#the really awful thing tho is they likely heard the complaints and concerns BUT used the worst possible solution ever
rmorde · 5 months
So... YOI movie got cancelled.
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66. Kim Lip x Reader •Together•
This came longer than expected, hope you enjoy it
Warnings: slight mention of abuse
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A locker slammed shut a few feet away, one of the guys from the swim team threw you a flirty look as he passed by, his friends hanging around him like flies, resting your head against the cool metal, you closed your eyes, trying to regain control over your thoughts, you didn’t even hear your best friend approaching until her face was an inch away from yours, dark eyes staring at you inquisitively,
“You look awful y/n jesus, weekends at your dad’s seem to be taking a toll on you.”
Picking up your backpack, you flung it over your shoulder, hitting a freshman in the face in the process, Siyeon broke out in a fit of laughter as she ruffled the poor boy’s hair before shoving him playfully, he didn’t seem to be having so much fun as scurried away without even giving you a chance to apologize, you let out a tired giggle before your eyes met with the disapproving ones of last person you wanted to see at that precise moment. Siyeon stopped in her tracks as she felt you tense up against her, but it was too late, the senior counsellor had already grabbed your arm, your best friend’s grip tightening around your other,
“Y/n, you will not avoid me any longer than you already have.”
You smiled sheepishly at the older woman who had insisted on scheduling sessions every Monday mornings with her, after having found out about your current family issues through a notice that unknowingly to you been passed to all your teachers.
“Listen Yoona, I get it, you’re young and full of passion for your job, you’re ready to help poor teens struggling with how butt ugly they are, but I do not need your help, I’m fine and more than competent to handle my emotions and my struggles on my own thanks, have a great Monday.”
Her pretty face morphed in shock at your words, shrugging her hands of your arm you made a quick b-line, dragging Siyeon behind you.
“Sarcasm and denial are not the way to deal with this y/n!”
“Ah! Lippie thank God you’re here, maybe you can talk some sense into your girlfriend.”
Her hands reached for the sides of your face, lifting it slightly so that she could get a good look at it, she immediately noticed the dark circles under your eyes, you weren’t wearing any makeup, and your lips seemed more chapped than usual, you felt your body tingle under her worried gaze, pulling away from her you glared at Siyeon who only pulled her tongue at you,
“Why? What’s wrong babe?”
She tried to pull you back towards her so that she could look into your eyes but to no avail, you resisted, grabbing onto your best friends’ arm, Jungeun’s eyebrows furrowed with concern,
“Nothing is wrong, Yoona just tried to scold me for hitting a freshman, but I manged to get away from her devil grasp just in time.”
You knew your girlfriend hadn’t bought a single word you said from the second they left your mouth, she was about to reply when by miracle Jiwoo popped up from behind her, not even greeting an of you before diving into the wild account of how her weekend went, her bubbly voice cutting through the tense atmosphere that had been previously forming. You felt Jungeun’s inquisitive stare on you all the way to class, for probably the first time in your life you were relieved of arriving at your algebra lesson, your teachers’ expressionless face welcomed you in the doorway as you scurried inside, thinking about the imminent conversation that was going to happen the next time you’d see your girlfriend.
You knew avoiding confrontation was probably the least rational choice you could make, yet you found yourself sitting alone on one of the restricted balconies on your school’s second floor, with the curtains pulled inside you knew it was impossible to see you, this had become your go to spot whenever you felt like skipping class to be on your own, nobody ever used the language lab in the morning anyways, just making it easy for you to disappear when needed.
The night before had been so chaotic you hadn’t even had a moment to prepare your lunch for today, your stomach grumbling in complaint as you nibbled on some crackers that had been in your backpack since the previous week,
Your phone lit up on your lap, as another one of the girls sent you a message, asking where you were, you were about to turn it off when a message from your best friend arrived,
From Wolfass🐺: I know where you are, I’ve told the girls you had some homework to catch up on, Lippie isn’t buying it and she keeps staring at me as if she wants me dead. I’m terrified.
