#the top college of technology in trichy krct
krstseo · 24 days
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krstseo · 1 month
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krstseo · 2 months
AI and Creativity its Intersection in Art and Music
AI and Creativity its Intersection in Art, music, and literature are all experiencing a big change thanks to AI. It’s blending with creativity, creating new ways of doing things
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krstseo · 2 months
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krstseo · 2 months
Emerging Trends in AI and data science
In this era of technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) stand as the pillar of innovation, driving changes across all industries and even society as a whole. As we look into the future, it’s essential to notice the emerging trends in AI shaping the trajectory of our world. These trends are paving the way for new possibilities and advancements in all aspects of life.
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krstseo · 2 months
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krstseo · 2 months
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krstseo · 2 months
Career Opportunities in AI and Data Science for B.Tech Graduates
In today’s fast-developing world of technology; the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science (DS) have emerged as important elements. They are helping companies reach new heights. In fact, B.Tech graduates have an advantage in this ever-growing field; as they are equipped with the right skills and knowledge at the right time. Moreover, with their qualifications, they get to enjoy choosing from various career paths. In this blog, let’s explore some of the exciting career opportunities in AI and DS for graduates to choose from.
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krstseo · 3 months
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krstseo · 3 months
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krstseo · 3 months
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krstseo · 3 months
The History of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) has captured the imagination of everyone around the world for decades. From the early conceptualization of intelligent robots to the recent advancements in machine learning, the history of AI is a testament to human ingenuity and perseverance. In this blog post, let’s look into the intriguing journey of AI, exploring its origins, milestones, and future prospects.
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krstseo · 3 months
Highlights of Career Guidance Programme and Webinar at KRCT
K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology organized two impactful events namely Career Guidance Programme and a webinar, both worth mentioning. In this blog, let’s look into how these events catered to different aspects of our students’ professional journey.
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krstseo · 3 months
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krstseo · 3 months
Recap of AI Department’s Seminars and Workshops at KRCT
In the landscape of continuously evolving technology, the Department of Artificial Intelligence at K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology (KRCT) continues to pave the way for knowledge distribution and skill enhancement. Last year, a series of impactful seminars and workshops took place, leaving a permanent mark on the intellectual journey of our students. Further, in this blog, let’s have a recap of seminars and workshops that took place and let’s remember the wealth of insights they’ve brought to the forefront.
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krstseo · 3 months
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