#the shitty thing about being an adult is you can't just make puppy dog eyes at your stepdad to make you your favorite anymore
gay-nidoking ยท 7 months
Fuck I want a beer bratwurst so bad
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lexa-griffins ยท 1 year
Teen/young adult Madi must have been a handful for her parents. Was there a time when she caused them a lot of grief and maybe betrayed their trust that she felt really really bad and sorry?
Oh yeah. Madi is a trouble maker. She tends to mean well and she really is fucking good kid at heart who knows her moms put a lot of trust in her because so far she hasn't broken it.
But then Madi enters her last year of high school and seems to want to push the limits of that trust as far as they can go. It's never anything that would make Lexa and Clarke be really strict with her, mainly just her being driven home by in the sheriff's office for trespassing on an old farm or being caught smoking weed with her friends. They don't usually give her too much grief about it other than the generic "don't do it again" and make her come home right after school for a few days.
And then one day Madi takes Clarke's truck. They let her take it for small errands and they have slowly trusted her to take it just to go hang out with her friends. I think I've talked about Clarke's truck but it was something her and dad spent a lot of time working on together, it's Clarke's pride and joy and it's very very dear to her and Lexa.
So, she takes the truck. They tell her she can have it for an hour or so but she needs to be back before supper and Madi agrees. Come dinner time, no Madi or truck. They trust her so they give her the benefit of the doubt that she forgot the time but should be home soon. When she doesn't appear by the time it's starting to get dark, they call her. No answer. They call again. No answer. They call her girlfriend and still nothing. At this point they are worried sick and they have already called Lexa's parents to come stay with the kids so they can take the car and go look for her.
They're about to leave when Lexas phone rings. She swears she loses all strength in her legs and her face goes white. She only really hears bit as pieces. Madi's in the hospital. Under age drunk driving. Something's broken. The truck is not in good shape. No one was seriously hurt.
Lexa and Clarke are holding hands so hard in the car drive to the hospital in the next town over that neither feel their hands by the time they park.
Madi's fine, a broken arm, some nasty bruises on her side and a few cuts on her face but physically fine. She can't look up at her moms tho, not even when Clarke hugs her or Lexa cradles her face and kisses her forehead. She fucked up, big time. She knows that but at the moment it seemed like such a fun cool thing to do. She wants to cry but tries not to because it makes her feel like a baby again, trying to do puppy dog eyes and pouty lips so her mommies won't be mad at her.
Cause, they are, really fucking mad at her. Sure, this time it was minor but what if it wasn't? Drunk driving? They thought for sure they'd taught her better than to do such a stupid reckless thing. Not to mention the truck and the price to repair it that even if Raven doesnt charge them for the repair itself, the parts are still gonna have to be paid.
It takes a good while for clexa to trust Madi fully again. They love their daughter very much but she really fucked up on that. After her arm heals, they basically tell her she needs to give at least half of what she makes at her part-time job for the truck repair. And you gotta give her that at least Madi actually offers to give her her salary in full for it and doesn't complain once. She can't really go anywhere without the car since they live a good forty minute walking from town but it's not like she wants to go and see anyone either way, school is enough with her friends calling her a legend when she did such a shitty thing to her parents and feels really fucking ashamed for.
At least now she gets to stay home and bake with Lexa again, play with Aden who is still only 6 years old and she feels she barely spends time with, and her and Clarke actually start working together on the old bike that's been in the barn for years now.
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