#the only time ive gained pity on characters i haven't planned to pull for is when im trying to get a 4 star
alchemiclee · 4 months
when I see people complained they pulled a 5 star they didn't want in genshin or star rail because they were trying to ~build pity for the character they want~ (and usually got them early pity) I always have to laugh at them because,,, why are you doing that??? build pity on the banner of the character you want so if you get a banner 5 star it's them lmao. that's the most obvious logical thing to do. "building" pity isn't actually a thing if you think about it, since you can get a 5 star at 0 pity. it's more like you gain it. you have no control over it. so instead, just wait and pull on the banner you want.
why dont people realize it's a bad idea until that happens lmao. do they truly not know this will happen, or is it simply being impatient and paying for it? normalize doing pulls only on banners you want and not trying to "build pity." being impatient like that kinda deserves it tbh 😂
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