#the sig is for my furry handle but thought it would be cool to share on here too :)
hyenaboon · 4 months
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Life itself 🌵🪶
A piece about reconnecting with my culture
I took inspiration from various indigenous Mexican tribes' traditional peyote art for this one. Peyote has long been used in spiritual and medicinal practices by my tribe, and several tribes in Mexico, for generations.
The sun represents life, the continuation of it, and personal significance for my theriotypes (primarily baboon), which have folklore surrounding the sun in their native territories.
The rebozo being worn is a common design by the Rarámuri. The feathers are cooper's hawk feathers, a bird that holds personal significance for me. And the necklace being worn is one that I actually own! Made with beads and real coyote claws- it was created by a Cherokee artisan.
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