#the only thing standing between you and the ultimate arcade cabinet is some fabrication and like $200 of tech bits
tacofriend · 4 months
So I was watching Scott the Woz rant about his collection of Arcade1Up cabinets and how they're expensive for the little that you get and all I could think of was, "I think I could make that, but better!" And all I started kinda figuring it out, but I don't have all the tools for it, but like, you can make your own Nintendo Switch powered arcade cabinet!
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All the complicated tech bits are off the shelf components that require no wiring or soldering or any of that. You've got 8BitDo's arcade controller plugged into a Switch dock where the coin mechanisms would be and then all that goes to a mini flat screen. You can plug those into a power strip mounted inside the cabinet near the back, and then the entire arcade cabinet runs on just one cable plugged into a wall.
I don't have the budget for the hardware or the tools required to fabricate the cabinet itself, but like, if you have the time and the tools, I'm pretty sure this could be built in a week especially with something like a laser cutter or a CNC machine.
Someone please build this!
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