Your heart swelled with love at the realization the Siyeon would always have your back no matter what, it had been that way ever since you were in your diapers, she never left your side.
To Wolfass🐺: I owe you a thousand, love you so much.
As the bell rung you made the decision on skipping literature, guilt pooling in your stomach as you imagined Jungeun’s face as she walked into the classroom without seeing you in your usual spot next to the window, so that you could look at the birdies when things got boring.
Your phone vibrating dragged you out of your self hate spiral, another missed call from your girlfriend and a new message.
From Wolfass🐺: You know I got you, but I really think you should give Miss Lim a chance, you don’t have to handle this thing on your own babes, and you’re gonna have to talk to Lip at some point, that girl loves you so much she’s on the verge of killing herself from overthinking.
You felt your muscles tense in anxiety at the thought of having to talk to Jungeun about how you were being forced to spend the weekends at your dad’s place, she knew your relationship with him was complicated to say the least, but you were also aware of how much it would pain her to know what you really had to go through.
To Lippie💘: Sorry about today babe, not feeling very well don’t worry tho I won’t miss tonight’s game, I’ll see you there and we can talk after
To Lippie💘: I love you
From Lippie💘: I’m already worried but ok
From Lippie💘: ttyl
She was not happy at all. You cursed at yourself for being so damn stupid, knowing you should have been honest with her from the beginning, and yet, your own denial had stopped you. Not being in the right head space you packed your stuff and left. Your mom was on a day shift today so you knew there would be no one at home to interrogate you on how come you weren’t at school.
The chilly spring air nipped at your cheeks, wrapping your arms around yourself you closed your eyes as Jungeun’s familiar scent enveloped your senses,
“You’re so cheesy y/n, wearing your girlfriend’s team sweater at her first game as team captain. You almost make we want to throw up…”
You shoved Siyeon so hard she almost fell off the bleacher, ignoring her curses you scanned the field anxiously until your gaze fell on a familiar head of chocolate locks, Jungeun was busy tying her hair into a tight ponytail, her eyes scanning the crowd, timed seemed to stop for a second as her nervous gaze met yours, a toothy grin plastered itself onto your features as you waved at her. Her own smile didn’t quite reach her eyes as it usually did, giving you a small nod, she lowered her head back to the ground.
Your body worked faster than your mind, quickly getting on your feet after leaving your soda with Siyeon, you bounced down the crowded bleachers, making your way to the side of the field you pushed your way through the school paper club until you reached the fence that separated you from the team. You didn’t even have to call her, in a second your girlfriend was in front of you, hands resting on the cold metal between you. Your hand reached for her cheek as you smoothly pulled her into you, her lips fit perfectly between yours, a low hum of appreciation swallowed in the kiss. Pulling away as you heard her coach calling all the players to him, you smiled warmly,
“Don’t be nervous, you’ll do great, just as usual.”
Jungeun’s cheeks tinted pink at your words, you caught her red lips in one last loving kiss before turning around, your girlfriend’s eyes never leaving your figure as you made your way back to your seat, warmth spreading through her entire body after the quick interaction. She was ready to win.
The eerie car park was almost empty by the time your girlfriend stepped into it, in a second she had spotted your figure, resting against her car, scrolling through your phone, with the last energies that remained Jungeun sprinted towards, a surprised squeal leaving escaping mouth as she lifted you into her arms.
“Well look if it isn’t miss star player herself.”
An embarrassed groan tumbled out of her lips, running her hand through her soft hair she smiled at you. There were these moments in your relationship in which neither of you had to say a word, and yet you both understood, you knew her smile meant more than she could ever even put into words, yet a shadow of concern still lurked in the corner of her eyes.
“I like seeing you in this sweater, I think it brings me good luck.”
