#Punk Writes
punk-weiwuxian · 2 years
There is no sunlight in Ghost Valley.
The Ghost Valley master took another sip of wine and stared into the unending darkness. His mind wandered far away to the world that basked in the sun; a world of warmth and love. Days- long, filled with the fragrance of flowers, food and life. There were, of course, nights that were ruined by bloody nightmares but they always ended. Chased away by a bright light and a boy.
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genderqueerdykes · 3 months
yesterday when working with my case manager, she went through a long checklist of my comprehensive needs to refresh our treatment plan. as a part of the questions she was asking me, she asked for various areas of my financial struggles, including if i was able to afford social activities such as hanging out with friends, going to the movies, etc. as part of my necessary purchases. the question was specifically phrased as "Do you have enough money every month to be able to afford social activities?"
this was not proposed as a "luxury". the question was not phrased as "Do you have enough money every month to afford luxuries/luxury purchases?" this was listed with the necessities like food, housing, medical needs, transportation, bills, and clothing. this made me burst into tears when i realized it was considered a necessary part of everyone's mental and well being. my case manager told me that not a singular person on this planet deserves to have to "earn" the right to socialize, interact with leisure activities, or to do things that bring you personal fulfillment. your money does not, and should not entirely go toward survival and practicality. it will ruin your mental health.
to any poor person who has ever been told that they don't "need" or "deserve" social or leisure activities or that your money "needs" to go 100% toward survival: they are straight up lying to you. it is a fundamental part of your mental health. don't fucking listen to them.
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crippledpunks · 5 months
i wanna say fuck you to anyone who shame disabled, chronically ill & neurodivergent people, especially homebound folks, for "spending too much time on their phone/on the internet/etc." when it's the only (Somewhat) accessible way for them to experience the world. many people don't get to get out much even if they want to because of their disabilities. shaming someone for trying to connect with the world, make friends and engage with hobbies in ways that are accessible to them is beyond cruel and unnecessary
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flintpunks-mind · 2 years
A co-worker of mine was standing outside with me during a break from customers to share a cigarette with me, and told me about how he had lost his brother that he was close with some years ago. He told me about how they used to be in a band together with some friends, and how ever since he'd died, he hadn't played any music because he'd been too scared and anxious. I told him about how I'd lost my brother to suicide some years ago.
I went home and pulled out an old tiny wooden box my brother had given me before he'd died. I'd been using it to store guitar picks I'd collected over the years, including one guitar pick that used to be his. I haven't played the guitar since he'd died, my hands are too small to play some of the chords, so I play bass and piano instead.
I went to work the next day and gifted my brothers old guitar pick to my co-worker. I told him that it'd been sitting in a box for ten years unused, and would probably sit there for longer if I kept it there. Told him that I thought he deserved to have it, because I bet he could put it to better use than I ever would. Told him I didn't feel like it was coincidence that me and him would cross paths with each other in our lives, and that it seemed suiting that we had these similar experiences but split in two halves. That somehow, I felt like he was meant to have the guitar pick. I told him that I knew he'd not played guitar since his brother died, but that if he ever decided to play again one of these days, maybe he'd be able to honor both of our brothers by using that guitar pick.
He almost cried. He thanked me. Then he went home that night and for the first time in years he played the guitar.
I don't know what the meaning of life is or what my purpose is, but I do believe that love and human connection is one of the most important things in life. It's finding ways to tell strangers you love them and share experiences with others. I think it's all just about love.
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the-witchhunter · 8 months
-Okay, Punk Danny, BUT he’s leaking government secrets by hiding them in the lyrics and instrumentals of his band’s songs
-No one picks up on it until one undercover Timothy Drake Wayne happens to be at one of his shows and realizes this guy managed to give coordinates of a secret government facility by hiding it in the chord progression
-Cut to him listening to the album on repeat with a conspiracy board
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ceilidho · 1 month
need to get into a car accident with Price so when he steps out of the car all stern and somehow still composed (while you're blubbering and freaking out because you've never been in an accident before), he just raps on your window with his knuckles until you step out and let him take control of the situation.
