#the poor son // tommy coolatta
gremlinservant · 3 days
HL:VRAI hcs because I'm writing a fanfic and struggling
Every single one of the science team isn’t fully human.  Dr Coomer has Power Legs™, “Bubby” is an experiment, Benrey is an eldritch deity or otherwise powerful being, and Gordon Freeman is the Player.  Tommy Coolatta is no exception.  The adopted son of a being who can manipulate time and change the past and present?  Of course his father gave him some abilities, as Tommy can see through time itself, referencing “previous runs”.  I firmly believe that there’s something about Black Mesa that draws in the odd and inhuman.  The only person that I would classify as fully human is Forzen, although he shares Benrey’s ability to possess other bodies similar to his own.  Considering how Forzen references things that none of the other characters know yet, there is a possibility that he and Benrey are still in contact, despite no longer liking each other.
As Tommy has likely been in or around Black Mesa most of his life, he wouldn’t understand that most people don’t have supernatural abilities.  As such, he brings up what happened in the “last run”, confusing any normal humans around him.  The scientists he works with know that Tommy just does that sometimes, and if they bring it up then that government guy will take them aside and make them disappear.
Tommy is rich.  He is in the upper class.  He makes at least 200k a year, if not more.  Forzen likely grew up poor, because no rich person would join the military willingly.  The US Marines, which is what Forzen is part of, pay less than half of what Tommy makes.  Because Forzen is likely legally dead, and thus can no longer make any money, he moves in with Tommy.  Tommy lives in his own house, of course, although his father worries about him enough that he might as well live there too.
Forzen is a very rude man, as well as a liar.  He is not shown to have tremendous intelligence.  There is a high possibility that he is related in some way to Benrey, as he is fully capable of returning after death without anyone noticing it.  This is an ability specific to Benrey (and Forzen), as each time “Bubby”, Coomer, or Tommy dies, their return to life is either noted (if on screen) or given an explanation (if off screen).  This is separate to their death, as Benrey’s death is almost always acknowledged.  Forzen, however, has never had his death acknowledged, other than after he disappears for the last time, as Benrey says that he killed Forzen.  Forzen shows a very low interest in remaining alive, indicating that he may be severely depressed.  Due to his desire to graduate, it is indicated that Forzen is in his twenties, although there is still a possibility that he is older or younger.
Tommy’s abilities can appear in ways that he doesn’t notice, such as moving out of the way just in time to avoid danger.  This implies that although Tommy is aware that he can see alternate timelines, he is unaware of his other abilities.  Of the science team, Gordon Freeman dies the least, followed by Tommy.  Tommy is a level 1 autistic man, which means he is fully capable of functioning without help.  He is unable to understand more complex questions without an explanation, and frequently takes jokes as the truth.  He also drinks a, frankly, concerning amount of caffeine with noticeable side effects.  These include confusion, increased thirst, and nervousness.
This combination provides multiple fanfiction ideas, including but not limited to:
A misunderstanding between Forzen and Tommy, where Forzen lies, saying that he hates Tommy.  Tommy is heartbroken.
Tommy goes to the hospital for caffeine overdose, which he should’ve done much earlier.  Forzen panics.
Tommy rambles about how he made Sunkist.  Forzen has a gay panic.  Alt, Forzen does one of those military obstacle courses, and Tommy has a gay realization.
Classic A fell first, B fell harder.
Angst, including Forzen opening up and crying on Tommy’s shoulder about what he did as a Marine.
Fluff, including Forzen and Tommy playing a rpg together (I recommend Sun Haven or SDV!)
The classic enemies to lovers, in which Forzen does his best to finish his job, despite being legally dead.  Tommy, due to his inhuman abilities that he is unaware about, avoids every trap.  (Either 18+ if you want to make this angst (Edit: for gore. No sex), or PG for cartoon violence)
Legally required “there was only one bed” troupe.  This must be fully PG, because Tommy doesn’t know about sex.
Classic au switcheroo.  Tommy is the big bad now.  Forzen is the Player.  Cue heartbreak and angst as Forzen has to kill Tommy.
As always, feel free to add more!
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ghostsintheai · 2 years
It's the morning now, the sun beginning to rise as the collected ghosts stare out the small window into the backyard, watching the group of Black Mesa Officials begin to pack up and disappear through the fence. Gordon is still fitfully asleep in the middle as they start this, but then, as the last of them disappear into the space beyond what the ghosts can reach, Tommy stands, walking over to Gordon and pressing a cold hand into his shoulder. It hovers, then snaps into the phsyical long enough for Tommy to shake him.
Gordon shifts, coughs a bit as the dust is disturbed and flung into the air around him, and he sits up, shaking his head a bit to clear the half-sleep and exhaustion from it, looking towards Tommy, whose smiling a bit.
"Ready?" He asks, quiet, despite knowing only Gordon could hear him.
Gordon only gives him a determined nod in response.
[Everyone Is Open For Asks]
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ghostsintheai · 2 years
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Tommy manages to get the gun from the man, who cowers, suddenly without his power in the situation. He doesn't seem quite sure what to do with it, but he has it away from the man who would use it against Gordon, and that's all that matters.
Benrey, on the other hand, is still struggling with his, even with Coomer coming around to try and wrap his arms tight around the man, pull the two of them apart.