Her long fingers toyed with the strings of your sweatshirt, slowly creeping up until they reached your chin, she pulled your face to meet her own. Again, as her lips danced with yours, you could understand exactly what she wanted to say, her fingers trailing down to your hips, suddenly you found yourself pressed against the cold metal of the car, unsure whether the goose bumps came from that or from your girlfriend’s tongue sliding against your bottom lip, almost as if she was asking for your permission. Your fingers pulled teasingly at the soft baby hairs on the back of her neck, her cold hands finding their way under your shirt eliciting a small hum of appreciation that only seemed to spur her on, her lips detached from your own before leaving a hot trace along your jawline, on your pulse point, teeth nibbled at your sensitive skin as your head tilted back in response.
Jungeun pulled away at light speed as a series of whistles and cat calls echoed through the parking lot, a few of her teammates that had obviously lagged behind could be heard laughing as they made their way to their own vehicles, your girlfriends head burying into your neck, you could only imagine the shade of crimson her cheeks had turned. Chuckling softly you caressed the back of her head before getting into the car, your fingers toyed with the heating panel for a couple of minutes, trying to ignore the unspoken words that hung in the small space, you could feel Jungeun’s eyes on you every few seconds.
“Please keep your eyes on the road, I would like to make it home alive.”
She didn’t even bother clapping back at you with some snarky comment like she usually would, her hand snaking from the gearshift to your thigh, giving a light squeeze, her gaze straight ahead, a nervous sigh fell from your lips as you focused on the trees flying past you.
“My dad won his latest custody appeal.”
You took the complete silence that followed your statement as an invite to carry on,
“Which means, I now have to spend weekends at his place.”
Jungeun slowly nodded her head as she processed the news, you took her eyebrows furrowing as a bad sign,
“Which is, as you know, the last place I ever want to be. But he convinced the judge that he is a brand-new man, three years sober and with an actual job in a garage downtown.”
The older girl seemed to know where this was heading as her fingers intertwined with yours, her thumb rubbing small circles on the back of your hand,
“Only one of those two statements is true, I’m sure you can guess which.”
As you turned into Jungeun’s driveway the car came to a stop, unfastening her seatbelt she turned to face you, her thumb reaching to wipe away a tear you didn’t even know was there.
“Y/n why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
Biting at your lip, you couldn’t seem to find a plausible answer to that very easy question, you were scared to look into her sweet eyes as the silence around you became almost suffocating.
“I’m not angry babe, I just wished you would have told me, I’m sure my mom could help us figure something out, y/n you can’t stay at that place if it isn’t safe, please, don’t do this to yourself. If something happened to you I...”
Tears started falling from your eyes as you felt the concern oozing from every pore of her body, not being able to stand seeing you like this, Jungeun pulled her seat back as you took the invitation to climb onto her lap, small sobs rattling through your body, one of her hands started rubbing comforting circles on your back, the other pulling your head even closer to her as she kissed every inch of you she could reach.
“I don’t want you to be scared y/n, I promise we’ll figure this out, together.”
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yue-muffin · 4 years
The muffin watches Love and Redemption (insert preemptive crying here)
Aright, I finally FINALLY finished live blogging this episode. @mejomonster my thoughts are aplenty! I actually wrote way too much! 
Edit: I’m an idiot, I forgot to mention a prediction/observation.
Episode 1:
The CGI is actually very nice in this drama, I’m pleased. I will definitely watch dramas with cringe-worthy CGI, but it’s always nice when they manage to integrate it with the actors and set pieces well, which is even harder to accomplish in Xianxia.
Wait, what did the god of war do to deserve the reincarnation out of the heavenly realm punishment? Didn’t she defeat the Asura/Mosha guy? Was it because she used his weapon or something? And in the first place, why does that half of the Mosha guy’s soul qualify as a celestial that can be reborn? I suppose everyone is subject to reincarnation, but this batch is explicitly for those who have committed crimes in the heavens and wasn’t he on the demon/asura side? Or…maybe he was a celestial who betrayed them? Who knows, I’m just wildly speculating…
The scene definitely suggests there is a lot the narration is not telling us about how these two ended up being reincarnated - yet.
