#the same with tactical strategies and kara's preference for punching her way through everything
lenakluthor · 4 months
18, 19, 27, 38 for supercorp!!💙
18. What are they like when they're drunk? How do they act together? & when 1 is drunk, while the other one's sober? okay we've seen both of them drunk before, and i feel like that rings true for me. kara is a silly and giggly and probably very touchy feely (with lena only) and lena strikes me as a depressed drunk, especially since we've really only seen her get truly drunk was when she thought she poisoned the city's children with lead. however, i think if she gets drunk with kara she is also probably a little bolder, maybe drops her filter more. she's flirty and much more suggestive. if only one of them is drunk, i think sober lena would be exasperated but also extremely enamored by drunk kara. she'd be so SOFT with her and have a smile on her face the entire time, even when she drags her home to get some rest. and if kara is the sober one, it depends on what mood lena is in. if she's being suggestive, kara would be a blushing, stammering mess until she can get them home where she can actually act on what she wants to do in response. and if drunk lena is depressed, she'd instantly switch to protector mode, adamantly reminding lena of her goodness and threatening to throw anyone who hurts her into space.
19. What do they fight about most often? (Alternative: what was their biggest fight?) i mean, their biggest fight will always be the fallout after kara's identity reveal. and honestly, i think it probably remains the thing they fight about the most for a long time. wounds like that don't just go away, even if you've talked and reconciled and moved past it. sometimes it just hits you (also i'm a SLUT for angst). if we're going with a version of events where kara tells lena in 2x15 (which is when i think kara had the perfect opportunity), i genuinely don't know what they'd fight most about. i've been sitting here thinking about different possibilities, but honestly it feels like they wouldn't really argue over small stuff more than a few times. after that, they just learn to compromise and move forward. (if you're curious, my top choices in that department were food and tactical strategies, but it just felt weird thinking they'd continuously fight over either of those things)
27. Craziest place they had sex? oh, hands down in the air. maybe in space.
38. If/when they have kids, what is their parenting style (or pets-who does what)? hmmm i think i'm gonna go against what i think most people expect and say, in terms of like a "good cop, bad cop" scenario, lena is good cop and kara is bad cop. kara is a fierce protector and it's something she never got to do with kal. and this is their child. she is going to make sure that kid is safe above all else. meanwhile, lena came from a family that never showed love or affection. she'd absolutely be the one to say yes to everything. she'd be more inclined to let their kid have fun and be a kid without the burden of any sort of expectation. not that i think kara wouldn't also shower the kid with copious amounts of love, but she just usually has to be the one to put her foot down.
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