode Cast/Crew Shoutout: soundtrack was better than it has been this season- good choices there.
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ledenews · 4 years
The Guilt of Enjoying Staying Home
I freely admit it. I feel guilty. No, that’s not quite right. I am guilty. Guilty of what you ask? I’m guilty of enjoying this stay-at-home isolation that many of my fellow citizens are struggling mightily with, whether that be psychologically or financially—or both. My fellow members of the working world are dealing with work stoppages, or furloughs, or reduced hours. They initially waited hours, sometimes days, to file unemployment claims via telephone or computer, sometimes failing to get through. I gather the systems have finally started improving and people are getting their checks. Meanwhile, I’m sitting here at my desk, typing away whilst still working all of my jobs from home. Let me preface by saying that the mere fact I work multiple jobs means I wasn’t exactly killing it in the expendable income department before the pandemic began. That being said, being able to still work during these troubling times has afforded me the luxury of less things to worry about But it’s not just being able to work while others can’t. People are getting sick and people are dying. True, you can debate the numbers from each category and say it’s no worse than those that the common varieties of flu strike down annually. The death rate is a few percentage points higher, but so far, the bubonic plague this is not. Regardless, it’s something I refuse to debate. Like seemingly everything else these days, its devolved into a partisan shouting match, where those that speak the loudest are the least interested in listening, let alone considering, a diverging opinion. Plus, whether it kills millions or merely thousands, I invite anyone to stand next to the loved one of a patient dying of complications from COVID-19 and express to them your feelings on how social distancing and stay-at-home steps have been taken way too far. I’m sure they’ll have sympathetic ear. But seriously, if you want to protest, protest, it’s definitely your right and I support it. But holding a sign comparing this to slavery? The last I checked, no one was forcing you to do hard labor while beating you mercilessly and threatening to sell members of your family whilst doing it. You’re being asked to stay indoors for your own good and for the safety of those around you. SLIGHT difference. To quote famed American comedian Ron White ‘The next time you have a thought … let it go.”
Worry About What I Can Control
But as I said, not getting involved in a partisan debate. I’ll admit I am selfish in that my main concern is my 12-year-old daughter. I have family scattered throughout the area and my 74-year-old father lives in Arizona and still goes to work a few days per week. I worry about him too, but being a near four-hour plane ride away, there’s not much more I can do other than worry and pray for the best. So, in that case, it’s mainly prayer. I long ago quit worrying about things out of my sphere of influence. Doing the opposite is an exercise in futility and I already have enough greying hairs in my beard. No sense creating more by fretting over something I have no control in. What I can control is how much I’m enjoying the extra time this pandemic has provided me to spend with my daughter. I’m not going to complain that’s she’s home more during the day and that I’m forced to help her with her schoolwork. Sure, it reminds me that my math skills have dwindled greatly since my collegiate days in the early 2000s. But that’s okay. We can learn, or in my case relearn, together. It’s fun seeing how her mind works up close, how we approach problems differently. We already get to spend a ton of time together. So this is just icing on the proverbial cake. While her mother and I failed miserably as spouses, we do co-parent quite well together and share a balanced custody agreement. For that too, I am thankful. So, whether it’s helping her wade through her distance-learning assignments from St. Clairsville Middle School or teaching her how to mix the seasoning properly for dad’s homemade tacos, the extra time has been well spent. Last night I introduced her to one of my favorite comedy series from the 1980s. Naturally, she found it hilarious and looks forward to catching the next installment. We share a similar sense of humor.
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My daughter and her friend got to shoot a free throw at Rocket Mortgage Arena following a Cavs' win against the Nuggest in March. It was one of the last big public outings we had before everything got shut down.
Dealing with Loss
This experience is not without its negatives, even for us. Prior to the widespread cancellations that seemed to begin with the NBA postponing its regular season, we had things we were looking forward to, like many of you. I had purchased tickets to our first Columbus Crew game and planned on taking my her and one of her soccer teammates to the game. That’s likely not going to happen now. I feel for the high school and college athletes who, whether winter sports athletes vying for championships or those prepping for spring to begin, lost out on the chance to compete.  Personally, spring soccer for FC Wheeling was prepping to get underway. I also help coach my daughter’s softball team here in town and her head coach and I were already making a number of practice plans and discussing our hopes for the season. Those too are put on hold, perhaps permanently for this season. Even little things like my daughter’s class trip to Carnegie Science Center scheduled for next month are off.  Many have experienced far greater loss. That fact isn’t lost on me. But we shape our own pandemic narrative by how it’s affected us directly.
