#the smear test is not a joke btw. it’s vital. my mother’s cancer scare was one of the worst periods of my life.
luxurybrownbarbie · 11 months
It's crazy how obsessive people can get with the whole idea of virginity. Especially when the hymen can break from so many different things? Working out, using tampons, and so much more. In fact, I grew up in a very religious christian household and I wasn't allowed to go horseback riding because the women thought it was inappropriate for a women to do so.... because of the chance it could break the hymen. Also, they thought the movement on a horse was inappropriate for a women but not for a man.
I have a horrible reaction to anything purity culture.
It’s crazy. It can literally be anything, you’d have to never make a sudden move in your life to “preserve” it. It’s just silly.
I completely understand your reaction to purity culture. I’ve moved on from pure rage to simple open derision when I’m met with it now, but it still makes me sick.
The thing with virginity is, it’s not even real! We made it up! And the constant fear mongering and pressure (of both decisions!) is so silly. I even hate the language used. You don’t “lose” anything. It’s more of a debut than anything else. But even then, it’s built up to be this life changing moment, and all that does is heighten the anxiety and stress surrounding it.
This is why I feel it’s important to not be overly emotive either way when discussing it. Removing the expectations either way is more beneficial overall, in my opinion.
You are no different after your first consensual sexual encounter than you were before it. The world does not change. You do not change. All that matters is that you did it with protection, with someone who made you feel safe and comfortable. (Oh and, you should now start getting smear tests if you didn’t already!) But other than that, you’re still the same old you. 💛
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