#the tragedy of the legion is that they were stupid teenagers who will now never have the chance to grow into stupid adults
frootbyethefoot · 1 year
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august 28th 1996
[ID: a digital drawing of susie lavoie, julie kostenko, frank morrison, and joey, (in that order) from the legion (dead by daylight.) susie is a white woman with long, split dyed hair, the left side being pink, and the right side being teal, braces, acne. she is wearing a tealish blue hoodie, a red plaid skirt, black tights, and fingerless gloves. she is looking towards the camera and smiling awkwardly. to her right is julie, who is a white woman with long, blonde hair on the right side of her face. she is wearing a black jacket, a gray shirt, a gray hood, and camo pants. she is smiling happily and has her arm wrapped around julie. to julies left is frank. he is a white man with short, brown hair, the tips of which are dyed blonde, and a bit of stubble. he is wearing a red baseball jacket, a dark gray shirt, and brown pants. he has one arm wrapped around julie, and another wrapped around joey. he is looking towards the right and seems chill. joey is a black man with short black hair, wearing a black jacket, a light gray shirt, and grayish green pants. he is doing a "devil" sign with his left hand and is smiling. the background is snowy, with a few pine trees in the background. END ID/]
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iya5rt · 5 years
Kalopsia Project [Bakugo Katsuki x Reader – Tokyo Ghoul AU]
New chapter every Wednesday!
When a not-so-perfect date almost costs you your life, you’re unexpectedly rescued by a certain ash blond ghoul, and thrown into a new life at a small cafe by the name of Yuuei, where you’re surrounded by those you’ve always thought to be your enemies. As you find out ghouls aren’t quite what they’re made out to be though, your life is further thrown into chaos by a mysterious project nobody seems to understand, yet has unwillingly been dragged into.
Never in your life would you have thought the person you would come to find most comfort in, would be the kind that hunted humans. Yet you’ve learned to love the irony of it all…
You don’t need any prior knowledge of Tokyo Ghoul to understand this story!
The cover art is made by me!
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Kalopsia Project Masterpost
Ghouls – a humanoid species only able to feed on the flesh of humans and other ghouls. If ghouls attempt to eat normal food, they will be struck by a powerful urge to vomit. They are, however, able to drink coffee, as well as regular drinking water.
CCG – Commission of Counter Ghoul, usually abbreviated as CCG, serves as a criminal investigative body in cases connected to ghouls. The ghouls commonly call the ghoul investigators Doves. Ghoul investigators carry out the actual investigations and capture suspects. They are often assigned to carry out investigations in one of Tokyo's wards.
Kagune – a ghoul's predatory organ, functioning as their weapon and claws. When released, a ghoul's physique is strengthened, they are more resilient, and their mobility heightens. Although a ghoul's healing ability is high, the healing of wounds tends to be delayed if the wounds are inflicted by a kagune.
(excerpts taken from the Tokyo Ghoul Wiki)
Chapter 1 – Best Date Ever
Just another faceless person among the crowd of hundreds upon thousands of others. That’s all she was. And all I ever thought she would be.
I first noticed her existence in our last year of high-school. We were set to graduate in just about a month. Oh, how ready I was to get out of this miserable place already.
Up until then, it had been a normal day like any other. Boring, dull. It was all getting repetitive and blurring together.
Then, a teacher called her over. It must have been something important. She ran to him and listened. I watched as her face paled, then her eyes widened. She looked terrified. Soon after, she was gone.
She didn’t appear on the next day. Or the day after. A week, and then a month had gone by – she was nowhere to be found. Even as the school year came to an end, there was no trace of her.
Not that I cared.
But they talked. Every break, for a few days after. You couldn’t not hear it, even if you wanted to.
“Hey, she still hasn’t come back yet...”
“Yeah, but can you blame her? Such a tragedy. No one deserves that.”
“Huh? You know what happened?”
“Don’t you? It’s been all over the news, not to mention all the rumors going around at school. Both her parents were ghoul investigators. That night, they were attacked and brutally murdered. They say their corpses were barely recognizable...”
“Huh? I thought ghouls ate people?”
“Usually they do. But they speculate they must have been attacked as revenge.”
“Gosh, this is horrible… Poor soul...”
Well, duh. I wouldn’t want to eat someone who hunts my own kind either. Those ghoul investigators were always a pain in the ass. Good riddance, if you were to ask me.
I myself didn’t usually go hunting people for fun. It was already hard enough just finding some to feed on. But I would be lying if I said I was against killing those goddamn doves.
Come graduation, and everything was swiftly forgotten. That girl finally faded from my mind. She shouldn’t have ever been there in the first place, but at least things were finally as they always should have been.
A few uneventful months later, it was time to go back to school. All those humans going about their merry way and buzzing around were damn annoying. But anything was better than being suspicious for not going to school at all.
Though university wasn’t exactly complete freedom, I liked to believe it would be better than high-school. The bar was set pretty low, after all.
And then, on the first day, I was surprised.