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rintoshis-archived · 1 year
thinkin' about hobie's lip piercings against your cunt, his tongue piercing tickling your entrance, and the cold metal hitting your skin. the makeshift spiky belt restraint to hold your hands together while he eats you out on the couch:( his coarse hair just tickles your inner thighs while burying his head in your wet pussy.
he just won't stop, he's been at it for so long already. his spiky bracelets puncture your skin from holding your shaky thighs apart from closing. ''quit movin' this what you wanted, didn't cha?'' the vibrations of his lip only made your body quiver.
the way your eyes water for him didn't help the boner in his tight black pants. you had him thrusting against the couch for pleasure:( he might as well cum in his pants from your moans and whimpers u give him:(
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shslpunkartist99 · 11 months
Beat-Z and Ai have a chat about their morality and "how to live"
(Under readmore cuz it's long, per usual)
"I can never understand why you go out of your way to break people's mentality. You pretty much stalk a random person that catches your eye, manipulate them to trust you, and use all their fears and trauma to create irreversible damage to them. Haven't you gotten your answer by now?? About how a person's mind works?? You've done this to so many people in so many verses by now! Surely you'd stop and pick up a new 'hobby', right??"
".. how about you?"
"Your life seems just as cliché as mine, Beat. You make some friends, you get attached to a few of them, make a die hard best friend, and stop whatever bad guys that come in. No matter what verse we find ourselves in, it always goes the same route. We grow up, we remember our original personalities and purpose, we live; all until we remember that we can travel to previous verses, and do it all over again."
"I don't get the point you're driving at. My way of living is completely different from yours."
"I never said we were living the same life. I meant how we live our lives is the same. Think about it: have either of us done anything different? Have you ever tried to be the 'bad guy'? Have I ever tried to be the 'hero'? We've perhaps gotten close once or twice, but no matter what, we go back to our roots.
"It's because it's in our blood. Our body, our souls. This life that we constantly replicate? It's all we know. We're just repeating our lives in different environments because it's all we know. If I don't experiment on a person's mental, then what is my purpose? If you don't play the role of a hero or vigilante, then what is your purpose?"
"... you really think you're only meant to be this way?"
"Beat, I know you've thought of this yourself. There's countless versions of other people. We've encounter a person in 20, 50, possibly 100 slightly different lifestyles. But us? The most we get is another form. There's no other Beat-Z. There's no other Ai. We're special. You makes you think we're meant for something more. Something bigger.
"The question is.. what?"
"We're.. probably not meant for anything bigger. Even if it's just us two, we should still live. But you can still live a different life-!"
"Why? If we've both been the same everytime in every verse we've been in, why should we be any different? We're not born in different circumstances. You grow up with a close friend. I grow up feeling empty and uncertain. No matter what, it always ends the same."
"Doesn't it get boring to you? Having to play the same role every life?"
"It doesn't seem to bore you."
"Yeah, but.. that's cuz I actually make bonds with people! I make friends, and formed families-"
"Neither of us have families, Beat. You get adopted at most. Neither of us ever remember having parents raise us. We don't even have pictures or documents to look back to. All we do is wake up in a new bed, somehow familiar of our surroundings, and live life until we remember who we are and what we can do."
"Ai.. is this really the only way you feel like you have purpose? To just ruin other people's lives? Does doing that really make you feel something?"
".. whether it does or not hardly matters now. Like I said, it's all I know. It's all we know. And it's all we can do until whatever made us eventually gets bored of us, and kills us off, never to exist again."
"Ai.. you need a better hobby. For your sake."
"And you need to learn when to give up, Beat."
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cy-cyborg · 1 year
This is just a not-so friendly reminder to non-disabled people, especially authors, people in fandoms or in media analysis circles: Cripple/crippled is not just a fancy way of faying "badly injured". it's not an adjective you can just throw in to spice up your sentence because you used "injured" or "disabled" too many times in that paragraph, or because you feel like it gives your writing some extra "oomph".
Cripple is a slur.
A slur the physically disabled community has been asking people not to use for DECADES, since at least the 1970's (50 years). It's a slur with centuries of abuse behind it, centuries of being used to justify physically disabled people as less-than, centuries of demonisation, mistreatment, ostracization, and murder.
Some people within the physical disability community are reclaiming it, that's where movements like cripplepunk (also known as crip-punk or C-punk) come from. That's fine, I'm not talking about that. I love the cripplepunk movement and everything it stands for: being unapologetic about our disabilities and not changing ourselves for the comfort or convenience of able-bodied folks. But the people who use it in that context understand the history of the word, they know how it was used to hurt us, and they understand that not everyone in the physically disabled community is comfortable with the use of the word, especially those who were around when someone being labelled as "crippled" was seen as a valid reason to treat them as less than human. They understand the impact of the word.
