#the ppl talking about the lives aren't doing anything wrong imo for the reasons i listed above
thecelestialsyzygy · 5 months
Look, Noah is a cast member of the show. He's going to talk about the show/his character. Sharing little clips taken from insta that are specifically about byler and shared in the byler tag after we all know about the situation is not giving him more platform than he already has. If you don't like seeing his name, block it or ignore the post.
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holyvirgilscriptures · 4 months
Heya i really hope this isn't an annoying ask if so feel free to ignore it. I just like to discuss these things but i get scared ppl will attack me so yeah. Anyway, i know you said you are tired of this topic so i'm sorry if this annoys you. I don't find any harm in speculating things unless (like you said in a prev post) the person being discussed expresses that they are uncomfortable with it. As long as you're not harassing the person or labeling them yourself/spreading false info if they haven't 100% confirmed it, you're not doing anything "wrong" IMO. Ppl always try to make everything bad in some way. And I can agree with certain points to an extent because no it's not our business, but being curious is a normal thing. Especially when (like in this case) it's something very random and suspicious that the person shares publicly. It just annoys me how ppl will do one thing and then turn around and attack others for doing the same thing and then lie because they want to seem more "mature" or whatever u even want to call it. Finn is also a public figure and yes he deserves respect and privacy just like anyone else but a hard truth is that because he is a public figure ppl will talk. Ppl are nosy and the ppl with parasocial relationships who feel entitled to certain information is what leads to situations like kit connor, not very often it it the normal fans who are just curious bc they usually just get ignored (since they aren't obsessing over it and filling their comments with the question) if the person doesn't want to talk about it. That's why i say it's important to not dwell on these topics or fill their socials with the question. Ppl will let you know when they are ready to.
I'm not trying to compare finn and noah, I'm just trying to use this as an example (noah is someone close to him so he comes to mind first) but before noah came out publically he tried to drop "hints". Two I can think of are: Him dancing to birthday by Katy Perry, specifically the lyrics "Boy when you're with me, I'll give you a taste" and Welcome to NY by Taylor Swift, specifically the lyrics "And you can want who you want boys and boys and girls and girls" which caused discussion that he may be bi before he came out as gay officially. Another celeb that has done subtle things to come out is josh kiska of greta van fleet who created the rainbow flag on his insta with the lighting of his photos before deciding to actually say it and go wide with the news.
I'm NOT saying Finn was coming out cuz idk and you never truly know until they say so (if they choose to) because there can be coincidences or misunderstandings. Plus some ppl just don't like labels which is okay too! Like how kit conner would have remained unlabeled had the internet not harassed (key words: harassed) him into choosing a label because they tried to claim he was "queerbating" otherwise.
Sorry this is so long and i apologize again if this was annoying to receive.
hi! yes, finn is a public figure, so naturally, what he does will be discussed by fans. i am also aware that many celebrities (or people in general) do actually hint at potentially queer things before coming out (though i was not aware of the noah example). finn also has many queer fans. which is why i've said that i understand why people are balking over this.
like i've stated in previous posts, there's a difference between thinking someone could be queer, and then invading into their lives and obsessing over it. on finn's end, many people (though they refuse to admit it) have thought he was possibly queer for a loooooong time. there are several reasons for this but i'm too lazy to analyze each one. and the hyperfixation on him being maybe bisexual does bleed into why the fandom reacted the way it did, or why they might have been so excited — or even, let's face it, why many fans want bisexual mike. (not saying all bi mike truthers are like this obviously).
my issue is more so on the hypocrisy the fandom is showing. they try to preface it with "speculating people's sexualities is bad!!!!" before, you know..... speculating his sexuality. it's annoying because they try to scramble for some moral high ground that doesn't exist, and it makes them look foolish. people should at least admit to themselves that they are indeed trying to figure out what his orientation is — because if they weren't, then the byler tag wouldn't have been fucking filled up with people freaking out that finn was secretly coming out. it's a burden off your shoulders if you stop trying to act morally superior. they only say those things because they fear being "canceled", so they lampshade ahead and try to insist that no, we're NOT trying to find out if finn is bi... but they are, and they should just own it lol.
at the end of the day we don't know finn, or what his sexuality is. we don't even know why he posted that snl skit in the first place. not knowing will always lead to people wondering, filling up the gaps. if people want to do that, they should at least be self-aware of what they are doing and not try to pretend they're "better than that".
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