#the sauna scene oh god i just Can't
airenyah ยท 8 months
Hi, fellow ace enjoyer of JoongDunk here! I'm also nearer to the sex-repulsed end of the spectrum yet wanting to see JD in something saucier! Kiss scenes generally gross me out, but for some reason, I can watch Joong and Dunk kiss just fine. They're like the ship equivalent of a cheat day โ€” a Cheat(?) Ship.
omg hiiiii, high five โœ‹ glad i'm not the only one hahaha
personally, kiss scenes in media generally don't bother me or gross me out, in fact, often i like them even! but if it's like a (heavy) make-out scene, those often kinda just bore me, especially if they go on for a long time. i might just end up sitting there like "aight i got it, they're slobbering all over each other. now can we move on with the plot, please?"
that being said, i have watched and rewatched the end of hidden agenda ep8 multiple time already! there's something about it that i really like but i can't put my finger on what exactly it is. part of the reason why i've rewatched it a couple of times was to figure out what exactly about it it is that i like so much, but i just don't have an answer. idk, maybe it's just the vibes ๐Ÿ™Œ
though i feel like sometimes the reason why kiss scenes bore me might also just be a problem of the acting. and that actually includes some of the hidden agenda kisses...
for example the first kiss scene from ep4? i really like that scene up until the moment they start kissing. like, they're just kissing for a while and absolutely nothing changes?? the tension and the emotions, the urgency, all of it just stays the same for the entire time. i can't even pinpoint what the characters are thinking or feeling in that moment, which is quite a shame considering this is their very first kiss, aka a very significant kiss. we've got zo who is in the middle of trying to figure out his feelings (i wanna know: how does he feel about the kiss? is he into it? is he nervous? is he having a realization? does he start to regret it while still in the middle of kissing? all of the above? WHAT is going on in his head, show me!!) and joke who is being kissed by the person he's been crushing on for a while now (again, i wanna know: how does he feel about the kiss? is he excited that what he's been dreaming about is finally happening? is he nervous? is he maybe not entirely happy with it since zo's feelings are unclear? all of the above? again, WHAT is going on in his head, show me!!). and i'm just not getting much out of it apart from the fact that "yay they're having their first kiss". now compare that with the ep8 [4/4] kiss scene that starts out slow and soft and tentative almost and then goes up in tension to then slow down again and keeps being broken up by dialogue. idk i just think it's neat. or also the ep7 yank kiss yeet scene!! there's so much urgency behind that kiss, it feels like it really matters. i love it!!!!
actually i have a similar problem with bad buddy. idk if you've seen it (if not, feel free to skip this paragraph), but the ep11 kiss at the beach is just so boring. they do get a little faster when they go back to kissing after they separated for a moment but there's aboslutely no urgency behind it and that just results in the opposite effect of making me feel like the characters want to be doing this, that it matters to them. it just doesn't feel like that at all. meanwhile the rooftop kiss... god, the rooftop kiss. that one is SO important and they let you feel it. the longer it goes on the more the tension rises and the more urgent it becomes and you as a viewer are just left breathless. the rooftop scene is a thing of beauty for so many reasons and this is one of them
oops i went off on a nerdy tangent.... sorry about that ๐Ÿ˜…
aaaaanyway, as i've mentioned before, kiss scenes are usually ok for me. it's the sex scenes that i'm a bit wary of, especially the more explicit they get. the more clothes come off and/or the more the kisses get further and further away from the head, the more likely i am to feel uncomfortable watching the scene. and if moaning is involved, that's usually the point where i'm like "ok i'm out". (and before i get an angry anon in my ask box telling me i'm being homophobic bc "yay gay sex" โ€“ i do not give a single fuck (quite literally) about the genders of the people involved in the sex scene. i find watching straight sex just as icky kjdfjkdg. ideologically i'm all for normalizing gay sex, put practically i'm just simply not the right target group fjfjhd)
though i have to say, it's gotten a little better now, the older i get. i guess i'm just getting used to those scenes. it's a slow process, but still, i find myself getting less uncomfortable now at age 26 compared to when i was, say, around 20