If she lacks the six senses, then why can she see and hear just fine? She apparently can’t feel pain, which would count for the deficiency of touch. Hm.
Xuanji, I relate to just wanting to go back to sleep and not deal with visitors so much lol.
HA, that little look of alarm one of the shixiongs (Liuzi?) has on his face when Linglong tries to convince Xuanji it’ll be fun because they get to check out the handsome guys. So is Linglong supposed to be her twin since they’re both 16 years old?
The dragon wolf thing moves a little funny, but at least it doesn’t look glaringly out of place and the camera doesn’t focus on it for too long, as is typical of CGI monsters. Kudos to them!
Cheng Yi is low-key really good looking in action scenes, just putting that out there. I didn’t think I would adjust to him in period clothing and long hair so quickly, since it usually takes me a while to make the switch (after seeing him in The Lost Tomb 2), but nope! He looks really good!
Ah, so this is the ruthless sect. I love how their first rule, which is literally more important than anything else they may value or encourage in their members, is to not show their entire face when outside the sect…also, what’s the point in hiding only half your face?? Sifeng’s mask only covers one eye, his forehead, and cheek on one side…at least have it cover the entire upper or lower half like everyone else in the sect (I know it’s so we can actually see the actor’s face and not supposed to make sense in-universe)?? I actually do like how they designed it though, it’s far less clunky than the full-face masks we saw in the opening sequence, probably due to the curves.
Sect leader…Sifeng is 16, he IS little pfft. Even adjusting for the times, he is a BABY haha. As I grow older, I realize more and more how young a lot of protags in fantasy stories really are. Also, sect leader is a drama queen, like he’s just lounging on his chair with this dramatic laid-back pose, takes a deep breath, and turns his chin up. So extra.
Aw, yes, I want to see more of Cheng Yi’s easy smiles. He’s so serious in TLT2, except when the warmth seeps into this expression when he’s smiling fondly at Wu Xie…
These devil/asura people have a weird bowing pose. I can’t help but think their hands make them look like…eagle claws or something lol.
Ah, a classic ‘I forgot my invitation’ situation. Well, Xuanji doesn’t have to feel too bad, apparently none of the other Shaoyang disciples know how to fly on a sword either lol. Her sister was tied down by that spell, but could none of the others have attempted to chase after the jerk who grabbed her? (Side note: I really love the color of his sect’s outfits.)
:3 I like Xuanji’s expressions, they’re just cute? So cute. Like her little huff when she’s defending her big sister from the jerkass. Also, I love characters who are like little kittens who puff up and try to protect their friends/family even though the one they’re trying to protect is probably more capable than them.
Jerkass really does take it too far when he just DROPS HER FROM THE SKY. Like, I can accept if youthful teasing goes a little far in that he snatched her and took her for a joy ride, but when it’s apparently that she really can’t summon a sword, it’s 100% not okay to just drop her and laugh it off. If Sifeng didn’t catch her, she could’ve died, and how exactly do you plan on explaining THAT to her father, huh Mr. Jerkass? He had like a dozen witnesses too.
Well, what can you expect from a guy who forgot to bring his invitation and literally was too arrogant and entitled to wait for his teacher to come out and let them in. :p Not the smartest cookie, is he. Even if you got in trouble for forgetting your invitation, you’d get in x10 more trouble for murdering a girl. Good thing she has plot armor and Sifeng was conveniently in the right spot to catch her lol.
Small note, he left her on his sword and she fell off after a bit - so…how exactly is HE flying? Can people fly without the help of their sword? Is he able to make more than one?
