#the red/yellow eyes + lasers👌
kaythefloppa · 2 years
The Zachbots in Habitat Rescue are kickass
That's it. That's the post.
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wolveria · 2 months
You've got more planned for Yielding???? 👀 Also gimmie Revan x Reader I love me some old republic 👌
Sadly no, that's just the original doc for Yielding XD I'm sorry!! But you know I've got more Crosshair lurking in the wings
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The bridge was dark, empty of crew, which was odd considering the ship was currently being boarded by the enemy.
You wouldn’t have seen it with your eyes, the light too dim and sporadic, but you sensed the presence, as old and familiar as a much-beloved blanket, though this one had grown strangling around your neck.
The dark robed figure waited, motionless, in front of the massive viewport. He’d been
 expecting you? A small, hopeful voice tried to make itself heard, but you crushed it down before it could speak. You gathered your focus and calmed your emotions. There were too many to name, vying to be at the top, but there was only one that ruled the others.
You unclipped your lightsaber from your belt.
“Hello, Master.”
You ignited the blade.
The hood of the figure slightly turned, its wearer moving his head in your direction, and words filtered through a mask, twisting the once familiar voice into something alien and cruel.
“Not the greeting I expected.”
You shifted on your feet, one sliding back as the other moved forward. Readying your position.
“But it is the one you deserve.”
He paused, another tilt of his head.
You crept closer, blue lightsaber raised in a defensive position, watching for the snake to strike.
“By order of the Galactic Republic and the Jedi High Council, you will surrender yourself into my custody.”
“For what crimes?” he asked, amusement flitting at the edges.
“Treason,” you spit out, unable to keep your own tone anywhere near civil, rage bleeding into the words. “Sedition. Conspiracy to kidnap high-ranking officials, assassination of high-ranking senators, and war crimes against the galaxy.”
“That’s quite the list.”
You wanted to bare your teeth, but that would carry you forward to the action of biting.
“I’m not done. You will also be charged with the near complete genocide of the people of Telos IV.”
Finally, some emotion other than amusement.
“I did not order that bombardment.”
The slope of his shoulders were stiff against the constellations and battle outside, bursts of orange and yellow where lasers and torpedoes hit their targets.
“And yet, it was carried out in your name,” you said, voice low, the words simmering around the hum of your lightsaber as if the blade agreed. “For your glory. Don’t turn away from it now, Lord of the Sith.”
He still wouldn’t turn to look at you, as if unconcerned there was a lightsaber at his back, and his lofty words confirmed it.
“Where are the rest of my jailors?”
You bristled.
“They’re coming.”
In the distance was an explosion somewhere on the ship, and your old master tilted his head once again.
“Yes. I’m sure they’ll be here any moment.”
You leapt at him before you realized what you were doing and swung your lightsaber down.
A crimson lightsaber ignited and arched over his head, blade parallel to the ground, and he blocked your attack without even bothering to turn around.
You pulled back your blade and swung again, but he ducked under it, moving behind you as you spun. He brought his crimson weapon down and hit your blade so hard you were forced back against the cold transparisteel of the viewport.
The severe mask stared down at you from inches away, reflecting the blue and red dance of the locked lightsabers. Even after all your training since he left, Revan was still stronger than you. Faster. More experienced.
But he hadn’t been hurt the way you had. He didn’t have your pain.
The rage of his betrayal, the agony of his abandonment, the loss of your old mentor, you poured it all into your limbs, your strength, and with a scream in your throat, you shoved him back.
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