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Our "poor" new cat Stormy we had recently adopted from the Belmont County Humane Society is getting his fair share of attention with both of us home the majority of the time.
Must I Go Back
I also admit that I’m partially introverted and partially anti-social. It’s not that I don’t like people, but I can function just fine without social interaction for weeks on end. I know this isn’t the case for everyone. So, when my company has Zoom meetings so that our coworkers can see one another and they talk about dealing with the feelings of isolation, I try not to smile. My main worry is when we have to go back, and I can no longer work in a t-shirt and shorts. While others are ready to return to the office, I’m sitting here hoping at least one position in our office will be made a permanent work-from-home position: Mine. Fingers crossed right? Again, it’s not that I don’t like my coworkers because I do. I’ve made friendships that I value. I just value the solitude of my home work desk more. I’m more relaxed and I feel far more productive because of it. For others, working from home is a nightmare. To me? Pure heaven. So yes, I do feel guilty for enjoying life in its present form far more than I should be. I admit that if it wasn’t for my daughter’s scholastic and athletic pursuits, I’d be in no hurry for things to return to normal. Is that selfish to say while others are dealing with unemployment, isolation and far worse? It is. And I can admit that. Read the full article
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hobiiwrites · 7 years
candy, cupid, ballad
candy: favourite thing to eat on a date?
i haven’t really gone on a date where we’ve gone out to eat. but if i do i’m not really picky. you could take me to mcdonalds and get me chicken nuggest & i’ll be happy tbh.
cupid: have you ever been set up? have you ever set anyone else up? how did it go?
i’ve been set up by my mother twice and both times have been..... horrible. the first time we went to a movie and literally said two words to each other. he walked me to my car and tried to kiss me, i instead shook his hand. the second time she told me that our friends of our family were coming to pick me up so i could help watch after their kids while we went to the circus. which i was completely fine with cause i loved the kids more than anything. we get there and meet up with this guy. next thing i know, they leave me with this guy who might i add was a complete asshole. we had small talk, but it was like 90 something degrees and i’m just an awkward person in general so..... 
ballad: best love song?
serendipity - bts ( jimin ) or blanket kick - bts 
💌 25 valentine’s day asks
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onceuponaloonatic · 4 years
Momo feeding her kids and the triplets chicken nuggets (Jihyo didn't stop her because of her puppy eyes) so when MiSaTzu came to get the triplets Mina was furious but Sana shut her up with a kiss —🍊
“momo no.” jihyo told her mate.
“jihyo please.” momo whined. “it would make the girls so happy.”
“you know mina doesn’t like it when we give the kids unhealthy food.” jihyo felt her resolve crumbling, momo’s puppy eyes were so cute.
“mina doesn’t have to know. saki do you want chicken nuggets?”
“chicken? yes!” saki grinned.
“your going to have to ask auntie jihyo.” saki looked up at her aunt at momo’s words.
“chicken please?” saki gave jihyo her signature puppy dog eyes. jihyo made the mistake of looking at momo while trying to avoid eye contact with saki, and with two puppy dog eyes she stood no chance. plus if she said no momo would certainly employ the help of ai and then jihyo would be doomed.
“alright fine.” jihyo groaned. “mina can’t find out about this.”
“of course.” momo turned the car so they were off towards the nearest fast food restaurant. when they got there jihyo settled the five children while momo ordered. the girls all played with ai’s toys while waiting for the food and when it came out saki’s eyes went wide and her mouth watered.
“chicken nuggests!” saki yelled.
“yup. do not tell your ka-san.” momo informed.
“okay!” saki smiled, reaching for a piece of her favorite food when momo put the tray down. the girls all ate quickly, saki eating the most on account of it being her favorite food. once they are done they load all the kids back in the car and take the triplets home. mina and tzuyu had been dealing with sana’s heat for the last few days so it was the first time the triplets would be home in days. when they got home the triplets were all excited to see their mommies, especially sae. momo smiled at the girls enthusiasm before helping them out of the car and knocking on the door.
sana and mina answered, both looking perfectly put together.
“mommy!” sana picked up saki while mina hugged sae and saya.
“where do you want their bags?” jihyo asked.
“i’ll take them, thank you.”
“mommy mommy saki ate chicken nuggests!” saki instantly broke her promise to momo, telling sana about the chicken nuggests momo let her eat.
“park momo did you give my daughter chicken nuggests when i specifically told you not to?” mina was practically fuming, letting go of saya and sae to look momo in the eyes.
