#the them the creachures the lads
fruitwanderer · 1 year
fankids!!!!!!!!!!!! :OOOO :DDDDD
I know this is late, but we ended up sleeping all day on accident ;o;
Okay so Pyre (headmate) chose violence and decided to make a Tangdubs fanchild just for fun. His name his Nova, he's a funky little guy, and I kinda adore him cus just look! Look him!
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He's getting tweaked a little over time so he might end up looking different in the future, but for rn Nova! He's the oldest, maybe three years older than Sprig (Kai/Caro got renamed, hopefully for the last time ;o;) and is a few months younger than Olive (Rendoc child).
His personality isn't fully fleshed out, but he's pretty hot-headed and flamey like Tango. Would gladly bite someone in both the affectionate and "I wanna fucking murder you" kinda ways.
Sprig and Cozy also got a minor tweaks + heroforge models! Might redo Sprig again cus not super happy rn, but the theater kid himself and just the littlest of lasses (she might also be retweaked) <3
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(Gave Cozy a pet rat cus he felt like it XD - Pyre)
Olive is the only one that doesn't have a design now, but tbh it might take a while before we settle on theirs.
Anyways; The Bdubs polycule family is finished and if we add another then I will breakdown and cry /lh
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socialc1imb · 3 months
Can we know about some lore for the creachur au?
Sure! Here are some of MY favorite creachur lore tidbits
He has three besties named Mj (aka @avicryptidbard’s McJash Whole bc i wanted them to be friends), Arlo, and Brian, and they have been friends for years
In college he started dating someone (unnamed love interest just like cccc omg wow) and he was head over heels for them
When he graduated college with his partner, he planned on moving in with them. Bought a house for them to live in together and were planning on spending their lives together. And then unnamed partner broke up with Cj. Womp womp. And then the creachurs showed up! Yay??
He has the BEST halloween costumes. He dressed up as Hot Midna (NOT imp Midna) from Twilight princess one year and it was amazing. This incredible knack for having great halloween costumes has now spread to the creachurs and they too have incredible halloween costumes with Cj
Technically the creachurs *could* speak, but theyre mostly non-verbal, opting to squeak and make small sounds to communicate instead
Mimb is a slut for puzzles. He does puzzles often. He loves puzzles so much.
The creachurs fight over who gets to play animal crossing on Cj’s switch. At some point, he gets them their own switch bc they won’t let him play on his own animal crossing world any more.
Mimb is outwardly Not Affectionate. Except he absolutely loves cuddles and has designated Ceej Time where he gets cuddles without feeling shy about it
Smoul is so hyper but also he is the goodest lad. Sweet boy. Until he is pranking you. And hen he is evil
Hart CAN see, he just has sensitive eyes! His blindfold is like, mesh, so he can still see but with less light.
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Top 5 sea creechurs
TY MOTH!!! and ok for some reason I read this as deep sea creachures at first so most/all of these lads are gonna be deep sea bois. Hope that’s okay hshdjfj
Vampire Squid. Respectable creature. Very good shape, very good vibes. :)
Chambered Nautilus. A REGAL boy. just hanging out!!!! i love them
Coelacanth. I love these dudes I was so into them at age like 10 bc of a video game. Scientists really thought these guys went extinct until they showed up again for fun?? I love it
Oarfish. Long boi :) I like then
Mola Mola/Ocean Sunfish. ONE OF THE MOST CREATURES. Just a big fuckin shape. Bad taste for predators. Gets the cops called on it irl sometimes. Big as hell and stupid as all fuck. What’s not to love
bonus honorary mention to japanese spider crabs for being my least favorite! a funking. crab should not be twice as big as adult men. bad as in i hate it. every time i imagine one of these guys to scale i experience an acute fear of god. why why why why why why why.
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flatstarcarcosa · 3 years
fandom blorbo meme for mass effect im begging you
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): not counting shepard(s), it's zaeed('s ass).
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): legion. he's just a boy. a lad. a creachure.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): i feel like javik isn't loved enough sometimes. also steve and traynor, yes their romances have issues worth criticising, no you shouldn't take that out on them.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): KAL'REEGAR MY BELOVED-
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): zaeed again, i suppose, since The Discourse crops up from time to time like L + didn't ask + go outside + i have a brand and he's the Discount Slade Wilson
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): the illusive man. i would make sure the only cigarettes he can get are whichever ones he fucking hates the most. like i'm sorry but all we got are these non-menthol chesterfields my guy :\
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): marauder shields you son of a bitch.
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cosmicmetallove · 5 years
thanks for tagging me @gothformoths :p
are you named after someone?: kinda? i was into a bunch of stuff that happened to have dudes named josh in them? until dawn, this cool book series etc. i just kinda liked it and i thought i looked like a josh. with my birth name my parents deadass just heard it on tv and thought it was good enough.
last time i cried?: my eyes water a lot randomly but i guess i won’t count that. today tho i watched some sad shit and cried a bit
any kids?: not literally. some people i know call me dad tho
do i use sarcasm?: hhhh sometimes? i have a tough time getting sarcasm unless i have a second or it’s obnoxiously obvious so i try to avoid it for myself
first thing i notice about a person?: clothes or hairstyle probably
what’s your eye color?: blue bb
scary moives or happy endings?: i enjoy scary movies but i need happy endings. it’s just nice to know that no matter what happens things are going to be ok
special talent?: idk i can always predict when the spotify ad is coming. i’ll get to the last 30 seconds of a song and know i’m gonna have to listen to an ad right after. also this might be really stupid but i remember being able to see things before they happened when i was younger
birthplace?: some place in indiana i can’t remember, i only lived there for a couple months as a youngster
do you/have you played any sports?: ROWING. i used to row and it was the only sport i genuinely loved to do but i had to stop cause it was bad for my mental health
pets?: two beautiful dogs!!! lucy and hunter!! i’m a bad dad cause i can’t remember their breeds but they’re my children. lucy’s real big and hunters very tiny
height?: 6ft lad
fave subject in school?: world history or french. basically anything that focuses on life outside america lol
dreamjob?: musician, specifically a drummer or bassist. or a langage teacher
this was fun, thanks for letting me talk about myself cro. i tag @goblin-creachure @kinglyqueenie @jam2electricjamaloo @bluebubbles413 and anybody else who just wants to do it
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