#the red tea set and blue vase actually represent Diluc’s and Kaeya’s Hexenzirkel ancestry (real)
rhythe · 2 years
Hexenzirkel’s students/successors:
- Mona and Barbeloth
- Klee and Alice
- Albedo and Rhinedottir
- Scarlett and Ivanovna
- Nicole and Lisa? (who seems avoidant of the Hexenzirkel)
- Andersdotter and Razor?
- [Ragnvindr ancestor] and Diluc? (red tea set)
- [C— Alberich’s lover] and… Kaeya?
There were eight portraits around the circle, but seven seats, so perhaps someone disappeared before the tea party pact. It would explain their motives for going against Barbatos.
I think it was Kaeya’s Mondstadt ancestor because something had obviously happened to her during the cataclysm. She wasn’t cursed, but buried sometime before Chlothar Alberich could break his immortality.
And maybe the blue vase and starry flowers were in her commemoration.
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