#the printing isn't the neatest but it's not bad for a first try
vampire-meta-knight · 5 months
Altered button-up shirt--1st time lino stamping on fabric!
Note: My camera HATES the color red and makes it appear as the most eye-searing hellfire color, but this shirt is actually a pleasant cherry-red. I tried to edit the pictures to depict the color more accurately, and I think the second pic comes closest.
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This shirt began its journey in the thrift store as a salmon-pink button-up of nice quality. It was picked up by a goth, one who had BIG plans.
The shirt was dyed red to give it some new life. Then it got a cool eyeball print courtesy of a hand-carved linoleum stamp. Some crosses on the sleeves were added the same way, and some smaller crosses free-handed here and there between the eyes. But the shirt's journey was far from over.
The shirt got a row of silver spikes along the shoulders and collar before getting bedecked in a whole new set of buttons, changing out dye-tinged white with gold. Although gold hadn't been in the original plan, it just looked so nice with the shirt's red complexion. Gold chains were added to adorn the pocket to match the new buttons.
Lastly, the shirt received a gold safety pin and a plague doctor button for being such a brave little shirt during its makeover. Now it's done, and what a glow-up it was!
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venus-is-thinking · 1 year
DRDT Handwriting Analysis
Hello everyone! I decided to take a look at the canonical handwriting of the various characters in DRDT. We've actually seen a good number of handwritings and it definitely seems like they are specifically written differently, so it's a fun new dimension of the characters we can look at. I've done my best to compile all of them in this post, but please let me know if I've missed any!
I'll be going in order of when we first see them, starting with:
Arei Nageishi!
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Arei is our first handwriting reveal, which we know because she wrote the arm wrestling contest board in Chapter 1, Episode 2! She seems to write in all caps and has a slightly curvy style.
Min Jeung!
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Whoops, murder time. Min's handwriting is seen on the "OUT OF ORDER" sign. We don't know it's hers when we first see it, but in the trial, it's revealed that she must have written it.
As far as I remember, we don't have another sample of her handwriting, which is unfortunate, given that I believe this is probably not what her real handwriting looks like. She's clearly printing in very straight lines; it's probably meant to look official. If it looked handwritten, it would lower the credibility of the out of order sign.
I also tried to see if you could tell what any handwriting looked like from the papers on the table in the Bonus Episode she's in, but I didn't manage to pick anything out that was actually legible. So, I guess we don't really know what Min's handwriting would normally look like.
Xander Matthews!
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Xander wrote "Charles Cuevas' Motive" on this DVD, but a lot of it got smudged off when he planted it in the CD reader (god I hope I got it right I'm sorry Charles I'm trying to remember which is which).
He seems to use all caps. It's also not the neatest, given that the two Cs run into each other despite being on different lines.
Notably, there is a more filled-out version.
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However, the red text isn't written by Xander himself, because he's dead at the time. As best I can figure, this is Teruko writing in an impression of Xander's handwriting. The image of the CD appears as Teruko says, "Hm, are you talking about this?" implying she's the one carrying it, and the rest of the writing is filled in when she says so. It might seem like it would be Rose, given that she's the one who figures out what it's supposed to say, but Rose instructs someone else to rotate it, so it can be assumed Rose isn't holding it. Teruko is the one to take the DVD out of the player at the end of investigation, so I'd really assume it's her.
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We actually have a specific example of Teruko replicating Xander's handwriting! She smudges it during investigation and re-writes it on. It seems to me like the creator went back to the original version of the CD in the trial (the little ink blot at the left of the O matches better with the first of the two images here, imo). I doubt there was much internal consistency given to how Teruko writes Xander's handwriting when trying to replicate it on this CD, but...
Teruko Tawaki!
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Teruko's handwriting is bad-bad. It's very shaky and she struggles with letters. The O and C (as she thinks she's writing) that she replicates back on the CD have some more of the shakiness that this handwriting has, which implies to me that the creator knew at the point of the Chapter 1 murder that Teruko's handwriting wasn't smooth. The replication of Xander's handwriting in red back in Xander's section looks smoother than I think Teruko's would, which might be points towards someone else having written it. No clue who, though.
