#the return of healthpig
m0shete1 · 8 years
Finally started making an effort to exercise again. Went to the gym Wednesday and today (Friday).
Still eating enough to cancel it out, but once I have finished building the perfect playlist, I will be unstoppable. That, or I need to grow the balls I need to bring my iPad in, because if I could watch something other than Wayne Brady’s “Let’s make a Deal” or Fox News, that would be great. 
My real problems are as follows:
The gym is full of intimidating dude bros and women in makeup 
I don’t know how to use any of the cool looking equipment and the things I can use are boring
I don’t have any specific cardio goals- like, today the only thing that kept me going was the whole “try and shave 30 seconds off the 1 mile time from Wednesday”, but that game can only last so long, and anyway, I’m on the elliptical so it’s not a REAL mile
The only classes during the time I can go are taught by the mean lady, and I’m scared to tell her of my bad knees because she will be like “QUIT MAKING EXCUSES PUNK” and I will try and then break my knees. 
I’m being a baby, haha. Most of it is just lame old fear, which I will get over shortly (because I’ve written it down and acknowledged it right now), but some of it is just like, general dissatisfaction with my life leading me to question “the point.” Also, taking the bus to the gym is a pain- I read my book on the bus ride there, and then inevitably get pissed when I arrive because I have to stop reading the book to work out. 
I’ll figure it out. 
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