Not because I didn’t expect it. In fact, I couldn’t have ever expected it after I had, as I already mentioned, wiped any traces of her existence from my memory.
But even so, here she was.
Different place, different time, different people. And yet she had finally appeared, for the first time in months.
And what’s more – she was smiling. It wasn’t the kind of carefree smile she always wore from what I vaguely managed to recall of her. It was a heavy smile. It hid a lot. But did I care enough to find out what? Not really.
She seemed to fit in at once. All the other girls swarmed her, and thus began the usual scene of eager introductions, annoying giggles, stupid small talk. So mundane.
“Hey, hey – what do you all think about ghouls?”
Ah, how I loved that question. In fact, I loved it so much that if I were a binge-eater or even just some boring serial killer, those who asked it, would be first on my hit-list. Good thing I wasn’t one. Yet. I couldn’t help but wonder how those girls would react if they ever found out just how many ghouls hid right beneath their noses.
Usually I would try to tune those conversations out. And usually, I would fail miserably, listening in anyway.
One girl laughed and said she didn’t believe in them, claiming they were just some urban legends. Well, she’ll probably get eaten one day, though I didn’t have it in me to pity her. Just about everybody else said ghouls were some mindless murderers and monsters to be feared. And this right here was why I hated whiny teenage girls.
There was however, one reply that stood out.
“Hmm, I don’t know about that. Perhaps not all of them are that bad? Say for example, if you were to pick one person to represent all of humanity, you probably wouldn’t pick a serial killer now, would you? So what if it’s the same with ghouls? Those binge-eater ghouls we always hear about – what if they’re just the minority that makes themselves known? Perhaps there are many more that live quietly with us, in peace.”
And then they all laughed at her. I, on the other hand, was a little too fixated on the brief moment I could swear her eyes darted toward me. I must have been imagining it though. I was probably getting paranoid – this was the daughter of two ghoul investigators, you know? Of course I would be worried she would catch onto me sooner or later.
I still didn’t really care much about her. But I had to admit – my respect for her grew, if only barely. Few were anywhere near as open-minded as she was. Then again, that also made her a naive dumbass – too hopeful and trusting for her own good.
Shortly after, she kind of faded into the background once again. Sure, she wasn’t faceless to me anymore. But that was it.
It has been a few months since then. Yet again, those couple of months were as uneventful as they came. Nonetheless, she is still here. I am still here. And so is everybody else.
What a funny pair we were. A ghoul and the daughter of a pair of ghoul investigators, brutally murdered a year ago.
Now that I think about it, I don’t recall us having ever actually spoken. Nothing past a quick ‘Hey, you got a spare pencil?’ or ‘Did you catch what the teacher said just now?’ at least.
That’s why it was funny. How our fates were meant to intertwine.
It was, to put it simply, quite ironic.
But it’s an irony I’ve learned to love.
You couldn’t help but stare. You knew it was rude, you didn’t need anyone telling you so. But there was this feeling that, try as you might, you just couldn’t shake off.
After all, who the hell transferred universities like that!? What was this guy even thinking?
As the teacher blabbered on about yet another topic you’d have to prepare for all by yourself at home anyway, you couldn’t help but let your eyes wander to the blond who had taken a seat nearby.
His hair was soft, parted down the side and not too long – all in all, it was a hairstyle sported by quite the number of guys you knew. So perhaps it was its more uncommon color that threw you off – the blonds weren’t all that many around here, after all. You briefly thought about Bakugo, glancing to the side to find him mindlessly playing with a pencil, twirling it between his fingers. He was so focused too. You snickered to yourself.
Thoughts going back to the transfer student though, you also noted his light blue eyes, deep yet lost and distraught. Almost like he was there but simultaneously wasn’t. His face was soft and his mouth hadn’t formed anything less than a smile ever since he had first walked in. Though it seemed to be a smile that didn’t quite reach those distant eyes of his.
But you had to admit – he was very attractive.
Naturally, you weren’t the only one to make that observation. Once the class had ended, he was immediately surrounded by a handful of curious boys and a whole legion of desperate girls. Even still, he had been all too kind to them, never turning down a question and fitting in like he had been there from the start.
You listened in and got all the answers you were looking for.
“Why? Well, you see, it was my parents’ choice. We happen to live quite close to those recent ghoul attacks in the Second Ward. In fact, they happened right around the corner of the university I go to. When the old man learned of this, he demanded that I change schools.”
Legend has it, if a conversation continued long enough, the topic was bound to come up eventually. You knew all too well.
Binge-eaters had always been the scariest to you. After all, if a ghoul could survive for an entire month by feeding on a single human, then why were there those who murdered just for fun?
You didn’t need such dark thoughts now though. So you shook your head and continued on with your day instead.
Soon enough that day had turned into two, then three, until finally an entire week had gone by. And with the passing of time, the shock that had accompanied the new student who had briefly shaken up your mundane existence faded too. To you, he was now just another classmate.
That’s why, when he approached you one day, you were left speechless.
