#the terv community sets the bar so high
wyrddogs · 7 months
Sometimes breed communities are really great.
I recently posted in the Belgian grooming FB group asking for advice on how to make brushing the dried dirt out of Zaku's coat more comfortable for him. He enjoys being brushed but he doesn't like it when his coat is tugged on (understandable!). He will get up and leave a grooming session if there is too much tugging.
I received a lot of great advice-- I should be spritzing his coat with water instead of brushing it dry, brush recommendations, and more. I also received commiserations for my upcoming puppy coat blow and advice on how to deal with that.
Even when I mentioned that my puppy is workingline, all of these showline people were extremely supportive and encouraging.
This is how new people should be treated. There was no judgement, no one saying "your breeder should have taught you this", no one accusing me of ruining his coat. Just advice, encouragement, brand recs, and photos when I asked for clarification.
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