#the squares are 2" for size reference
w21009869-mi6015 · 8 months
Human and furniture Calculations
(i should just of made the sizing easier)
notes for size reference
Mattress - 4 squares - 6'3 - 190cm
Tank - 5 squares - 237.5cm
human/human length rectangle - 3.5 squares
190 divide by 4 = 47.5cm each square
3.5 squares = 47.5 x 3 = 142.5 47.5 divide by 2 = 23.75
142.5+23.75 = 166.25cm
Human example (rectangle) = 166.25cm = 5'4 (female rough average height uk (and us))
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average shoulder width for females in us is 36.7cm
(average hip width for females in uk is 32cm-34cm)
36.7 is 77.2632% of 47.5
77.2632% of 1 = 0.772631579
Width of rectangle = 0.77 squares
width of mattress = 90cm
47.5 x 2 = 95cm
width of mattress = just under 2 squares
90 divided by 47.5 = 1.89473684211
mattress should be 1.89 scale z
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nice and snug :)
(this hurt my brain a bit i can't do maths)
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fowardfashionfindz · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 6.02Ct Natural Ethiopian Welo Solid Opal Lot.
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cobalt-rat · 3 years
Alright, if you like reading long dreams you’re in for a treat. The entire thing will be below the cut. I’ve included links to music that I think add to the experience of reading the dream, but obviously they’re optional. 
CHAPTER 1: School Trip
It started with my classmates from high school and I arriving at this big building on a week or so long school trip, akin to when schools take a large group of students to Washington D.C. or something. The building sat at the end of a street that was lined with very big houses making it clear that this was quite a wealthy area. I understood it to be outside America, but where we were exactly, I don’t know. The building itself was built like a modern megachurch, but without the very large congregation room. It was about five stories tall, and on the lower floors the walls were dark without windows, and on the upper floors the building seemed old, with creaky floors. The appearance of the building did not remain completely consistent throughout the dream, however.
We filed into the building. The first order of business was to get us all into an assembly room. The floor in here was a checkerboard pattern of white and brown squares. There were thin pillars throughout the room as it was on the first floor of the building. The room seemed mostly empty aside from a long table along one of the walls with a thin cloth draped over it. There were a few things on the table, but the most important thing was a glass bowl of orange colored punch, and a lot of ice. Curiously there were no cups or a ladle to pour the punch, only the bowl. I also recall seeing a doll akin to this:
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Amazingly, this didn’t raise any suspicion from anyone at the time, including me. The purpose of the assembly was just to welcome us, and let us know where everything was in the building. We were to be living here for however long the trip would be. That length of time was unclear.
This is where the timeline of the dram gets hazy for me. I can only really remember key moments. The next being that we were essentially let loose to explore the building. The group of us at this point was a mix of people I went to high school with, and people I was friends with around high school, but didn’t go to school with. Anyway, we were sent off to look for keys hidden about the building. What doors they unlocked, I am unsure.
We went our separate ways, which is to say that I went alone, and two of my friends went together. Some keys were easy to find, just being placed on the floor. In addition to the keys, there were also plastic gold coins from Super Mario placed around for anyone to pick up. (See image for size reference)
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Also, there were thin, orange plastic coins that could be picked up, but doing so was risky. You could pick them up but if anyone saw you, there’d be trouble. Apparently they were off limits but that only made it more appealing. I found this out because one of the times I picked up an orange coin it was in front of a man dressed in dark blue robes, and a light purple turban. He scolded me for picking it up, and made me hand it over to him. I didn’t know it at the time, but this was the headmaster.
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As I searched, I made my way up the building one floor at a time. There were various things happening on each of the floors. The first floor was just kind of a general area where anyone could go. I think the second floor was where all the dorms were. I don’t remember the purpose of every floor, but when I reached the fifth floor or so, things got strange. There were tons of people on this floor who weren’t part of my school trip. It seemed like a religious gathering of some sort, with young girls wearing a specific outfit for the occasion. It’s hard for me to describe the exact nature of the outfit, but the closest I can think of is that they were dressed in traditional garb that resembled what Reimu wears.
CHAPTER 2: Something is Off
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Around this time, the dream started to take more of a dark tone. It became clear to me that there were things our hosts weren’t telling us about the nature of this place. It made me suspicious. In addition to finding these keys, I resolved to try and find out what was really going on. I headed into a small room where a few of these people were in this traditional garb, and I was able to find a spare one lying around. I put it on. I was very obviously out of place in this outfit, and it earned me many stares from the other people, but for whatever reason it was still working in my mind. I used the outfit in order to get to even higher floors. I am unsure if this was the case for the earlier floors, but the stairways were somewhat thin and the building looked distinctly old. 
