#the past month ish has been a mess mentally and literally and i havent been on top of writing during it
thompsborn · 2 years
I’ve been steadily going through your ao3 these past few days and I’d just like to say that I really appreciate your writing and your works. They’ve really cheered me up recently and every fic feels like a treat!! They’ve even gotten me to open up tumblr for the first time in months just to send this.
This ask would get way too long if I talked about every fic of yours I’ve read and reread recently so I’ll just choose one series. Harley and Peter parenting Miles in “to build a family” is all I’ve ever wanted and every scene made me smile. The Flash redemption arc was super well done. And not to mention the amazing world building.
Seriously, thank you again!! I hope you have a lovely day/night !
i’m at work so i can’t take the time i want to take to properly word a response but also i don’t want to wait to answer this and risk losing some of my initial thoughts and feelings in reaction so i’m sorry if this is a short response or seems clipped or not proper but i just !!!! i’m going to cry my friend
i think it’s easy, sometimes, for me to forget that the fics i post can mean to other people what some of my favorite fics mean to me. like, i have favorite fics that have literally altered my course in life—that have made me change a perspective i used to have or see things in a new way from before. there are fics i’ve read to pull through some of my worst nights and fics i have read literally 100+ times because i love it so much or because it means so much to me or whatever reason i may have for that specific fic—either way, it’s a significant standing point in my life. i have spent so many minutes and hours, collectively probably months worth, of my time on a handful of the same fics. and the things i write and the fics i post could have the same meaning to someone else?
bonkers. absolutely BONKERS.
i won’t ramble about that i just can’t wrap my head around it but it’s !!! so heart warming and makes my chest feel so full and happy oh my god
as for the to build a family series!! i’m super slow at updating it now that the rest of the plot is being told through shorter fics—like so far i don’t have any plans for another 5/6 chapter fic for tbaf, mostly just one shots and two shots—but even though i can be slow to update it that series literally. i love it so much. it means so much to me
homeward bound is definitely my passion project and is probably my new favorite thing that i have ever written—which is ironic because i haven’t updated it in like a month ?? a few weeks for sure because life got crazy and march is both the best and the WORST month of my life every year lmao but anyway not the point—the point is that while homeward bound is currently my #1 favorite of my fics, to build a home is, quite fittingly, like coming home whenever i write it, and honestly i go back and reread it semi regularly as well. partially to make sure i remember it all and havent forgotten any details for the sake of writing the next part (eventually,,,, slowly,,,,,) but also because that series was started during what was to this day probably my second lowest point mentally, and i started writing the first fic as an irondad character study piece and then found out about parkner when i was only a couple scenes in (which is why harley doesn’t have any scenes until like 1/4 or so of the way through the first chapter fun fact) and it just !! it was all pulled out of my ass but it was EVERYTHING to me and it was perfect and i still adore it even if it isnt my favorite thing i’ve ever written. and a shocking amount of people have said insanely kind things about tbaf before and it’s just insane to me that people seem to like it so much. i’m so glad but also WOAH ??? woah
idk i just. i’ve always written for me—the only time i’ve written for the sake of other peoples expectations and requests over my own ended with me not writing for damn near two years, to which i owe the IT fandom for bringing me out of that horrible writers block hell in 2017/2018 bc i literally stopped writing end of 2015 and did not write anything until i decided to write a reddie fic. and that taught me to write for ME but to keep readers in mind for the sake of being respectful and being BEYOND grateful when ppl say such nice things that i struggle to understand is purely genuine because how ?? how did my little gay words have impact or hold meaning ???
i’m rambling so hard and i’m STILL at work so i’m gonna stop but just 🥺🥺🥺 this ask just melted me and made my tear up a lot idk bro im fragile
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