#the pictrues of memories they had
Saturday in the Park
So normal stuff, not my pictrue (off of google)
Had a cute idea and thought why not
Feedback is appreciated 😁
Fourth of July for Billy was once a pleasant time. Americas birthday wasn't always an excuse for Billy to get shit face drunk. No. Once made his heart sore and his smile shine like the fireworks his grandad brought down to the beach. He would watch with wide eyes as his grandad lit the firework and let it fly high above their heads, telling his mother how pretty it looked. Billy loved fourth of July as a kid because it was, what felt like, another life for him. His mother was alive and his father wasn't around enough to do anything to him. Days like that were spent in the loving embrace of his mothers family and their annual Fourth of July party.
Billy remembers when he was six years old out back in his grandparent's yard playing ball with his aunt Mary's fiance Jim well his granddad grilled bbq that just thinking about makes his mouth water to this day. Off to the side in stripped beach chairs his mother, nana, and aunt Maggie would drink lemonade and talk.
He remembers how it was one of the only days where he could stay up past his bedtime and go down to the beach with his family. How he would sit in the back of his granddad's 1960 ford f100 in his mothers lap with Maggie and Jim next to them with nana and Mary in the front next to grandad. He remembers how his mother and he sang along to the radio well the fireworks exploded above them.
He remembers them all piling out of the car and stepping on the cool sand, his tiny feet sinking into the cold sand. He remembers the song that played on the car radio as they sat near the back of the car as the fireworks went off, some set off by his grandad. The song he still occasionally listen to when things get too hard or he just needs to calm down. A song his mother sang along with her sister, smiles breaking out on their faces when they messed up the lyrics on a song that was so new at the time. A song that was playing on the radio causing Billy to stop in his trakes, standing in his small rented apartment shell-shocked by the touching memories of something so dear to his heart that came rushing back.
Shaking his head out of the trance he turned to see the confused and concerned look of his loving wife y/n along with their baby girl Maddy, named after his mother, on her hip playing with a small stuffed toy. "You okay?"
Moving towards them he shut off the radio. "Ya fine" he answered to which y/n shot him an unconvinced look.
Grasping her upper arm he looked her in the eyes "Babe really, I'm fine" briefly stroking it before stopping only to look at his loving daughter who was his little mini-me with the same eyes and curly locks.
"Hey sweetheart," he smiled at her love radiating off his features "you going out with mama?" he asked the young girl, shockingly the infant did not understand him and only looked up at her father with a wet, toothless, adorable smile, waving her saliva covered toy. "Ya we're headed off to the store arent we Maddy?" she said also looking at the adorable child.
Turning her attention back to Billy she corrected herself "Actually, correction, only I'm going to the store. I was gonna drop Maddy off at my moms since Noah is already there and then I'm swinging by Jerry's Deli and picking up some fresh meat for tonight, wait you didn't forget did you?"
Rolling his eyes Billy huffed "Common you think I could forget spending most of my first time back in Hawkings with my wife's family?"
"Billy" Y/n groaned causing Billy to chuckle. "Babe I'm just messing with you, Joyce is like a mother to me and Will is a great kid, Jonathan on hand..." Billy trailed off only to have y/n wack him in the arm.
"Billy tell me you did not forget to swing by my mom's house, because if you did then-" Billy understood that it was their first holiday back in Hawkings since they left for California in 1984 and well he knew y/n wanted everything to go smoothly but he couldn't listen to her explain what could go wrong, for the thirtieth time, so he cut her off.
"y/n, y/n, y/n," he stepped back touching his hand to his shirtless chest "have you no faith in me woman? I swung by your moms yesterday and dropped off the bbq plus I picked up some stuff from the store. Everything is fine the only thing you need to worry about is picking up some nachos from the store."
"Hmm ya, okay, I do love me some nachos. Okay, then I'm gonna head off anything else you want me to get well I'm out?" Billy shook his head no well they both walked to the door. "Alright well see you later then" with a kiss goodbye the two left and Billy was left standing in the cozy little living room.
Later that day Billy sat behind the old Byers home watching his son roam around the grass. Little Noah was still trying to walk on his own. After seeing Will and Mike go with mama Steve to get some firecrackers for tonight Billy had just managed to drop down into the rundown lawn chair for a few minutes before something caught his attention. Turning towards the sound of his daughter's giggles Billy was met by y/n bright smile as she carried Maddy towards him. Already reaching out to him, Billy met them halfway taking Maddy in his arms just as Y/N caught sight of Noah.
Watching her go towards Noah, Billy swayed in place a bit ruffling his daughter's curls. Laughing when she seemed to shush him, stopping him from continuing with his, poor, baby talk voice. Billy to distracted in his own world with Maddy hadn't seen Hopper had arrived till he happened to see him and y/n helping Noah with his literal baby steps. Nor had Billy noticed Hopper had turned on the radio till a familiar song began to play. With every beat and every note, Billy rocked him and his daughter to the melody of the song. By now Mike, Will, and Steve were back and helping Joyce with setting up the tables well Jonathan and Nancy had seemingly just gotten there and were emptying out grocery bags on the tables in the yard. Billy watched the somewhat chaotic scene unfolding in front of him and something snagged on his heartstrings. Something hit home for him. It may have been the song or the site of y/n and their son, or maybe baby Maddy chewing on his neckless, he wasn't sure. The only thing Billy was sure about was that well this may not be the family he had when he was a kid or the one he had gotten used to over the years, it was the one he had now.
Leaning his head towards where Maddy's head was resting on his shoulder he began to quietly sing the words that his mother once sang on a long time ago.
Saturday in the park,
I think it was the Fourth of July
People dancing, people laughing
@dacremontgomerylover @myscxllanxous @gutterdreams @lovesweetpeaa @letmeletmetrashyourlove @stevesharrlngtons
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