“well uh you see saki has really good puppy eyes and-” when momo looked up she saw sana mouth an i got this and momo internally sighed. myoui mina was terrifying when angry. sana grabbed her wife’s chin with one hand and pulled her into a long kiss, saki covering her own eyes like tzuyu usually does for her when she sees them kiss.
by the end of the kiss mina is too day dreamy by the long breath taking kiss to notice sana thanking momo and jihyo and having the girls say bye. once mina comes back to earth her anger returns and she pouts at sana.
“why did you do that?”
“look it won’t kill saki to eat some chicken nuggests from time to time. let the girl live some mitang.”
“fine.” mina pouted, sana pulling her into one more kiss.
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onceuponaloonatic · 4 years
MiSaTzu taking the triplets in their first grocery trip. Mina sanitizing the cart first before putting Saya and Sae inside the cart and Saki on the baby seat. Saya standing up and tries to grab every orange thing she sees, Sae being quietly fascinated, and Saki pointing and screaming at the objects Tzuyu taught her in learning hour especially when she saw chicken nuggets in the frozen aisle. —🍊
hehe thank you physics homework is stupid🥺💕
“mina baby they will be fine.” sana sighed. she knew mina was a worrier and she knew her wife would be over protective when they had children but she knew she had to talk mina down when she was going crazy with worry.
“yeah you brought enough sanitizer to last a pandemic.” tzuyu rolled her eyes in the back seat. “chill. it’s not like they will be able to escape the cart.”
“i guess.” mina sighed. “let’s go in.” mina grabbed her baby wipes in one hand and the sanitizer in the other. sana rolled her eyes and followed her wife out of the car. saya was waiting for her when she opened the back seat with curious eyes.
“you will have a lot of fun with this saya-chan.” sana began unbuckling her oldest daughter from her car seat.
“i’ll go grab a cart.” mina informed, sana nodding and pulling saki into her arms.
“mommy where?” saki asked.
“we’re at the grocery store love.” saki looked at her funny. the girls had never been to the grocery store before so it made sense saya was confused. sana giggled and fixed saki’s pigtails. she had given the girls matching pigtails today to go with their matching outfits. saya was in a white logoed tee shirt with a pink plaid skirt and pink tennis shoes, sae had a matching shirt and dark plaid skirt and blue shoes, and saki also had a matching shirt and had a brown skirt with purple shoes. tzuyu had tried to say sana went overboard with the stylish aspect but sana insisted she wanted her girls to be fashionable at all times.
mina returned with the cart, and once it was by the car she began wiping it down with the sanitizer and the baby wipes. sana giggled at her wife as she did this, tzuyu joining when she peaked over.
“laugh all you want but i am not letting our girls come in contact with other babies germs.” mina retorted. after a few minutes mina nodded and sana put saki in the baby part of the cart, strapping her in to make sure she was secure and leaving room for her sister.
“next one.” sana turned to the car and tzuyu handed her sae, who quietly let herself be put in the cart as she played with her yellow stuffed dog. tzuyu got out on the other side of the car with saya in her arms, walking over to put her in the main part of the cart. “okay girls, cheese.” the girls all looked up and smiled at sana’s command, sana cooing at them after the picture was taken. “good girls.”
“do you have the list?” mina asked tzuyu.
“right here.” tzuyu held the grocery list up. “let’s go inside now shall we?” mina took the first cart pushing shift. the minute they stepped inside the store the girls eyes all went wide. saya, the only one facing forward marveled at how many aisles there were. saki and sae both giggled as they watched the sliding glass doors shut.
mina took them down the fruit aisle first, parking the cart so she could go grab some fruit while sana and tzuyu watched over the girls.
“mama! mango!” saki pointed out the mango display next to them.
“that’s right baby.” tzuyu pat saki’s head. she glanced over at sae to how she was doing but sae still had a wide eyed expression of pure wonder, taking in the new sights. it was rare for the triplets to go somewhere new, they were too young for restaurants and they had been going to the same park since they were babies, tzuyu understood the curiosity sae was feeling.
“oh saya!” sana looked up from her phone and sae saya standing in the cart reaching over and grabbing an orange from the display. “no no, put it back.”
“orange!” saya insisted.
“yes baby that is an orange can you put it back for mommy?” saya pouted and held the orange close, cuddling it as she sat back down in the cart.
“love orange.” saya pouted.
“i know you love orange honey, let’s put it back okay?” sana tried to gently get saya to let go of the orange, saya pouting and whining.
“mine.” saki whined. “saya’s orange mommy.”
“i guess it’s saya’s orange now.” tzuyu sighed. “i think you should just let this one go babe, we don’t want her causing a scene.”