“A… a date!?” you exclaimed, face flushing a dark red.
“Yes! You’re so kind and beautiful, [L/N]-san – I’d love to get a chance to go out with you!” he smiled,  complimenting you like few had before.
“Ah, I’m so sorry, this is just a little sudden, haha...” His expression fell, a look of sudden guilt replacing his cheerful grin.
“Oh no, did I put you on the spot just now? God, I am so sorry, please forgive me. Don’t worry – I wouldn’t mind if you reject. It’s just a simple proposal!” Monoma reassured. But you thought.  And thought. Never before had you been asked out on a date by someone as nice and attractive. Surely, it couldn’t hurt. If anything, you needed something so spice up your days.
“Oh, actually – it’s… it’s okay, Monoma-kun! I accept! Or, um, what I mean is, I wouldn’t mind going out on a date with you!” You smiled back, though your cheeks were growing warmer by the minute. Monoma all but jumped in excitement, grin returning.
“This is amazing! Thank you so much, [L/N]-san! Oh, oh – can I call you [L/N]-chan instead?”
“S-sure!” you managed to squeak out.
“Hmm, is today after classes okay? About 7PM? I know it gets dark early but I’ll be waiting for you at the station in the Second Ward and can even take you home if you need me to? So no reason to worry, yeah?”
“Yes, that sounds great!”
And that’s the story of how you somehow scored yourself a date with one of the most charismatic and well-liked people you had ever met. You would have been lying if you said you weren’t looking forward to it. Perhaps this was going to be your faithful encounter, the one to finally turn the gears of your life.
If only you knew what it was that awaited you that night.
The pair of crimson eyes trained on your unsuspecting frame certainly did.
After yet another quick glance at your watch, you moved to fix up your knee-length skirt one last time, as the oncoming train stopped before you. At exactly 18.32 you climbed onto it, your heartbeat easily going through the roof at just the thought of those next few hours. Though you weren’t sure what to expect yet, you couldn’t wait to meet up with Monoma.
Upon noticing how packed the train looked, you exhaled in relief that you had opted for a pair of flats instead of those new heels you’d been eyeing up. You weren’t sure if you would even find a place to sit, after all.
Your eyes scanned around, and to your surprise you noticed a single empty seat, the one beside it occupied by someone clad in mostly black, a hint of red peeking out from beneath his dark hoodie. It was his hair that stood out to you, however. After all, the spiky blond locks you had happened upon were quite familiar to you.
“Hey, Bakugo-kun. Fancy running into you here!” you smiled as you approached him, motioning to the empty seat beside him. He shuffled closer to the window to give you some more space. With a gracious nod, you sat down beside him, and proceeded to pull out your phone and give Bakugo his peace – he never looked to be in a talkative mood. You wondered if it was his naturally hostile expression that made others weary of taking the seat.
Yet your mind kept wandering in circles, all of which lead back to him.
“So… Where are you heading to…?” you asked, only now realizing this might have been the first time you had ever had a proper conversation with him, despite having known him for years. He glanced at you, then turned to look out the window once again.
“Second ward. Got some family shit to attend.” Your eyes widened, lips curling up into a smile.
“Ah, what a coincidence! That’s where I’m going too! Surely you wouldn’t mind the company until then?”
“Yeah, whatever. Though I have to wonder what a girl like you’s doing, going to a dangerous ward like that anyway,” he muttered, unbeknownst to you already knowing the answer. You pouted.
“Hey now, I’m not a child, you know? My parents taught me a thing or two about taking care of myself. Plus, I won’t be alone!” You could have very well imagined it, but you could swear his gaze, still aimed at the passing scenery in the window, had hardened into a glare.
That half an hour had flown by like barely half a minute, as you found yourself enjoying Bakugo’s company, despite having to lead the conversation yourself most of the time. He didn’t seem to mind too much though.
When your stop came around, you both made haste to the exit, quickly stepping aside to let the remaining passengers get off as well. Watching the train depart once more, you turned to Bakugo, hands intertwined behind your back, as you smiled at him.
“Thank you for letting me chat with you like this! I had a blast! See you tomorrow?”
“Yeah. Now go,” he grumbled, eyes focused somewhere behind you, lingering there even after you turned around to find your date waving to you from afar. You said one last goodbye to Bakugo and ran over to the other boy.
“Sorry for being late, Monoma-kun. Hope you didn’t have to wait long!” you greeted as you waved the blond hello. He laughed.
“Are you kidding me? It’s only been a minute or two, [L/N]-chan, no need to apologize.” You nervously laughed with him. “May I add, it was definitely worth it – you look even more gorgeous than usual, there was no need to outdo yourself like that!” You blushed. Ah, how you wished it was socially acceptable to just hide your face behind your hands right there and then.
“Aw, thank you! But you look great as well – I had to match!” You weren’t very good at this whole dating thing. Nor the conversation thing for that matter. But you’d be damned if you didn’t at least try.
