#the symbolism of which I'm sure would not escape Claudia
jaggedjot · 5 months
It is vital that the visions of Lestat that haunt Louis are seen first and foremost as shards of Louis’ own fractured psyche. These scenes are emotive hallucinations, a visual representation of the way that Louis feels unable to escape his past, as well as how he directly draws on those experiences as he tries to move forward. It is only Lestat in the sense that Louis has cast blended memories of the man to perform the role of Louis’ own doubt, misery and regret.
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thefallennightmare · 11 months
Just Pretend-four
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*gif created by me. feel free to use, simply give credit*
Parings: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Warnings/Tropes: language, angst, fluff, smut, star-crossed lovers, right person/wrong time, cheating, talks of mental abuse.
Summary: “I can wait for years, heaven knows I’m not getting over you.” A story about two star-crossed lovers, that always find their way back because their souls are entwined. The universe desperately attempts to bring them together, no matter what the cost.
Authors Note: 7k words in this one with so many easter eggs! Can you find them all?!
Collaborating With: @thescarlettvvitch(better give her all the love as well)
Tags: @thescarlettvvitch @ozwriterchick @waake-meee-up @notingridslurkaccount @niicoleleigh @sammyjoeee @xxrainstorm @dominuslunae @notmaddihealy @malice-ov-mercy @crimson-calligraphyx @iknownothingpeople @writethrough @thebadchic @blackveilomens Claudia on Tumblr @tobe-written @blacksoul-27 @loeytuan98
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Malcolm's curses echoed throughout the open space of the venue as he tried to help Chase set up his drums.
"Dude, I'm telling you your doing it wrong!" Chase all but scolded.
"Then do it yourself, man!" Malcolm snapped while letting the symbol drop to the stage.
The loud sound made me jump as I was working on adjusting my microphone stand to my perfect height and with hands on my hips, I narrowed my eyes at the two of them.
"What the fuck is your problem?"
Chase ran a hand over his face with an apologetic sigh. "It's been a long night. The drive here was rough on my back so I got little sleep."
"And Trey's been smoking on the bus so my asthma's flaring up," Malcolm said while throwing his long hair up into a bun.
I frowned at my two best friends when the guilt weighed heavy on my shoulders. Yesterday was a long day with the zoo and then half a day of travel for us to get to our next city, most of us were feeling the exhaustion deep in our bones.
"I'm sorry. Let me talk with Trey about the smoking."
Malcolm was quick to assure me it was fine and almost not worth talking to him because we all knew that nothing would come of it.
Biting my lip, I checked the time on my phone to noticed that we had some time before soundcheck.
"Text me your coffee orders, yeah? I'll go grab us some because I think we're going to need it today."
Jumping off the stage, I threw on the hoodie I had tossed before I started setting up while Chase called behind me.
"Ask the Bad Omens guys if they want anything!"
I waved my hand in the air in a way of saying I was already planning on it and made my way to the backstage area of the venue where I knew Bad Omens and crew were hanging out in the green room. They already had their soundcheck earlier and were just hanging out before having to get ready for the show later tonight. Boisterous voices echoed down the long hallway as I stepped through the door with a small smile on my face.
Noah and Nick were leaning back in their chairs while they played a video game on the system and the small television they brought along with them.
I snuck up behind Noah and covered his eyes with my hands which caused him to call out in a shout.
"Oh, fuck you. No fair!" He averted his head below my hands just in time to see Nick beat him in the level of Mario Cart.
Giggles escaped me in a fit as Noah turned in his chair to glare at me while I highfived Nick.
"You cheated."
I shrugged. "I wasn't the one playing."
The corner of his lips turned up in a smile as he extended the controller towards me. "Want to play the loser?"
I tapped my chin while nodding towards Nick. "I'm pretty sure I'd play the winner."
Noah scoffed. "Only because you helped him win."
"My, my," I tsked my tongue while crossing my arms over my chest. "Are we a sore loser, Noah?"
"The fucking worst."
Folio said as he snatched the controller from Noah and started up a new game with Nick. Noah's eyes burned bright as he continued to smile up at me, memories of our day yesterday at the zoo replaying in my mind. How sweet he'd been with buying things for me and the nickname-fuck, it still gave me chills when I remembered how sweet it sounded coming from his lips.
"Well," I cleared my throat while shifting on my feet. "I don't know about you guys but Hollow Souls desperately needs caffeine. Malcolm and Chase are seconds away from clawing each other's throats out. I thought to come to ask if any of you guys wanted."
