#the telesto that Banshee is usually working on disappeared from his character model
neonanarchystudios · 2 years
*squints distrustfully at Telesto*
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Hey okay so I’ve been working on a project for a while and I wanna know if the smol Destiny fandom on here would be interested in it. Basically I’m making a book of Guardian pose references for artists slash armor designers to use. There’s gonna be a volume for each class (I.e. the Hunter one would have a pose for hunter dodging, hunter throwing a knife, hunter casting Arc Staff, all of the subclass supers and abilities, etc) as well as a volume for basic ones like Guardian holding their ghost, Guardian on a Sparrow, Guardian banking spark/motes/Riven’s heart/etc. I’ve sunk like 30 hours in to drawing these so far, and I was gonna have a free one with all the basic poses, and then a paid one up on gumroad for a couple bucks with all of them. Would anyone be interested in that?
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