“You’re flattering me. Shall we go, my lady?” And suddenly, the heat had risen to your cheeks.
“Only if you drop the ‘my lady’ part...” you muttered, mentally smacking yourself when your voice quivered.
“If you insist. But that’s no fun...” Monoma faked a pout, but smiled again and set off. You let him walk a little ways ahead of you, choosing to take in the unfamiliar area instead. You had the whole evening ahead of you to spend time together, after all.
“Oh, that reminds me – what was that guy doing here with you?” Monoma suddenly stopped, turning towards you with eyes that, at a first glance, appeared to be full of curiosity. Though the longer you looked at them, the more this sinking feeling in your stomach grew. The kind of feeling that was desperately trying to scream at you that there was something else they hid a little further past the curiosity.
“You mean Bakugo-kun? We just happened to run into each other on the train. He said he had some family business in the area or something,” you mumbled, noticing Monoma had slowed his pace down and was now walking beside you again. “Ah, I completely forgot!”
You jumped, scrambling to find your phone. Monoma watched you in bewilderment as you dug through the tissues, keys, even a few random pens you carried for reasons you may never know, hand finally reaching for the smartphone buried at the bottom of your small purse. With a satisfied smile, you quickly typed up a short message to Bakugo.
‘Forgot to wish you a good time with your family!^^’
And – send. There we go! Can’t believe it slipped my mind…
“...ding ground, that bastard,” was the first thing you heard from Monoma once you finally put your phone away. You cocked your head in confusion.
“What was that again?” you asked, a little blush spreading to your cheeks when you realized you hadn’t been paying attention to the boy who’d been so kind as to propose a date to you. Then again, the way he had spoken as if to himself, perhaps you weren’t meant to hear it.
“Huh? Ah – hanging around! You know, would you mind hanging around a little before we go somewhere for dinner?” he asked, that sweet smile of his you were quickly getting used to returning to his face. The change was perhaps a bit too sudden but you chose to brush it off.
“Sounds good to me. I’m not that hungry yet anyway.”
“Oh, good for you. I’m kinda starving though,” Monoma muttered. His words however, left you with an odd sense of dread. You didn’t quite know why. Perhaps you were just too paranoid for your own good. After all, a dark street late at night was sure to give a young girl some strange thoughts, no?
You chose to instead put your trust in Monoma. Everyone had their quirks. He had done nothing to make you suspicious of him, after all. You were just imagining things that weren’t there.
God, how you hoped you were just imagining them.
As the two of you shared a quiet and peaceful walk (as peaceful as your raging thoughts would let it to be anyway), you took to looking at the streets around you. Anything was better than contemplating whether the silence you were engulfed in was a comfortable one or not.
It was getting late and the second ward was, admittedly, a dangerous one. Not only was it overflowing with ghouls and investigators left and right, it was also home to the frequent attacks of a binge-eater in the recent weeks.
Which is why there was no way you were going there alone. Fortunately for you, all the victims seemed to have been by themselves when they had been attacked, not to mention the lack of witnesses. Whoever this ghoul was, they were into the easy targets. But with a partner beside you and a slew of people walking nearby, you felt at ease.
Huh? You could swear there really were people walking all around you just a few minutes ago… This was the main street – it should have been busy, even late at night.
It… it was the main street, right? Had you taken an odd turn without realizing it? Monoma seemed pretty confident as he lead the way though.
Something seemed odd.
You were on the verge of freaking out. One look around you only made things worse. This street, these buildings – why did they look so familiar?
But you had never been to the second ward before. Where had you seen them? In person? Unlikely. Perhaps on the TV then? Or online?
Could it have been the news?
You let out a quiet gasp.
‘Hanging around’
‘...ding ground, that bastard.’
‘...ding ground.’
Following the gasp, an icy shiver ran down your spine, as your heartbeat faltered for a second, only to then come back faster than ever. The sound echoed loudly in your ears.
Hanging around? No – that was most certainly not what he had said.
Feeding ground.
“Feeding ground...” you breathed out. Your walking came to a sharp halt, the realization seeming to root you in place.
And despite your voice hovering barely above a whisper, your words were heard. Loud and clear. Because Monoma stopped too, though he didn’t turn to face you quite yet.
“The streets are empty… It’s so quiet… Because this- because this is your feeding ground...” Every new word you let slip was just another mistake to push you to your early grave. Then again, if your assumption was correct, your ‘date’ had long dug that grave and was about to bury you in it himself.
Only then did Monoma turn to face you. You couldn’t see his eyes, which remained covered by his hair, but his shoulders clearly shook a few times. And then he laughed.
And laughed, and laughed, and laughed.
It was the kind of laugh you’d hear in a cheesy horror movie or a cheaply made scary game.
Never in your life had you imagined it could be for real.
“Ahahaha, I got myself a smart girl, didn’t I!?” he exclaimed, finally straightening up to face you. And this time, you could clearly make out his eyes, even in the darkening streets.
