#the trouble is I HAVE the stuff to make much simpler cocktails but this keeps being what I'm in the mood for :')
blujayonthewing · 2 years
an unanticipated problem with my silly little dnd cocktails is that I like the nightcap but I do not, it turns out, very much care for a brandy alexander, which is what it was based on but is much simpler and quicker to make :')
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Gone and Left Your World (Venable x reader (Part 1))
Okay, so I have a problem called I can’t write one-shots even though I try.  So I’m now doing another series even though I hadn’t finished my last. 
Story summary: You were going out with Venable before the apocalypse. Four years of your memory are gone and you’re now in the outpost with your Ex.
Warnings: Alcoholism (mentioned), cabalism (cuz that one scene) and a bit of smut.
Parts: One, Two, Three, Four
“…I never felt love.”
“Neither have I.”
Long ago, if you asked Venable, she may have answered differently. The world before the apocalypse was a different time. The world that surrounded the occupants of outpost 3 was simpler, everything drew down to two classes; the purples and the greys- the elite and the servants. The way it should have always been.  
The world before was complex, everything had too many variables. No order in the way the world worked and no justice. 
She thought she knew love, but it walked out on her. At first, she thought something had happened, that her lover had been kidnapped or worse. Trying to remain rational, she called your work to see if you had been sent on a last-minute business trip. It happened a lot that time of the year, someone couldn’t go, so they forced you to go in their place. Venable hated it, ranting about the company’s incompetence. You would stop packing, laid a kiss on her check and promised you would be back as soon as possible. The only plus side was when you made up for it when you got back a couple days later. 
They told her you hadn’t been in. 
No note left behind, and her partner’s ring was missing. There were no problems in your relationship- at least to Venables knowledge there weren’t. That didn’t stop you from leaving her in the broken remains of the woman she had become.
But now she knew she was wrong. You were there and she wanted to make your life a living hell. 
All the purples gasp. The purples whisper among themselves. Ms Mead was about to tell the new purple off when Ms Venable banged her cane against the ground silencing all. 
“It’s Ms Venable to you, Ms L/N,” Ms Venable corrected. “As you just arrive to outpost 3 and you may not have been made aware, you get a pass. Don’t do it again.” So much for going hard on you. She goes to sit down in her chair at the head of the table. “And next time, be to dinner on time. I’d hate to punish you.”
“Of course, Ms Venable, as you wish.”
You take your seat at the table. The other purples eyeing you before mumbling to the others. You jabbed your nutrition cube watching it jiggle. You let out a slight chuckle and poked it again. The other purples watched on. You were by no means the youngest at the table, two of the members were about eighteen (though it was hard to tell when you were all dressed in Victorian clothing) but at that moment you appeared the most immature out of all of them. You apologized for you childish sense of humour and when back to eating.
You slowly ate your cube, every so often glancing up to see Ms Venable staring directly at you. It didn’t sit right with you. How had she become the ruler of this outpost? You cursed your mind for the years you’ve forgotten. It was 2014 and then it was 2018 and you were alone in a shifty hotel room with no recollection of the last four years. 
Pssskkk. The man next to you got your attention. He had the whitest hair you had seen. He appeared to be in his early thirties.
“How do you know Venable?”
“I-I don’t know her,” you mumbled out shoving a forkful of cube in your mouth.
“So, you just happened to know her first name without meeting her, oh that makes perfect sense,” he said sarcastically. 
“L/N, what did you do before the end of the world?” Emily (the youngest female purple) asked. 
“I dabbled with everything; Acting, singing, I owned a company, was a personal assistant twice, physic and uh~ (dream job)”
“Geez overachiever much,” Coco said. At least you had worked a day in your life and not been handed everything on a golden platter like her. “Personal assistant? Shouldn’t you be a grey then?”
“I shouldn’t be here at all to be honest, let alone a purple. I have no clue why I was chosen.”
“Maybe it was something in your DNA, did you ever do a DNA test?”
“Nope.” You popped you p. “I’m (cultural background), that’s all that matters to me. I don’t care about ancestral background and all that.”