Notably for Teruko, I honestly wonder if she's meant to have dysgraphia? I don't know a ton about it, but it's a learning disability that makes it much harder for people with the condition to handwrite clearly. Just an interesting sidenote, if anyone with dysgraphia knows more/if this is wrong to say in some way, please let me know!
Charles Cuevas!
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Back on track, I skipped ahead with Teruko to put hers next to Xander's. We don't technically have confirmation that this is Charles' handwriting, but it's very very heavily implied. It's written in cursive, which Whit says Charles writes in in the Chapter 2 trial.
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This also implies that Whit has seen Charles' handwriting, which could add more to imply that this is his, but considering Charles has evidently seen Whit's (more in a sec), I don't think that means much.
Plus, as a fun note, Charles' custom weapon is the only one that isn't listed on the above handwriting sample. This is the biggest factor in me believing that it's Charles'. (Plus, I think Whit says something about getting it from a friend? I'm not reopening the episode sorry gang)
Whit Young?
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Wait, where's the handwriting?
Well, as far as I remember, we haven't actually seen Whit's handwriting. We know from Charles that he dots his Is with hearts, but that's all we got. Sorry gang.
Eden Tobisa!
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Eden literally gave us a handwriting sample. Thanks!
It's pretty cute! She has a curvier handwriting style with some irregular spacing, which I think gives it nice charm and character.
The Chapter 2 Killer??? (or accomplice)
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Idk man! It seems like it has to relate to someone who's at least somewhat guilty in this whole thing, right?
I've written briefly about why I believe this is Levi's handwriting on @1moreff-creator's Levi accomplice theory post, but that would totally work for the popular theory that he's the killer, too. Either way, it's a handwriting sample.
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I have no idea who wrote this. From what I can tell, it might've been here when the cast got there...? The weird thing is that it changes.
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Shoutout to @accirax for remembering that the white board changed, because I did NOT notice/remember. However, that begs the question...
It's very possibly Veronika, as she's the one who's noted to, like, know and remember what Monokuma looks like. If so, that means we have a Veronika handwriting sample, yay! I really don't know who else would be drawing Monokumas. Maybe the mastermind...?
And that's all! Clearly there's no point to this post and I can wrap this-
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Haha. You didn't think I actually made a post that doesn't have a theory to it, did you?
This has all been building up to me trying to figure out who the hell wrote this note. Because, I originally believed it made the most sense if it was a note that Xander wrote to himself, but accirax pointed out that we've seen Xander's handwriting, and it looks different. Then, I started noticing that we've been receiving various handwritings. Like, a LOT of handwritings.
I think that it's plenty likely that we're going to receive EVERYONE'S handwriting at some point throughout this series. Notably, all characters who have died thus far (Xander, Min, Arei, Chapter 2 Killer Even Though We Don't Know Who They Are) have already shown us their handwriting. This is probably because we're going to figure out who wrote this note at some point.
Does that mean everyone whose handwriting we've already seen thus far is safe? Maybe! I've gone through and talked about Xander, Arei, Eden, Charles and Teruko's with confidence. From what we know of Min's and Whit's, it doesn't seem like it's theirs, but I'd believe for either of them that it could be theirs if the devs wanted to pull a fast one on us (Whit could just... not write with hearts on the Is for this one. Min was replicating printed text).
I guess that means I'm saying that the most likely authors of the "Kill Teruko Tawaki" note are Mai Akasaki Ace, Rose, Hu, Arturo, Veronika, J or Nico, with Min, Whit and Levi also being possibilities that I just don't believe as strongly. I do want to note that, if Rose IS the one who wrote it, she could also easily be replicating someone else's handwriting. Ultimate Art Forger moment.
I compiled this image of all the handwriting I talked about with the purple being known handwriting and the gray being unknown.
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I think it's really cool that the dev put time into giving each of the characters unique handwriting, and I think it's definitely a piece of evidence to keep in mind when theorizing about masterminds and killers and such.
Hopefully this was a fun read! I look forward to possibly figuring out the handwritings of literally every other character someday.