Tonight, they were nothing like the calm blue hues you had admired a mere week ago. They were now black, a pair of small red irises staring back at you. You were terrified.
A reddish blur whizzed past you, making you snap back to reality.
Figuring out his intentions had been the easy part. Now was the real beginning of a night you likely wouldn’t even survive.
So, you ran.
Putting one leg in front of the other, pushing your body ever forward – that was all that occupied your mind. You didn’t look back, in fear of what awaited you. Though you knew what it was very well – a ghoul’s kagune. Protruding from their back and acting like their strongest weapon against humans, the kagune was used to hunt their prey, murder it mercilessly, and tear it to pieces.
Now you most certainly didn’t want to look back.
If only things ever went your way.
A sharp pain stabbed right through your shoulder. So sharp in fact, you couldn’t hold the scream that tore its way out of your throat, echoing across the nearby dark alleyways, in sync with the sound of numerous droplets of blood splattering onto the ground.
It hurt.
Goddammit, it hurt so, so badly.
You wanted to cry, shout, scream more, yet your voice seemed to be lost already.
You were too afraid to look, but you were certain that it was his kagune that had pierced through your body like it was just some measly piece of paper. And suddenly that kagune yanked you backwards, as your back was roughly slammed against a wall and you slumped to the ground, quietly sobbing from the ever-increasing pain.
Your vision was becoming blurrier by the minute, yet you could still make out the person- no, the creature leisurely approaching you. His face was just a moving blob of color, until he crouched before you, eyeing you with a twisted smile. You could finally place why that same smile had previously seemed so odd to you, though you were too late. Beside his foot you noticed the purse you had been carrying, now discarded on the ground, all your belongings scattered about in an ugly mess.
Monoma had just opened his mouth to speak, but his attempt went ignored, as you reached for the small blue ballpoint pen just beside your outstretched hand, the clear barrel blurring in and out of sight.
He stood and watched you with a simple curiosity. The kind of curiosity a child felt as it laughed at the small insect it was holding captive, knowing it wouldn’t find an escape, but meet a painful end instead. Your futile attempts must have been so humorous to him, he felt the need to mock them out loud too.
“What do you think you’re doing, doll? You think a pen’s gonna help ya? Unless you want to stab yourself with it?” He let out a dark chuckle. “Sorry, but I don’t intend to give you the satisfaction.”
He made no attempt to stop you though. Had he not just put you on the verge of death, you might have even thanked him for his carelessness. Pen grasped in your trembling hand, your eyes, though with much difficulty, shifted to the kagune beside you. Only now did you notice how his seemed to look like two long tentacles, colored a dark shade of blood red.
“Oh? You plan to stab my kagune?” he laughed. “Go ahead, try it.”
But you knew better. Dead or not, your parents were ghoul investigators. And they had taught you well.
Kagune couldn’t be pierced just like that. Not with a knife, not even with a bullet, let alone a pen.
Stabbing it was out of the question.
Instead, you positioned the pen sideways, thrusting it as hard as your weakening body would allow. Monoma realized his mistake a second too late.
After all, even a ghoul was weak against a surface wound.
As the pain connected and lodged itself into the kagune at an unnatural and unpleasant angle, Monoma cried out in a mix of pain and fury. The part of it that had been holding you captive also disappeared, leaving a bunch of fresh blood to pour from the now widely-open wound on your shoulder.
Your sense were weakening and fast. But in this moment, all you had to do was survive.
You took to running yet again.
He did not chase after you this time, at least not at first.
You knew he was playing some kind of twisted game. He could easily catch you the moment he so wished. Instead, he wanted to give you a glimpse of hope, a taste of salvation, only to drag you back down and crush all of it to pieces with you.
Now the question was – who was to become the winner of this little game?
“I saw how you looked at her just now and I’m warning you – you had your chance, and you wasted it. She’s my prey now so you better stay out of the way, you got that?”
“I don’t give a fuck what you plan to do with her. At least I’m not that stupid – she’s the child of two CCG investigators. Ain’t exactly the best ‘prey’ you could wish for.”
“What are you talking about – she’s perfect. Aren’t I doing all my fellow ghouls a favor? She’d just become another dove the moment she steps foot into the real world anyway. I’ll just make sure to get rid of her before it comes to that.”
“Tch. I told you – I don’t care. You can do whatever the hell you want...”
Bakugo thought back to the exchange he’d had with the girl’s ‘date’ (though he knew better) just earlier that day, shortly after he’d invited her to go out with him.
He’d known the new guy was a ghoul the moment he’d walked in – that bastard had reeked of death and corpses, at least to his keen senses. He despised how he had clicked in with everybody else right off the bat too.
Frankly, he had no family business in the second ward. Or any business here for that matter. He’d been going to the fourth ward, where his home and a certain cafe he was stuck working at were.
Yet when [F/N] had sat next to him and cheerfully initiated a small conversation, as unexpected as it may have been, he’d suddenly blurted out the place which he had heard to be her meet-up spot with that wretched ghoul.