like, only friends has mostly been ok for me to my big surprise?? well, that bostontop scene in the car was a bit too much for me (and a definite skip on rewatches) and so was the sandray scene in the camper from last episode, like, i didn't really need that to watch that, while other scenes i'm having an easier time with (i haven't yet been able to figure out how a sex scene needs to be shot in order for me to enjoy it)
but even if i don't get uncomfortable as quickly anymore, i still don't really actively seek out media with overly sexual content/plots. UNLESS. i have a reason to do so like, uh, first kanaphan. (ngl if it wasn't for first, i probably wouldn't be watching only friends at all. i would have watched the trailer and been like "ok this show is too horny for me, i'll let the others have fun and maaaybe follow the show via gifs on my dash at most")
or, you know, joongdunk ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ although i have to say that in reality i actually want a saucy/sexy series (like an only friends-style series) more for them rather than myself! i feel like they'd have fun with it. there's just something about them doing dum dum for lol fanfest and that choreography ending in some neck biting action and them having the idea to switch up who bites who for day 2 in order to surprise everyone. there's just something about how they kept talking about how hidden agenda is more mature than star in my mind and how there were some scenes that they'd never done before (here is some of that interview with eng subs, but unfortunately it's heavily edited rip). there's something about the way the two of them actually sat down together and did a whole ass instagram live in which they watched, reacted and provided commentary to the entirety of hidden agenda ep8 (as far as i'm aware of they didn't go live on instagram for any other episode. and i'm 1000000% sure they chose ep8 specifically for the love scene and the love scene alone fkfjjfjf). not to mention how joong immediately went "episode 8" when asked for his favorite episode and grinned and looked at dunk and when dunk was like "i'm thinking either 7 or 8" joong repeated "eight" and when dunk still didn't get it joong nudged him and firmly went "eight!!" and then dunk went "oh yeah, ep 8"
so yeah. i want a sexy joongdunk series for them, for their sake. i think they'd have a blast with it djkfgjkdkjd
#SexyJoongDunkVampireSeriesWhen #JusticeForJoongDunk @ gmmtv
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lihikainanea ยท 3 years
I never watched anything with this man (yet), I can't write anything for or with him and since I enjoy your writing...maybe you will work on a fluff and smut imagine or something with my idea...
Bill going with Tiger at a maybe not exactly Scandinavian hotel but some comfy vintage villa . At first everything it's all fluffy and they enjoy their time together knowing that soon he will have to leave for new scenes / work so after they enjoy their meal (preferably) alone something sparks in Bill's eyes and things get intense on or around the table...
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okay first off, YOU'VE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING WITH BILL? Low key, I kind of think that's awesome. Admittedly I've seen a small selection of Bill's works because I just can't handle blood and horror, and also some movies are just meh not really my thing. I do love his face though, which is why I'm still here, and I appreciate that other people perhaps love his face too.
And second of all--Ohhhh my god, how I love this aesthetic so much. Listen, I could literally talk forever about Bill and tiger in some secluded cabin somewhere--north Finland? perfect. Somewhere in the middle of Norway? Fantastic. Way on the tip of northern Sweden? Even better. I am all about that cabin life and ESPECIALLY all about that Scandinavian cabin life because god, you'v never seen something so pretty in your life. And the photo above is just...oof, it's beautiful babes.
I like this idea that tiger insists on some break time for Bill after each shoot. It's not always possible but tiger is pretty adamant about it--just a week or two--if Bill has some back to back projects lined up. And she's adamant because not only does she miss her Big Dude, but she also knows Bill's workaholic side and knows that he NEEDS the break between shoots and between characters, but that he would never insist upon it himself. So instead, tiger imposes a little. Hits all of the right buttons--tells him that she misses him, that she wants to spend some time with him. It turns Bill to mush and it's a win all around--tiger gets her time in with her Good Dude, and Bill gets a week or two vacation that he wouldn't have taken otherwise.
