#the same lolcow bitch who lied about being romani and tried to prove it by butchering hebrew.
Another interesting thing I was sent. Just saying my guy. If your simself is constantly getting mistaken for being white, then you're white passing and need the to shut the fuck up about dem whities, because you are quite obviously not dark enough to have the same experiences as POC. Especially so when you run around calling yourself literal Native American slurs and you look like one of those people who say they're native American all because you're 1/16.
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P.S. Gotta add one more thing. Apparently Gyarutrait now branded as corpsetrait calls themself intersex because they have PCOS. Speaking as someone who also has PCOS, you're not intersex darling. You go to Google and do even a tiny bit of research, you'll find that it's not medically recognized as a form of intersex, and that's because when PCOS is actually managed, the male characteristics tend to go away. PCOS causes an abnormal boost of testosterone which causes women who have it to gain weight, have an insulin resistance (we're predisposed to diabetes as a result of this.) And to grow facial hair amongst other things, but again, when these things are managed through levothroxyn and other thyroid meds (because PCOS also attacks the thyroid.) Those things can be managed, causing the outward male characteristics to go away over time. Where as intersex individuals have to go through surgeries to correct their intersex traits as being intersex is SPECIFICALLY defined as having reproductive tissue of both biological sexes within you. In short, If your only basis for you being intersex is that you have PCOS. Go educate yourself because you genuinely sound ignorant, and what you're saying is actually harmful to both people who struggle with PCOS and people who are intersex.
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