He had zero intention of stopping whatever was about to go down.
So then… why was he hesitating to leave!?
He had asked himself that many times already, but his eyes had remained glued to the single text message he had received.
‘Forgot to wish you a good time with your family!^^’
Not long after, the first scream had sounded. He had grit his teeth through it, finally finding the resolve to walk away. Far, far away.
Because a ghoul was not supposed to have compassion for some human, dammit.
Following the momentary sound of ragged breathing and a pair of frantic and uneven footsteps, a body collided with his back from just around the corner, sending him stumbling a few steps forward.
Though he easily kept his balance, something fell to the ground behind him. He turned to see the bleeding girl at his feet, only to stare at her collapsed frame in shock.
While he was at a loss for what to do, [F/N] let out a few painful coughs, clutching at the wound on her shoulder, and continuing to crawl ahead instead. It was a pitiful sight.
Just when he’d begun to wonder if she’d even noticed him at all, she raised her head and as her eyes that were overflowing with tears streaming down her scuffed cheeks met his, her face suddenly flooded with relief.
But that relief was then immediately washed away, replaced with a look of pure horror.
Huh? Why was she scared of him now?
Wait, scratch that. Why was she even still alive!?
“You...” her voice trembled. “I-I know...” She made a move to lift herself up, yet fell back to the ground, her ragged breaths more frequent now. Not knowing where to go, she slowly crawled back, as far away from him as she could, before she leaned her back against the wall, leaving a red stain right behind her shoulder. Her watery eyes looked wide from fear at the sight of the blond towering above her.
“You’re a ghoul too!! I know, I’ve known for- for a long time!” For someone losing blood as quickly as she was, she was shouting and crying out at him like it was no big deal. “How you always seem to drink coffee, how you never eat during the breaks, how you twitch whenever someone mentions ghouls – all of it!!” Her voice cracked. Then she went quiet and looked down, her shoulders shaking with silent sobs.
“I thought… I thought you were good…! You- you’re part of his plan too, aren’t you!?” Her crying seemed to choke her words. She then remained silent again, curling onto herself.
Had she… given up already? Had she realized she stood no chance with two monsters on her trail?
Bakugo grit his teeth. She was right in front of him. She knew what he was.
And she was helpless, blaming him. So why not kill her right here and just put an end to all this – to both of their misery…?
Would that annoying voice at the back of his head finally shut up for good then!?
Before he could come to a conclusion (or rather, talk himself out of the conclusion he had already reached a while ago but sternly refused to accept), a new pair of footsteps, this time accompanied by infuriating laughter, approached. Soon, a fellow ghoul came into view, and his eyes, while scanning around for the girl he was pursuing, locked onto Bakugo instead.
Oh, how he hated this.
He hated himself for ever considering it.
And he hated himself for actually doing it.
Bakugo growled.
“Be fucking grateful, [F/N]. You’ll get to live another day.”
Your world was still a blurry mess, though it was much worse than it had been earlier. Your eyes refused to adjust to the black spots clouding your vision.
By this point, you were more than ready to meet your end. You just wanted the pain gone.
Was it going to be Monoma? Or perhaps Bakugo?
Whoever it was, you regretted to be done in by one of those monsters. You didn’t want to give them that pleasure.
Then again, you only had yourself to blame. The signs had been there all along. Even knowing what Bakugo was, you still let yourself believe he might be different. And even not knowing what Monoma was, you were too blind and trusting to foresee what was to come.
A pair of feet moved in front of you, blocking your view of Monoma. Or the blurry shape you assumed was him anyway. You noticed a kagune you hadn’t seen before, most likely Bakugo’s. In that moment, you closed your eyes.
Muffled words were exchanged, whether spoken to you or between the two, you didn’t know. In that moment, you were only praying your end would be swift.
And yet, the pain… it never came.
You weren’t sure how much time had passed, but you were still very much alive. At this rate, the blood loss might end up being the thing that does you in.
Despite not knowing what was happening, the sounds of clashing, fighting, movement were coming from seemingly every direction. Or were your senses too distracted to pinpoint them?
You shut your eyes tight. Perhaps it was better this way. You wouldn’t mind drifting off to sleep in peace.
But that peace was interrupted when a hand touched your uninjured shoulder. Though the touch was warm and light, you flinched.
“Hey, pipe down. You’re safe.” The low voice brought you so much comfort. But wasn’t this the same voice that had sent you in another wave of panic earlier? The rest of the noises had stopped, leaving only the unpleasant ringing in your ear. You decided to be hopeful and slowly forced one of your eyes open. Upon finding a pair of tired red eyes and a head of spiky ash blond hair hunched over you, your mind flooded with questions.
Why were you still alive? Why hadn’t he killed you? What was he doing?
Was he… helping you…?
You tried to speak, but your voice was nowhere to be found.
Bakugo sighed and grabbed the arm on your uninjured side, gently pulling you up, as your quivering body was left to lean against his sturdy frame. Only then did you notice the blood splatters and twitching chunks of what appeared to be Monoma’s kagune scattered about everywhere. Your attacker himself however, was nowhere in sight.
