#the second set of georgia & mac lines is inspired by his flirt lines with cait n piper lmaoo i thought they were funny
druidgroves · 2 years
ok i spent entirely too long on this so i present to you under the cut:
georgia companion swap dialogue
Georgia: Hey, Codsworth, while I’m out, could you water my plants for me? Thanks, hun. Codsworth: Of course, ma’am. Our geraniums were once the envy of Sanctuary Hills, you know.
Codsworth: I’ll be sure to point sir/mum in the direction of any interesting books while we’re away, Miss Georgia. Georgia: Aw, thanks, honey. See you later, Codsworth.
Georgia:  Aw, c’mon, Dogmeat, that’s not fair. Put those puppy-dog eyes away! Dogmeat: (Sad whimper)
Dogmeat: (Bark) Georgia: [Cutesy voice] Bye-bye, little baby boy. [Regular] We’ll play fetch when you get back, alright?
Georgia: Stay here and hold down the fort for me, will ya? Wouldn’t trust anyone else. Preston: I could say the same of you. You have fun out there.
Preston: Anything interesting to report since we last talked? Georgia: [Excitedly] Oh my goodness, Preston, you would not believe--
Georgia: If I see anything story-worthy out there, you’ll be the first person I tell. Piper: Oh, Georgia, you know just what I like to hear. My eyes and ears in the Commonwealth.
Piper: Hey, Specs, my treat at Power Noodles for that last piece you helped me with. It got looots of people talking. Georgia: Ooh, lookin’ forward to it, Piper.
Georgia: Sorry to take your spot, Mr. Valentine. Hopefully I’ll be just as effective in your place. Nick: With that attitude, you’re already halfway there. Take care.
Nick: Guess it’s my turn to take a spin. We can finish our talk another time, Missus Tate. Georgia: I’ll make sure to mark it on my calendar.
Georgia: Hey, Shades. Don’t wait up, yeah? Deacon: See you later, Teach. Go have some fun for me.
Deacon: Huh, if it isn’t Blast From the Past Two: Electric Boogaloo. Georgia: I’ll just pretend like I know what that means, Deacon.
Georgia: Looks like it’s my turn for a loop around the Commonwealth. Talk to you later, Hotshot. MacCready: Try not to get hurt out there, alright? See you later.
MacCready: Hey, Georgia, got any extra credit I can do for you? Georgia: Well, now that you mention it...[Laughs]
Georgia: Hey, Hancock, if there are any books you want me to keep an eye out for while I’m gone, you just let me know. Hancock: Hm...Surprise me, won’t ya?
Hancock: Hm...you seem like a Mentats girlie. Favorite flavor? Georgia: [Nervous laugh] Oh, you must be mistaken, I don’t really do chems.[Pause] ...Orange.
Georgia: Sorry, Danse, looks like a more delicate touch is needed right now. Danse: Hopefully you'll be up to the task, civilian.
Danse: You keep staring. Is there something you need? Georgia: ...It’s nothin’, you just remind me of someone. Stay safe, Danse.
Georgia: Huh, wow, are you sure you want to take me over the strongest woman in the Commonwealth? Cait: Aw, you’re flatterin’ me, sweetness.
Cait: I doubt there’s much you could teach me that experience hasn’t already. Georgia: I dunno, Cait, there’s somethin’ to be said about sittin’ down with a good book.
Georgia: Finally wanna travel without people chasin’ you around with pitchforks and torches, huh? Strong: Strong fast. Strong chase back.
Strong: This squishy human weak. Make good food for Strong’s brothers. Georgia: Oh, that’s not threatenin’, no, not at all...
Georgia: Oh, bye, Curie! Guess we can finish catchin’ up later. Curie: Au revior, Mademoiselle Georgia. I look forward to our future conversations.
Curie: Mademoiselle Georgia, please do be careful, I think I may have spotted a few large insects on our way in. Georgia: Oh dear. Thanks for the heads up, Curie.
Georgia: Hi, X6. Bye, X6. X6-88: From her, that was quite the efficient greeting.
X6-88: Remember you’re traveling with the future of the Institute. Do not let personal feelings get in the way of that. Georgia: If that ain’t ominous...will do, X6.
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