But If you, as an able bodied person, casually uses "cripple" in your work, at best you are showing your disabled audience that you haven't been listening to us, at worst, you show you don't care about weather we feel safe in the spaces you have created.
And for able-bodied authors specifically, even if your character is physically disabled, I'd still recommend avoiding it unless you're prepared to do a LOT of sensitivity readings from multiple sensitivity readers. I've been physically disabled since I was 1 year old, I learned to walk for the first time in prosthetics and have been using a wheelchair since I was in school, I have no memory of life as an able-bodied person, and even I don't feel comfortable using the word cripple in my work.
It's a loaded word, with a lot of implications and a LOT of very dark, and for some people, very recent history. It's not a sentence enhancer to just throw in willy-nilly. Please.
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murdrdocs · 1 year
thinkin bout hobie’s massive hands covered in rings and veiny and strangely always kinda cold and just how tall he is so tall that he can easily rest his chin on top of your head and how he always spreads out when he sits because his legs are just too damn long
i am obsessed w him rn he is all i think ab <3
i was gna sleep but ...
all i can think abt now is laying back, wrapping a hand around hobie's slender wrist and holding eye contact as you lead his palm up to your neck. which, he would never put his hand there on his own accord, but he would do almost anything you asked, including this.
his fingers spread out, hand starting to mirror the shape of the column your neck, but before the chilled digits find your heated skin his eyebrows raise just a bit.
"y'sure?" his voice is deep, gravely, and low in his throat as he asks you. a simple nod and a soft whisper of "m'sure" from you is all it takes for him to wrap his hand securely around your throat, thumb on your pulse point, monitoring how it increases, then mellows out.
his head tilts, his eyes scan you curiously, then his lips pull into a smile.
also ... thinking about him manspreading.
his arms always either crossed over his chest, or his hands resting on his lap, or stuffed in the pockets of his vest. and he just leans back, sitting cooly, no matter what he's doing. and he just looks so appetizing?
like you can't help but saunter over and stand between his legs until he pulls you to sit into his lap, a seat that's a little bony but so comfortable, especially when you lean back against his chest and he rests his chin on your shoulder, arms locking you in by wrapping around your waist.
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genderqueerdykes · 4 months
sorry for the "bad" take but i fully believe even homeless people who "are lazy" or "aren't trying" to find housing still deserve housing. maybe things were too hard for too long for them and they gave up. maybe they just genuinely don't know where to go. maybe they're chronically ill, mentally ill and/or neurodivergent. maybe they're experiencing severe psychosis and can't "try". maybe they're having a pain flare up. maybe they're going through withdrawals, or are heavily intoxicated to cope with not knowing if they'll have a place to sleep and food to eat. you don't know. you have no clue what they're going through. they deserve to go through it in a home.
and yes this includes homeless people who are "lazy" and do not have any known or diagnosed health conditions that would explain or impede their ability to function and survive. i don't care if it's due to your health or not- you still deserve housing. lazy people are still people.
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crippledpunks · 5 months
my heart goes out to you if you're a disabled person who has a complicated or negative relationship with sleep. if you need to sleep a lot but can't due to life circumstances, or sleeping extra causing other symptoms to flare up. if you can't sleep enough due to pain, or nightmares, or psychosis, or bipolar, or depression. if you sleep way too much and find it hard to stay awake. if you can't fall or stay asleep. if you need medication in order to be able to sleep. if you don't feel rested from sleep. if you wake up a lot in the night. if you have bladder or bowel accidents while asleep. if you twitch or convulse or move too or get injured in your sleep. if you can't control your sleep schedule no matter what. if you can't sleep during "normal" sleeping hours. if you can't sleep for 8+ hours straight but can sleep for shorter amounts of time. if sleep is what you need but for one reason or another you just can't or refuse to do it.
i care about you. your disabilities deserve to be seen and acknowledged
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artistmarchalius · 1 year
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Innit VS In’t - a PSA
I’ve seen some confusion in Hobie fics around the word “innit” and I think I’ve figured out why: aside from general confusion about the use of the word, I believe some people are occasionally mixing it up with “in’t”.
So let’s dive into it!
Innit - isn’t it
Can be used at the end of a sentence to make it a question or for emphasis.
E.g. “That’s a load of rubbish, innit?” Or “I’m Spider-Man, innit.” (The latter is an example of emphasis. It’s not grammatically correct but using slang isn’t always about being grammatically correct).