“He… ran away…?” you somehow croaked out, much to Bakugo’s surprise, though he quickly composed himself and nodded.
“Yeah. Bastard was quick. Couldn’t catch him,” he said, as he slipped off the sweater he’d been wearing on top of his black t-shirt, and tied it carefully around your wounded shoulder, earning a couple of groans from your barely conscious self. “Though I doubt he’d ever have the guts to come near you again. Or return here at all, for that matter.” You relaxed against him. Not that you really had much of a choice in that regard, as your body was quickly shutting off its functions one by one.
“I’m… such an idiot...”
“You may be an idiot. But you’re alive now, which is all that really matters.”
“Mhm. Thank you, Bakugo-kun...”
The words caught in his throat and he paused. You were light-headed and the pain must have been getting to you. No way you were going to say something as ridiculous otherwise.
“Hey, I’m gonna bring you somewhere where they’ll fix you up in no time,” he muttered, noticing your drooping eyelids.
“Hospital…?” He shook his head. Then again, you probably didn’t see that.
“Not quite. It’s a nice lil’ cafe called Yuuei. You might’ve heard of it.”
“Is that so...” Your words were dragged out and slurred together. The shock, the pain, the blood loss – it all was taking its effect at once.
“Right. So I’ll see you again when you wake up,” he said, lifting you up on his back.
“Alright...” You managed a weak smile. “That sounds good...”
Those were your last words before your eyes shut tight again, breath slowing down.
Right now, Bakugo only hoped he could get to Yuuei before your time was up. He wasn’t planning on letting you slip away this easily. Not yet.
It was kind of ironic. A ghoul and a human. The hunted and the daughter of the hunters.
The monster and the prey.
But it was an irony he didn’t yet know he would grow to love.
For your journey had only just begun.
Protocol K78152112
Subject #6
Real Name: Hikiishi Kenji
Background: Family slaughtered by ghouls
Results: Body mutations; loss of cognitive functions; undeveloped k*****.
Subject did not react well to procedure; cause undetermined.
(scribbled in pen) Well maybe don’t mess up the doses next time, you good-for-nothing assistants!!
Author’s Note: I am incredibly excited to finally share this with y’all! To those of you who’ve been here since “Explosive Touch” - hi, and welcome back! And to those who are just joining me – I hope you’ll enjoy this story!! This all started off as a little scenario I daydreamed about a year ago, and lo and behold – it’s now a full-fledged multi-chapter story!
If you’ve read “Irony” already (the oneshot which was essentially my prototype for this first chapter), I’ve got you covered – Chapter 2 is already up so please check that out if you’re looking for some new content! I’ll try not to get too wordy this early on, but I’ve put a lot of thought and care into this story so I hope you’ll love it as much as I do!!
And psst, a quick heads-up – if anything seems either oddly specific or a bit too random, it might just be important to the plot in some way? Feel free to speculate – I’d love to see what you make of my little hints and foreshadowing! Onto the next chapter~
(Thank you for your patience and interest @chims-kookies​ @creativedogs​ - here it finally is!!)
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aurification · 4 years
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I can be a handful, but that's why you have two hands.
basics —
FACECLAIM: Peter Gadiot FULL NAME: Michael Jon Carter NICKNAMES: Mikey ALIAS: Booster Gold BIRTHDATE: December 29th, 2442 BIRTHPLACE: Gotham City AGE: 35 HEIGHT: 6’5” HAIR COLOR: Blond EYE COLOR: Blue FAMILY: Jon Carter (father), Ellen Carter (mother, deceased), Michelle Carter (twin sister), Rip Hunter (son), Rani Carter (adopted daughter), Daniel Carter (21st century ancestor), Rose Levin (21st century ancestor), Skeets (robotic sidekick) AFFILIATIONS: Justice League, Time Masters OCCUPATION: Model / Socialite   MBTI: ESFP SEXUALITY: Bisexual MARITAL STATUS: Divorced → Michael was married to an older woman named Gladys who was his sugar mama. Their marriage didn’t last long before he asked for a divorce. IDENTITY STATUS: Public RELIGIOUS BELIEFS: Atheist
powers / abilities —
LEGION FLIGHT RING: provides him with the ability of flight.
POWER SUIT: uses an advanced microcircuitry-powered all-purpose combat suit that allows him a wide range of options to use in combat.
ENHANCED DURABILITY: the suit is extremely durable and very lightweight. It’s able to withstand bullets without losing its integrity but getting shot will still hurt.
SUPERHUMAN STRENGTH: the microcircuitry woven into the mesh affords him a high measure of super-strength, enough to easily shift twenty tons - and a great deal more if he exerts himself.
FORCE FIELD GENERATION: the suit is capable of generating a force-field that was powerful enough to take a direct punch from doomsday and leave him intact.