“You were a physic?”
“I was an apprentice working under Billie Dean Howard.”
“The chick who did tv shows going to haunted houses?” Mr Gallant asked. 
“Doesn’t she kind of look like Venable?” Timothy Campbell asked.
“She does.” Emily said.
“It’s probably just a coincidence.”
“I bet if they were on the same TV show, they would be played by the same actor.”
“Why would Venable be on a tv show? She’s too much of a-”
“I would choose your next words very carefully Ms St. Pierre Vanderbilt,” Venable threatened her hand clenching around the handle of a cane.
“Yes Ms Venable.” Coco drew her attention back to you. “Back to what you were saying Y/N.”
“Y-yes. I started as her assistant, organising her bookings and … other stuff,” you cleared your throat. “She saw potential, I got scared and I ran.”
“Saw a ghost?” Gallant joked.
“The dead doesn’t scare me Gallant, it’s the living you should watch out for,” you said with all the serious in the world. “The dead have nothing to lose. The living are playing the same game we are.”
“Which is?”
“Life.” You take a sip of your water staring down the person who asked the last question. “Don’t let me hog the conversation, someone else take the reins.”
The group changed the topic allowing you to go back to your meal. Ms Venable’s eyes were fixated to you the whole time as you spoke. You didn’t want to cause her any more trouble than you already had. She had all the power, if you wanted to stay alive you must learn to follow her rules, good thing you were used to that. 
Once Ms Venable finished, she dismissed everyone. 
“Ms L/N remain behind. I wish to speak to you.”
You gulped but complied. Some people gave you a look of sympathy as they walked past. “Ms Mead, I can handle this alone. You may attend to other duties.” Ms Mead left. 
“Ms Venable-”
“The house rules are simple. You will refer to me only as Ms Venable. You may never leave the building. If you wander out onto the grounds, you will not be allowed back in due to the danger of radiation contamination. You will take your chances with the canker pus monsters beyond the gates. And no unauthorized copulation of any kind, under any circumstances, no exceptions.”
Unauthorized? Who had to authorise it?
“Jesus, when was the last time she got laid?” her scowl deepens. “Shit, I said that aloud, didn’t I?”
“Profanity is also unacceptable. You’re an elite member of this outpost, act like it.” You thought she would scold you for talking back to her. “As you already know, you’ll find the evening wear on the left side of the armoire and we dress for dinner. Cocktails in the music room at 6:30. Be prompt. There’s no excuse for tardiness when there’s nothing else to do.”
Did she memorise this speech?
“Of course, Ms Venable. Is that all?”
She wanted to say more but held herself back. She dismissed you, watching you leave for cocktails in the music room with the others. 
Days blended, drawing out. Every mealtime went the same. You sat in silence occasionally looking around when something interesting was said or when you felt eyes burning into you. 
You spent your days pondering how you were an elite. Most paid their way to be where you were sitting, the two exceptions where the two who had the perfect genes. And there you were, a failed actor with a history of alcoholism was now a purple in outpost 3. Who did you eat out to score a place in your own living hell?
You were trapped in a place with your ex. You didn’t even know what you did to her to make her hate you. Did she hate you? It’s hard to tell with her, she treats everyone poorly. You couldn’t remember anything, and it killed you. Did you sleep with somebody else? Did you fight and then you stormed off and left things unsolved? You had to ask her but asking could lead to your downfall. She has the power to end you in an instant by giving a simple command but instead, she lets you roam around in her presence. It made no sense. 
You regret the countless nights downing anything that had the word alcohol on it. The only reason you could focus now was because your agent forced you to go to rehab to get your shit together. Somewhere along the line, you had forgotten what you did. You knew this was on you, she was perfect, how could you compare?
More days went on and the number of outpost residences dropped. Greys you once saw lined up during meals were now missing. 
Venable warned the outpost occupants that their supplies are meant for a few years and conditions must improve or options will be limited. Was this the limited options? Cut down the number of people to keep more resources. With some of the punishments you had seen in passing, it wouldn’t surprise you. Your Wilhelmina was long gone now. The woman left behind wasn’t one to mess with- not saying she was not to be messed with prior to the end times. 
