#the questions jake mentions are the real Qs they ask and marc's responses are based off a few guys I read talking about it
yellowocaballero · 2 years
Writing to say that I love the new chapter and also wife guy Jake is a+ characterization! Also I love that literally no one in the moon knight system can do A Social Interaction Good they can all just mask confidence to various degrees of success. Love that for them! (つ≧▽≦)つ💜
They absolutely cannot, canonically. They all actually care about this to varying degrees.
I was so happy when Oscar Isaac said that he played the system as autistic. That was completely how I read them, and now I get to go hog. I've decided that Steven's more comfortable being more "visibly" autistic, but Marc shows it more through blunted affect and emotional expression - which must have been pretty easy to mask in the military and probably nobody called him out on it in a way that he cared about. Ergo Steven deals with social interactions by doing his best very badly, and Marc deals with it by barely engaging. Jake, who almost never socially interacts with people who are not his friend group, has no idea what to actually do about it. He has no game plan. He's just vibe based.
And yeah, the massive joke for me personally is that the entire story Jake is being a BIT supervillain (on the outside - it's kinda closer to his usual 'bratty teenager throwing a tantrum' real self) and is making a big show about how he's in complete control over the situation and how he always knows what's going on when nobody else does. And that lasts up until one (1) interaction with his Real Life Wife. And you see even clearer that he's all hot air lol. Sir Please Stop Building Your Entire Personality Off Marc's Internalized Ableism.
I think Marc's entire life before Khonshu was based on frantically trying to present as a socially acceptable person. Very relatedly, I base a lot of my characterization of him from the majority of his life being spent in the military/military adjacent. Now that his life is adventurer bullshit he doesn't have to worry too much about that, but the repression and lies remained.
Thank you for all your great comments!!!! I love reading them.
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