TIME TRAVEL CIRCUITRY:  time-travel circuitry is built into his suit, enabling him to travel through the time stream, both into the past and the future. the suit has also been been upgraded by rip hunter to enable michael to traverse chronal anomalies without any adverse effects.
GAUNTLETS: able to provide powerful energy blasts via blasters in the suit’s gauntlets. at the highest setting they can plow through two feet of concrete. they also allow him to create an absorbing field which acts similar to a tractor beam, in which he can grab hold of objects and move them about or hurdle them at foes.
VISOR DEVICES: his visor is outfitted with sensory amplification devices for auditory and visual. also has an hud for targeting and indentifying threats.
ENHANCED VISION: the visor can scan along the electromagnetic spectrum, provide infrared, ultraviolet, and x-ray vision.
ENHANCED HEARING: amplified to super human levels allowing him to hear sounds and frequencies no other human can hear.
headcanons —
Four years ago back in his universe, Michael rescued a Daxamite child from the planet Daxam while Darkseid was invading it. Her parents were killed, and unfortunately witnessed the traumatic event. He took her back to Earth since she didn’t have any friends or family left after what Darkseid did done to her planet. The child quickly became attached to Michael, that much was obvious — even carrying around a teddy bear dressed up as him around the house. Michael adopted her shortly after, her new name now Rani Carter. She’s thirteen years old now in the present and has grown comfortable enough to call him dad. Now since she’s a Daxamite, that means she has powers similar to Kryptonians under a yellow sun. This surely keeps everything interesting for Booster.
Michael isn’t from this universe but is actually from an alternate timeline. Everything is the same for the most part except for one thing. His Ted Kord is dead because of what Maxwell Lord had done. It has been seven years since losing his best friend. This spiraled into him getting sole ownership of Kord Industries and taking on Jaime Reyes as a mentoree to respect his best friend’s wishes. How he ended up here will be explained in his biography at the end of this!
Normally Booster would always be clean-shaven but has grown a beard in recent years after falling into a deep depression. His daughter has never seen him without it. He does make sure to trim it when necessary but hasn’t thought about getting rid of the beard since this is just part of his look now.
personality traits —
- RECKLESS. Michael has a tendency to think with his heart sometimes and act on his own personal interests. He doesn’t care about being respected, being the greatest hero you’ve never heard of for a reason so this impacts his decisions in being impulsive or putting himself in a dangerous position.
- ECCENTRIC. Some might think of his sense of humor to be rather strange. He tends to laugh at the wrong times and not say the right thing when it’s important to be serious. He always thinks this makes him unique but it might be annoying instead to others.
+ AMIABLE.  He’s always friendly and upbeat unless given a reason not to be. This has been harder since his his best friend died and Rip told him there was no way to go back and save him. He’s starting to slowly become his old self again with each day though. You wouldn’t know that meeting him since he keeps the lighthearted attitude when talking to a friend or a stranger. He’s an optimist despite the tragedy filling his past.
+ CONFIDENT. He’s charismatic and has confidence in his abilities. This isn’t only just applied to what he does as Booster Gold but also with his modeling career also. The charisma is applied to conversations too, no matter how stupid his ideas might be there’s no hesitation in throwing them out there to someone.
biography for the last seven years —
When the ban started here in this universe, Michael had still been in his own attending a funeral. His best friend was gone and this made him fall into a deep depression. They had two memorial services — one for the businessman everyone knew Ted to be and another for the hero he was. Booster ended up being the last person to arrive at the service and didn’t know what to say when it was his turn to speak in front of the rest of the Justice League. He didn’t believe in anything ever getting better after that but it was with the support of his sister that there was a glimmer of hope. It was hard, really hard. The hardest thing he ever did to not go back and try rewriting history.
His life has been busy since, putting most of his efforts toward either helping the rest of the Justice League or keeping history intact. It does him good having something to do, keeping his mind occupied on how empty the world seemed. It wasn’t until four years ago after adopting Rani that Michael started to experience what it felt to be happy again.
Now bringing it all to the present, a few weeks ago Michael was helping some other heroes fight a creature terrorizing New York. His daughter was a teenager now and recently was gifted one of Michelle’s old Goldstar uniforms for sentimental reasons. Rani wants to be her father’s sidekick but Michael couldn’t lost anyone else. He’s always firm with saying no. She appeared at the scene begging to help but just as they were bickering the creature bursted through a nearby building. Skeets informed them that it was coming right for them. Michael did the only thing any father would do — whatever it takes to protect his family.
He used his time travel technology in his suit to take them away from the destruction coming for them. He meant to only hop a few minutes into the future but something went wrong and they crash landed in a different universe. The not-so-glamorous landing busted the device so there’s no way of getting home but at least Rani and Skeets were okay. This was all he cared about at the end of the day. Maybe it could be possible to build a life here until figuring out a way to fix his suit but seems unlikely right now. Michael realized the Booster Gold of this universe hasn’t been around for a while but has a history of being a model too just like him. He uses this as an easy way to get some work while they’re here.
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