A carrier pigeon arrived inside the perimeter carrying a message from their benefactors. Three outposts have been overrun, and they are the only ‘civilized’ people left. The rest are starving or dying (“There are no more governments. Only rotting mounds of corpses, too many to bury. Starving people kill for a piece of bread. Three outposts have been overrun. We are the last vestiges of civilized life on the planet. Be vigilant.”). Coco suggested we cook the pigeon, but it was contaminated by the fallout. You were all disappointed, something besides cubes sounded nice. A hot cooked meal, maybe a stew or Sunday roast. You hadn’t had a good one in years, the cubs pale in comparison to a home cooked meal.
“We will only survive if we follow the rules.” One of the guards came up to Venable and whispered something to her. “There’s a problem. We’ve detected a spike in the background radiation, centered in this room.”
“It’s her; she just came from the outside.” One of the purples pointed at you. You perked up at the accusation. What the fuck, Gallant!
The candles lighting the room began to flicker as though someone was poorly blowing them. No one noticed due to the high stress situation of someone being infected. 
“We never see her around and never talks, that’s pretty suspicious.” Stu supported what Gallant said with reasons as to why you could be the one.
“It wasn’t the pigeon?” You asked. Uh, right, she said it was centred in this room. The pigeon wouldn’t come anywhere near here. You began to panic, “I was cleared, Ms Mead cleared me herself and anyway, I have no reason to go out.”
“Maybe you wanted to talk to the dead, ghost girl.” Stu said.
“I wouldn’t have to leave to do that,” you growled. It was seen as a threat, but the walls housed the dead. The souls of young men screaming bloody murder. Dead long before the apocalypse. There were newer ones, since the bombs, men and women claiming they did nothing wrong.
“Place your hands on the table. And don’t move.” Ms Mead ordered. “Radioactive contamination is a grave risk to our entire community. The clean rule is there to protect all of us.” She scanned the purples as she explained how the contamination killed. A single stray gamma particle can cause skin lesions. DNA breaks apart, the body disintegrates making the person wish they died in the blast. “But someone here decided that their individual needs were more important.
Someone went outside. Touched something dirty. It makes me sick to think this person was selfish enough to risk contaminating all.”
Mead stopped at Mr Gallant. He claimed the only thing he touched was Coco’s hair, but she was clean. He was dragged off by two guards, his grandmother Evie along with a couple others yelled to bring him back. You held your breath, you were next to him, what if contaminated you too. As the machine was run across you, you prayed you were clean. Your eyes locked with the leader of the outpost. This was it; this was how she was going to get rid of you. Your eyes begged for help. She too held her breath. She bit her lower lip as the machine ran across you. It passed you and onto the person next to you. You both exhaled. Everyone’s attention was on the scanning, so no one noticed Venable’s reaction. 
It when off again on Stu (Andre Stevens partner). Andre vouched for him, saying he was with him all afternoon. They didn’t accept this, taking him off to wherever Gallant went. The lights became stable. Venable apologies for the inconvenience before telling you all to continue with dinner.
It didn’t hit you until later, when Gallant returned that they were the man two accusing you of being contaminated. Odd coincidence. 
The next night you were served your first hot meal you had been blessed with since showing up to the outpost. You were told it was chicken stew which happened to be one of your favourite meals back when you went out with Venable. Each week you would have one day that the two of you left a meal unplanned. As she had planned most of the week because your choices were too unhealthy, she let you pick the meal. It always fell on a Thursday; you never worked that day. She would chuckle when she called up to ask what you’d be making for dinner. You usually cooked due to her long hours. Your answer was always the same, chicken stew. She had to convince you to change the meat, braised beef, lamb, you once even had Kangaroo- your work sent you to Australia, the reason why was now long gone. 
“How could he be contaminated? Stu never went outside. He was with me most of the time.”
“Well, people do strange things when they’re stuck inside 24/7.”
“-I’ve started masturbating with my off hand.”
The group laughed. 
“Are you saying he deserved this?”
