#the t-rex arms thing blew my MIND though jfc
freeuselandonorris · 11 months
from the ask game here!
🧸 Favorite place to nap?
u know what i am actually no good at napping and i hate that! i am so jealous of people who can just go for a nap for an hour and wake up feeling refreshed but it will 100% make me feel WAY worse than i did before and i also like…lose all sense of time? like it completely destroys my circadian rhythm and i feel like it’s the next morning? idk. so if i am tired i just have to like…zombie-drag myself through the day until it gets to a feasible time for me to be able to go to sleep for the night. it sucks. anyway if i COULD nap i would want to do it in bed bc my couch is extremely small and uncomfortable (rental flat) and if i sleep in a weird position i won’t be able to move afterwards bc i am very old.
🦖 Favorite extinct animal?
(fun fact: while i was writing the above i googled whether being bad at napping is an ADHD thing or just a me thing. results: inconclusive however i did discover that my t-rex arms is an ADHD thing! the more u know!)
anyway my favourite extinct animal is the quagga! they were a type of zebra i believe, and they look like someone photoshopped the front of a zebra onto the back of a donkey. they were, unsurprisingly, hunted to extinction by humans.
🔮 What’s your dream job?
MAN if i knew this i would be in a better place in life lmao 🫠 i love writing and i love painting (my degree is in fine art) so if money was no object i would likely be a writer or a portrait artist. but doing either of those things as a career is largely impossible these days w/out financial backing or a rich spouse, neither of which i have.
if actual skills were no issue i would love to work in motorsport strategy. i have no real capacity for STEM subjects so realistically i would be useless at this job, but if i could like wave a wand and wake up good at something? yeah, head of strategy with the personality to match pls.
i get a new whim about every three weeks so here are some other past dream jobs i have briefly entertained: painter of plates (this was a childhood one idk); set designer; practical SFX artist specialising in horror (i did actually go to school for this for a bit and can make myself look very effectively fucked up, and i volunteered at some crisis simulation training events which was fun!); leather worker making fetishwear and sex toys; running a combination bookstore/sex toy store/event space for kink education. i’d love to just not stare at screens for my whole life one day i guess!!
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