#the only inconsistency is like. proportions n the fact that some of them have tails
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gretchen-whoisleft · 5 years
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Full Legal Name: Gretchen Eileen Ollivander Nickname(s): n/a Age: (I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling) 22 Gender & Pronouns: cisgender female; she/her Sexuality:
While she’s out there fighting for equality on the war front, Gretchen is also an equal opportunity employer in her love life. Although her attraction varies from person to person ––and she tends to seek out women when she wants to actually enjoy herself vs. men when there’s something to be gained–– one thing remains constant. Her attention span is short, but she likes to keep people on the leash for a long time after she’s gone; though she doesn’t want every person she goes for, she always wants them to want her, even when she’s already moved on and wandered away.
She likes to be liked, wants to be wanted, and needs to be needed…even though the latter of those is one of her biggest turn-offs when she’s actually faced with it. She’s far from the manic-pixie-dream-girl trope, but it’s often one that she projects to others, hoping they’ll see her as something elusive, mysterious and unforgettable. Whether or not she remembers them a year from now is unimportant.
As far as committed relationships go, Gretchen has only been in one ever–– something that evolved between her and one of her closest friends at school. She’s shut that part of her heart down and not allowed herself to dwell on the effect the collapse of that relationship had on her, but it’s wrecked her far more than she’s realized and will crop up more and more the longer she’s back in England, in familiar surroundings.
Although she craves the same validation she doles out to others, intimacy is something she won’t allow into her life. She’d rather be remembered for being the enigmatic girl who slipped out of bed before her partner was awake, to stay on their mind and be remembered as a privilege not an obligation. She’d rather be known as someone flighty and unattainable than have to face rejection, or the loss of someone she’d really grown attached to.
When it comes to people who do really know the ‘real’ her––like her family, for instance––flaws and all, she often experiences a discomfort wherein she feels that they don’t really know her. She lives in such a state of flux, movement, change, action. She feels as though she’s learning every day. She feels as though she’s an entirely new person every morning when she wakes up, or with every new phase she enters. Order of The Phoenix Gretchen is not the same as Gryffindor Gretchen who is not the same as the girl who once sat on her grandfather’s knee for story time. If they were looking at her like she was the same person now as she was back then (for she really doesn’t know how strongly consistent her inconsistent personality has remained over the years), then they had to be wrong, didn’t they?
Date of Birth: August 6th Horoscope: Leo Hogwarts House: Gryffindor Nationality: British Occupation:
Technically speaking, Gretchen is a full-time member of the Order. However, her actual career path is different on paper, and quite unique, even for the Order roster. Nobody blinked an eye when restless, can’t-commit-to-a-path Gretchen took a position with a Temp Agency. She loved it, and could easily talk about why; meeting new people all the time, different jobs from week to week, the chance to travel and network and dip her toes into fresh waters. One week, she might be a secretary for someone high-up at the Ministry whose usual receptionist was sick; the next, a cater waiter at a fancy, pureblood-thrown cocktail event; the next, tending bar at a respectable hotel. However, the twist comes (like most twists in her live have come) from Albus Dumbledore himself.
The agency is one of the institutions compromised by the Order of the Phoenix and under its thumb. She goes, strictly speaking, where she’s needed, trying to blending into situations that she otherwise wouldn’t have access to and trying to collect information from figures that might have otherwise not trusted her, or remained behind closed doors.
In recent months, Gretchen’s found that she quite likes the convenience – and certain job perks – of working as a secretary for Mr. Antonin Dolohov, and has settled into a more-or-less permanent position with him at the Ministry. However, she still fills in elsewhere as needed and has been doing a hell of a lot of snooping.
Summarized in One Word: en garde !
Faceclaim: Natalie Dormer Height: 5′ 6″ without heels Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Blue Noticeable Features: The loudest laugh in the room combined with the lowest cut dress is usually enough, but she’s a fan of red lips and outfits even louder than she is. Typical Outfit or General Fashion Sense: Bright, loud, not supposed to be worn off a runway, avant garde, expensive, possibly light-up???