“I’m saying Stu was boring, and using up our food, and that lesions won’t work with my complexion.”
“Fuck you! I hope they come for you next.”
“Nobody’s coming for anyone,” Venable’s voice cut into the conversation. You straighten up. “Not unless you break the rules.” She moved to her spot to better address everyone at the table. “This is a difficult time for everyone. As a small consolation, we have a special treat.”
Plates were brought out with food covers onto them.
“No cubes tonight?”
“Enjoy the bonne bouche. Don’t get used to it.”
“You think bribing us with a hot meal just gonna make everything okay?”
“Oh, my God,” Coco said taking in a spoonful. “I think my mouth had an orgasm.”
You chuckled at her response, taking a scoop full. It tasted like nothing you’ve ever had. “What’s the meat?” Your voice wasn’t a loud, you were suppressed anyone heard you. 
“Chicken,” Venable answered you. 
“Tastes different then again I haven’t had chicken in years.” You had another mouthful. “Chicken stew used to be my favourite. Could have eaten it every day, but I was told it was too unhealthy to eat the same thing every day. Ironic now.” You glanced over to Ms Venable as you said that. She knew exactly who you were talking about. 
Instead of giving herself away in any form, she turned her attention back to the grieving man. 
“Andre, we’re not trying to bribe anyone, but there is something we all need to understand.
There is no “us” and “them.” We are in this together. No individual is greater than the group. We did what we had to do. This is quite simply a tragedy.” Venable responded to Andre before sitting down and starting her meal. She glanced up at you to get a glance at how much you were enjoying it. You catch her, offering her a quick smile.
“Where have you been hiding the fresh meat?” Good question, we don’t have generators almost everything is lit by candlelight. If they had this in hiding how did, they store it? Was it a livestock that was slaughtered before cooking?
You stopped eating the stew, peering down into it. Something was off. A voice warned you to stop. It didn’t belong to you but one of the houses. A male’s voice, familiar but you couldn’t pinpoint it. You didn’t call forth this voice, he actively sought you. 
“We have resources for special occasions.”
“I’ve never tasted anything like it.” So, it didn’t taste like chicken then? 
“It’s chicken,” Mead reiterated.
“That’s not a chicken bone,” Timothy said.
Two words you often been called by the elite members, ‘ghost girl’. You drop your spoon. Her breath halters. No~ It couldn’t be-
“Tell me this doesn’t look like a finger.” Andre gasped. “Oh, Jesus Christ. Oh, this stew is Stu!”
Gallant spat out his mouthful into his bowl. Andre yelled. Majority of the purples, gagged and coughed, trying to get the food out of them. 
“Mallory, come here and stick your finger down my throat!”
You kept staring down at the dish before you. It tasted fine before you knew what it was. He was contaminated, they wouldn’t force you to eat him, right? Ms Venable was eating the stew; he couldn’t be in it unless he never was contaminated to begin with. 
“For heaven’s sake, don’t be ridiculous. There are lines that can never be crossed. Not eating people is of the first rank.”
“I don’t care what it is. It’s absolutely divine. And it’s full of fibre. I’m going to finish every drop.”
“You’re a monster. How could you keep eating? You knew what it was.”
“It was chicken, Andre. Delicious white-meat chicken.”
“Is it him?” Someone yelled at you. Andre. “Is it?”
“You’re a cannibal. You’re all cannibals!”
He stormed off, going to the community room. His mother and some of the occupants following him. You stayed at the table with Evie, Ms Venable and Ms Mead. 
It’s just chicken, good old-fashioned chicken. No human remains in it.
Your hand shook as you picked up your spoon. Your mind fought against your body. You shouldn’t eat it, it’s human. It didn’t help you could hear the man’s voice judging you. He’s just an idiot who dated some celebs kid, nothing more, you tried to convince yourself that it needed to happen. That his death wasn’t murder for the sake of the kill but to save the survivors. But you wouldn’t eat him, if that was the case. 
Your body won over; it craved a hot meal.
The screaming from elsewhere filling the silence. You weren’t enjoying the ambience, it only reminded you of what you were doing. You were forced to make small talk with the eldest member of the outpost. She told you some stories about her life and some of the famous people she knew.
