#the parentified stuff and some internalized ableism
My headcanons about/my version of Kaito (trigger warnings: life threatening illness, mention of coughing up blood):
-he's always been sick, they've known since he was a kid, and the doctors said he might not live long enough to fulfill his dream of going to space
-this is why he cheated to get to the space program early, so he could get there asap. He didnt want to wait and do it the "right" way
-my version of him is an adult in my dr v3 fanfic, I forget how old but I made him like 5 years older than Kaz and I dont know how to change this bc it affects their dynamic but they both go to Hope's Peak here? So basically he got caught as a cheater by his astronaut buddies and they told him he has to be a part of this Ultimate tutoring program at Hope's Peak for a year (Ultimates tutoring Ultimates)(a way to get Ultimate Adults into Hope's Peak) to prove he really is an ultimate, and therefore worthy of being an astronaut. He didnt have much of a choice but to go along to get his dreams to come true.
-not sure who else I would make a tutor or I might scrap the idea later but it wouldnt just be Kaito older than everyone else, idk I'm figuring it out
-anyway Kaito is Kazuichi's older cousin who took care of her a lot when they were kids (imo Kaito gives vibes of a parentified kid) but they lost touch around the time Kaz entered middle school as Kaito was in high school and too busy to visit
-he was the one to get Kazuichi interested in making a rocket. He realized Kaz was being taken advantage of by her dad (Kaito's uncle) and he knew Kaz wouldnt let herself dream big at the time, so when Kaito saw how much she loved rockets he was like "Hey! I bet you could build one!" and hyped her up. He told her (half-joke?) to build him a rocket one day so he/both of them? could go into space, but he wasnt going to expect Kazuichi to really do that for him. He just wanted Kaz to have life goals that got her out of the bike shop (and lowkey away from her shitty dad)
-one of Kaz's punkass friends called her "gay" for her dream about flying in a rocket with her cousin, which is why she changed this explanation ever since to "riding in a rocket with a girl"
-Kaito has an unhealthy attitude about his illness. A lot of internalized ableism. He saw too much "disability inspiration porn" so he tries to be that guy that "overcame his illness" to be the "Luminary of the Stars." Someone needs to tell Kaito to stop and slow down aggghhhh
-He is the master of avoiding his own problems by helping others with theirs'. Oh who cares if he's coughing up blood now?; Shuichi is having self doubt issues and Maki was alienated from the group, he's gonna help them instead (those were important too, but you get what Im saying?)
-the gambling scene is metaphorical for how he keeps taking big risks hoping for big rewards
-he is bi and ace
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