Most of them nodded, so I told them to text me the order as I turned on my heels to walk out but noticed Noah rise to his feet, tossing on a hoodie.
"What are you doing?" I asked with a raised brow.
"Did you really think I would let you go by yourself? That's four trays worth of coffee."
"Oh," I hesitated. "You don't have do to that, Noah. I'm sure I can manage."
He ignored me, simply pocketed his wallet and used a claw clip to hold his hair out of his face.
Shit, no man should look that good with a fucking claw clip.
Pushing those thoughts away, I let him lead me out of the room while following close behind. It was a nice afternoon in North Dakota so I planned on walking which Noah didn't seem to mind thankfully. At first, we said little, just letting the comfortable silence fall between us, and as a group of people walked passed me from the opposite direction, I had to walk closer to Noah. Our hands brushed against each other and the same shock that buzzed through me nearly attacked me as I reared my hand away from him apologizing.
"It's alright," Noah smiled, not giving anything away if he felt the spark too.
"So," I finally said after some more silence.
It was killing me. I needed to say something to get a conversation going so I could listen to his voice.
"So," he repeated while dragging out the 'O'.
"I want to say thank you again for yesterday. It's been a long time since I've had a fun day like that," I admitted with a sheepish smile.
Noah looked at me surprised. "Really?"
"Yeah. Lately I've been focusing so much on Hollow Souls and trying to elevate us to the next level that I haven't found time for myself to do things I love. Although, I love what I do."
"No, I get what you're saying. Some people think that just because we're always working on our career that we must not have a social life outside of it."
"Yes!" I smacked his chest with excitement. "You get it."
He chuckled as we turned the corner to the new block, the coffee shop slowly coming into view. As I read the very long text message of the coffee ordered, I was thankful that Noah came along.
"You know, we still have to watch our movie," Noah reminded me.
"Shit," I said realizing I forgot. "Yes, we do. We should have a movie night where we each choose a movie or something like that. I mean, we're going to be on the road with each other for a month might as well."
I smiled up at him with a bright smile on that Noah gave right back.
"Yeah, definitely. I think I'd have to choose The Scorpion King, I watched that movie so many times because of Godsmack being on the soundtrack."
I stopped dead in my tracks for a moment making Noah as well. "No fucking way. So did I!"
He gave me a teasing look. "Right, that's why you watched it over and over. Not because of The Rock."
My face scrunched up in disgust. "Fuck, no. I prefer my guys with long hair and covered in tattoos."
The air around us tilted on its axis as a red hue crept all over my face when I realized I described Noah as my perfect guy. Everything around us seemed to slow as the two of us stood staring at age other, his tongue pushing against his bottom lip, a low noise coming from the back of his throat.
"Uh, I think I see the coffee shop up ahead," I pointed behind him, drastically trying to get his fiery gaze off of me.
It rooted me in place making me incapable of thinking clearly or making the right choice.
Relcuctantly, Noah nodded slowly, and we began walking in stride with each other.
"So I noticed Trey wasn't anywhere to be found," he spoke slowly, almost trying to test the waters with this conversation.
"Yeah, he wasn't feeling well, so he's sleeping it off," I explained.
"Right," Noah snorted under his breath.
My eyes sliced over to him. "What's that supposed to mean, Noah?"
With a sigh, he stuffed his hands into the pocket of his hoodie. "I'm not trying to upset you. But you have to admit, he's been drunk every night."
"I know," I let out a long breath and kept my gaze straight ahead to the old couple in front of us.
Cleary they were holding hands and taking their time in their afternoon stroll together. The older man leaned over to give his wife a kiss on the cheek and I smiled warmly when he took off his tan coat to lay it over her shoulders. Even in her red three piece button up jacket and skirt, she must have been cold.
"Are you warmer now?" He asked her while perching his glasses higher on his nose.
She tucked a strand of her ice white hair behind her ears, her own red glasses resting on top of her head.
"Thank you, sweetheart. Are we almost at the coffee shop?"
"Yep," he patted the pocket of his jacket that was slung over her shoulders. "I brought your favorite book to read to you. We only have a little while until you're needed back to the center."
Blinking rapidly, I looked up to Noah as my body blazed with heat because of my nickname.
"I'm sorry, did you say something?"
"You don't have to answer this but a lot of us are wondering why you're even with him. We all see how he treats you," he said.
I tried to find the anger that should have been festering with the bluntness of his question but it wasn't there.
Maybe because what he's saying is true.