“But you know famous people too- uh~ that Bill Howie or something.”
“Billie Dean Howard,” You corrected. “It’s not really that impressive. You knew the president after all. Me knowing some medium is lame compared to that.”
“You said you were her assistant? What did you do?”
“I already told you the group this.” She wanted for you to answer still. You rolled your eyes. “Normal assistant stuff; organised her bookings, clients. It was her early days so there wasn’t really much to manage. She was a craigslist physic at the time, the fact that she hired me was bizarre.” Why did she hire you? Uh yeah, she saw ‘potential’ in you. Telling any young woman in the suggestive way she did, was bound to make you believe anything. Yes, you did have ‘potential’ but that came along after your time with her. It was her way to get you into bed with her, and it worked. You liked her but she didn’t like you back- at least not in the way you did. The apprenticeship only lasted a couple of weeks before you called it off. You felt crazy, talking to voices others couldn’t hear, seeing things people couldn’t see. It’s normal now. The alcohol stopped it for a bit, relaxed you. For a brief time, you were normal. Now, you were the ghost girl, whether they believed you or not didn’t concern you. You only had to look out for yourself. “I-I don’t want to talk about it.”
Venable was watching you, Evie noticed it too but said nothing. She was bound to tell the other’s later. They were no doubt they were talking about you behind your back. They’re aware that you know Ms Venable, they were most likely theorising how. 
She appeared more pissed than normal. Her scowl could only mean bad news. She pieced together why you didn’t wish to speak about the woman. You had known the woman before her and had met her since you left her. You mentioned her in passing but always held back, knowing that if you slipped out that you had ‘relations’ with the woman it would lead to a jealous Mina. The thought of that scared you. 
Later that night, a grey came up to you notifying you that Ms Venable wanted to see you in her office before bed curfew. You excuse yourself from the excited purples from raving on about how they were going to be rescued because the song in the common room changed. It wouldn’t surprise you if that was another sick joke from the head offs.
You knocked on Ms Venable’s door. The only noise behind the door was her cane against the wooden flooring. She was doing that to scare you. She knew how to walk with it silently. The door swung open revealing the woman in black. You will never get used to seeing this woman wearing black. She looked great in it, but it wasn’t her signature purple. Another commonality among you, you both loved the colour purple. You didn’t obsess over it as much as her, but you found it adorable that she did- you would never tell her that.
Before you could say a word, you were pulled into the room and slammed into the now closed door. Her hands clenched the fabric of your bodice. Her body pressed close to yours. You could feel the heat building up in your body. 
“Ms-” you breathed out. 
“Don’t talk,” she hissed out. Her left-hand glides down your front, moving to your side, disconnecting from your body briefly to flip the lock on the door. “Don’t move without an order. And most importantly don’t make any noise,” her voice was laced in sex. 
She smashed her lips against yours, biting your lip, forcing you to open your mouth. Her tongue fought for dominance and yours, in too much of a state of shock, you allowed her to do whatever she pleased. Her left-hand bruising grip held you against the door, her other slowly gathered the fabric of your dress. Her hand slipped the material of your dress and felt its way up, running up your thigh. She moved her way to your neck. Instinctively, you tilted it to the side allowing her more room to work. Not caring that you could have to spend the next few days hiding love bites. You fought back a moan. Your body became more squeamish as you had to fight against every urge you had. Her hand reached where you needed her most. You whimpered causing her to smirk. 
“Your mine. Your always were and you always will be, got that? Some blonde skank isn’t going to take you away from me. Not now, not ever.”
You nodded. She ran her hand over the fabric of your core, stopping roughly where the clit was. She began rubbing the area. Your head flew into the crevice of her neck using her body to stifle your moans. 
She revivals in how easy you are for her. 
Ignoring the Victorian clothing and the unfamiliar location, it was like old times. Everything reminded you of the past. Her touch managed to be rough yet loving. It wasn’t like your past partners, where they used you, there was something in it for the both of you. How wrong was it to think of another as the only woman who could ever hold your heart touched you intimately?