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sugas-sweetheart · 3 years
BNHA Characters Wrapping Gifts
A/N: I don't know if anyone has done this before but hey its July and me & @spookykiri were discussing if sero could make different tapes - yeah this started out as a conversation about christmas and if sero could make patterned tape,, I'll probably make a part 2 and I’ve got haikyuu ones drafted! These were funny to make and is purely for my own amusement at this point, thank you to erin for hawks and denki ideas primarily as well as helping with the rest <3
Characters Included: Sero, Bakugo, Kirishima, Mina, Kaminari, Shoji, Hawks
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Sero Hanta
⤷ Best wrapper in the bakusquad by far, he never runs out of tape - obviously - and has the neatest folds no matter the shape he is wrapping. It could be the most obscurely shaped packaging, but he'll do it. You will always be able to tell in a pile of presents which ones he wrapped because of how neat it all is compared to the others. He loves to add a coloured ribbon that's curled at the edges as well. He probably has wrapping paper for specific people and keeps in mind their favourite colours and ones they don't like.
Bakugo Katsuki
⤷ Is one of the few that is even close to rivalling Sero. This mostly stems from the fact the group (bakusqaud) regularly discusses how good Sero is at wrapping when birthdays and Christmas come about and he wants to be acknowledged as a good wrapper as well. His wrapping is neat, but he has definitely singed some paper when he's trying to wrap oddly shaped things because he can't get the fold right and this caused a little spark.
Kirishima Eijiro
⤷ Kirishima really tries, and some of them turn out looking quite good, but on the whole his wrapping isn't the neatest if the gift isn't just a normal box shape. He always puts a pretty bow on top to hide any messy or crinkled areas! Once activated his quirk by accident and it cut the paper he was wrapping with so he had to do some patchwork with spare paper to cover the whole up, it was noticeable because the paper's pattern was facing in a different direction but he used his bow method to cover it up, mostly.
Mina Ashido
⤷ Mina's gifts are on the whole cute and fairly neat!! Another one close to rivalling Sero, she has definitely asked Sero to wrap a present for her if it was an obscure shape and regularly uses Sero's tape. Her and Sero have little gift wrapping sessions together around birthdays and Christmas, people - Denki - basically commission them to wrap their gifts at this point. One year she did her own brown paper print paper and it turned out cute! Apart from the couple prints she accidentally smudged while they were drying, she claimed the print took too long overall though and would probably not do it again. She also appreciates peoples colour aesthetics and always themes her wrapping and ribbon e.g Kiri's presents from her are always red.
Kaminari Denki
⤷ The worst wrapper in the bakusquad. Need I say more? He also puts lots of effort into wrapping and really tries! He can do basic box shapes and that is it and his corners aren't as neat as the others. I feel like he hasn’t mastered the art of actually cutting enough paper for the present because he claims he can easily eyeball it, he is usually wrong, and boasts when he gets the right amount of paper first time. He once wrapped their gifts in tin foil though to save time and be cost effective but it failed miserably, the tin foil broke, they were all crinkled, and now the group won't let him live it down, its been three years.
Shoji Mezo
⤷ An absolute god at wrapping. He has many limbs and they are very helpful because he doesn't have to deal with the pain of balancing items on top of the wrapping paper so that it doesn't move while you cut some tape. He's not as neat as some of the others but he's so fast that it makes up for it, and they still never look bad. I feel like he once did a calligraphy course and now writes little personalised name tags for them all.
⤷ He doesn't really wrap presents, but he enjoys gift giving. Everything, and I mean everything, this man gifts will come in a box, a pretty gift box that he's bought especially for that gift and it’s got some tissue paper underneath and a shiny bow on top and he will always present it to you dramatically. His wrapping skills are very mediocre, it's probably why he enjoys pretty boxes instead.
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Tags: @justamultifandomfan16 @mattsvn @meliorist-midoriya @goopyartiste @yee-harr @katsushimaa @mystic-helena @nieveblancas @silkylious @therealcozyy @hannahalanib1 @derpeedoo @katsulovee @mushr00m0
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