"He wasn't always like this. When we first started Hollow Souls, Trey was vibrant and alive. The last few years have dulled his soul, along with the drinking. But I'm used to it, don't worry. I can handle myself."
"That's not what-."
"Can we drop it, please? With you, the last thing I want to do is talk about Trey," I snapped while coming to a stop in front of the door of the coffee shop.
The way I worded my sentence didn't go unnoticed by Noah whose lips twitched.
"Sure, angel. Come on, let's go inside."
His hand ghosted over the small of my back as he let me step inside of the busy coffee shop. The line had about 8 people in front of us so Noah and I fell in line behind the same older couple from outside.
"Noah, dear," the older lady smiled up at her husband. "I'm going to go grab a seat. Order me a tea?"
"Anything for you, Allie," he mused while leaving a tender kiss on her forehead.
I looked up towards Noah but nearly sucked in a breath when I realized how close we were. He may have towered over me in height but his lips were so close to my face, I could feel his warm breath fan across my own lips. They were plump and pink, almost begging to be kissed.
Ignoring how my heart race pick up and stomach flipped, I motioned towards the older couple in front of us. "Look, its you in sixty years. Same name and all."
Even with a fond smile on his face as he watched the older couple, Noah shivered.
"If I ever lose my hair, I might cry. This has been years worth of growth."
We shared a laugh and moved up in the line, Noah's eyes grazing over the large menu board.
"Have you ever tried a chai tea iced with oat milk?”
I scrunched my face up in disgust. "It doesn't sound appealing. I usually stick to the same drink."
Noah bumped his shoulder with mine. "Come on. It'll be good for you to try new things."
Don't fucking tempt me.
"I don't know," I hesitated.
I hated straying away from things that were so familiar to me.
"I think you’ll love it. Not too sweet, just right. It’s got everything you want. Would you trust me if I ordered it for you?” Noah's eyes practically begged as he pushed out this bottom lip playfully.
"Yes," I rushed out but quickly composed myself. "Sure, but I want whipped cream on top?"
"You can have whatever you want, angel," Noah promised.
We both stepped up to the counter and gave the young girl an apologetic smile as I pulled out on my phone.
"I am so sorry," I apologized. "But we have a pretty big order. We'll obviously pay extra since it's a busy time and don't mind waiting until it slows down if you want to make the order."
The young girl, Rey said her nametag, blinked slow as her eyes darted from Noah to me then back to Noah.
"Holy shit," she cursed while breaking out into a large grin. "You're Y/N! From Hollow Souls!"
My heart warmed at how ecstatic she was to meet me. Rey then gazed at Noah once again, with a less ecstatic expression but still star struck nonetheless.
"You're Noah Sebastian! I actually just started listening to Bad Omens because I saw you two were touring together. Enough, Enough Now is my favorite!"
Noah's face beamed with so much pride it was almost adorable.
"That means so much, thank you. Are you coming to the show tonight?" He asked.
Rey's shoulder fell. "No, I tried to buy tickets, but it sold out so fast!"
Noah and I shared a look before I rummaged through my bag looking for something I kept in here exactly for this reason. Ethan, our tour manager, always made sure we had extra tickets for something like this.
"How many do you need?" I pulled out a stack of five tickets.
"Oh, no!" Her eyes doubled. "You don't have to do that. Please don't think I'm not complaining to make you feel bad."
"Please," I assured her with a sincere smile while sliding all five tickets on the counter to her. "I'm about to order ten complicated drinks. It's the least I can do for holding everything up.
Rey eyed the tickets carefully, and Noah urged her with a slight nod.
"Let us get through this rush and we can start your drinks," she smiled while pocketing the tickets.
"Of course," I said then bagan rambling off our very large order.
Once we paid, thanks to Ethan's business card, Noah and I took our drinks that Rey made before the others over to a table in the far corner of the cafe, away from the gathering crowd. Since we would be here for a while, Noah and I decided to drink our coffee while sitting.
His long fingers drummed against the wood of the table, an unknown tune, as my knee bounced up and down with slight anxiety. Ever since tour started, I was never alone with Noah for longer than a few minutes, but now there was no one else around as a buffer if things became awkward.
Noah motioned towards my drink. "Try it."
I rolled my eyes at his eagerness before brining the warm drink to my lips, blowing away some of the heat first. He tracked every movement of my lips as the pursed out almost like I would kiss something.
Or someone.
"Alright, I have to admit; it is pretty good," I set the cup back on the table.
Noah's eyes burned with heat as he stared straight at my lips and suddenly feeling self conscious, I brought a hand to my face.