The candles begin to flicker. The air began to feel colder against your skin. 
You removed your head from her neck, staring at the back wall. 
“M-Ms V-Vena-” Your managed out. 
“What did I saw about talking?”
“Some-thing’s wron-” Your hand’s fly up to her chest to push her away.
A sudden gush of air blew out all the candles in the office, leaving the two in pitch black. Her grip on you loosened causing to slip to the floor smashing your head against the ground. 
You laid on a single bed, a hand stroking your hair gently. A calm voice muttering above you. You rested your head on someone’s lap. There were others in the room fast asleep. You choked back sobs trying not to wake the other girls.
 “Maybe we should go downstairs and make you some tea?” The voice offered. You could tell this was a routine. Sleepless nights, crying, being comforted and then tea in the kitchen until you collapse from exhaustion. Rise and repeat. You nod meekly. You felt yourself get dragged along until you are sat at a circular table with a tea in front of you. You didn’t touch it. You never do. 
 The woman, it’s the first time you saw her face, sighed and took a sip of her drink.
 Blonde hair that waved down past her shoulders. She adjusted her black nightgown, covering a part of her chest that had been slightly exposed. She was a sight for sore eyes. Your eyes were sore, worn out from what you the days you’d remained awake.  
 “I know you don’t want to talk about it, but you can’t keep doing this to yourself. You’re wearing yourself out.”
 “It’s fi-”
 “You haven’t slept in three days; your class attendance and participation has slipped and whatever I’ve tried to help you relax hasn’t worked. I’m running out of ideas to help you y/n. I’m running on little sleep myself.”
 “Go to bed then, the coven needs you-”
 “-and so, do you.” She cut in. “Is it your powers that’s worrying you?”
 You had concerns about your abilities. They were abnormal- at least they were to you. Who wanted to be associated with the dead? The dead were alive in your mind, you could see them. Their souls called out to you and sometimes you talked back. You were learning to filter the noise. It was tiring work but that’s not what’s keeping you up at night. 
 “Indirectly, I guess,” you fiddled with your engagement ring. Her eyes follow your movement. She let out a simple “oh”. “I’m alright, just give me a moment.” You always said this. A moment isn’t meant to last forever but your feelings had. 
 “I know I might sound stupid for asking but would you like to try to sleep in my bedroom instead of yours. You won’t have to fear waking up other girls.”
 “I don’t know, Cordelia.”
 “My bed is more comfortable, and it means I can be close in case you need me.”
 “Alright,” you sighed. 
 “That’s my girl.”
You found yourself alone in your bed still fully dressed from dinner last night. You ran your hand over your face, letting it drag on until it reached your chest. You’d dreamed it, of course you did. You were horny from not getting laid in months. Your hand tugged on the chain of your necklace. It was hidden fairly well under all your attire. Attached to the chain was a very important possession of yours. A ring. You clench it tight, place a kiss on the stone and tuck it back away. 
Who was the blonde your saw? Whatever her name was knew you well enough and, in the moment, you knew her well too. It couldn’t be real; you would remember a woman like that. 
There was a knock on your door. A grey stood there, Mallory, the grey Coco loved to order around. She snapped you out of your train of thought. She asked if she could come in. She held a tray of water along with something in a small box. You widened the door, before moving back to your bed. 
“Ms Venable asked me to check up on you and deliver you some water.”
“From what I heard from the other greys, you passed out in her office.”
You were there?
“Thanks Mallory.” She put the box on a bed-side table and headed towards the door. You called out her name, causing her to turn around. You were going to ask her something, but you forgot halfway through, “Eh~ Keep yourself safe, okay?”
“I will, Ms l/n.”
“It’s Y/n,” you corrected. She was the first person you had given your first name too here. The others never bothered to ask, instead opting for your surname or the nickname one for them gave you. 
She smiled before leaving you to your thoughts. One day you might grow closer to the others (if they aren’t concerned by your ‘ghost girl’ status) but for now, you had to calm down from that steamy session you possibly made up.
Next Part Link :)
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