#the only thing he does as rinzler? derezz programs at the games. for clu. screaming ccrying throwing up
systemadministratorclu · 11 months
Based on the prompt SAFEGUARD: for one muse to save the other from being hit by a vehicle or from some other life-threatening event. (For Rinzler saving Clu)
- @enforcerrinzler
The Enforcer is surprised to see the system administrator walking down the streets of the city. Though it's only a few blocks from where Clu lives, Rinzler can't remember ever seeing him just... taking a walk.
It's pure coincidence that he even happens upon Clu, usually Rinzler is in the Games or sent off on some mission for the Occupation. But they had been told to simply patrol the city, due to recent unrest.
It’s only because of this that Rinzler sees the unmanned truck veering off the road and directly at Clu.
They quickly descend from the outcropping of the building they were perched on, landing on the ground hard enough to make their legs hurt. However, the pain is minuscule compared to the absolute catastrophe there would be if the system administrator derezzed.
Rinzler sprints the short distance, tackling Clu over the barrier on the side of the road causing them to both roll down the long steep incline and into the area of the lower city.
He does his best to hold tight onto Clu and take as much of the damage as he can. Comforting themself with the thought that this is a better alternative than Clu being hit by the truck.
Finally they roll to stop, Rinzler quickly climbing off of Clu and backing away, stumbling and sitting down. The Enforcer is silent save for his heavy breathing. He debates between asking if the system administrator is alright or if he should immediately beg for forgiveness for touching him without permission.
In the end he just ends up silent, waiting.
Clu didn't see the truck. He saw one of its lights, sure, but he thought it was a lightcycle. Only when it got close did he see what it was.
And then something slammed into him, taking him over the barrier. He screamed as he realized they were going over. Yes, they. He realized as they went down that he could feel hands on him, meaning the thing that slammed into him was a program. And then there was the actual roll down the slope that left Clu laying on his back, winded and momentarily stunned, even after Rinzler got off him. He groaned as he sat up slowly, rubbing his head.
"Owww, hey! What the frag were you-oh bits." He cut off as he noticed the red circuits.
Occupation. They found him! He made to draw his disc and face them. Instead, he fell down when pain shot up his leg.
"Ow, agh!" He looked up with......fear? Yes, he had real fear in his eyes as he looked up at the program who tackled him. He knew who it was. The deadliest player in the Games.
Rinzler the Enforcer.
"Oh Grid save me!" He gasped out. He looked much like Rinzler's other opponents right before the enforcer derezzed them, as he tried to back off with his bad leg.
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krytus · 2 years
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