“Innit” can also be used in the middle and at the beginning of sentences (in place of “isn’t it”).
E.g. “Innit lovely out here?” Or “You told me that a Vulture variant was loose in Holborn, but innit true you’ve been tellin’ porkies?”
In’t - contraction of “isn’t”
You can use “in’t” in place of “isn’t”.
E.g. “In’t that the guy who was in here earlier?” Or “That’s a metaphor for capitalism, in’t it?” (You could also use “innit” in the second example).
It can be a bit confusing to a non-English ear to distinguish between “innit” and “in’t”, especially when they’re spoken quickly. For example: if you think you’re hearing someone say something like “Innit that right?” (which would be saying “Isn’t it that right?”, then you’re probably actually hearing them say “In’t that right?”
But wait!
Couldn’t you just use “ain’t” instead of “in’t”?
“Ain’t” is a very versatile contraction. It can mean: am not, are not, is not, have not, has not, do not, does not and did not.
E.g. “I ain’t a liar!” Or “He ain’t done his homework.” Or “Ain’t that the truth.” Or “It ain’t right.”
Fun facts:
The earliest records of “ain’t” are from the 1700’s but it was popularised by Dickens’ representation of Cockney dialect.
“In’t” originates from Northern England.
So why use “in’t” instead of “ain’t”?
Personal preference, innit?
And there you have it, a dive into the world of “innit”, “in’t” and “ain’t”!
As always, I’m not an expert, I just wanted to share the knowledge that I do have. There may be other ways to use these words, depending on what part of the country you come from, but this should cover the vast majority of them (if not maybe all of them)! Hopefully someone will find this helpful, informative or entertaining at the very least. I know a lot of this seems basic, but there are a lot of non-native English speakers in the fandom so I wanted to cover all my bases.
Let me know if there’s anything else you’d like me to cover and I’ll see what I can do! If you’re using “innit” or “in’t” in your writing but aren’t sure if you’re using it right, I’m happy to look over any sentences you’d like me to!
Happy writing!
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bruisedboys · 1 year
looking after hobie brown with a split lip and an almost black eye and he won’t stop touching you. it’s extremely distracting and you’d tell him so but you’d hate to see the look on his face when you admit he’s flustering you. so you let him be and scrub at the stream of blood trailing from his lip to his chin. you shuffle up his lap (yeah, you’re in his lap, and what about it? he was the one who put you here. he hadn’t given you much of a choice. insisted it was easier to reach and pulled you into him before you could protest) to get a better angle and his fingers press harder into your hips, his grip on you tightening as he tugs you up his lap, somewhat helpfully. you try to ignore the way it makes you feel. the way you’re now practically chest to chest and he can probably hear your heartbeat, it’s so damn loud.
and then, the very tips of his fingers dip underneath the hem of your shirt and brush your warm skin, and you decide you just can’t take it anymore.
“hobie,” you chide, soft and entirely too flustered.
“what?” he says back, dripping with ignorance, and you’d think he was genuinely clueless if you didn’t know him so well. he pushes his hand further up your back, his rough calloused fingers practically burning a mark on your already hot skin.
“quit it”, you say, though you don’t sound very convincing at all.
“quit what, babe?” hobie presses his palm to the small of your back, forcing you ever so closer. you gasp, pressed up against him, your hands braced on his shoulders, but he only smirks knowingly. “m’only helping you out.”
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nightmaretour · 1 year
Anti-technology people who insist they're not ableist crack me up. What about people who rely on machines to breathe, eat, keep their heart functioning, or otherwise stay alive? "Well not that technology, obviously!" Ok what about AAC users, people who use hearing aids, or otherwise use technology to interact with the world in ways they otherwise couldn't? "Not that technology, obviously." Okay, my mobile phone is my memory, my sense of time, my sense of direction when I get lost, my ability to contact someone when I need help. It is my personal freedom because without it I would need full time care and supervision. But yes, that technology, right?
I hate how technology is made and utilised under capitalism as much as the next guy, but to pretend that technology doesn't greatly improve the lives of countless people, or even allow them to continue being alive, is to be willfully ignorant to the existence of disabled people. A world without technology is a world where a lot of disabled people don't get to survive. Capitalism is the problem, not the technology. Technology can (and should) exist just fine without capitalism.
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0thello · 4 months
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The Birth of Venus (painting), 1863.
by Alexander Cabanel.
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