#the trashiest of man drawers
imdoingwhateverisnext ยท 1 year
Tight E Whitey
As a single mom of sons, I made an executive decision and I do not apologize for it:
There are no tightey-whiteys allowed in my home. Any TEW's that end up here, land in the trash. My kids know this.
I decided years ago, it took too much work to keep them white. Bleach destroyed the elastic band, and I couldn't wash anything else with them. Trying to rid kids or even adult underwear from yellowing or skids is a losing battle. This may be a brutal stance, but I am just being honest.
Why does this article of clothing still exist? I have never seen any person look good wearing them. No grown man or man child looks good wearing these stupid things. Even so, they will not stay white, and they fully display how disgusting the wearer actually is.
Bleach loads still do not exist in my house except for specific white items that need washing. In my house nearly everything is washed together. No separation or segregation is required.
If you are white clothing (especially of the under type) and you require bleach, you do not belong here. This is possibly not the most popular opinion, but I don't care. I support what I say.
I refuse to gather a clothes basket of disgusting white/beige underwear. They should be called tighty-brownies or tighty-beigies. Also, how much time would be required to gather enough of these things to make a load? A week? Two weeks? Also, how would my house smell by the time I collected enough of these God forsaken things to make a full laundry load?
I do laundry. I wash clothes, and I support colored boxer briefs.
Sometimes you have to pick a side and take a stand.
Just Say "no" to Tight E Whiteys
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