Gordon's tires screech as he pulls out of the driveway, sending one last look towards his friends, then pulling away as quick as he can-
The car swerves
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ghostsintheai · 2 years
Oh god okay it’s go time
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"Go time indeed." Tommy stands from where he was crouched down next to Gordon, managing to force his hand once again to the physical to pull the living man up to standing. G-Man places G's hand on Tommy's shoulder a silent communication passing between them and then G's hand drops, and Tommy's goes once again translucent.
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"We got an idea of how many are down there still?" Gordon asks. With that, Benrey shifts suddenly downwards, passing through the floor into the main of the house. Silence follows
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ghostsintheai · 3 years
Speaking of Operation Get Gordon The Hell Outta Dodge, remind me what the plan is for that? I was a bit too focused on G and Tommy, sorry… - 🎶
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"Distract the Black Mesa Guards so that Gordon can get to his car and just fuckin Go. Dad checked it last night and they haven't messed with it at all, which is weird. Essentially?"
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"We're fucking WINGING IT!!!!"
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ghostsintheai · 3 years
Why doesn't he have ice cream that's illegal
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"I have no clue!"
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ghostsintheai · 3 years
Yeah but what if they wanted some ice cream and they found it? What then?
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"Gordon doesn't have ice cream."
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ghostsintheai · 3 years
Why was the radio in the freezer again...........
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"Nobody is gonna look in a freezer for a radio !"
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ghostsintheai · 3 years
Sunkist is immortal actually <3 yw
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"Of course she is, I did that when I made her!"
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"... wait what?"
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ghostsintheai · 3 years
We do also still have to find Sunkist. I miss her…
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Tommy sighs sadly for a moment, shaking his head. "She got here once, she can get here again. Besides, worse case scenario... Well, we've shown ghosts can attach to other ghosts before."
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ghostsintheai · 4 years
Gordon do you know what this means you can pet Dew and Fanta now!!!! -🌙
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“There? Feel better?” Gordon nods slightly, and Dew pounces upwards, landing lightly onto Tommy’s shoulder. Tommy laughs slightly, lifting her into his arms carefully, letting her be fully visible to Gordon, though it does seem to be far less stable than when Bubby did it, as Tommy continues to hold her rather than let her free against Gordon. 
For a moment, Gordon pauses, staring at the two of them, before lifting his arm carefully, hovering it near Dew’s head. She pauses, stretching her neck out to sniff at the air delicately, before meowing and batting her head against nothing. Gordon’s eyes go wide, and, with that as his guide to where his hand actually is, places his hand on Dew’s head, petting her carefully. Dew purrs all the louder, and Gordon laughs softly. 
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“And that’s... that’s Dew.” he mumbles, feeling Dew’s fur against his hand once more. 
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ghostsintheai · 3 years
Do you two need a mediator? I’d be glad to assist. - 🎶
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“I suppose it’s less a.... mediator we’re after...” 
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“I mean, how in the world are you supposed to start a conversation asking your father why your father was so ready to die.” 
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ghostsintheai · 4 years
How’re we gonna do that, G?
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“Black Mesa is cost efficient first. If it gets too expensive to... keep sending guards here, they’ll stop. We can hide up here, easy.” 
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“They can’t get up here with me and my ambiguous, plot relevant powers!” 
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“Brooo it’s my job to break the forth wall.” 
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ghostsintheai · 4 years
Tommy hovered in the middle of the air, Dew settled on his lap purring. For a moment, they watched Gordon make lunch for him and Joshua, who was sitting on the floor of the kitchen coloring. Dew purred louder, and Gordon glanced backwards for a moment, frowning slightly, staring directly through Tommy and Dew, before shaking it off and looking back to the sandwiches he was putting together. Tommy frowned at this, putting down Dew’s back slowly. 
[Tommy, Gordon, and Joshua are open for asks]
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ghostsintheai · 4 years
And they’re friends!!! :D
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(Wanna play?) 
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“Yeah! I can, I can be Jessie for you!” 
Joshua grins again brightly, bouncing in his spot a bit, before beginning to direct the game once more, explaining what all the various toys as traps mean. Tommy listens intently to what he’s saying, setting Jessie down for a moment so that he doesn’t have to keep concentrating on not dropping her. After a moment, the game resumes, Tommy floating above Joshua, so that there would be more room for the game on the carpet. 
When Gordon comes in a few hours later, Jessie is on the floor, and Joshua is laying in the middle of all his toys, signing up at the ceiling. Tommy is nowhere to be seen. “What are you doing bud?” Joshua looks over, then looks back up, frowning a moment, before getting up and running to hug his father. (I made a friend!) 
Gordon pauses at this, but smiles at his son anyways. “Oh? Tell me about them.” He says, as the two of them walk to the kitchen to get lunch started. The door drifts shut, but not completely, giving Tommy the chance to reappear for just a second to peek out the door after them. He watches, for a moment, as they disappear into the kitchen, before shutting the door carefully. 
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ghostsintheai · 4 years
If you don't mind us asking, how did you guys die? - 🍓
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“I just died of old age, with my dear Bubby by my side. Took him nearly a year to join me.” 
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“And pneumonia got me in the end. Took ages too, It sucked!” 
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“I dunno how I died. I just woke up as a ghost. I’ve been told it uh, it’s common for... traumatic deaths.” 
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