#the theme was french
pangur-and-grim · 10 months
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now for the dog round!
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anitalenia · 3 months
Can I request some dividers with the theme provided below?
French bakery! Creampuffs, pearls, ribbons and all colors cream/white! Maybe throw in 1 glazed doughnut divider too? 😭🤍
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credits to me. feel free to use and save. of course credit would be appreciated but it is not required. I’m just making these for fun <3 ( if you don’t like these please don’t hesitate to tell me 🫶🏻✨🌸 + kinda has pink in it too oops, and if you don’t like the glazed donut divider pls tell me so I can get that fixed for you 🩷🖤 ) @bunnysp1ce @kalkachis
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Gustave Moreau
Salomé dansant (Salomé tatouée). 1874-76
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animatejournal · 27 days
The Adventures of Tintin | Creator: Hergé Studio: Nelvana | France/Canada, 1991
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theorahsart · 11 days
Incorruptible pt 39
We are still to an extent, having these arguments in modern day. And I thoroughly agree with Robespierre on this point. I'd rather my country lose any wealth it currently has, when that wealth is at the expense of other people's lives.
In the spirit of anti-racism- I wanna point out that although Robespierre played a small part in speaking up for the rights of black people, it should be acknowledged that the Haiti revolution and abolition movement was vm started by free black people asking for rights, and the slave rebellions organised later. You could read 'The Black Jacobins' for more information about this~
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((edit: I used a lot of the same language Banarve originally used on this topic, but on refection I think his wording is too vague (I suspect on purpose...to avoid the ugliness of what he's arguing for lol) and it doesnt give much context to ppl not familiar to Frev, and what he/the colonies are arguing for. So I changed the dialogue. Sorry for anyone who reblogged the original, although thank you anyways :3))
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Rumple & Rumbelle as text posts
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maggiecheungs · 2 years
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OLIVIA (1951) dir. Jacqueline Audry
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cupophrogs · 10 months
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WOO ART! I made this piece as a holiday gift for a buddy of mine; her name is Eleanore, so I looked up the origin and made her into a cool puppet
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code-lab · 3 months
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Simplification de Messenger
Hey !
Le plugin Messenger a été revu pour être plus facilement utilisé par tous :
Code allégé et plus clair : - configuration plus facile - suppression de fonctionnalités superflues
Améliorations du CSS : - meilleure variables pour la customisation - mise à disposition d'une feuille CSS hébergée pour tous
Bouton pour ouvrir/fermer messenger plus facilement déplaçable
Nouvelle documentation : - support et faq disponible! - explications pour customiser plus facilement
Le plugin n'est plus installé par défaut dans le Blank Theme (il est plus facile de l'ajouter que le retirer).
Mais! cette version redesignée du Messenger est désormais utilisable sur n'importe quel forum ! ✨ Que vous utilisiez le Blank Theme ou non, il est désormais plus simple de l'implémenter sur votre forum, peu importe vos versions/designs.
La version 3.5 du Blank Theme vient d'être mise à jour.
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"No children?" "No! No, but come again next year"
Santa Claus themed French vintage postcard
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jeskerthefool · 1 month
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Scott's reference sheet! And the last one, for now ;)
See him in the comic.
-I hadn't realized how lighter his hair was in comparison to what I drew in the comic. In my defense, I didn't have a lot of access to reference images.
-Yes he dyes his hair. Even if he might be a vampire, it's kind of a Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer situation. Only less punk.
-Owen (who sometimes appears in the background of the tabern) has a matching vest. Because they're besties.
-Originally, he had sandals. But I changed that cause they seemed a bit uncomfortable to wear for long periods of time. And also they were harder to draw.
-He got hired by Bdubs, hence the stars on his pants.
-The stars around his head are only for aesthetic purposes. I have no lore explanation for those. They just looked neat
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sugarstasia · 15 days
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🍎 𓈈 ׅ  ᧔᥆᧓  ₊ 𓈈 ⁘
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etoilesbienne · 8 months
me ripping off my shirt to reveal my second shirt that says "i was watching mariana when he killed juana both times live and i am a STAUNCH qmariana fatherhood defender"
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y'know people were saying before that the green apple in Kazui's first music video was a reference to one of the surrealist René Magritte's famous works (The Son of Man), but the second video is just really doubling down on his stuff as a theme huh
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fyeahygocardart · 1 year
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Buerillabaisse de Nouvelles
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uspiria · 1 year
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Themes & Variations (1928) dir. Germaine Dulac
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