Hometown: London Financial Status: Ridiculously, deeply in debt Spoken Languages: She tries to have a a few necessary words ready to go in as many languages possible, thanks to both her undercover work and her worldwide travels. She has a talent for languages that she hasn’t bothered to commit to a more studious level, but when body language, past experience and context clues are thrown into the mix she’s passably fluent in 10+ Dream Job: She sees herself as a lifelong Order member, which is growing more problematic by the day Bad Habits:
Gretchen is in massive, massive debt. It’s not a fact she goes around spreading, but her lines of credit have been well abused–– and not just because of her extended travel adventures or on-the-low-side paying job. Gretchen loves her instant gratification. In fact, she loves instant gratification almost as much as she loves pink fur coats, of which she has three. She loves to shop. She eats primarily upscale takeout food. She signs up for boutique yoga classes, has a never-ending stock of face masks and creams, and insists on being the one to pay when she goes out with even the most distant of acquaintances. If she feels the urge to go out, she’s going to go out rather than check her budget. And if someone she meets out at the bar insists that she’s got to come cliff-jumping with him and ‘some cool people’ off the coast next Thursday, she’s going to toss some cash at that before consulting her calendar to see if Thursday even works.
There are a few other things, that she sees as devilishly endearing yet drive others up the wall: she’s never on time; has a tendency to double-book herself and have to flake on plans; she’s bad at updating people on her life but finds herself bewildered when they don’t know what’s going on with her; she flirts all the time, whether she realizes it or not.
She sees all of these as fun quirks–– so there’s no chance of them turning around any time soon.
Mother: Gertrude Ollivander Father: Alan Kapp Sibling(s): Geraldine, Gloria Pet(s): Vince Sinclair Grandparent(s): The famous Garrick Ollivander Cousin(s): n/a
Wand: Aspen, unicorn tail hair, 12 inches even Patronus (and which memory they’re currently using to cast a patronus if they can, or which one they’d use if they could): Capuchin Monkey! Those who are capable of casting this bubbly and energetic creature may or may not take pleasure in knowing just how much they enjoy their comfort. Give a capuchin an abundance of fresh fruit, others to interact with, and a stimulating environment, and watch its creativity and sense of adventure soar. Beware, the absence of such creature comforts will quickly lead to quarrels, isolation, and an intolerance for others’ good moods. She thinks about a wide variety of things when she casts the spell, depending on her mood and the circumstances, but she has a lot of duel and travel and family memories to draw on. One of Gretchen’s foremost talents is looking back on her memories with the same level of joy she felt at the time...or more, given her propensity to whip out the rose colored glasses.  Boggart: No offense to darling Gloria, but Gretchen has always been terrified of snakes. There’s no rhyme or reason or traumatic event behind it. She just can’t see one without shuddering, and doesn’t know what she’d do if faced with one in real life–– maybe it’s for good reason that she always wears high-heeled shoes tall enough to be weapons. Her footwear is no help when it comes to boggarts, however; the one that would appear if faced with a boggart out in the wild would be a cobra of massively exaggerated proportions, ready to strike and strangle her once she’s incapacitated with fear. OWLS: Ancient Runes, History of Magic, Astronomy, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Potions, Divination NEWTS: Defense Against the Dark Arts (O); Charms (O); Divination (E); Potions (A); Ancient Runes (E); History of Magic (E); Astronomy (E) What Kind of Magic do They Excel at:
Far and away, Gretchen’s best when it comes to a duel.
She was never the type of person content to be ‘a second’ to anyone in anything, so fighting for herself was something she had to grow into quickly. She’s prone to thinking before she speaks and acting on impulse, so it’s little surprise how many scrapes she’s gotten herself into over the years. The last thing she wants is to be seen as someone who can’t put their money where their mouth is; she doesn’t often lose duels badly, but in her school days it wasn’t exactly uncommon to see her traipse back into the common room with a set of scraped knees or a bloody nose. Gretchen is quick on her feet and unafraid of pulling punches once she’s thought of them; the quick brain-to-hand trigger pull isn’t the most practical quality to have, but it’s kept her alive up until now. So she isn’t going to complain.
MB Type: The Campaigner Enneagram: ESFP Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good Archetype:
Performer (39%)
Explorer (33%)
Advocate (28%)
Temperament: Sanguine
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