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I spent a lot of time in this staircase for some reason, and less time actually exploring the floors. Eventually, someone in the same traditional outfit that I was wearing caught on to what I was doing, and told me I could go no further. I accepted defeat, and returned to the original floor where I put on the outfit, and returned into my normal outfit. As I walked back down the hallway, I saw my two friends wearing that traditional garb. I smiled to myself, thinking they had the same idea as me.
The next thing I remember is trying out the keys that I found during my search on various doors on the first and second floors. They mostly didn’t work, but when they did work, all I ever discovered were empty classrooms. They keys were small, and resembled typical door keys. Overall, it seemed like a wasted effort, and we didn’t gain any new information.
The next thing that I remember is them taking us into the city on a bus. I don’t recall what exactly happened on this excursion, but the bus itself was interesting, as the top of the bus had beds that we could sleep in, and I did. One of my schoolmates turned and seemed to be talking to me, making me open my eyes, but it turned out they were talking to the person behind me. I closed my eyes again, and soon we were back at the building.
CHAPTER 3: Danger and Suspicion
The dream took a blatantly dark turn at this point. I was in what seemed to be the dining area in the building, and notably, some of the people in there were not from my school. I could tell that they had not arrived here with us. They were discussing some sort of resurrection method.
At this point, my IRL high school crush was introduced as a character. She had been on the trip the whole time, but didn’t appear in the dream yet. We were close friends, and once I started to realize something sinister was going on here, I started to stay close to her, in case anything happened. This went on for a while, with us sticking together and keeping an eye out, as she had also caught wind of something strange going on. We started working together to uncover the mystery of this trip. This went on for a while, with us wandering about the building trying to avoid suspicion.
This culminated in us ending up in a standoff with a few girls close to our own age. They were dressed similarly to the doll that I saw in the beginning of the dream, and we were in that same assembly room with the bowl of punch, which was still in its place on the table. It was the two of us, and three of these girls, and they were going to silence us for trying to uncover the mystery. I immediately leapt into action, attacking them with my fists and knocking them out. I took down two of them, but a third was going after my crush. Instead of fighting, my crush ran over to the bowl of punch, and dipped her head in, drinking from it. This caused the girl to shriek and demand that she stop. When my crush was finished, she stood still for a moment, and a second later, her flesh vanished in an instant. All that was left was a heap of bones and her clothes, but it was clearly not human bones. They were thin, and plasticy. I freaked out, and picked up the jumbled remains of my crush, demanding to know what had happened. The girl, still looking defeated just told me that my crush would be reborn.
CHAPTER 4: Do Something
With my crush’s clothes and bones in my hands, I ran from the room. At this exact point, the entire layout of the building changed. It became a more futuristic complex, and the group I had arrived with became completely outnumbered by people who were under whatever spell the organization had them under. It was not uncommon for them to become a pile of bones and clothes, as this was all part of the process to becoming inducted into what must have been a cult. The building was still dark, and the rooms were huge, as if I was in some sort of big indoor sports building. I saw a single person walking along, and she noticed me, as well as what I had in my hands. She must have mistaken me for someone who was already inducted, because she pointed me to some sort of Urgent Room, on the South side of the building. I noticed we were in the West side of the building, and started heading for this south part.
As I traveled, I tried to avoid people who looked scary and strong, as they might stop me. But, I did eventually find this Urgent Room. It was a strange chamber that resembled some sort of huge incubator, and inside there were other remains. Someone was there to help me, and instructed me to lay out her bones evenly, and place her outfit on the floor over them, arranged so that it would resemble her wearing it. I did so, laying out a pair of pants, a long sleeved light blue shirt, and the beanie she had been wearing at the top. The man instructed me to simply wait now, and she would be restored to her former self. I had saved her. Relieved, I left the chamber, as now I had uncovered a huge secret about the building, and had to do something with this information. It was all up to me now.
I explored this new layout. On the northern side of the building, there was an exit that lead to an outside area. It seemed like some kind of pasture, with just tall grass and hills. On another side of the building, I stood on a large upper area, and could see down below what appeared to be some sort of race track, or ice skating rink. Perhaps a combination of the two. It was labeled as something to the effect of “The Puppet Track”. Although it is a leap in Dream Logic, this made it clear to me that the headmaster was turning everyone into puppets or dolls for his own entertainment, and planned on doing the same to us, but my crush had intercepted the ritual by drinking the punch early. She had found more information than I had, but didn’t reveal it to me because she wanted to be the one to risk it all instead of me. It wouldn’t work on her now.
I made my way to the second floor, and it was more similar to the way the building had been before. It was a long hallway, with various meeting rooms as well as the dorms. As I made my way into one of the meeting rooms, a large group of men dressed in black ninja garb were waiting for me. They were going to silence me for what I knew.