Sometimes he just wants to be home, after having been gone so long. But sometimes tiger wants a change of scenery, so they book something--and they have criteria, you know? It has to have a full kitchen, because they love to cook. The more secluded it is, the better. A big bathtub is preferable. A sauna is a bonus. Really, all they want is a ton of privacy and a fully equipped kitchen to work some magic in--oh, and a king-size bed, because Bill physically can't fit into anything smaller--even though he tries.
And I'll bet there's this whole other atmosphere to it when they do this, right, because it has been so long since they were together but they also know that their time is limited. Everything just seems so much more sacred, more intimate--and definitely more supercharged.
Even in regular circumstances, tiger turns into a ball of mush when she's getting a lot of affection from her Good Dude, a lot of good food, and a lot of relaxing evenings spent in the bubble bath with him. And simultaneously, Bill gets all hopped up on those protective vibes when he's able to provide those things for her, and see her reaction to it--but add in the element of borrowed time, the element of knowing that this will end sooner than they want, and it lends a whole lot of electric energy to the air around them.
And like, picture it, right? They've been cooking all day. It's a seven course meal that they made from scratch for themselves. Tiger has been mixing her famously strong drinks--some real good drinks--since the early afternoon. Everything smells incredible, and as tiger is putting the finishing touches on some dishes Bill is getting the table ready in inherently beautiful Scandinavian fashion. He lights the fire place. He pours the wine. He lights the candles. He puts a blanket on the chairs. Before dinner is served, they think a quick dip in the cold lake followed by a stint in the sauna is the perfect way to freshen up and relax a little.
They go back inside and start dishing up the food--just piling it into big bowls, setting out a few different plates. Bill is in a fluffy bathrobe, tiger is in one too but with his shirt under it, and big fluffy socks on her feet. Some soft jazz plays through the speakers as the candles flicker, and they set down to eat.
And it's so cozy, you know? It's so intimate. Even though there's no reason for it, both of them speak in a tone that's barely above a whisper.
But like, look--here's the thing. Like I mentioned above, tiger gets all small and all feeling good over good food, good wine and the company of her Good Dude any day. But in this little cabin, out in the woods? In the seclusion of it all? Knowing that he'll be gone again in a few days? Tiger is not only feeling good, but she's feeling needy. And Bill is noticing. Because seeing her there, with her feet on his lap, enjoying her food, seeing her all bundled up in his t-shirt, seeing that slight hint of demure take over her gaze, the small hunch of her shoulders? Oof, it starts to get Bill going. And all of a sudden this cozy, relaxing dinner alone in the middle of nowhere is taking on a new tone, the air is shifting, and both of them can feel it. Bill can see it on her, how small she's getting for him, and tiger can see everything she needs in the set of his jaw, the sudden square of his shoulders.
Tiger is having a hard time focusing. Bill suddenly has a knot in his stomach that jolts all the way to his balls and he's standing at attention--something that tiger notices. Her breath picks up just a little, her eyes getting wide, and that's something that Bill notices. And suddenly these two are locked in a stare down, each of them turned on beyond belief for no reason, and both about to pounce.
"Finish your dinner," Bill orders, "You didn't eat much today."
His look from beneath his brows cuts her rebuttal off, but she can't help the small whine of despair from escaping and god it goes right to his groin. She takes a few more bites, tries to reel in her breathing, but even Bill has that vein popping from his forehead and she knows that even her Big Dude is having a hard time reeling it in.
"Dessert?" she finally offers meekly, after putting her fork down. Bill pats his mouth daintily with his napkin, setting it on the table before rising.
"Yes please," he says, "If you're offering."
And then in a flash, two big hands are on her waist and she's lifted in the air. Her ass is plunked down hard on the table, a hand on her shoulder shoving her down and then spreading her knees.
"But I made--"
Two fingers are promptly shoved in her mouth to quiet her, as his wet tongue swipes up between her folds. There's not a single protest she can utter as she moans, his own groan even louder as he licks at her again.
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