"What? Is there something on my face?"
"No, you're good, angel," his voice was deep, almost rough, as he finally tore his gaze away from my lips up to my eyes.
Just like every other time we stared at each other, it was full of so much tension but in the best fucking way possible. Behind the dark depths of his pupils, there was this magnetic pull that kept sucking me in no matter how hard I tried to grasp at whatever I could for support.
I cleared my throat to break the silence but Noah's phone buzzed on the table next to his coffee which broke the spell we were under.
"Fucking Keaton," Noah chuckled under his breath as he quickly typed something on his phone.
I nearly choked on my coffee, it burning all the way down my throat, and set the cup back on the table.
"Wait, Keaton? As in Keaton Pierce?"
"Yeah," Noah nodded with a bright smile. "He lost his copy of Super Smash Bro's and was wondering if he could borrow mine but little does he know, that was my copy he lost."
I huffed out a short breath. "Tell him I'm still waiting for the $100 he owes me."
His eyes brightened in surprise. "You know Keaton?"
"Yeah, one of Hollow Souls first tours was Warped Tour. We all got real close with everyone in Too Close To Touch but Keaton and I have this bond."
I was so engrossed in telling the story about how Keaton and I grew incredibly close the summer we were on Warped Tour together that I didn't notice Noah's jaw clench with jealousy until the last words fell from my lips.
"He's like a big brother I never had. He means so much to me," I smiled fondly.
"Keaton's one of my best friends," Noah divulged about how Bad Omens and Too Close To Touch also met on Warped Tour one year.
Running a hand through my long hair, I suddenly cursed myself for not bringing a hair tie, but kept my attention on Noah.
"I can't believe we have a mutual friend but yet never met before! I thought for sure Keaton would try to hook us up," I said.
"Yeah," Noah's voice trailed off as he was deep in thought, not realizng that as he brought his coffee to his lips, some of it spilled onto his sweater.
With a curse, he rose to his feet and pulled it off which in turned caused his shirt to lift as well, showcasing off more tattoos that it shocked me to see he had. The band of his briefs poked through the top of his jeans and with the sharp curve of his v-line, I was practically drooling at the sight of him. Which he quickly noticed because he threw me a smirk as he sat back in his chair.
"You're staring, angel."
"N-no. I was just-." I stammered like a schoolgirl that just got caught staring at her attractive older teacher.
Well, you kind of did.
"I was just surprised to see more tattoos. I though only your arms and neck were covered," I explained while messing with the cardboard sleeve on my cup.
"I've got tattoo's everywhere except my back and parts of my thighs but I plan on covering those spots soon," Noah informed. "Since we're on the topic of tattoos, how many do you have?"
"Oh, shit. I've lost count over the years. I've got them scattered all over and sometimes forget that they're there."
"You know," he leaned back in his chair with a cheeky smile, long legs extended towards me as his foot grazed lightly over my calf. "I'm pretty good at hide and seek. I bet I can find them if you'd let me."
My cheeks blazed with immediate arousal with his sly words and I had to squeeze my thighs together underneath the table, hoping Noah couldn't tell how turned on I suddenly became with this conversation. But two could play at that game. If he could make me flustered, so could I.
"Maybe I'll take you up on that offer someday," I winked while taking another drink of my now cold coffee.
Shit, how long have we been sitting here?
I dared a quick glance over to Rey behind the counter and noticed they were working fast to get all ten of our drinks ready.
The sound of metal scrapping against ground brought my attention back to Noah and realized he had pulled his chair closer to me, something dark filling his eyes. Our hands were on the table, so close they were almost touching, as his fingers began drumming on the wood once again; almost to keep them busy.
"By the way, I don't know if I told you how much I liked you wearing my shirt."
I gulped as my eyes darted from his down to his lips. "Uh, yeah. You-you said that."
He hummed. "I've seen people wear our merch but none of them quite pulled it off the way you did yesterday.
I licked my lips, breathless. "Many people wear your merch, Noah."
"No, angel. It's not the same," his fingers grazed over my knuckles. "It hit you in all the perfect places. It's like you were made to wear it."
Every inch of my body buzzed with arousal and heat with how foreward Noah was being. He was staring so intently at me as if he wanted to sink his teeth into the crook of my neck to drink me in. His nostrils flared slightly.
"You smell good."
I gulped. "Dylan Purple by Versace."
Noah leaned back slightly so I could see all of his face. "I'll have to pick you up a bottle the next time I stop at Sephora."