Oddly, at this point in the dream I became Roy from Fire Emblem. I don’t know.
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I fought my way through them with a sword, and at the end, there was the headmaster, looking disappointed. He told me that our alliance would have to end now that I have harmed the building’s staff. I told him we never had an alliance, and that I was going to stop him. He laughed and said his whole plan had already come to pass, and that it was too late. He simply walked out of the room and started heading down the hallway.
I chased after him, telling him I wouldn’t let him get away with it, and leapt into the air, attempting to strike him with my sword. He turned and blocked my attack with a combination of his hand, and dark magic power. Purple energy crackled from his hands as he just smiled at me, and then kept walking away. I followed him, and at the end of the hallway there were a few curtains blocking something against the wall.
One by one he pulled the curtains away, revealing large tubes bubbling with green liquid. Inside them were three girls. Nanna from Fire Emblem 5, Lilina from Fire Emblem 6, and another girl whose identity I do not recall. They looked distressed, and only barely conscious.
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I became panicked. He revealed to me that they would soon be transformed into his dolls. As he revealed this to me, various more allies of his emerged from the other rooms, preparing to fight me. Fortunately, I knew that there remained some of my own allies in the nearby rooms, and quickly fled to try and get them to come to my aid.
I opened one of the doors, finding a large gathering room where various characters from the Fire Emblem GBA games sat. I cried out to them, telling them I needed their help, and that the headmaster had captured the girls and was going to kill me. Sadly, they mostly didn’t believe me. I grew desperate, and told them we had to act now or we’d all become his victims. One or two people agreed to help me, getting their weapons and stepping out into the hall. I moved onto the next room, trying to convince a new group of characters. Among them that agreed to help me were Ewan and Priscilla. I was seeing them in the dream as Fire Emblem map sprites, and this was mostly playing out like a cutscene in a GBA Fire Emblem game.
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As I started to move onto the next room, Roy’s father Eliwood emerged from the door, approaching me and hugging me tight. I started crying, and he told me everything would be alright, and then we’d prevail. I was comforted knowing we’d have a powerhouse in our corner. Our embrace is actually where the dream ended.
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EPILOGUE: Commentary
As soon as I woke up from this dream, I knew I had to write it down. Such an interesting plot, and the end was so emotional. I hope that I was able to convey at least a little how involved this dream was, as I almost never have dreams like it.
I also wanted to add this section just to describe why I think certain things appeared in the dream. For example, I believe the reason why I put on the traditional outfit is because I’ve been watching Vinny play Hitman 2, and it played out kind of like Agent 47 putting on a disguise in order to fool everyone around him. 
My crush turning into a pile of bones was oddly reminiscent of a certain scene from Bugsnax. If you’ve seen the entire game, you’ll know what I’m talking about. I’ve also been rewatching Vinny’s playthrough of that because I lowkey love Bugsnax.
When the building became a more futuristic complex, It was kind of similar to how the Pizzaplex looks like in FNAFSB. The vibe was similar too, with scary guys looking for me that I had to avoid, and my imminent death if I get caught. 
The Fire Emblem taking over the dream is fairly obvious if you know me. I’m a big Fire Emblem fan, so it makes a little sense to me that everyone became FE characters, even if it is a little disappointing because it doesn’t give the dream its proper ending. I never found out of my crush was fully restored, for example. 
Anyway, if you made it this far, awesome! I really wanted to share this dream. 
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ajora · 3 years
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New loot! Not so much this time around, but that’s because unless someone’s willing to offload their collection from the 90s* and did not just throw it out, I’m down to old magazines and Dissidia/FFBE-related stuff.
- Additions to the 1992 card collection: Lenna hologram card which took me forever to get, the Lucky card. Also just a bunch more extras I’ll have to find a home for. Pic 2 with the Lenna figure for size reference is just... all the extras. The inventory is here.
- Music boxes: Chocobo box has Suteki Da Ne from FFX, guy-I-don’t-recognize has Big Bridge No Shitou from FFV. They were sold as a set, but I like Suteki Da Ne so I’ll keep it.
- Dot rubber straps of Butz and Krile. I keep being sniped on the Lenna straps, which is interesting--English fandom largely doesn’t seem to care all that much about Lenna, but Japanese fandom loves her.
- Cloud/Red XIII (?) and Krile mini tins. Haven’t opened them yet, but I may end up using the Cloud tin for my kneading eraser.
- New age trading cards. Some of the art I don’t recognize and just assume they’re for the many, many spinoffs. Because it’s not Square if it doesn’t milk its flagship franchise. 
* It’s the 1990s merch/fanworks I’m most interested in, but it gets rarer and rarer to find.
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fowardfashionfindz · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Leaf it Sticky Fancy Ivy Leaves Post-It Notes.
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