#the second: callum kazem florent.
lucreziasredwyne · 5 months
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the lord and lady of brightwater keep and the arbor have been blessed with a healthy son after a lengthy but uncomplicated labour. both mother and son, named, lord callum kazem florent, are in good spirit and health. it has been confirmed by lord omer that the lady and the babe will be come to the west balcony following the morning prayer.
from the desk of cousin declan to his wife: the babe took many hours to enter this earthly realm and leave his mother. when he was finally visible, it was noted his hands were together in tight fists before his nose, as though he were readying to box. he cried loudly, though stopped when being fed by the lady - he is a long child, and no doubt will be tall. the maids have rushed to knit him attire that will cover all of him.
a particular moment came in the meeting of the two sons of lord florent: where the infant began to scream before he had even been placed in the older's arms. i do pray this is not some omen.
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