Holy Hera. What was this effect he had on me? He didn't touch me with his lips but I begged to taste them. Did he wear chapstick? Was it flavored? Would I be able to taste his coffee?
Get ahold of yourself! You're dating Trey.
Clearing my throat, I sat farther back in my chair to create some space between us but that's when I noticed something just underneath Noah's left eye and my fingers raised slowly.
"Do I have oat milk on my face?" he went to wipe a hand over his mouth.
I huffed out a laugh. "No, it's an eyelash. Can I?"
When he looked at my hand, Noah nodded and I gently brushed away the eyelash, it sticking to my finger.
"Make a wish," I said.
"Don't tell me you believe in that?" Noah replied.
"It's tradition, you have to do it."
He shook his head. "I don't believe that. In this scenario, there's only one thing can ruin my wish, but I don’t think I’m gonna let it happen."
I pouted whiel holding my finger up to his lips. "Please? For me?"
Noah slowly licked his lips before he grasped my wrist to hold my hand steady as he made the whole show of closing his eyes and blowing away the eyelash.
"Happy?" He smirked while keeping his grip on my wrist.
"Yea," I squeeked out.
Once again, we were stuck in that trance where everyone else around us faded away into the abyss and the only ones that mattered were the two of us.
Jumping away from Noah, I practically scrambled out of my chair to grab the many trays of coffee.
Fuck! Get it together! He's just some guy flirting with you to pass the time. Stop acting like he'll fall over the edge for you.
The walk back to the venue was quiet and quick thankfully because my mind was running wild with everything that happened back at the cafe. Simply that's all it was; Noah passing the time with jokes. He didn't mean everything he said. And neither did I.
Ignoring the voice in my brain, I held up the trays to the group of people that sat huddled together on the couch in the green room.
"Fuck, did you two get lost or some shit?" Matt chuckled while taking his coffee from Noah.
"Sorry," I apologized with a grimace. "We went during the rush and told them to take their time making the coffee."
I handed Ethan his tea. "By the way, I handed out the spare tickets to the barista because of the large order. Also, don't come for me for the bill. I've seen the projected sales for this tour and know that you're doing fine."
He rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say, Y/N. By the way, your boyfriend is looking for you."
"I'll go find him in a minute," I said while passing out the rest of the coffee's to everyone.
"I'm right here."
Spinning on my heels, I stared blankly at Trey as a cigarette hung from his lips. His jaw was clenched tight with rage as he took in the scene in front of him; Noah and I holding trays of coffee from the coffee shop. It wasn't hard, even for him, to put the two together.
"How come every time I find you, you're with him?" He pointed towards Noah with his lighter.
"Trey, I'm not doing this with you right now," I said while walking over to the trash can, throwing out the garbage.
"Great, then lets go back to the bus and we can talk about it there." Trey went to reach for my hand but I snatched it away.
"NO!" My voice was louder than it needed to be but I didn't care; I was angry.
Yesterday and this afternoon with Noah were some of the best moments I've had in so long. I couldn't remember the last time I'd openly flirted with someone and enjoyed it. Noah made me feel so good about myself and I refused to let Trey ruin that; again.
"Just because you're my boyfriend Trey, that doesn't give you the right to tell me what to do or who to hang out with. Noah and I were picking up coffee for everyone, that's all."
"Oh yeah," Trey raised a brow. "Where's my coffee?"
"We figured you'd want a vodka instead," Noah said as he came to stand behind me, almost to show his support of me standing up to Trey.
He scoffed while looking towards Noah. "Did you forget the talk we had the other night, kid?"
Talk? What talk?
"You're older than him by two years, Trey. Calm the fuck down," Chase spat.
"Fuck off!" Trey snapped. "You guys are supposed to be on my side with this bullshit."
Malcolm spoke next. "With Y/N, we're sticking with her no matter what."
Trey's hateful eyes took in the sight of me one more time, eyes grazing over the exposed tattoos on my leg. "Cover that shit before the show."
It was as if he took all the negative energy out of the room with him as soon as he left, even some of the high I was feeling from my afternoon with Noah.
Noah noticed my hands shaking and went to reach for them but I stuffed them deep into my hoodie. "I'm going to get some air."
The air I needed ended up being me standing in the bathroom of my bus screaming so loud my lungs burned. I let out every harsh, negative, word that Trey dug into my brain. It was a never-ending cycle with him and I was angry at myself for allowing it to continue. My position in the band wasn't worth all the mental abuse. So why did I continue to stay?
Just get through this tour and then you can figure out your options.
