#the reason Tsuri's the one to comfort is because Tsuri does what he can to help victims of abusive parents
shslpunkartist99 · 1 year
Here that part 2 before I forget lololol
Tsuri comfort Morgana (it makes sense just hold on)
Tsuri didn't respond when Morgana yelled about their internal struggle with thoughts about their father. He didn't try to calm them down. He didn't try to pretend that everything was okay. Saying things like "It's going to be okay" or "just don't think about him" were cop-out answers that never helped anyone with this kind of problem. He sat there and listened. He let Morgana scream and curse, and he'd let them cry too, if they weren't trying so hard not to let the tears fall.
Only when Morgana went silent (other than exhausted breaths) did Tsuri pull the other closer for a hug, firmly yet comfortly holding onto their head, similar to how he would hold Leroy after he had a panic attack.
Morgana stiffened, but they didn't pull back from the hold. Yelling about personal shit like this to someone who was just a friend.. they were probably annoying Tsuri with this. But it wasn't something they wanted to bother his other friends or family with. This is something they should've gotten over already. Over 10 years, and they still struggle with this??
".. I'm so fuckin' weak.. I hate being weak, I hate it so much.."
"You're not weak."
Tsuri's cold tone tensed Morgana up even more. "You already know why you think about him and his approval." He continued. "Things that don't make sense and don't appear to have an answer drive people the most crazy. It's infuriating. I understand that kind of trauma will always affect a person even years after it happens, because there's no true resolution, especially if by your parent. Unfortunately, there will parents that feel they're right simply because you are the child. Someone like him will never give you the answer you want.
"That's why the only thing you can do is focus on your present and future the best you can. There will never be clarity from that man, but you have your other friends and family. And you have something better than approval: you have their love and genuine support.
"Some mysteries stay a mystery for various reasons, and it can hurt. You're allowed to be upset by it. Scream, cry, punch.. do whatever you need to do to let out that frustration. Just always remember, at the end of your release, that you have a better life than that bastard. It has made you stronger, mature, and smarter than you think. Rae, Otis, and Pico are your true family. Don't ever forget that."
It took some time for Morgana to realize that they have been crying halfway through Tsuri's words. But as much as they were trying to hold it back before, they didn't bother stopping now. They always felt ashamed of their tears: why cry for that man? Why show weakness like this? Why break down and allow themselves to feel miserable?
For once, as messy as it was, it felt good to cry.
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