Lol Xuanji tugs at him like she does to her sister, it’s cute. But he’s so PANIC every time she touches him haha poor guy. He’s so awkward…why is it so endearing…
It took me a second to realize that he stutters, also that he has a voice actor this time! Idk why, Cheng Yi has a good voice. It would’ve fit this role just fine, unless there were parts they were concerned he couldn’t do. They did a good job matching the VA to his lip movements though, it’s really hard to tell it’s not his voice. It’s been a while since I heard Cheng Yi on video, but listening and comparing, now I can tell that it’s not his in this drama. Anyways, this might be my only complaint lol. Both he and his VA do a good job conveying the stuttering though!
Cheng Yi, you’re playing another character who’s good at disappearing in the blink of an eye lol…
Aah, so normally her sister’s personality type is the annoying sort, which is why she works well as a supporting character. I love how she turns her brattiness up to eleven in order to help Xuanji get out of a scolding by their father. I just really love how these two are so supportive and defensive of each other.
Edit: Alright, but Xuanji did you really just raise a flag for yourself so early in the show. ‘I think tears are the most precious things’. I WILL EAT MY HAT IF THIS DOES NOT BECOME RELEVANT LATER.
And instead of holding onto Sifeng’s name tag for like 50 episodes, she remembers she has it and goes to give it back + some birthday snacks because it’s his birthday too! GAH Xuanji is too cute.
I love how the guy who answered the door just his back only to turn around and smoothly give an explanation for his friend’s disfluency lol (so it’s a language thing!). AND THEN HE GOES ‘carry on!’ AND TURNS AROUND AGAIN. Idk why I find this funny but.
? Why all that effort for dew from a peach blossom tree. Is this one a special peach blossom tree. Why is he making tea with it. OH OK it’s good for cultivation.
He’s so vicious ha, he’s clearly perplexed by her - I mean, he’s the top disciple in his sect, so likely he doesn’t get how she can live so carefree and not have any desire to cultivate or anything. It’s perplexing and kind of total opposite to his worldview, so he reacts harshly.
Ah, I really like Cheng Yi’s acting! He goes from flat/indifferent face to reacting angrily to her picking the snake up, then a subtle worry as his eyes drop down from her to the snake.
I don’t know why I like this snake scene but I dooo. xD Also, it’s interesting how she doesn’t feel any strong emotions (she’s actually rather intensely curious tho!), while he puts on a mask literally/figuratively to seem like he doesn’t and yet gets worked up quite easily.
I’m glad she stops imitating him when he tells her to and is explicitly angry/upset, I get enough of people being assholes and making fun of others for things they can’t help like their speech impairments or mannerisms, it’s just kind of a personal thing that irks me.
Why is it always the peach tree forests?? They’re always weird places that trap people. I can think of two other dramas where this happens haha. I know peaches do have significant symbolism in Chinese culture, so maybe that explains it.
Lol he still flips out a bit when she gets close. Poor girl, getting dropped from the air AGAIN.
Ah, this is the lake! Where they sealed part of that Mosha guy’s soul! This can’t be good.
Aw, look at his face, he’s genuinely worried for his little snake. CHENG YI YOUR RANGE OF EMOTIONS. GAH. 
I CAN’T OPEN IT. Oh wait.
Here’s an idea, she finds the snake, you fight the dragon, and then all three of you get out of there.
OH the mask comes off!! Ok, but you have seen like most of his face already…Hahaha the look on his face ‘wait…why do I feel a hand why is she touching me there…OH NO’
Ah, a nice detail I didn’t think they’d think to add in: his stuttering got way worse without the mask on, since he was so upset/shaken.
?? What just happened with her blood lol.
Final Thoughts:
An interesting start, with nice character dynamics revealed and a dangerous situation to move the plot right along. I have been informed the drama really differentiates itself from the typical setup that has been supplied thus far, and I’m excited to see it unfold.
For now, I have a tiiiiny crush on Cheng Yi and I’m interested in where they take Xuanji’s character. Also, what disasters will result from their little excursion into the super lake where a demon lord thing was sort of sealed away a long time ago...
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