“this is like saki with dinosaurs.” sana sighed, pulling her hand away. “we cant keep the orange forever. oranges aren’t toys.”
“she’ll forget about it in a day or two.” tzuyu shrugged.
“orange!” saki pointed to the orange display, finally understanding what her parents were talking about.
“yes saki-chan those are oranges.” tzuyu smiled. “i have a feeling she is going to do this through the whole store.”
“oh definitely.” sana sighed, watching saya play with her new toy. when mina returned she put the fruit she had collected around saya, who was distracted with her orange toy.
“is she playing with an orange?”
“whatever makes her happy.” tzuyu shrugged.
“alright...” mina trailed off, getting ready to push the cart again. they went to the vegetable aisle next, and a similar incident to the orange incident occurred when saya saw the carrots.
“just let her have this.” tzuyu sighed.
“i get orange is her favorite color but look sae and saki aren’t grabbing their favorite color things.” mina pointed out.
“sae and saki are strapped into the cart.” tzuyu pointed out. “if she wants to play with a carrot and an orange i say we let her.”
“fine.” mina sighed. “let’s move on.”
in the frozen aisle as they were looking over the food they heard a scream from the triplets and rushed over, seeing saki pointing at something.
“chicken nuggets!” saki shouted. “mama chicken nuggets!”
“yes baby i see them.” tzuyu laughed at her child.
“get?” saki asked.
“honey no they aren’t good for you.” mina answered.
“saki want chicken nuggets. ka-san get chicken nuggets?”
“she’s so spoiled.” sana face palmed.
“just grab the dang chicken nuggets.” tzuyu groaning, wanting to avoid a meltdown at all costs. “i’ll get them.”
“get the healthy kind!” mina called after tzuyu.
“yeah yeah.” tzuyu dug up the healthy chicken nuggests and brought them over to the cart. “what’s next?”
“we need to get their cereal.” mina explained. it was sana’s turn to push the cart this time and she laughed as she pushed the cart away and brought it back, all the girls giggled.
when they got to cereal aisle they all look for the girls favorite cereal, since it. was easy to miss in the large aisle. this give saya the opportunity to stand up and make a play for the cereal with the orange box, adding it to her collection of orange things.
mina instantly notices and puts it back, causing saya to pout. sana steps in and grabs saya’s orange, shaking it in front of saya’s face and prompting her to play with it.
at the front of the cart saki was hugging her frozen chicken nuggests like a stuffed animal and sae was still taking everything in, her eyes wide as she looked at all the cereal, slient with her pacifier in her mouth.
“sae-chan you don’t have a food toy!” sana realized.
“should we really be giving the kids food toys?” tzuyu asked.
“well saki and saya have one.” sana shrugged. “what does sae like? she likes cereal right?”
“here sae you can play with the cereal box.” mina attempts to hand over the cereal box to let sae play with it, but sae nodded, already carrying her stuffed dog. mina shrugged and put the cereal in the main part of the cart with saya, who was slowly getting surrounded with a mountain of food. saya was loving it though, playing with the orange foods like they were the coolest toys in the world. the rest of the trip progresses smoothly as the girls are all either distracted or sae, who was just asking everything in quietly. when they were finally ready to go saya was sourrounded by food, though she didn’t mind it one bit.
“aww they are so cute.” the old lady in front of them in line cooed. “triplets?”
“yup.” sana smiled at the old lady. “thank you.”
“aw your playing with an orange, aren’t you silly.” the woman commented when she caught saya’s gaze. saya giggled at her and gave her the signature myoui gummy smile she had perfected. “what a sweetheart.”
“thank you.” sana quickly bowed and went back to helping her wives unload the cart. once everything else was on the belt to get scanned they realized they had to get the girls food toys scanned.
“saki it’s only for a second.” tzuyu pleaded, trying to get saki to let go of the chicken nuggests. “let mama play for a bit.” saki relented and pouted watching the chicken nuggests go on the conveyor belt. saya wasn’t so easily persuaded however.
“saya-chan please?” sana asked. “for mommy?”
“no.” saya held her orange and her carrot closer.
“it’s a few seconds saya.” mina sighed. “you’ll get them right back.”
“saya’s orange.”
“yes it is saya’s orange, but can mommy see it for one second?” sana asked. “please?” saya fianlly relented and watched carefully as the handed it over to the cashier, who quickly scanned the orange and the carrot and then gave them back, sana quickly giving them back to saya before she started crying.
saki gets her bag of chicken nuggests back and they finally leave the grocery store, sana snapping a few last minute pictures of the girls and their food toys.
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