The back halls of the venue were quiet, and I wondered where everyone had gone. Hollow Souls soundcheck was minutes away but I couldn't find Malcolm or Chase anywhere.
I opened the door to the green room but came to a halt at the scene in front of me; my heart pounded wildly in my chest and my breathing became erratic, uneven, as Noah turned around, almost dropping his phone. He was shirtless, only wearing a pair of grey sweats and his shoes, and as much as I tried, I couldn't keep my eyes off of his chest and stomach.
But then realizing what he was doing when I walked in made me lean against the doorframe with a wicked smile.
"Who were you going to send those selfies too?" I questioned.
The sides of Noah's ears burned with embarrassment but he kept his cool. "I have no idea what you're talking about, angel."
Ignoring the way my pussy clenched at the nickname, I pushed myself off of the doorframe to walk into the room.
"Right. Well, whoever gets those pictures is one lucky lady," I said, hiding the jealousy in my voice.
"She could be," Noah responded without a hitch of hesitation.
There it was again. That magnetic pull that seemed to only be around when Noah and I were together. It was unknown and scared the absolute shit out of me.
"Uh," I stammered trying to find my words. "Have you seen the guys anywhere? We need to start soundcheck."
He gave me a confused look. "They're on the stage waiting for you. I figured you would have checked there first."
Oh, right? That would have made more sense than coming to the greenroom first.
I bit my lip. "Yeah, should have figured. Well, see you around."
What the fuck? Why did that sound so awkward?
Not wanting to look even more like a fool, I scurried out of the room and towards the stage where in fact; the guys were waiting for me. I frowned at their impatient scowls and Chase went to throw a stick at me but I quickly ducked to avoid it.
"You realize how late you are, right? Doors open in an hour, Y/N!"
"I'm sorry!" I raised my hands. "I got caught up."
Trey, who surprised the fuck out of me for being here, narrowed his eyes at me. "Let's just get this over with."
As we went on with soundcheck, I noticed Bad Omens merch table was being set up with Noah and Jolly helping. When I sang my parts of the song, I could feel a sense of confidence fill me which strengthened my voice. I could hit notes I couldn't before and found myself not loosing breath as I held a note longer than I normally would.
Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Noah stop what he was doing to watch with almost a proud smile on his face. Much to my dismay, he was wearing a shirt again, but still wore the grey sweats and I did my best not to let my gaze wander past his waistline.
Trey is right next to you, ya know?
Yet again ignoring the voice in my mind, I turned to Chase with a slight grimace. "Does Malcolm's bass sound off or is it just me?"
Malcolm strung a few strings, which in fact, were out of tune.
"Shit, give me a few minutes and we can run One Night again," Malcolm sighed.
"No worries," I said while pulling out my phone from my back pocket when I felt it buzz. "I'm going to-."
Holy Hera. Hades. Hekate, whichever of the Gods above would listen.
My pupils dilated as I took in the sight of the two new pictures on my phone from an unknown number, barley even registering the next texts that came in.
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Yeah, I'd say she's pretty lucky. Enjoy angel. You sound beautiful.
Oh, I think you should wear something a bit more reveling than you usually do, in the most respectful way possible. Give everyone a killer show tonight. Come alive out there.
The words, as sweet as they were, were nothing compared to the pictures of Noah on my phone; the selfies he took earlier. I licked my dry lips and felt a coolness drip between my legs as I clenched them together. Daring a glance over to Noah, I saw him watching me with a stoic smirk on his face as a way of saying check mate.
What a cheeky bastard.
As soon as soundcheck was over, I rushed back over to the bus and riffled through my suitcases, disorganizing the way I had everything packed so I could find what I was looking for. It might not have been too revealing but compared to what I usually wore, this would definitely make some heads turn. Once I was showered, I did my makeup darker than normal and let my hair fall against my back in waves. I slipped into the short leather dress that stopped about mid thigh, the thin straps fitting just right. Even with my knee high leather boots, you could still see the tattoo on my leg.
Looking in the mirror, I couldn't stop the smile that broke out on my face. I haven't felt this good about the way I looked in so long; it made my heart soar with pride.
Checking my phone, I cursed when I realized Bad Omens set was already half way finished and knowing I still had to eat something quick before heading on stage; I made a beeline back into the venue towards the green room. Malcolm and Chase were already there stuffing their faces with whatever food they could find and when they saw me, their jaws dropped.
"Is it too much?" I asked while pulling at the back of the dress. "I just thought-."
"Don't." Chase pointed a finger at me. "You look really good, Y/N. Don't let those thoughts get inside your head, alright?"
