#the only ships i've ever helped name were Cress/Siebold (which was probably more my friend at the time) and Purah/Robbie lmao
ranger-kellyn · 1 year
Is Championshipping taken in the fandom already?
Omg Championship-
Why is it so hard to make a ship name?! >:(
those are both apparently already taken unu
ChampionShipping - Ash & Lance / Lance & Red (Special) ChampionshipShipping - Ritchie & Assunta
This Link is the main shipping list. the list has over 11k entries so like....yeah this shit is hard. bUT ALSO. their tumblr was last updated 5 years ago, so no clue how up to date any of the submissions are. I just checked, and ClanLeader (Adaman/Irida) isn't on it, so no clue where we're getting ship names now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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