Malcolm agreed but kept his eyes a little too long on certain parts of me so I had to smack him in the arm to get his attention.
"Shit, did you say something?"
"My eyes are up here," I pointed to them to make a show of it.
Once we all finished a quick meal, Trey of course nowhere to be found, I sent him a quick text to let him know we would go on soon and to finish whatever he was doing. I probably should have worried about where he disappears too but lately, his whereabouts or the activities he finds himself in didn't matter to me.
Chase and Malcolm ended up leaving the room to go do their own pre-show rituals which left me alone with the camera app open on my phone, really contemplating the hell out of this. It could go one of two ways; he could enjoy it and make whatever this thing between us more intense or he could ignore it completely, not giving a shit.
"Fuck it," I stood with a start and walked over to the mirror.
The same mirror Noah took his selfies in front of.
Trying to find the best angle with the lighting, I snapped a few different pictures and scrolled through to find the best one. Clicking on Noah's contact, that I now saved from earlier, I attached the best picture and typed out a quick message to go with it.
I feel so uncomfortable but I hope your ass is happy.
I let out a quick scream as I hit send, the fear almost making me back out. Bad Omens were still playing, I could hear Noah's screams echo through the thick walls, so I knew it would be awhile till he saw the text. In the meantime, I busied myself with my pre-show ritual to center myself.
Deep breath in. Hold for six seconds. Long breath out.
Deep breath in. Hold for four seconds. Long breath out.
I did this a few times while shaking out the nerves from my hands then started rambling off a few of my lyrics to some of my songs to warm up my voice. By now almost thirty minutes had passed so I checked my phone to see if Noah responded.
Read at 8:34 pm.
So he read it almost as soon as I sent it but didn't respond?
I blinked back the tears while tossing my phone on the couch.
"You're a fucking idiot. What did you expect him to do? Heart it." I muttered under my breath.
"Talking to yourself, angel?"
Turning swiftly on my heels, I saw Noah leaning against the doorframe by his arm. The smile that crossed his lips was the kind that made every part of your body flutter in the best possible way.
"Hi," I said quietly.
"Hey yourself," his hair was falling into his face as he looked around the room, almost happy that we were the only two here.
"How was your set?" I asked while wiping my sweaty hands on the back of my dress.
God, how did one man make me so nervous?
Slowly, almost stalking towards his prey, Noah walked into the room and shut the door behind him. He said nothing, only reached the space to me in three long strides and raised a finger to my shoulder, brushing away the hair that fell across it. Our hips were barley touching but I could still feel the buckle of his belt press against the heat of my core and my bottom lip caught between my teeth to keep the moan that danced on my tongue from slipping out. His long fingers grazed over the bare skin across my collar bone over the pulse point on my throat, letting it linger there, as he leaned into the crook of my neck so he could whisper huskily into my ear.
“I know this is forward, and please forgive me for being bold. But you look sexy as fuck right now.”
A soft moan fell from my lips but I quickly recovered as Noah pulled away so he could look down at me through his long lashes.
Fuck, even his lashes were gorgeous. Every aspect of this man was perfect beyong words.
The confidence I felt from earlier was still surging through me so I wrapped the wooden rosary that hung from Noah's neck around my fingers and gave him a seductive smirk.
"You're pushing the limits, Noah," I teased.
"Oh, am I?"
Slowly, he leaned down towards my lips and I rose on the tips of my toes to reach him because even in my platform boots, Noah still towered over me. We were so close now I could just feel the warmth from his lips on mine before Chase's voice broke through the trance that encased around us.
"Y/N! Where are you! We're about to go on."
"Shit," I cursed while pushing Noah away. "Fuck, I have to go,"
He stepped to the side so I could walk past him but gently grabbed my wrist to stop me. "But seriously, you look beautiful, angel."
I was so worked up that I could have combusted with the nickname alone. Feeling his warm body heat behind me as we walked out of the greenroom and towards the back area of the stage where the rest of my band was waiting.
Including Trey.
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I watched with fury behind my eyes as Trey dragged Y/N over towards the merch area, away from prying eyes and ears. Jolly came up to me with furrowed brows.
"Where the hell did you run off too after we got offstage?"
I locked my gaze onto Y/N's back as she fought with Trey. I wanted to step in to save her but knew that if I tried, it would make things worse. Plus, Y/N could hold her own against him, I've seen it.
"I was with Y/N," I sighed while giving my full attention to Jolly. "I wanted to wish her luck, that's all."
Jolly snorted, not buying my lie for a second. "Right. This is the only thing I'm going to say on the whole subject; Be careful, man. None of us want to see you get hurt especially after."
"Don't," I warned with ice in my voice. "I don't want to hear her name."
"Alright," he squeezed my shoulder. "Just be careful."
I quickly tied my hair back, so it was out of my face. "I don't like the way he treats her, Jolly. If he does that in front of us, what the hell does he do when no one's watching?"
Before Jolly could answer, our merch guy Steven came up to us with a deep frown.
"That guy is such a fucking prick," he seethed. "You guys should have heard the things he said to Y/N."
I nearly pushed past them to go find her but it was Nick now that held a hand to my chest to stop me.
"What did he say?" He asked Steven.
Rage was festering deep in the bowels of my stomach and I knew that if I didn't find an outlet for it soon, I would blow. So instead, I paced in a line backstage, burning a hole into the ground at my feet.
"I could only hear parts but from what I heard, I don't know how she's going to come back from it. It was nasty, Noah. She went up to Veronica their merch girl for something to cover up with but when they had nothing, I let her borrow my sweater."
"What?" I asked, now defeated.
She covered herself up?
Steve sighed. "I never wanted to jump over a table so damn fast to hit a guy. It killed me to see how broken she looked when he left her."
“Noah, you’re going to burn a hole in the floor with your pacing,” Folio's soft voice broke through my rage fulled haze.
"Can you blame me?!" I snapped while throwing a hand towards the stage where Hollow Souls set was about to start. "This asshole keeps getting away with treating her like shit!"
"I don't understand why you care so much? It's not like she's your girlfriend."
My head snapped up to one of our guitar techs, appalled that he had the balls to speak up about a situation he had no clue about.
Sounds familiar.
"Excuse me?" My pupils dilated with anger as I tilted my head towards the tech.
Nick felt the sudden shift in tension so he wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "Let's get some air, alright?"
The sounds of Y/N's broken voice played through the venue before being drowned out by Trey's guitar and screams as Nick lead me out the back door.
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raayllum · 2 years
You’re going to be right about CHET y’know I can feel it
Aw I wouldn't go that far but thank you! I certainly think there's a lot leaning that way even pre-trailer, and then now with Callum finding Rayla's blades (that she's presumably been forcefully parted from if it isn't him having a nightmare or something) has me like 👀 so I could very well be right, but honestly
I'm thrilled it's just gotten to be a fun idea in fanon if nothing else, even if I do still think it would bring a lot of interesting pieces together and opportunities for the future. So much of Arc 1 was "How do we fix our parents' mistakes?" I'm now curious if Arc 2 will be complicating that with "How do we handle / fix our own mistakes?"
I've admittedly scratched my head trying to find some kind of alternative for how Aaravos could get out of his mirror by 4x09 without something along those lines (even if it's Callum being another mage conduit w/ Claudia to get him out or something and not the cube itself). I've also been reflecting on the choice to have it called the Key of Aaravos, specifically, if it's not meant to be 1) a key or 2) mostly related to him. Why not Key of the Great Gates if that's what it unlocks, or Eye of Aaravos to foreshadow his involvement and power of divination?
I'm also curious if there could be something inside the Cube and I could easily see the Cube itself having more than one purpose (something related to all the Nexuses maybe)? Mostly I'm just tickled pink that my little pet theory is getting a last hurrah and that it let me pick up on the game symbolism they were invoking in like, December 2021 and well before we got more confirmation of chess master Aaravos, since seeing that come to fruition was amazing as a big chess nerd
It's also helped me further develop my ideas about Callum/Claudia, Viren/Callum, and Rayla/Aaravos as foils, which has been so much fun and a constant source of discovery and joy during the hiatus, especially the last 6ish months. It also made me do a recent deep dive into Tarot (which I did in like 2016 but it had been a while) and gather more thoughts this weekend, and I just always love learning more. Was pleased to see I remembered correctly that Moon magic and the Moon tarot card completely matched up (I wasn't sure if I was getting stuff mixed up) and excited to discover some new parallels
Honestly idk whether I'm more excited to be completely dead on or 100% wrong. Like, what if Rayla escapes and comes back with a warning that even her "I must protect the boys" instincts can't justify keeping from them? That'd be such a different dynamic shift and interesting exploration that I've loved reading in some fics. If I'm wrong my brain will be racing a million miles an hour at like 5AM on release day trying to figure out where things are going, like S2 and S3 all over again <3 and if I'm right I'll have to have like, two tissue boxes near me the whole time
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